Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
AN: and that's it for now. Sorry for the cliff-hanger, I couldn't help myself ;)
In the next chapter: Blaine has come to a decision. Will he leave with Kurt?
Stay tuned and find out.
An: Hello everyone. I want to thank you all for your lovely reviews and for following this little story of mine. You all make my day.
This story is still without a Beta reader, so any mistake in here is mine and is due probably to a very heavy luck of sleep.
So tell me where you are,
tell me how you feel.
Tell me what you need,
just tell me how you feel.
And let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me,
Rain down on me.
When Kurt went back into the room, after a long and useless conversation with the two cops, Blaine was fast asleep.
They hadnt had any time to talk; they didnt know what was to happen next, and Kurt hated the flimsy position he seemed to have in his husband life.
It was hard, seeing him hurt. It was hard to think that the weeks ahead of them would be full of pain and anger.
And it was even harder to know that after everything hed been through, Blaine would have to endure even more.
Kate and Rachel had come and visit during the day; but Blaine had slept through their visit and Kurt had preferred to let him rest.
He knew there was time for their friends to make sure he was OK; Blaine, as he kept telling himself, was going to be fine.
He spent the day making phone calls; asking Kate to transfer their patients to another doctor, informing his boss that he would need some time off. He wasnt sure he needed it; as far as he knew Blaine wanted nothing to do with him. But it was a possibility he didnt want to consider. Not now.
Sneaking a glance at his husbands peaceful face, he settled on the chair next to the bed and started typing. He had a piece to finish after all; but the words seemed to be stuck in his head, and he found himself constantly drifting away. Back to Blaine. Back to the man whod almost beat him to death, leaving him bloodied and hurt and probably terrified.
Before he could realize what was happening, Kurt found himself shook by silent sobs, tears streaming endlessly down his face.
It was better this way, he told himself, drying his tears. Better to cry now, than letting Blaine see him breaking down.
Not when it was his husband who needed the support.
He took his hand and settled once again.
It was late at night when he decided to give up on his work completely.
His eyes were tired and red, and he couldnt see through the words he was writing.
He sighed and tried to massage his tiredness away.
It was useless.
"You should rest." Blaines rough voice broke into the silence of the room.
Kurt tried and failed to smile.
"Would you? If our roles were reversed? Would you be able to rest?"
Blaine didnt answer and Kurt knew hed made his point. He turned on the chair, resting his head on the pillow behind him, his eyes never leaving Blaine.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.
Blaine closed his eyes, like he was trying to determine the right answer.
"Better" he said after a while. "And yet, worse."
Kurts face must have shown his confusion because Blaine continued.
"I can feel my body again. And this is good. It means everything is working. But at the same time, I hurt everywhere."
An awkward silence fell between them.
"Are you still in L.A.?" Blaine asked.
That question took him by surprise. Hed been convinced that Blaine had known about his whereabouts all along. That Blaine had known that hed given up his internship to stay in New York.
"N-no" he stuttered unsure. "Blaine..I.." he stopped trying to find the right words. "I left the internship months ago. I live here now, in our house. Im working here.
He could see the shock on Blaines face. Like hed never imagined something like this could happen. Like hed never thought it possible that Kurt could have left his job for him.
And the worst part of it was, he really couldnt blame him for that.
After all, hed made the wrong decision once before.
Then in a moment the atmosphere of the room changed. Blaines face became cold in his fury.
"You made a mistake" Blaine hissed. "You should have gone back to Los Angeles. Finish what you started. Now everythings been for nothing."
Maybe, Kurt thought trying to breathe, a punch would have hurt less.
Was that, what Blaine really wanted? For him to leave and put an entire country between them?
"You are my husband" he answered trying to hold back the tears. "Its not worth it if I lose you."
Blaine huffed, irritated, but the expression on his face quickly become pained, sad..
"Why are you doing this to me?" he asked. His voice laced with desperation. "Ive let you go. Ive let you free to fly, Kurt. Why in the hell did you come back?"
"I came back for you!" Kurts eyes were determined now. Sure.
"No.. no.." Blaine seemed to be fighting himself. "I cant be the reason for this. You cant leave your job because of me."
"Well you are" Kurt bit back taking his hand. He held on to it, when Blaine tried to free himself from his grip.
