Never Can Say Goodbye
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Never Can Say Goodbye: Chapter 15

E - Words: 1,469 - Last Updated: Jul 26, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 29/29 - Created: Dec 05, 2012 - Updated: Jul 26, 2013
265 0 0 0 0


Hey everyone I just wanted to say I changed the ending of the last chapter a little. Instead of Sam and Quinn kissing I made them hug. Everyone wants Finn and Quinn together which is fine I don't really like Finn a lot so I don't know why I put Finn into this fan fiction, but I loved Quam but to keep up the views and to make people happy I'll bring Finn back for a love interest of Quinn's but it won't happen straight away this is where Rachel comes in.

Chapter 15

"How was your walk with Sam" Blaine asked as they sat there on the table eating eggs for a late breakfast.

"It was good" Quinn smiled at Blaine.

Blaine nodded.

"Are you okay Blainey?" Quinn frowned

"Yeah im just tired" Blaine forced a smile finishing one of his eggs.

"Maybe it's because you've been singing and playing guitar all night" Quinn said sarcastically.

"Wait you heard?" Blaine's eyes went wide but still chewing his food.

"Yeah I did Hopelessly Devoted to You, Teenage Dream, All By Myself should I continue?" Quinn said smiling.

"No I know I'm sorry for keeping you awake" Blaine said looking down at his food.

"You didn't and you sounded amazing like always it put me to sleep" Quinn said smiling.

"Thanks" Blaine said dull.

"Blaine?" Quinn said.

"Yeah" Blaine said yawning.

"Did anything happen last night that I should know about when I left?"

Blaine didn't answer he just moved from his finished eggs to his bacon.

"Blaine..." Quinn sighed this was getting old she thought.

"He's getting married to Ray" Blaine said looking at Quinn for a reaction.

"Uh what" Quinn said after she chocked on her coffee.

"You heard me" Blaine mumbled.

"Wow I'm sorry Blaine but it's been five years you need to let go" Quinn said grabbing his hand.

"I did but then we met again and my feeling's came back I was doing so well" He sighed.

"I know don't worry but you won't see him again for a while." Quinn pointed out well she hopped she was right.

"I'm going to go to work" Blaine got up kissed Quinn's check before putting his plate in the sink and getting ready for work.

"You have 2 hours before you need to be there?" Quinn said walking into Blaine's bedroom.

"Well if I go now I can get off earlier and we can hang out or something."

Blaine put on his white v neck and red bathing shorts which Quinn liked to call short shorts and his slip of vans and headed out the door without a word.

"Hi Rachel" Kurt said walking into the kitchen about to give her a lecture about last night but saw something wasn't up with Rachel.

"Hey Kurt" Rachel sniffed.

"Are you crying?" Kurt said trying to get a look at Rachel's face.

"N-no" Rachel chocked.

"What happened" Kurt said grabbing Rachel and pulling her to the couch.

"It's Cassandra" Rachel sighed looking at Kurt.

"Ok what about her?" Kurt said confused.

"S-he slept with Brody" Rachel broke down crying.

"What why would you think that?" Kurt said.

"I rang his phone and Cassandra picked up and told me" Rachel grabbed a tissue and blowed her nose.

"I'm sorry Rachel I know how it feels" Kurt said thinking of Blaine.

"Yeah I know" Rachel sniffed again.

"I have to go quickly to Quinn's to give her jacket back she left it here from last night but after that we will hang out ok." Kurt said rubbing her back.

"Ok" Rachel got up and headed back into the kitchen.

"Hey Sam" Quinn smiled on the phone

"Hey Quinn" Sam said back into his phone

"So how's Mercedes by the way forgot to ask yesterday at our walk.

"You know she's been good at the recording studio a lot but you know we make time for movie nights and dates."

"That's good" Quinn chuckled she was so proud of Mercedes actually scrap that she was proud of everyone who she was in glee club with even Berry.

Quinn heard a knock on the door. "Hey Sam someone's at the door I'll call you back later have a safe trip back to LA okay.

