July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 20
“Why are you asking me this you had me very worried” Kurt said relieved that it wasn’t something serious.
“So is that a no then Kurt” Blaine said tearing up clearly not thinking and jumping to conclusion.
“Blaine you obviously not listening are you” Kurt shook his head.
“Wait what?” Blaine lifted his head to look at Kurt.
“Of course we are together after everything that happened last night” Kurt said softly.
Blaine smiled and giggled at the thought of what happened last night “I’m sorry Kurt when I get nervous I over think and jump to conclusion”
“It’s fine, but what made you ask if we were together did Rachel say something?” Kurt sat on his bed (Which still wasn’t made) and patted the spot next to him so Blaine would sit beside him.
Blaine sat next to him cross legged and started laughing while Kurt gave him his famous bitch glare but was confused to why Blaine was laughing.
“I’m sorry Kurt it’s just the bed smells like sex” Kurt elbowed Blaine which Blaine dodged and then Kurt was laughing to.
“When you think about it, it does smell like sex” Kurt stopped laughing.
Blaine was going to change the subject when Kurt started talking.
“So it was Quinn wasn’t it?” Kurt asked.
“What?” Blaine asked.
“No it’s just you were fine until you got off the phone with Quinn.” Kurt said grabbing Blaine’s hand the squeezing it “So I thought maybe she said something”.
“Yeah I guess it was, I was talking to her and telling her I thought I was back in a relationship with you, and she noticed I said I think and yeah she wanted to make sure you confirmed it in words we were back together just in case you didn’t want to be in a relationship and I was keeping my hopes up.”
“That’s Quinn for you but why would she think that?” Kurt asked scratching his arm a little annoyed.
“Ok well it’s not my story to tell but I think if I tell you it would make all perfect sense why.”
“Okay” Kurt said.
“Alright about a year ago or so she met this guy named Max that she met at a bar”
Kurt nodded to tell Blaine he was listening and Blaine continued.
“So they hit it off Quinn went to his apartment and they had relations, he cooked her breakfast in the morning.
Kurt was about to comment on how sweet that was but Blaine was already continuing.
In his mind it was just a one night stand to Quinn on the other hand it was more than that she assumed they were together since he was acting like a boyfriend would. Anyway when she asked for his number he asked her why and she told him why she had asked and Max rejected her saying it was just a one night stand nothing more, she got annoyed telling him why he cooked her breakfast if it was just a one night thing and Max said he thought she would have left before he woke her up so he cooked her breakfast to make the moment less awkward, she ran out of his apartment crying.
“Oh my god poor Quinn but I’m not like that Blaine.” Kurt said sincerely.
“I know that baby” Blaine smiled.
Kurt smiled at the pet name “You seem to know a lot about what happened.” Kurt stated.
“Of course I do she came to me that morning straight from his apartment claiming she had to tell me what happened or she’d scream. She doesn’t talk about it anymore though she acts like it never happened. She also told me she wouldn’t have had sex with him if she knew it was just a one night stand and yeah she was just looking out for me so the same thing doesn’t happen to me she doesn’t want me to get hurt like she did.” Blaine sighed.
“I feel sorry now but I understand now at least” Kurt said rubbing Blaine’s hand.
There was a silence that went through the room but it wasn’t awkward.
Blaine smiled and broke the silence “Kiss me”
“What?” Kurt giggled.
“You heard me kiss me” Blaine said again.
“I don’t know do you deserve it?” Kurt said playing along.
“Yes I’ve been a really good boy this year” Blaine sat on Kurt’s lap and put his arms around Kurt’s neck.
“I don’t know I’m not convinced” Kurt smirked
“Kuurrrrt” Blaine gave Kurt the puppy dog eyes.
“Oh no you’re not giving me that face Blaine Devon Anderson!”
“What face” Blaine said acting dumb.
“That!” Kurt said.
”Mhm” Blaine said leaning in and kissing Kurt.
Kurt mumbled something but Blaine couldn’t make it out. Kurt finally gave in and started kissing back.
Blaine pushed Kurt down onto the unmade bed still kissing him and getting on top of him.
“Blaine” Kurt said breathlessly breaking the kiss.
“We can’t do this now Rachel is listening” Kurt and Blaine both looked at the door to see a shadow underneath the door way.
