April 7, 2016, 7 p.m.
April 7, 2016, 7 p.m.
If you don't want to read about me rambling, feel free to skip this and continue to the story (Prologue is the next chapter). However I have got some stuff i feel needs saying and warning about, and putting it in the authors note feature was making the prologue twice as long, so i thought i would just make a chapter.
Feel free to skip, but don't say i didn't warn you muhahaha
also on ao3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6162814/chapters/14341525
it is more up to date on ao3, asit is the main place i post
Tags will be updated as i go along as more things get added, so please keep checking for changes, especially if there are things that trigger you!This whole fic is very triggering!!!!!!! And it doesn't really get better as it goes along. so if anything in the tags might trigger you, proceed with extreme caution. if you are worried about any triggers, please feel free to either leave a comment or message me on my tumblr (link above) and ask, and i will get back asap and let you know if i think it will be safe, think you should avoid, or point out any parts to skip. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable unnecessarily.
As for the character death warning, this is not a tag you should ignore. The death will be a major character, i dont want to spoil it too much but it does need warning about. it will happen around chapter 24, although im not exactly sure when yet. It isn't a cannon death, but it will possibly (hopefully) still be upsetting.
In the very triggering chapters i will be writing a summary in the notes at the end, and i will try to warn for everything at the start of the chapter.
I have reduced the frequency of updates to only on sundays, but i don't have anything written in advance so i can't guarantee it. Hopefully with updating less, the chapters will be of a higher quality and possibly longer. If i dont upload a chapter without an excuse please give me a kick up the back side, chances are im simply procrastinating.
It is likely to take a while to get the fic finished, as i have a lot in store. I have the story arcs all decided, but i other than a few jotted notes and the ideas in my head, i haven't got anything planned in advance, so this might all go to pot, but hopefully not!
I will be unable to update regularly over may and june (as its my A level exams - equivalent to whatever you take when you are 18 in the USA). it will not be complete by this time, but i am hoping to write more often than i post, so i can stock pile chapters to post over that time period. although i will likely not have enough to cover the whole time (if at all)
I appreciate any feedback!!!!!
I am british, however have decided to write this in american english, so i apologize for any errors. i dont mean to offend anyone, but my only USA knowledge is through TV, so i may some stereotypical assumptions. If this happens please correct me!
one part of the AU i cant really write into the story is about Blaine (and the other subs). in my AU he doesnt have a full grown beard within a day not shaving (like darren criss would have), because im lazy and it would take too much thinking to write in. So all subs cant grow a beard - not because they are subs, its just a coincidence :D
it is correct to assume other than the parts of the AU explicitly stated, most of society functions as it does today. People not involved directly with the submissive slavery know it happens, and some wish they had enough money to be involved, but other than that they turn a blind eye to it all. They dont look twice when they see a sub walking down the street - it just happens.
I would like to emphasise the warnings on the fic. there is a lot of non con, almost throughout. If this is a trigger, please avoid this fic, as the current plan I have in my head will result in it non-con most of the way. I won't be offended! the no-con will likely develop into stockholm syndrome.
I'm an evil writer, and I'm not a fan of the predictable happy ending, so warnings for evil twists and turns throughout. hopefully you will not be able to tell what will happen next, while it not being completely out of the blue. this will not be a happy ending for everyone.
The charaters belong to glee, but the ideas belong to me.
One final note: I DO NOT AGREE WITH EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS DURING THIS FIC. RAPE CAN NOT BE EXCUSED, YOU SHOULD NOT TREAT PEOPLE AS LESS THAN YOU FOR ANY REASON. Read it for your enjoyment, the morals of these people in this AU are different to real life, and doesn't mean they are right.
With that, please enjoy!
(if you do, please review and leave a kudos!!! and if you don't like it, please still review and leave a kudos hehehe :D )