April 7, 2016, 7 p.m.
April 7, 2016, 7 p.m.
I am so so sorry for the delay in getting this chapter done. i broke my laptop charge and had to wait for a replacement through the post (i swear our postman is the slowest in exitance!), and it arrived just before i was off on holiday for a week with no internet (or chance to write)!
good new is, this chapter is over 4000 words, which is twice the length i aim for per chapter. so hopefully that makes up for the wait. and even better news, the next chapter is already starting to form, all thats left is a lot (and i really mean a LOT) of nick picking until it does what i want it to form a literacy point of view.
apologise for the amount of time jumps in this chapter, i wanted to get the story moving forwards again
because it has been a while since i posted the last chapter, i will actually write a quick summary to remind you what is happening:
Blaine has been living with hunter as punishment for 'putting his own desires first' - aka, jacob made him orgasm when he wasnt allowed. Sophia is getting on Hunter's last nerve, and has just been punished for not waking hunter up like she should have
“Can you cook?” Hunter asks as they exit the dining room, surprising Blaine.
“Umm, not really Master, only the real basics. I’m sorry Master,” he replies, worried it isn’t the right answer. Thankfully – for Blaine at least - it appears Hunter took all his aggression out on Sophia, making him more placid now. Hunter tsks.
“Teenagers these day’s!” He exclaimed. “They rarely know how to do anything useful. If they did we could probably cut the training time in half. Shame. I will have to order takeaway instead. Any preference?” Blaine shakes his head, feeling it’s a trick question. “I will see what menus I have.”
Hunter strides of into the kitchen, leaving Blaine behind. He debates if he should follow before finally deciding to kneel at the door between the foyer and living room, in sight of his Master but close enough to where he was left.
Hunter returns with a pamphlet for some family ran pizza parlor and his phone, already typing in the number as he sits down.
“Come,” he orders, pointing to a pillow on the floor before focusing on the phone. As Blaine kneels next to Hunter, he feels fingers running through his hair, trailing lazy patterns through the curls while placing the order. After the ordeal in the dungeon, he finds the gesture incredibly comforting and relaxing. That much so he didn’t realize Hunter had put the phone down fifteen minutes ago, nor that he has already repeated a question to Blaine once.
“You like that I take it?” He chuckles. Blaine hums in affirmation. “I was saying, how are you feeling after that?” That question shocks Blaine into full awareness, spinning around to look at Hunter before remembering he shouldn’t, dropping his gaze in a hurry. Hunter holds his chin, lifting it up until Blaine has no choice but to look directly at his Master. “You know pet, I really love your eyes.” Blaine feels a slight blush creeping up. “They are such a fascinating color. An amazing swirl of greens and browns with a slight outline of blue.” Blaine doesn’t know what to do with the information. “Anyway, I asked you a question,” Hunter reminds him, a little more Dom like than he was a few moments ago.
“I’m... I’m a little scared, Master,” he almost whispers.
“Elaborate,” Hunter demands, not seeming to be at all concerned by Blaine’s answer.
“I’m scared something like that will happen to me,” he responds, giving his best wounded puppy look.
“Don’t be,” Hunter chuckles. “That slut has been slowly winding me up recently, constantly not being where she should, never doing what is asked. I have had her for two years, thereabouts; she really should know better by now. Today was just the point where I decided to put my foot down. I also have reason to believe she is doing it for attention. She knows I’m no longer interested in her for much longer; I think she simply wanted the attention, trying to remind me how well behaved she can be when she wants to be. But answer me this, should subs be allowed to pick and choose when they get attention?” It takes a while for Blaine to realize the question was not rhetorical, not expecting to need to answer. He simply shakes his head no, knowing it’s what Hunter wants to hear. “Exactly. Do you think you will do something like this whore has been doing?” Blaine shakes his head with a definite no. “Good boy. In that case, it won’t happen will it?”
“But...” he starts, pausing to check it is okay for him to continue. “What if I don’t mean to do it? If it’s an accident?”
