Two of a Kind
Part 2 Previous Chapter Story
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Two of a Kind: Part 2

K - Words: 3,814 - Last Updated: Mar 31, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Jan 31, 2013 - Updated: Mar 31, 2013
189 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Happy Easter!
Kurt ground his key into the ignition and peeled out of the parking lot the second it sprang it life, not really knowing where he was going, just knowing he needed air. Kurt found himself pulling over onto the shoulder of the road and slamming on his breaks. Kurt threw off his seatbelt and jumped out of the car, running his fingers through his hair and desperately trying to get air into his lungs. Kurt was freaking out. He knew he needed to calm down but he couldn't. How it possible for him to meet two Blaine Andersons? That was cruel. And his soul mate happens to be the second one he meets? Someone must really hate him.

Kurt had been perfectly happy thinking the first Blaine was his Blaine. If only Brew Ha Ha hadn't been closed, then he wouldn't be in all this mess. Although, that wasn't true. Kurt and Blaine had planned to spend Blaine's birthday night together, and it would have been extremely awkward when Kurt's name didn't appear.

Kurt dug his phone out of his pocket and before he knew it another voice was speaking in his ear. "Cedes I need you."

Kurt was back in his car ten minutes later when another car pulled up behind his. Kurt heard the passenger door open and Mercedes climbed in next to him. They were silent for a long while. "I met Blaine," Kurt said finally and Mercedes laughed.

"Yeah, I know that. You've been dating him for the past few months. Kurt, I thought you were over the shock." Kurt shook his head.

"No, I met Blaine. Today."


"He works at The Lima Bean." Kurt could feel her eyes on him, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the sign down the road, a banner announcing the arrival of the town's new coffee shop.

It was so unfair. Kurt had dreamt about finding his match all his life, and when he finally thought he'd found him, it turns out to be a lie. Why couldn't he just have a normal life? "What's he like?" Mercedes asked, breaking him from his thoughts. Kurt shrugged.

"I don't know. I kind of ran out of the coffee shop after he showed me his hand. I didn't know what else to do." Mercedes put her hand on Kurt's arm and he broke his stare to look at her.

"Go back."


"No buts; you need to talk to him," she snapped. She sighed and rubbed his arm. "Kurt, he's your real soul mate. You owe it to yourself and him to at least talk to him."

"I'm scared," he whispered. He knew he had to go back, but he didn't want to. Okay, so that wasn't quite true. That man was his soul mate, and he wanted to know him. Plus those eyes were sort of haunting his brain. But Kurt had thought he'd already found his Blaine. He thought he was already with his Blaine. He'd been through so much emotionally dealing with this the first time and now he was just expected to do it all over again? Thanks, but no thanks.

Kurt wanted to call Blaine, his Blaine, or rather, the one he was currently dating but not matched with. He wanted to be held by him. He wanted to know everything would be okay.

Maybe he could just pretend this whole thing never happened. Maybe Current Boyfriend Blaine wouldn't care. Maybe they could run away together and forget about soul mates. But that wasn't true either. Kurt just wished he'd known then that that wasn't his Blaine. Kurt groaned. "Okay, fine," he said, knowing that no matter what, he needed to go see Blaine. The new Blaine. God, that was going to get confusing.

"Should I expect to see you later?" Kurt shook his head.

"No, I'm definitely not going to school today."

"Alright, well good luck. Call me later." Kurt nodded. Mercedes watched him for a moment. "Are you okay?"

"I will be."

"I know you will be, but are you now?" Kurt thought about that for a moment.

"No." He turned to her and smiled. "I just need to sort this all out. But thank you. For coming."

"Of course, honey. Everything will work out." Kurt nodded and took a deep breath. He knew that, he just wondered how long he'd have to wait.

Kurt eventually made his way back into The Lima Bean. There was a long line that extended to the door and Kurt bit his lip as he looked behind the bar and saw Blaine hunched over the espresso machine. Kurt steeled himself and made his way over to the counter. As he walked, he tried to think of something clever to say, but when the time came all that came out was, "Um, hello again." Blaine's head shot up and something sparked across his features.

"Kurt," he said and jesus christ even the way he said his name was different. It made Kurt's stomach do backflips and was this how it was supposed to feel, being with your soul mate? Kurt could definitely get used to that. It was new and exciting, but also a little frightening. It felt the way Kurt imagined sky diving would feel- scary as hell at first, but thrilling and so invigorating.

"Sorry for leaving, I just-"

"No, don't worry about it. I know this is, well, it's a lot to take in." If only you knew.

"I was hoping we could talk, if you're not too busy." Or disinterested. Kurt wondered if he was what Blaine had imagined. If his first impression of Kurt was grateful or disappointed. Kurt thought Blaine was very handsome, and for a moment he scolded himself for thinking so. He did still have a boyfriend, regardless of the fact that this new man was his match.

"Blaine," a fellow barista called, reminding him of a long line of queued drinks. Blaine sighed and looked at the cups with a sort of distain before turning back to Kurt.

"When's your break?"

"Not for another hour and a half," Blaine said guiltily and that was all it took for Kurt to make up his mind.

"Okay," Kurt said and walked away from the counter. He could feel Blaine's eyes on him as he walked away.

