Don't let me go
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Don't let me go: Chapter 13

E - Words: 1,825 - Last Updated: Oct 02, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Mar 24, 2014 - Updated: Mar 24, 2014
55 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

An: and thats it. I decided while I was writing, that the stupid man who attacked Blaine, didnt deserve any front time on my story. I didnt want to put Blaine and Kurt through other pain. I think theyve had enough, and leaving him free was simply not an option. So there it is.

Hes gone, and Kurt and Blaine can concentrate on their happy ending.

Stay tuned, because itll be a sweet one.

In the meantime, as were nearing the end, please let me know what you think.




Dont be afraid
Ive taken my beating
Ive shared what I made

Im strong on the surface
Not all the way through
Ive never been perfect
But neither have you

Kurt woke up that morning at peace with himself for the first time in a long time.

Blaine was sleeping soundly next to him, the expression on his face completely devoid of any negative emotion.

He smiled.

Theyd fallen asleep cuddled together, and that was the position theyd held through the whole night.

The sunlight, already high in the sky, was filtering through the curtains, giving the room a warm orange colour.

It would have been nice, so nice to prolong that moment forever. To stay there, in the warmth of their bedroom, where there were no problems to solve, no attackers to find or fears to face.

But that wasnt their real world, and all in all, Kurt really didnt mind real life. On the contrary. Coming from a few months of horrible loneliness, he couldnt wait for real life to begin. To be able to worry about stupid little things.

He wanted nothing more than to be able to come back home to watch Blaine preparing dinner for them, and insisting on doing the dishes afterward. To have a basket full of laundry to wash or grocery shopping to do.

He wanted them to take care of each other.

He sighed.

"Youll end up with grey hair if you keep thinking so hard."

Blaines voice, rough from sleep, made him smile.

"Planning a wonderful future with your husband doesnt give you grey hair" he answered looking into Blaines eyes. It was almost overwhelming, to be able to get rid, officially, of the word "ex".

"Is that so? So tell me Mr. Hummel, what brilliant future lies ahead of us?"

"Hummel-Anderson if you please. And I dont know" he continued with a sly smile. "Running errands, dinners to prepare, a mountain of clothes to iron."

Blaine remained silent for a few seconds, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"That doesnt seem all that exciting to me" he cautioned.

Kurt laughed, kissing his husband bare chest.

"Youre wrong. Nothing has ever seemed more exciting in my whole life."

It was then, watching Kurts pure happiness, that Blaine seemed to understand what his husband was talking about.

"Youre right." He smiled. "But that doesnt mean we cant add a little spice to it and make it better" he whispered cupping Kurts cheeks and bringing him closer to him.

"Blaine" Kurt murmured, but Blaines lips were insistent and firm against his and he could do nothing but let himself go. And God, but he loved to let go. Letting Blaine take control and hold him against his body like he was something precious and one of a kind. Being the other half of a wonderful love.

"Blaine" he tried again.

Kurt felt his husbands hands slide from his face to his neck, down to his hips, tightening their hold and hauling him up until he was pressed against him.

It was then, trying to catch his breath, that Kurt was able to look the other man in the eyes.

The smile on Blaines face was light and warm, but the look in his eyes was something else. He knew that look. It was the same that had him lying on the first surface available. Not necessarily flat.

"Good morning, love" he whispered pressing his lips against Blaines and the look on his eyes shifted. It became tender, affectionate.

"Good morning to you" he answered lifting himself up to press another kiss on his lips.

It took a second for the kiss to deepen. To gain passion and heat. Kurt could feel the fire heating up his entire body, the want for his husband becoming unbearable.

He groaned when the horrible, horrible sound of the doorbell intruded itself in their moment.

"Leave it" Blaine ordered moving his lips against Kurts. He circled Kurts body with his legs trying to keep him in place.

"Blaine, it could be Kate or Rachel."

The only answered he got was a grunt. He kissed Kurt one last time before letting him go.

Walking through the corridor, Kurt reached for the door, but it wasnt one of their friends waiting on the other side.

"Detective Mahoni" he exclaimed surprised. He moved out of the way to let the man in the house.

"Mr. Hummel" the man nodded looking around.

"Did something happen? Do you have news?"

His thoughts were running a mile a minute. A hundred different questions crossing his mind.

"Id prefer if your husband was present for this." The man asked not giving anything away.

"Sure, sure. Let me get him. Why dont you seat, itll only take a moment."

He left the detective in the living room and walked the brief distance to the bedroom.

"Blaine?" he called but received no answer. When he reached the bed he smiled. Blaine had fallen back asleep. He had one arm covering his eyes, shielding them from the light, and the other rested on his pillow. He sat beside him, caressing his face tenderly.

"Blaine" he called, his voice soft. "Detective Mahoni is here. He wants to talk to you."