“That’s why we train you-.” They are interrupted by the door ringing. “The bowl next to the door has some money in it. Go fetch the Pizza.” Blaine unsteadily rises, walking out the room to answer the door. Thankfully, the bowl is obvious. Blaine opens the door, head down, and waits for the man to speak first. Everything from his limited lessons running through his mind.
“That’s $23.82,” the delivery guy announces. Blaine nods, pulling out $25 and giving it to the man. The man hands him the pizza and a bottle of cola before going into his pocket to count out the correct change. Blaine is about to tell him not to, and to keep it as a tip, but stops himself. As a sub, is he allowed to do that sort of thing with his Master’s money? Hunter didn’t give him the exact money, simply let him help himself to the bowl mostly filled with change, but it still feels wrong to pass out money that not his. And also, as a sub, he shouldn’t talk to a hum without being asked a question, so is he allowed to tell the man to keep the change?
Before he reaches a conclusion however, the man is shoving the change at him. On reflex, Blaine holds his spare hand out, only just catching it as the man lets the coins drop. Once he recovers himself he looks up to see the man’s retreating form. Deciding it’s best not to dwell on it, he shuts the door and drops the change into the bowl, carrying the delivery through to Hunter.
“Bed time pet,” Hunter informs with a yawn. Blaine shivers at what this may entail, especially since he believes Sophia is out of action in her current state. He hopes it doesn’t mean he becomes a replacement. “Go undo Sophia’s straps and shut her in the cage – she should know what she is doing – then you are done for the night.” Relief floods Blaine, it doesn’t look like he is going to be used in Hunter’s bed - at least not yet. Hunter stands, but before he leaves he adds, “If I find out in the morning she isn’t where she should, it’s your ass on the line. Go it?” Blaine nods.
He makes his way down to the dungeon cellar unsteadily, scared to what sight may be there to greet him.
“Hey,” he calls out, getting a grunt in response. He heads over and starts undoing the straps, unsure how to share the news of her location for the night. He struggles to undo them easily, his hands slightly shaking. “Umm, so Master said you should know what you’re doing?”
“I know I know! In the cage I go.” She responds aggressively. “I must say, I’m surprised he didn’t come himself.” Blaine finally undoes the last strap before helping the girl of the bench.
“Are you ok? You look stiff?” Sophia gives him a look of seriously? “I’m sorry about this.”
“What for?”
“I’m sorry he did this to you. It doesn’t seem fair.”
“Didn’t expect much else,” she shrugs. “Master has been quite nice recently, it was only a matter of time. It’s nothing new.”
“How do you do it?”
“Do what?”
“All of it? Cope with the abuse and hatred?” Blaine elaborates.
“It’s not like there is much of a choice is there? You grin and bear your way through it, hoping it will get easier, knowing it probably won’t.” She opens the door to the cage, carefully crawling into it so not to further irritate her wounds. “Have you not noticed there is no way to kill yourself at the sub house?”
“Does it get easier?” He asks, wanting to change the topic from death.
“Not yet it hasn’t. You do what you have to do to survive.” Blaine doesn’t like how resigned she sounds, as though she is ready to simply give up.
“Does this need locking somehow?”
“Hah. You work it out. Since you are Master’s new perfect golden toy, I’m sure you know how to do everything without being told.” Blaine freezes, ignoring the tirade of words being thrown at him. He needs to get this right, Hunter has been acting strange recently and doesn’t want to do anything to push it. He spots a small sliding door bolt, and pushes it across. There is no lock on the bolt, and can’t spot anything else.
“That all?” He asks, unsure if it is locked enough to please Hunter.
“Yes,” She sighs. “Because of the angle, it’s not possible to undo it from inside. It is infuriating. Something so simple renders you uselessly trapped. I swear they use such simple things to belittle us further,” she sighs. Blaine quickly studies the bolt, and can see what Sophia means. It reminds him of when he was tied up that first night before being fucked, his hands behind his back and a chain on his collar. The simple clips able to be undone even by a toddler, albeit a strong one, could make him completely helpless.
“Is there anything else I need to do?” He asks awkwardly.
“Night,” he responds, not expecting or receiving a reply. He leaves the dungeon, turning off the light as he goes.
