May 5, 2015, 7 p.m.
May 5, 2015, 7 p.m.
Chapter 2
“Blaine! We were just um- going to watch a movie” Quinn said moving to his side.
“I'm good.” Blaine said holding back his tears and walking back into what was Kurt's bedroom.
“What's wrong with him now and why is he in my room?” Kurt asked Rachel who just stood there awkwardly.
“It's not your room anymore” Quinn stated.
Rachel just rolled her eyes at the couple in front of her and walked away and into the bedroom Blaine was in with Quinn behind her.
“Well that was rude.” Ray stated crossing his arms.
Kurt didn't answer and walked slowly to what was his room and listened carefully.
“I'm so sorry Blaine I should have never let them in” Rachel apologised but stopped when she saw a shadow under the door.
Kurt raised his eyebrow in confusion.
“Uh baby I think we should go.” Ray said pulling Kurt away from the door before he heard anything.
“No I..ok” Kurt said sighing and leaving with Ray.
Santana stormed into Rachel's and Kurt's apartment looking around the room to see no one.
“Santana! Is that you?” Rachel asked walking out of the room.
“Are they gone?” Santana said looking around the room.
“Yes” Rachel sighed.
They all returned to see Blaine sleeping on Quinn's shoulder.
“Can you move?” Rachel asked.
“Yeah he's in deep sleep he won't wake up.” Quinn said getting up from the bed and putting the DVD back into its case.
“Do you think Kurt heard anything?” Rachel asked.
“Ok this is stupid why don't we just tell him” Santana said annoyed.
“Do you want to lose his friendship?” Quinn asked raising her eyebrow.
“Right now I don't give a fuck” Santana spit out.
“You know what lets tell him right now” Santana said walking out the door and leaves the apartment.
“I don't think that's a good idea” Rachel yelled out to Santana as she left.
Santana found Kurt and Ray outside the apartment building, Kurt was crying in Rays arms.
“Hummel I'm not doing this anymore I've had enough you're going to listen to me right now”
“Excuse me?” Kurt said looking up at Santana.
“Don't excuse me” Santana yelled.
Rays eyes went wide when he realized what was about to happen.
“Don't yell at him” Ray said standing up getting right up to Santana's face.
“Why not don't want your boyfriend to find out the t-” Ray grabbed Santana and pulled her out of Kurt's hearing and around the building.
“Kurt was about to listen into the conversation but was interrupted by Quinn and Rachel's present.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Ray yell whispered.
“What does it look like I've had enough of you getting away with this bullshit your using Kurt's memory loss to get him back when you're the one who put him in that place to begin with, how do you think Blaine feels he's in a worse place then he ever was he's barely even functioning.
“I'll tell him, not you bitch now fuck off” Ray says angry.
“I don't believe you will or you'll sugar coat it to make it not look as bad as it is, now if you don't mind I've got something I need to take care of” Santana bumped Rays shoulder as she went past but Ray grabbed her wrist pulled her back before Santana could react Ray slammed her head against the brick wall and she collapsed onto the floor.
To Be Continued.
Please review so I hope you like it.