Blaine groaned, trying to hide under the pillow.

"Come on" he tried again grabbing his hand. "It could be important."

Blaine opened his eyes, resting them on Kurt.

"We were fine, just me and you" he whispered suddenly serious.

"If theyve caught the man, we will be even better" he answered. Then he helped him sitting up. "Do you want me to bring him here, or do you want to go into the living room."

"No. Lets go there. It will do me good to move around a little."

It took them some time, and a little effort, but they were able to get to the Detective in very little time.

"Mr. Anderson" Mahoni stood up to greet him. "Im sorry to disturb you during your recovery but Im sure youll want to know about the progress on your case."

"Youre not wrong." Blaine sat on the couch, trying not to bother his legs. "Please sit" he offered pointing to the empty chair in front of him. "So, what news do you bring?"

"It looks like we found our man" the Detective began without preamble.

Kurts heart stood still for a moment, and he felt Blaines hand tightening its hold on his. They kept silent.

"A Milo Voyce, 36, already known to the police for minor crimes. Hes been found with some drugs in his pockets. The description fits, and a witness saw him around your office the day of the attack."

"Do you need me to come to the station to identify him?"

Blaines voice shook, from tension probably, and the fear of having to face the man again.

"There will be no need." Mahoni took a piece of paper from his pocket handing it to Blaine. Kurt moved closer, curious. It was a picture, he noticed. A dead mans picture.

He felt Blaines breath increase speed and his hand start to sweat.

"Blaine?" he asked concerned.

He got no answer. Blaine was lost in his own world. His eyes were focused but distant, like he was seeing something else.

"Its him" he breathed after a while. Kurt felt the weight hed been holding in his heart dissipate. "Its the man who beat me that night. How.." He stopped to pull himself together then tried again. "How did he die?"

"It looks like he got involved with the wrong guy. Probably a mugging between street people."

Mahoni took the picture from Blaines hand and folded it.

"The case is closed Mr. Anderson. Get better, enjoy your life, there will be less scum on the street tonight. You saved yourself a lot of trouble. Trials can be heavy and long, and they can put a strain on people, and with things like this, there might have been a chance that the man would have walked out of there free." He stood, walking to the door. "Well call if we need your signature on the papers. Have a good day" he said. Then he walked out without waiting for Kurt to show him out.

"Its over." Kurt breathed a sigh of relief, but when he turned, the look on Blaines face worried him. "Blaine?" he called. He took his hand bringing it to his lips.

Blaines breath hitched for a moment, then he let go a long sigh.

"I convinced myself" he said after a long silence. "That I had to spend my life afraid of rounding a corner and find him in front of me. I was ready to live my life in fear."

He lifted his watery eyes catching Kurts. "Im a doctor. I save peoples life. What does it say about me that I feel relief for another mans death?" he asked while hot tears streamed down his face.

Kurt moved closer, holding him against him. He pressed his lips on his husbands neck trying to comfort him with his presence. He felt Blaines arms tighten around him, like his life depended on it.

"You are the most wonderful, honest, generous man Ive ever met" he promised. "Youre loving and caring, and you would lay your life for the people you love. And when you told me you wanted to put music aside to study medicine, it all made sense to me. Because you have a heart so big, it could hold the whole world. And what youre feeling right now? For a man who hurt you so badly? Its not who you are. It just shows youre human."

"You believe that?" Blaine asked trying to hide in the circle of Kurts arms.

"I believe youre a gift. And I know, that had you found him hurt on the street, youd have saved his life."

Blaine nodded but didnt reply. The remained in silence for a while, happy to be in each others arms. Kurt held him close, caressing his back in a soothing gesture, kissing every part of Blaine he could reach. His neck, his temple, his cheek.

Blaines voice rang firm and full of love when he spoke again.

"Thank you for supporting me when I chose medicine instead of following our plans."

Kurt smiled.

"Ill always support you."

He felt Blaine nod.

"Im sorry I wasnt strong enough to do the same for you."

"Dont be stupid Blaine" Kurt scolded him. "When you decided to take medicine, you did it because my father had gotten sick, and I knew youd still be in New York."

He remembered all too well when Burt had told him hed gotten cancer.

Hed been on his first year of college, and Blaine a senior in high school. And it had been Blaine whod taken care of his dad while hed been away. Blaine had taken him to the doctor, and listened to what he had to say before referring everything to Kurt.

It had been a difficult year, and when Burt had announced he was in remission Blaine had made his decision.

He wanted to help people, to take care of those who were suffering. It had made Kurt so proud hed barely been able to stand it.

"So.." Kurt said putting an end to his own thoughts. "Breakfast or nap?"

Blaine laughed, relieve and unrestrained.

"Nap, definitely nap" he decided hugging Kurt close. But warmed by their love, neither of them moved to reach the bedroom.


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