The next day Blaine wakes up with a start, the most well rested he has been in ages. When he arrived at Hunter’s room, the man was already lightly snoring. He made his way into Sophia’s room, debating on sleeping on the inviting mattress or sleeping on the floor like he had been told he should. He embarrassingly gave into the temptation quickly, reasoning there was no point making things unnecessarily harder on himself by sleeping on the floor. He didn’t realize just how much he missed the comfort of a mattress until last night.
He hears a loud thud from the next room, followed by a swear word. Blaine chuckles at the imagery of Hunter having dropped something heavy on his toe. He hears another thud, and realizes Hunter must have been at it for a while, and is likely what initially woke Blaine out of his peaceful sleep. He takes a moment to consider his options; he can feign sleep, he can shower and wash, or he can go serve Hunter. He knows one of them is the wrong action, but it certainly seems the most appealing. He decides to bite the bullet head on, hoping that in tending to Hunter he earns himself favor from the man.
He heads out of the closet like room, silently dropping to his knees by the doorway. Hunter is already showered and dressed, clearly having been awake for a while. Apparently, he has decided this is as good an opportunity as any to do a bit of interior decorating by reordering his room, boxes scattered on the floor having been pulled out from under the bed. Hunter is currently trying to pull the bed away from the wall with difficulty. He must notice Blaine’s movement in his peripheral vision, stopping and looking over. Blaine adverts his gaze.
“Good, you’re up pet,” he comments. “Help me move this bed. It’s harder than I thought.” Blaine doesn’t question it, walking to the other side of the bed and helping Hunter tug. Between the two of them, they manage to pull it out about a foot. Hunter kneels on the bed looking down the gap they created. “Fuck,” he curses. “Pet, crawl under and pass the chain up.” Blaine goes without question, although unsure what sort of chain he is searching for. Once under the bed he spots it instantly, a small metal chain attached to the underside of the headboard. He untangles it from where it is trapped between the beams supporting the mattress, passing it up to Hunter between the wall and headboard. Hunter takes the end, muttering “good boy,” before continuing working the chain out.
Blaine scurries out from under the bed before sitting on his heels in wait. Looking around the room, he is surprised to see the light is not on, and in fact the room is lit by natural light coming through the window. Blaine is shocked to realize he slept so late. He starts watching Hunter work the chain, trying to work out what the man is doing, but to no avail. Eventually, Hunter finishes sorting out whatever it was with the chain and ties the end off on a hook. He looks to Blaine.
“Get washed then meet me downstairs. I don’t normally go in on a Friday, but there is a lesson I need you to attend. It will give me a bit of time to just wonder around and check the running of everything. Surprise visits keeps everyone on their toes,” he chuckles to himself. “Don’t take long.”
When they arrive at the sub house, Hunter leads him straight to the cafeteria.
“You can eat here today. Your group should be along soon. Stick with them until I come to get you again,” He instructs. Blaine watches as Hunter leaves before taking himself over to the little hole in the wall to collect a tray, taking it towards one of the far walls before sitting down.
He slowly eats, today’s food seeming to have more variety – pasta and vegetables – but somehow tasting blander than normal, as though it was frozen a month ago and been poorly reheated. Once he finishes, with nothing else to do, he watches people coming and going. It’s another ten or so minutes before a steady trickle of subs start entering, all looking more depressed than before. Although, maybe the couple of days away from them has made him forget how miserable everything within the center is.
A blonde haired figure catches the corner of his eye. It takes him longer than it should to recognize the girl as Brittany. She has a large bruise on the side of hip that certainly wasn’t there a few days ago. After collecting her tray, the girl spots Blaine, excitedly walking over.
“Im so glad you are ok!” She greats, hugging him in a way that can only be described as a puppy greeting its owners after not seeing them for a week.
“Hush Britt, you will get yourself in more trouble!” Blaine whispers, looking around to make sure no guards noticed. Thankfully, luck seemed to be on his side for once.
