Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
An: and thats it for now. I wanted to give Kurt and Blaines second first date a chapter of his own. So.. dont kill me for this cliff-hunger please.
Ive been working twelve hours a day this month, but I promise Ill try to update as soon as possible.
In the meantime, have a good week.
Hello again, its you and me
Kinda always like it used to be
Sippin wine, killin time
Tryin to solve lifes mysteries
Kurt was nervous.
No, nervous was not right. He was a tangled mess of nerves and feelings.
That morning hed woken up in Blaines bed, while the other man was still sleeping, their hands held together.
Hed watched Blaine sleep, surrounded by such a feeling of peace, he hadnt felt for a long time.
Blaine had looked free of any trouble, that morning. He hadnt woken up once because of his nightmares and he hadnt moved his hand from Kurts since theyd fallen asleep.
And.. More than that, Blaine had kissed him.
Of course, one could dispute that hed broken the kiss way too soon, telling Kurt that, that wasnt the way hed wanted it to happen. But that didnt change things much. The point was that Blaine had thought about kissing him and to him it was enough given their current situation.
He sighed, putting the coffee machine on.
When hed gotten up, last night, to get a glass of water and hed heard Blaines calls for help, he hadnt been able to help himself from checking out if his husband was alright. Lucky enough, he thought grabbing two cups, he did, or the talk theyd had wouldnt have happened at all and more importantly he wouldnt have been able to wake up Blaine from his nightmare.
He froze.
Confused and later carried away by that kiss, he hadnt even asked what the nightmare had been about.
He knew the answer would probably be clear, but he wanted Blaine to be able to talk about it. He wanted more than anything for Blaine to move on and over that fear, to start live again. With him by his side if thats what he wanted.
They had a lot of work to do, but, he thought with a smile, Blaine had kissed him.
He tried and failed to refrain himself from jumping and squealing like a teenage girl.
Theyd kissed, and hold, and after the worst was over, his husband had still wanted him in his bed. Something that had seemed impossible until a couple of weeks before.
The beep coming from the coffee machine brought him back to reality.
The clock on the wall, told him it was barely eight oclock. It was early, but he wanted to talk with Blaine, maybe have breakfast together.
He took the cups full of steamy coffee and moved towards the guest room. When he opened the door he noticed Blaine was already awake, sitting on the center of the bed, a frown on his face.
Then he lifted his eyes, and Kurt saw the expression change suddenly from worry to a warm smile that he knew was all for him.
He was happy to see him and Kurt felt his eyes filling with tears and his heart almost burst with happiness for that little gesture.
"Kurt" Blaine sighed. "I thought youd left."
It was then that Kurt understood. When Blaine had woken alone, hed thought his husband had regrets about the night before.
Adorable idiot. Like there was anything else in this world he wanted more than to be with him.
"I thought itd be nice to wake up with the smell of freshly made coffee" he explained passing a cup and sitting in front of him. Blaine took it, inhaling the fragrant smell before taking a sip.
"You thought right. Just.." he seemed to alt for a moment, and then continued. "Just, next time, leave the coffee to wait, and let me wake up with you by my side."
Right, Kurt thought at that point. There was nothing he could do to stop the tears after that. He could feel them falling freely on his face wetting his cheeks.
"Oh my God" he laughed wiping them away. "Im an idiot. Dont pay any attention to this" he begged gesturing towards the tears that were still falling. "Its been a full couple of days and…"
"And every emotion is jumbled up" Blaine finished for him with a smile, wiping away his tears. "Its the same for me. That explains the nervous breakdown I was about to have a few minutes ago."
Kurt took his hand, relieved when his husband didnt even flinch.
"Im sorry." He whispered.
"Dont be." Blaines voice was comforting, soothing.
"Ok, I wont" he retorted with a small smile.
Blaine seemed to study him for a couple of seconds. "You could be at least a little bit sorry" he said then.
Kurt frowned.
"I thought you just said I shouldnt."
"I did.. But.." Blaine explained getting a little bit closer. "If youd be sorry enough to promise me not to move from the bed until Ill wake up next time, then…"
He smiled. It was like the sun, rising after months of darkness. It was a different Blaine, the one who was sitting in front of him. Like suddenly, he had made a decision about them.
"You have my word" he promised breathless.
They stayed quiet after that. Sipping coffee and exchanging sweet glances like they did on their first dates, when everything was new and sparkling, and every look seemed to take their breath away.