“Rachel go away!” Kurt groaned.
Rachel’s shadow didn’t leave.
“We’ll do this later okay” Kurt said rubbing Blaine’s hips and Blaine sighed, annoyed at Rachel.
“Okay I’ll remember that but kiss me first then we can go” Blaine started again.
“I did already how many do you want” Kurt laughed kissing Blaine.
When Kurt broke the kiss Blaine started talking “Actually I was the one that kissed you first silly.”
Kurt rolled his eyes and pushed Blaine off of him but didn’t mean to push Blaine off the bed.
“Oh my god Hun are you alright I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that.” Kurt was on the floor embracing Blaine.
Blaine laughed “Kurt I’m fine relax you have a carpet anyway falling on my ass wasn’t that bad.”
“Alright” Kurt smiled smacking Blaine’s ass when he got up and Blaine yelped.
They looked at the door again when they heard a noise and the shadow was still there.
“Rachel!! I’m going to kill you” Kurt threatened storming towards the door grabbing Blaine’s hand and pulling Blaine with him.
Rachel ran from the door and back into the TV room pretending she was watching TV the whole time.
Kurt walked into the living room his arms crossed and glared at Rachel while Blaine took a seat next to her.
“Rachel your such a cock blocker” Kurt was standing right in front of the TV.
“I am not I was bored and wanted to know what was wrong with Anderson” Rachel protest.
“I’m fine Rachel no need to worry” Blaine spoke up.
“I know that now” Rachel said to Blaine.
Kurt glared at Rachel “How much did you hear”
”Well all of it up to the part where you said you were going to kill me”
“All of it!!” Kurt said annoyed.
“Relax I won’t tell Quinn” Rachel said rolling her eyes.
“Good I don’t need Quinn thinking I’m a big mouth” Blaine mumbled.
Kurt was annoyed and Rachel could see it so she tried to calm him down.
“Look on the bright side Kurt, now you don’t need to waste your time telling me what happened” Rachel knew it won’t make Kurt happier so she shut up.
Seconds later Kurt’s phone went off.
Unknown Number
Please Kurt talk to me or I will come over.
Kurt sighed at the message “When will he give up” Kurt mumbled.
“What did you say” Rachel said giving up on being silent since Kurt looked somehow happier.
“Who texted you Kurt?” Blaine asked getting up and standing next to Kurt.
Kurt showed Blaine the text and Blaine immediately knew who it was from and his fists clenched together.
“Honey don’t worry about it please” Kurt pleaded.
“Is this the first message he has sent you?” Blaine said calmly.
Kurt didn’t answer he just stood there looking at his phone.
“Kurt?” Blaine said again.
“No..” Kurt said softly.
“Kurt where does he live if you don’t tell me I will ask Rachel” Blaine said trying not to cry.
“No Blaine you are not going over to his house” Kurt said stubbornly.
“Rachel?” Blaine faced Rachel.
“I um..” Rachel looked back and forth not knowing what to say.
“Please Kurt tell me I need to stop this I can’t risk him coming here” Blaine pleaded.
Kurt opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Blaine, Kurt and even Rachel looked at the door confused.
To Be Continued
Hey everyone please please please review I keep saying this and I only get 1 a chapter maybe even 2 but rarely. Also I just want to say we know how everyone looks like in this fanfiction because of Glee except we don’t know how Ray looks since I made him up. So if you’re curious to know how he looks like he looks exactly like a young Shane West and by young I mean A Walk To Remember kind of young. For you all who don’t know what that is it’s a movie. Oh and don’t worry Quinn and Finn will return :)
Okay so I want people to vote by either sending me a message or by a review if no one votes I’ll just pick myself.
Who’s knocking on the door is it:
A) Quinn
B) Ray
C) Finn
First my vote: BSecond the review:This was a sweet chapter Blaine and Kurt were acting really cute, and of course Rachel was being her annoying, nosey self, which for some reason is starting o grow on me after all of the fanfictions and all the episodes of glee. Its wierd cause I figured if she was gonna grow on me it would have happened sooner. Oh well anyway update soon I really want to see where this goes with both Kurt and Blaine and Quinn and Finn.
Thanks for your review it's nice to ear people's feedback :)