“Again?” She questions, this time in at a volume more appropriate for their no talking environment. Blaine indicates to her hip. “Oh, that. I just fell out of bed this morning. I rolled over in my sleep and wasn’t aware the cage was open,” she shrugs. Blaine breathes a sigh of relief, worrying Brittany’s childlike innocence would inadvertently get her into trouble. Before he forms a reply, the pair are joined by Nick and Tina, followed by a guard who didn’t seem keen on leaving the forming group out of ear shot. The three new arrivals eat their identical meals in silence, Blaine with his eyes trained on the floor in front of him.
Once they have finished eating, Blaine follows the other three back to the classroom they had come from earlier. It is not one he has been in before, but is an identical layout. However, there are several people already at the front of the room. They certainly are not subs, but don’t look like the guards either – only one has the OSO logo on his shirt. The remaining are all females, simply in casual clothing but all holding a cane.
They sit in silence while they wait for the rest of the group to arrive, the five people at the front chatting among themselves, not loud enough for Blaine to be able to make out the individual words. When Blaine sees Jacob appear he instantly looks away in shame, not wanting to have to interact with him. Thankfully, the spaces near Blaine had already been filled, so he can get away with not talking for a little while longer.
Once all eleven subs have arrived and sat down, the single man in the guard uniform steps into the center of the room.
“We have some special visitors today,” he introduces, indicating to the remaining four people at the front. “These lovely people own four of the country’s major submissive brothel chains, and visit us a few times every year to help with some specific lessons. You must be on your absolute best behavior; these people will also be watching everything you do and possibly consider having you in the future.”
Great, Blaine thinks sarcastically, these people want to watch the slaughter house raise their animals.
“Picking up where we left off yesterday; visual clues to what your Master wants. Masters do not want to have to ask you to do everything, they have enough to be thinking about. You are there to aid and help your Master, do the simple things so they can focus on what they need to. Therefore, you need to be able to pick up on the smallest of indications; do they need a drink, do they need to relieve pent up anger, do they need to jot notes down quickly while on the phone? You should be able to tell these things, and then act upon them. Masters don’t just want a mindless robot that only does something when asked, they want someone to give them what they need before they know themselves.
“A key part of this is getting to know your Master, and how they act. This is where our visitors come in. A few of you will each be assigned to someone, and will go through some set up mock situations, and will be judged on how appropriately you respond. The only way this stuff can be taught is by practicing, and what better way to start than at the deep end; with someone you haven’t met before?” Blaine’s insides seem to plummet. He isn’t a mind reader, it’s not possible to learn how to do this sort of stuff!
The guard splits them into groups of two’s and one three, before allocating each group a temporary Mistress. Blaine and Brittany are both assigned to the same woman, who looks at them both before leaving without a word. Knowing the point of this activity is to start learning visual clues, and knowing they cannot do so if they are not near the woman, they both cautiously follow.
They end up in what Blaine assumes is the staff room, next to the cafeteria and the kitchens. Already knowing what he should be doing in this situation, Blaine kneels down next to the stern woman, Brittany flawlessly copying him on the other side.
A clothed sub is quick to approach the table, delivering food before retreating back to the kitchen.
The rest of her meal is spent in silence. At one point the woman finishes her drink, and before Blaine can blink Brittany is there refilling it. Once she kneels back down the Mistress turns to Blaine.
“Hand out, palm up,” she orders. Not knowing why but not daring to question it, he obeys. Before he can even register the woman moving he feels a sharp pain across his hand, the cane having been struck directly across the center. Blaine doesn’t understand why he deserved the hit.
They seem to tour the compound with the woman, going into extravagant rooms Blaine had not seen before. He reasons these must be the places visitors and potential buyers get to see, expensively decorated to make the wealthy clients feel at home.
At various points, the woman would give some sort of clue as to wanting something. Sometimes Blaine was able to pick it up, other times Brittany did. Every time the sub to have not reacted ended up with a smack across their hands. It was incredibly painful, and Blaine wanted to do anything to stop the hits from coming, but hated knowing that if he didn’t receive it then Brittany would. Watching her suffer the pain was almost as painful as the strike itself. After what seemed like hours of following, both of their hands in considerable pain, they arrived back at the original room.
