July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 10
Finn stopped in front of the airport, looked around and saw Quinn already hoping in.
"Hey Finn thanks for picking me up, tell me where's Blaine?" Quinn said.
"Uh, at home I assume" Finn said awkwardly.
"Why hasn't Blaine been answering my calls did I do something?" Quinn was scared what could she possibly do that Blaine wouldn't answer her calls.
"Um" Finn was trying to stall.
"Finn?" Quinn said annoyed.
"Fine, he was in a car crash the morning after you left." Finn was turning the corner and heading to Quinn's house.
"Stop!" Quinn said putting a hand on his shoulder.
"What?" Finn said.
"Take me to Blaine's house...Please" Quinn said strongly.
"Quinn..." Finn sighed stopping the car knowing no one was behind him.
"Finn don't argue with me I know you don't really like him but if you don't take me I'll walk there I don't care" Quinn spat out the last word.
Finn sighed in defeat and turned around going towards Blaine's house. Quinn called her mom telling her she will see her tomorrow and she would make it up to her tomorrow.
Quinn got out of the car without saying goodbye to Finn she regrated not saying goodbye but right now she needed to see if Blaine was alright. She knocked on the door and waiting impatiently.
"Oh Hello", the dark haired women said looking surprised.
"Can I please see Blaine I need to see if he's alright."
"Sure, he's up stairs sleeping you can wait until he wakes up."
Quinn went upstairs and opened the door slowly trying to stop the door from making any sound.
Blaine was on his back and had faint bruises and cuts all over his body and face, his hair was free of gel. Quinn walked and sat on his desk chair her phone beeped and she got amessage from Rachel.
Hey Quinn
Quinn smiled and answered her text.
Hey Rachel what's up?
A few minutes later Rachel answered.
Nothing just wanted to talk what are you doing for Christmas?
Nothing just came back to Lima for a few days going to hang with Blaine my mom.
She didn't dare mention Finn to Rachel and Rachel didn't answer straight away.
That's cool I don't celebrate it as you know but I still didn't want to be alone on the day so I went to Brody's for dinner and a movie.
Isn't Kurt there?
Actually he's in Lima visiting his Dad with a friend he met in New York never met him well not yet anyway but I know it's his boyfriend.
Oh cool
Quinn didn't answer after that she just stared at her phone for a while longer.
Blaine woke up an hour late not realising Quinn there sleeping he sat up in bed and flinched a little from the pain he got out of bed and hoped on one leg to the bathroom he didn't really need to use the crutches witch were next to his bed when he could easier use one leg to get around.
Quinn woke up hearing noises from the bathroom she got up and went into the bathroom.
"Blaine!" Quinn said walking towards him.
"Quinn your here" Blaine's eyes went wide and he hoped towards her and landed into her arms and started crying "I've missed you Quinn so much I have no one else."
"What happened to you" Quinn said a few minutes later.
They both sat on the bed as Blaine went on "The day after you left I decided to go for a drive to clear my mind and the next thing I remember is me waking up in a hospital."
"Oh so you're alright then Blaine?" Quinn smiled in relief.
"Physically, yes emotionally no" Blaine said sighing.
"Is it Kurt" Quinn didn't want to bring his name up but she did and knew it was about Kurt.
"Who else" Blaine said looking up at Quinn.
"Can I ask you something?" Quinn said seconds later.
"When you said you went to this guy Eli's house" Blaine flinched at the name "Did you go and can you explain it to me what happen exactly because when you told me last timke you lied to protect Kurt."
Blaine sighed "Ok".
"After Kurt started to ignore me and I started feeling lonely. I did poke E- him on Facebook he did message me what I already told you and then I went over I left before he could answer the door."
"Ok thanks for telling me" Quinn smiled
"No problem but there's something you're not telling me." Blaine said depressed.
"No I'm n-" Quinn got cut off.
"Just tell me Quinn" Blaine looked up at her with his big eyes.
Quinn sighed "Kurt's coming back for Christmas" Quinn looked down "He brought someone home with him."
Blaine has tears in his eyes "That's probably the guy he was walking with at the park in New York"
"Wait what?" Quinn said confused
"Remember the time you picked me up from the airport and I said I was at the park"
"Yeah" Quinn said nodding.
"Well from a distance I saw him walking with another guy and I automatically thought they were dating and ran away and to the airport and then I called you and so on."
"Oh I see" Quinn swallowed.
Kurt was holding Ray's hand as they walked out of the airport to see Burt's smile go when he saw Kurt holding hands with a complete stranger and Burt was a little upset that he didn't know about this is like he moved on so quick.
"Hey Dad" Kurt said running into his Father's arms.
"Hey soon how have you been" Burt said looking at Ray.
"Oh this is Ray my f-"
"Boyfriend" Ray said interrupting Kurt.
Kurt eyed Ray and Ray just shrugged.
"Kurt even if he didn't say anything I would of known I did see you two hold hands I'm not dumb."
"Kurt just sighed." Burt, Kurt and Ray walked to the car.
"So how long have you two known each other?" Burt asked on their way to the house.
"Uh well I've known him since high school, same school" Ray smirked "Anyway I saw him at a coffee shop and went to introduce myself even though I knew him already but he didn't."
Kurt eyed him Ray sure was acting weird and talked differently the way he said stuff. Ray interrupted his thoughts when he laid his hand on Kurt's knee.
They all got out and went towards the house, Kurt smiled he missed this house so much.
"Kurt!" Carole called from the kitchen running towards Kurt and hugging him "Who's this" Carole said raising an eyebrow at Ray,
"Hello I'm Kurt's Boyfriend" Ray smirked.
"Um honey can you help me in the kitchen" Carole asked Kurt a few minutes later.
"What's up" Kurt said following Carole into the kitchen.
"So new boyfriend?" Carole asked about to start preparing dinner.
"Yes he's my boyfriend is there a problem with me going out dad didn't seem to like the idea and you to." Kurt said louder enough for Carole to hear. Carole dropped the knife and looked up in shock from what Kurt said.
"What" Carole said walking towards Kurt.
"I don't want to be a pain but Kurt you just got out of a serious relationship and you have a boyfriend and it hadn't even been a month" Carole said seriously.
"Well it's not my fault Blaine cheated on me and sorry for trying to move on and be happy" Kurt said back.
"Kurt.." Carole said sighing.
"What?" Kurt said trying to calm down he didn't like people bringing.
"You don't need to be in a relationship to be happy or try move on."
"Look I don't want to talk about this." Kurt said before Carole could talk changing the subject "Let's go out and eat don't worry about cooking I'll pay" he walked out before she could answer and told the other two.
"Where's Finn" Burt said when they were all ready .
"He went to go pick up Quinn from the airport she's here for a couple of days according to Finn"
"Okay but how long does it take I guess it's us thr- four" Burt corrected himself look at Ray standing at the door waiting holding Kurt's hand.
When Finn came home he found the house empty he did a little driving before coming home he called Burt and Burt explained where they were and who was there he didn't know Kurt would have another boyfriend so soon but he guessed he was wrong. He got into the car and drove off to Breadsticks where his family and Kurt's boyfriend was supposed to be, Kurt's is his brother and he wasn't going to let the same thing happen to Kurt again just like Blaine did to him.
To Be Continued
Please Review and I know I'm bad with punctuation sorry :)