"Yeah Quinn thanks if I didn't bump into you it would have had a boring here in New York especially without Mercedes we were supposed to both come together but she couldn't go last minute so she forced me to go alone saying it would be a waste of money if I didn't go blah blah blah." Sam laughed "I'm probably rambling now I'm going to go bye until next time."

Quinn laughed Quinn then remembered the door and ran to it.

"Hey sorry you had to wait I was on the phone with Sam actually" Quinn smiled opening the door and letting Kurt in.

"Hey Quinn no problem I came by because you left your jacket at my place" Kurt handed her the jacket "Well I'm going to go now" Kurt said heading for the door.

"He's not here" Quinn sighed.

"It's no-" Kurt got interrupted.

"Stay, he's gone to work early we need to talk anyway" Quinn said seriously.

"There's nothing to talk about Quinn" Kurt walked out and speed walked down the hall way.

"He didn't cheat on you" Quinn called out peeking her head out the doorway.

Kurt stopped and turned around "Excuse me?"

"You heard me we need to talk like right now" Quinn said getting inpatient.

Kurt slowly walked back in giving Quinn a confused look.

Later That Day

Blaine got out of the water sighing he just helped a boy who had mistaken the deep end for the shallow end and couldn't swim.

"Thank you sir" The boy coughed from the little amount of water he drank.

Blaine chuckled "Be safe okay?"

"Yes sir" The boy giggled before running away which turned into a walk once he remembered he wasn't supposed to run.

"Blaine?" Rachel called as she entered the pools and walked towards Blaine jumping out of the way as a splash of water nearly got her she grumbled but continued to walk towards Blaine.

"Oh hey Rachel" Blaine said not looking at her.

"Do you want to get some coffee and talk" Rachel asked.

"Sure" Blaine said forcing a smile.

Blaine motioned Rachel to follow him towards the locker room and to wait outside for him.

"I'll wait here" Rachel said looking at her watch which read 3:32 pm since Blaine came 2 hours early he was aloud to leave now.

They both walked into the closest coffee shop they can find half an hour later.

"So what's wrong?" Blaine asked when they sat down at the same table Kurt meet Ray 5 years ago but of course Blaine or Rachel didn't know that.

"Brody cheated on me" Is all Rachel said looking down at her coffee.

"What I'm sorry Rach" Blaine tried to sound sincerer but failed.

"I know you probably don't care with you dealing with Ku-" Rachel stopped what she was saying she always had to make things harder didn't she.

Blaine sighed "I can't escape him he's everywhere i can't go through 1 day without him being mentioned"

"I'm sorry" Rachel said but I don't want him to marry Ray.

"Well that's not your decision to make" Blaine said annoyed that she brought up Kurt in the first place.

"He doesn't want to I can see it in his eyes" Rachel said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well you aren't my number one choice when it comes to trust" Blaine said taking his anger out on Rachel.

They drank there coffee for the next 5 minutes until Blaine broke the silence.

"I'm going to go home now get some rest" Blaine stood up.

"I'm sorry again I just want Kurt to be happy" Rachel said.

"It's fine sorry for taking my anger out on you by the way" Blaine hugged Rachel and kissed her check before leaving Rachel there sighing.

Rachel didn't know what to do anymore about Brody she knew if it were Finn instead of Brody she would of taken him back into her arms that second she found out.. wow Finn that's a name she hadn't heard or thought of in a while.

Blaine dragged his feet all the way up the stairs and down the corridor. He finally got to his door but dropped his keys, he went to pick them up but then the door opened to see Kurt there looking like he was going to leave.

"Kurt?" Blaine said confused.

"Oh just the person I need to see we need to talk now" Kurt said not really looking happy.

To Be Continued

Thanks for the review I want to know if people would like smut in this fanfiction (I want it so I'll have to make this fanfiction M rating) probably not soon but sometime in this fanfiction I don't know but if you do make sure to tell me in your reviews. I also wanted to say chapter 1-14 I have made some edits, Oh and sorry for punctuation and I tried my hardest to make Quam only friends :)



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