They were not the first back, but not the last either. Once everyone does arrive the guard speaks up.
“Now it is time to have a little competition. I don’t think you lot have done one before, so let me first quickly explain how we run our special contests. It isn’t a write down your answers, nor a put your hand up first style of competition. We will do something, and you must act how you think is appropriate. You will then be given a score on your actions, depending on how quick you were and how well you did it. You must keep a tally of your own score - although we will know if you are cheating. At the end, the person with the most points gets a little prize, and the loser gets a big surprise.” The guard grins evilly at the last few words, clearly liking the ‘surprise’, the visitors all giving an excited chuckle. Blaine dreads to think what it could be, and resolves to not find out.
The guard takes a drink from one of many half full glasses on the desk, emptying it. That’s quite a simple place to start; Blaine gets up and refills the glass from the jug also on the desk before retreating to kneel the appropriate distance away. He was the first to move, and had kneeled back down before most of the others had even started to move – the only ones to have copied him where his three friends; Brittany, Tina, and Nick, who filled up three of the empty glasses. The guard doesn’t appear too happy about this.
“Seriously sluts! How could I be more obvious? Everything is set out, and you have already watched four whores do it!” The rest rush up, each taking turns with the single jug, before most of them return to their previous position. “5226 – ten points, 9103 – seven points…” He lists everyone’s number, giving them each a score. Blaine only knows his and Nick’s numbers, so is unsure of what each person got. Although most numbers where much closer to a zero than a ten, only one other number being above a five, which logically would belong to either Brittany or Tina.
The test continues, following a similar pattern of Blaine being the first to act, quickly followed by his three friends, finishing with the rest to varying degrees of grace and accuracy. Blaine ends up having to fetch tissues, a jacket, holding out his hand to dispose of the guards chewing gum, clean up discarded paper and wrappers, fetching medicine, and other ridiculous tasks. It was absurd how set up the whole thing was, and how foolish it made Blaine feel. He would have never done something this ludicrous before he was marked a sub, yet now it felt almost normal. His Sir wanted him to do it, so he would do it, understanding and agreeing with the reasoning behind it or not. And as much as the thought churned his stomach, he wanted to please his Master even though he wasn’t in Hunter’s presence.
Once the test had finished each sub was asked for their score. Blaine had earned a respectable 89 points, putting him at the top and making him the winner. Jacob however had only earned 36 points, making him the lowest. But to make matter’s worse, he decided to pretend to have scored higher.
“56 Sir,” he calls out. The guard gives him a disbelieving look. Jacob shrinks backwards, his guilt evident on his face, but doesn’t correct himself. The guard stands up, walking over so he is directly in front of the kneeling sub, amplifying his superiority.
“Are you sure?” Jacob shyly nods. He receives a hard slap across his cheek, the sound echoing around the room. “Lier,” the guard spits. He turns to address the rest of the room. “Everyone is dismissed for the day; you are to all return directly to your cell. 5226, your Master will be along to deliver your prize and collect you as soon as he is done attending to some business.” The guard turns back to Jacob. “You lost, and then you decided to lie about it. You late-bloomer shits always seem slow to learn.” Jacob is dragged out by the guard by his collar. Being the only one to have watched the whole spectacle, most of the others having vanished as soon as they heard the word ‘dismissed’. Blaine quickly chases after the others
i just want to say thanks again for all the kudos etc! the fic gained an extra 20 kudos since the last chapter.... and i am still yet to make a start on the one shots... oops! ive been more focused on getting the chapters for the main fic done as i feel these are more important. i have got an idea of what im doing for the first one, so at least i havent completely not started!
also, im off to uni soon, moving in on the 17th - less than two weeks! i honestly have no idea how much time i will have, and therefore how often i will have to write. but fear not, there is no way i will abandon this story, even if updates are even less frequent. worse comes the worst, i have four months off over the summers... but it shouldn't come down to that!!
I would like to remind you that this fic is no longer being updated on this site. However it is being contiuned on AO3 and fanfiction.com (click the webpage name to be redirected to your choosen site)