Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
AN: Oh my God Im dooooone.
What can I say? Thank you all for sticking up with my little story. Whether you left a review, or simply followed me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I hope this little epilogue gave justice to your expectations and has left you all happy and sweetened up.
If you want to gift me with a little review, it will make me incredibly happy.
Till the next time.
All the love in the world.
Three years later.
This ones for you and me
Living out our dreams
Were all right where we should be
With my arms out wide
I open my eyes
And now all I wanna see
Is a sky full of lighter
"Blaine.." Kurts sleepy voice broke into the silence of the room. "Blaine wake up, its your turn."
"Shell be back to sleep.."
It was an automatic response, grumbled tiredly under the covers. One that lacked more conviction every time it was said. He knew it wasnt going to happen and he knew Kurt wouldnt get up, not when it was Blaines turn.
With an exhausted sigh he moved the covers away and put his feet on the ground.
The clock on his nightstand read 5 AM. It was Sunday, the only day he and Kurt had to rest and relax, though in the last few months, days seemed to be confused together.
It really didnt matter.
Blaine opened the door and smiled.
"What do we have here?" he asked crouching in front of his daughter. He picked her up, holding her against his chest and gave her a kiss on the forehead. The smile that he was answered with, made up for all the sleep hed lost, and was going to lose in the future.
Katherine, with her dark black hair and her green eyes, had entered their life a few months before and had been their daughter since the first time theyd laid eyes on her.
He sighed pressing her against his shoulder and walking towards the kitchen.
The road towards adoption had been a hard one.
Despite the decision to adopt, in fact, it had taken a lot of time for their dream to come true.
During the months after theyd gotten back together, theyd put every single thought and minute of their time in putting together the pieces of their marriage.
Blaine had gone back to work, taking an associate, so that he could have more free time, and Kurt had finally gotten the job of his dreams; a place as an editor into one of the most renowned magazines in New York.
It was important, for both of them, that their love and their lives were solid and firm before thinking about welcoming a son into their life.
It took them more two years.
The first months were an endless line of paper works and forms to fill, sometime followed by moments of pure panic, when the fear of not being enough had made its way into their mind.
Then, came the letter that changed their life: the approval from the social workers. For the city of New York, Kurt and Blaine Hummel-Anderson were fit to be parents.
Somehow, it had always made sense into Blaines mind.
He and Kurt had survived a love story born when they were a little more than kids. They were still together, after everything, and he had no doubt in his mind, that Kurt would have been a wonderful father.
It was weird, he thought. In his mind, it had always been a little boy the first to enter their little family.
But life had always given him the most wonderful surprises, and that day, on their first visit to the children home, it had put Katie on their way.
She was a shy little girl, who liked to spend time watching the other kids play. She couldnt have been more than three years old, and yet her eyes seemed to show more pain than any child should have to endure. That day she had lifted her eyes, looking at them without saying a word, and the choice had been made.
She was their little girl, and she was going to go home with them.
Katie didnt talk. The social worker had told Kurt and Blaine that it was not unusual between abandoned children but she had no problem showing what she was feeling. It was all in her eyes.
Between the words never said, Blaine could see the love.
Katie trusted them, and Blaine was sure the day was getting nearer, when shed be able to open up completely.
"So" he started putting Katie on her high chair. "What are we in the mood for at 5 in the morning? Milk? Juice? Coffee?" he whispered, causing a giggle in her daughter. "Better not" he answered getting milk from the fridge. "Daddy Kurt might not appreciate me giving you coffee."
"He certainly wont" piped Kurt entering the kitchen. He had a serious case of bed hair and a look Blaine had learned to fear.
"You know Im kidding" he pointed out moving closer to Kurt and pecking him on the lips. "What are you doing out of bed?" he asked then, pouring the milk into Katies bottle. "You could have slept a little longer, fashion week is coming on, and I know youre going to run yourself into the ground. You should rest."
"And lose family time? Never!" Kurt answered kissing Katies head and sitting beside her. "Daddy Blaine wants to initiate you to coffee way too soon Katie. If we dont pay attention youre going to have your hair full of gel in no time."
"Hey! My hair is fine, thank you very much. I dont wear half the gel I used to wear, and you fell in love with me back then."
"Love is blind, you know that" Kurt quipped with a smile. "I didnt know better back then." He laughed watching Katie spill milk on herself.
"Yeah right.." Blaine made a vague gesture with his hand. "Dont mind him, Katie. Daddy Kurt loved the gel to death. He still does." He kept his eyes on his little girl, then smiled. "We could try to tame those curls of yours. What do you say honey?"
He wasnt waiting for an answer. Blaine had gotten used to his daughters silence in the last nine months. And it was that the reason why his and Kurts heart stopped, listening for the first time to the most important voice in their life.
"Yes Daddy Blaine."
It was a little more than a whisper, but it was incredibly close to the voice of an angel.
Blaine could feel tears wetting his cheeks. One look at his husband, told him that Kurt was in the same condition.
"She…she has.." he faltered.
"Your same horrible fashion sense" finished Kurt with a chocked laugh. He took Katie in his arms, moving closer to Blaine, who hugged them both to him.
That was his life, thought Blaine.
A husband he loved more than anything in the entire world, a daughter whod just given him the most precious gift he could ever ask for, and a future more splendid that he could have ever dream.
He sighed.
Yes, life was good.