"Its not enough.. I cant be enough for you.. You need something for yourself. Something away from me."
"Youre all I need."
For one hopeful moment, Kurt saw his husbands reasons falter. He saw the need in his eyes, to put an end to all the pain his heart was feeling. But then, that moment was gone, and all that was left between them, was a horrible sense of resignation.
"Ok," Kurt whispered. "Ok." He repeated once again. "Ill give you all the time you need. Ill give you days, months, years. Ill give you forever, Blaine. But Im not going anywhere."
He sat once again, trying to ignore the way Blaine was looking so pointedly away from him. Keeping him out of the walls of his heart.
He could feel the need to cry build again. The need to let go of his hurt, of the fear hed felt, of the disappointment he was feeling.
Blaines voice, low and worried, caught his attention. It was only then that he realized that silent sobs were shaking his body and there were tears once again on his face.
"Im sorry" he whispered panicked. He stood, trying to find a way out. "I need a minute" he said making his way to the door. Then he left, ignoring Blaines voice calling him back.
The trip to the bathroom seemed to take forever and left him without strength. He closed the door behind him, inhaled a couple of times and then, reaching for the toilet he threw up.
It was like his body was trying to get rid of every negative emotion it was feeling. It was horrible; horrible and highly unhygienic, and in another situation he would have never done something like this, but he found himself sitting on the floor; trying to calm his breath.
He didnt know what to do. He had no idea how to reach a compromise with Blaine, but he couldnt give up.
Not without a fight.
Because he knew with a certainty that shook him, that underneath it all.. Underneath all the pain and the fear there was still their love.
There was still them.
He stayed there for a while, trying to find a solution to their problem. When he felt himself being strong enough he stood. He washed his face, trying to clear his head and built up the courage he needed.
Wasnt that what Blaine had always talked about?
The courage theyd shared, that had always made everything worth it.
He fixed himself and went back to Blaines room.
He didnt lift his eyes when he went in. He didnt look at Blaine when he sat back on his chair and powered up his computer again.
He could feel Blaines eyes on him but ignored it. He had to find a way to convince his husband to except his help, and give him another chance.
"I dont want to see you regret this in ten years. I dont want to see you look back and see all the things you missed because of me."
Blaines voice, rough and tearful broke the silence between them.
"Do you really think Id do something like that?" he asked.
"I didnt even think youd be leaving me behind" Blaine answered hurt. "What I think, has nothing to do with what the truth is."
He didnt answer and Blaine glanced away once more.
"Im sorry" he said after a while. "I still have all this rage inside of me.. And it seems to come out of nowhere."
"Sooner or later, youre going to have to stop punishing me, Blaine."
Blaine looked at him once again, confused.
"This has nothing to do with punishment, Kurt. I know it might seem like it, but its not. Im one hundred percent convinced that we have no idea who we are, away from each other, anymore and that we need to find out."
"And I dont see the problem with that." Kurt interjected. "I dont mind being one thing with you."
"I do." Blaines voice was cold again. "I minded when I found myself alone, and I didnt know what to do with myself."
"It was a mistake," Kurt tried to defend himself once more. "Please Blaine; believe me when I say this. It wont happen again."
"I do.." Blaine answer was delivered without hesitation and finally the look in his eyes was vulnerable again. He could see the wall between them start cracking.
That was the moment to deliver the last shot, he decided.
They both knew that Blaine was going to be discharged only if he had someone with him all day long. And Kurt had no doubt who that someone should have been. He knew this was their last chance to fix their marriage.
"The doctors said you can go home in a couple of days" he reminded him. "You will need someone with you constantly. I want to be that person Blaine."
Admitting it had put him into a vulnerable position, he knew, but it was something he had to try. When Blaine didnt say no, he felt hope arise within him.
"I know you want your independence. I know you think that it will be walking backwards in your journey. But youre wrong. Youll always be you" he continued with all the conviction he could muster. "We dont have to go back together" he said with a tremulous voice, while everything in him was screaming to take that sentence back. He pushed forward. "Please give us the chance to clear everything between us. And give me the chance to take care of you. Please," he begged taking Blaines hand in his once again.
Blaine sighed, closing his eyes. A look of pain and confusion crossing his face. Then he opened them again. His hazel irises resting on him.
And Kurt knew, hed made his decision.