Then a thought crossed Kurts mind. "Finish your coffee" he told Blaine getting up. "I have a few things to take care of, and then Ill come and get you. Ill be back soon."
"Hey.. Where are you going?"
Blaines face, affronted, made him smile.
"Youll know soon enough" he answered mysteriously. His mind was already working. "In the meantime, drink your coffee, watch a little TV. Ill be back before youll even get the chance to get bored" he announced before leaving the room in a hurry.
The idea had come so suddenly it felt perfect.
He wanted to do something. Something for Blaine, for them.
A fresh start. A moment to start built their romance from.
He got dressed, without caring about clothes for once, and after a quick goodbye to Blaine, which translated in another cup of coffee and a piece of apple pie, he went out.
It was going to take him the whole morning.
The first stop was the florist near home, where he bought a bunch of red tulips, Blaines favorites. Then he ran to their favorite pastry shop, where he bought the pastries theyd eaten together on their first breakfast in New York, and a box of hearts chocolates.
Because he knew Blaine had always loved to fill their dates with the cheesiest things, and he hoped that he would appreciate this one too.
The last stop was the DVD store.
If he wanted to pull the perfect date, the movie had to be the right one.
He tossed aside the obvious choices. No Mouline Rouge or the Notebook. What he needed was something terribly sweet, possibly with a happy ending. Something light, that they knew well enough. Something that didnt require their full attention.
In the end, the choice fell on the most obvious choice of all. "When Harry met Sally" had been their movie from day one. Even before they fell in love, when they were just friends, or a little bit more. Strangely enough, it was a movie theyd never watched together, but Kurt knew it would give them the chance to go back in time, without necessarily reliving the past.
On the front door, before getting in, panting and full of shopping bags, he called their favorite Chinese restaurant and ordered enough food to last them a week.
When he opened the door he heard Blaines voice calling.
"Kurt. I thought I lost you for a moment there."
"Coming!" he called trying to tidy himself.
He left all the bags in the kitchen holding on to the little bouquet, and he walked towards Blaines room.
He hoped his idea wasnt, after all, a stupid one. That Blaine would understand his reasons, and his need to start over. He tried to rub his hands to shake the nervousness, but it was useless. It was like been seventeen all over again. His heart was beating faster and his thoughts were such a mess he didnt know what to think anymore.
When he opened the door Blaine looked up towards him on instinct. When he saw the flowers his eyes went from confused, to curious, to touched.
"Kurt" he whispered, his voice broken. It was clear that his choice had been the right one, that Blaine wouldnt be saying no; and yet, it was hard for him to find the right words to say.
"Well.." he started. "I…"
Great. That was the right moment to reverse into teenage Kurt; he thought when he felt his cheeks getting warmer.
Blaine smiled, with a knowledge of him, that would always shake him and somehow, at the same time, it calmed him. He smiled back.
"Blaine Anderson-Hummel" he tried again, trying to maintain an act of normality. "Only love of my life, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?"
He gave him the flowers then, watching Blaine taking them and bringing them to his face. When he looked at him again, Kurt found himself back to that day of May, on the stairs of Mckinley, when hed brought Blaine a very similar bunch of flowers. His then boyfriend, had been so happy, hed taken those flowers with him all day, everywhere. Class, gym, glee club.
That day just like this one, watching his reaction, Kurt had felt the most important person in the world.
He realized, in that moment, that Blaine had still to answer his question, and panic started to set in.
What if Blaine thought that he was crazy, that it wasnt right to start over so soon? What if he was searching the right way to refuse him, after all?
Then he saw his husband smile. His lips curving gently and his eyes shining brightly and everything quieted inside of him.
"You know I cant go anywhere, right?" Blaine asked amused.
"Everything we need is few steps away from here" he answered clapping his hands in joy. "Give me half an hour. Then Ill come get you."
He started towards the door when Blaines voice stopped him.
When he turned around he noticed the others man cheeks had dusted with a fine layer of redness.
"Yes?" he asked cautious.
"Could you.. could you please pass me the basin and some clean clothes?" He asked embarrassed. "Id like to groom myself a little. I have an important date."
Kurt tried and failed again to hold back the tears. He crossed the room, getting the basin Blaine used to wash closer to the bed, and some of his finest but more comfortable clothes.
He smiled when Blaine thanked him and then he ran outside.
He didnt have much time on his hands to get ready but it would make do.
He had a feeling that somehow, from that afternoon, would depend their all life, and he wouldnt allow them to fail.