May 5, 2015, 7 p.m.
May 5, 2015, 7 p.m.
"Go after him!" Kurt says trying to do his best Rachel voice.
So here I am Kurt Elizabeth Hummel stuck in an elevator. I seriously thought this only happens in movies but guess not...Well at least Im not alone.
"Well at least Im not alone" Blaine chuckled nervously.
Was he reading his mind of something gez.. hes staring at your Kurt say something.
"Uh I have a cactus named Charlie" Idiot..
"What?" Blaine asked confused I swear I heard him say-.
"Nothing this happens when I skip my moisturising routine."
Blaine chuckled a little knowing Kurt acts like this only when hes nervous.
Kurt took a deep breath and started talking "Blaine Im sorry".
"What for?" Blaine sighed.
"For not remembering who the hell you are. You know I would do anything to remember" Kurt kept his gaze at his hands placed in his lap.
"Well any normal person who lost the memory would want to regain the memory."
Kurt flinched at how dead Blaine sounded thankfully the elevator started up again.
"Thank god" Blaine mumbled.
"That relieved are we-we? Kurt asked humourlessly.
Blaine didnt answer which pretty much answered his question, shit he offered to help Blaine which grocery shopping so much for leaving this situation as quickly as possible.
Hey everyone its been a while has it Im sorry that its taken sooooooooo long to update but I kinda lost interest in continuing it. So recently I was reading a Klaine fanfiction and it got me wanting to continue the story (Even thought I look back at the whole story and cringe on how bad it is.) So anyway this is just a little bit of the chapter Ive written so far I just want to test this out and see if people are still reading it and if so then Ill continue, again sorry for the long wait.