"Kurt, wait," he called, but Kurt sat down at a table where he could get a clear view of Blaine and smiled at him.

"Is this okay?" Kurt called. "I can sit somewhere else if you'd like." Kurt was smirking now and Blaine pulled his lips into a tight line before breaking out into a smile. He shook his head and glanced down.

"That's perfect," he called back.

Kurt settled into his chair and began to pull a notebook out of his bag to do some school work. He got about two questions into his French assignment when something dropped onto the table next to him. Kurt looked up from his work and saw a girl placing a coffee cup beside his book. "Blaine asked me to bring it to you," she said and Kurt glanced around her to where Blaine appeared to be doing his damnedest not to look.

"Thanks," Kurt said to the girl and she smiled.

"Do you like him?" she asked candidly, taking Kurt off-guard. "Sorry, it's just I've known Blaine for a long time and I can tell he really likes you, so I want to know if you like him back." Kurt blinked a few times.

"I don't even know him," he said, not really sure how to respond.

"He's great, but also a hopeless romantic." Rachel pulled out the chair in front of Kurt and sat down. "Look, Blaine's like my little brother, so I'm going to be brash. He's had his heart broken before, and I don't want to see him like that again. If you like him, great, I'm happy for you two, but if not, please be honest with him. He deserves a real relationship for once." Kurt wondered for a moment if he should tell her the truth, about how he and Blaine were soul mates- and about his other Blaine. But he didn't even know the girl, and to be honest, her forwardness kind of put him on edge.

"I get that you want to protect him, and I want you to know that I'd never do anything to hurt him. But I'm going through stuff too, and I'm going to handle it the best way I can." The girl stared at him for a moment before nodding her head.

"I can work with that." She stood up again and turned to walk away before apparently remembering something. "Oh, I'm Rachel, by the way."


"Kurt, I know." She smiled softly. "Enjoy the mocha; I know he took his time with it." Kurt looked down at his cup and spun it slowly in his hands. When he looked back up, Rachel was back behind the counter. Kurt sighed and lifted the coffee to his lips, thinking about what a cruel mistress Life was. His eyelids slipped closed and he had to bite back a moan as he swallowed. It was the best damned mocha he'd ever had.

"This seat taken?" Kurt looked up and smiled at Blaine as the other man took the chair across from him. "What are you working on?"

"Essay for English," Kurt sighed and put down his pen.


"Not exactly the word I would've chosen."

"You don't like English?"

"It's not my favorite."

"What is?" Kurt looked at Blaine, who seemed actually interested in Kurt's answer, so he thought for a moment.

"Actual class or any school activity?"

"Anything, just as long as you don't say lunch." Kurt laughed.

"I love History, but my absolute favorite is Glee Club." Blaine's brows went up and he smiled at that.

"So you're a singer. What school do you go to?"

"McKinley? It's my senior year." Blaine's face lit up even more, if that were even possible.

"I thought you looked familiar! I went to Dalton Academy, but I remember you singing at Sectionals my senior year. You took the lead on that mashup- oh god what was it? You're Never Fully Dressed and-?"

"The Way You Look Tonight," Kurt groaned and covered his face with his hand as a blush spread across his cheeks. "I can't believe you remember that. It was so embarrassing!"

"What? You were phenomenal."

"Blaine. I had a cold. My nose was stuffy and I was so flat."

"If that was you sounding bad, I can't wait to hear you at your best." Kurt fought back the butterflies that arose at Blaine's words. You have a boyfriend.

"Trust me, it was bad. I'm just glad you Warblers went on after us. If I had to follow up your flawless Katy Perry cover, I would have died."

"You remember what I sang?" Blaine asked, his smile teasing but it didn't reach his eyes. He seemed genuinely surprised Kurt remembered him. Honestly, how could he not? Blaine's voice had been strong and warm, comfortable and silky. Kurt could still hear it perfectly in his head.

"You left an impression," Kurt said, biting his lip to keep himself from smiling too widely because youhaveaboyfriendyouhaveaboyfriendyouhaveaboyfriend. But that didn't mean he couldn't be complimenting, right? "Seriously, your voice is amazing. Please tell me you still perform."

"Well, I don't mean to brag, but I put on impromptu shows for my shampoo and conditioner all the time. I even get a standing ovation from the body wash." Kurt rolled his eyes and nudged Blaine's foot with his own while trying not to think about Blaine in the shower. Blaine's resounding laugh made Kurt feel lighter, brighter. "Okay, okay, I do frequent The High Note for their open mic nights."

"Isn't that the piano bar in Columbus?"

"Indeed it is. It's- you have to experience it, Kurt. Everyone is so enthusiastic and you get to perform and, in case you weren't sold already, they have the best Safe Sex on the Beach in all of Ohio."

"Well then, that settles it. When do you get off? " Kurt looked at his blank wrist before smiling up at Blaine. Blaine bit his lip and glanced away for a moment. When he looked back, he seemed to have lost his previous playfulness. "What?"

"Nothing, I just-" Blaine looked at Kurt for a moment before shaking his head and offering Kurt a coy smile. "I just still can't believe I'm actually talking to you." Kurt opened his mouth, then closed it. If he were being completely honest, he would say the same thing. He would tell Blaine how incredibly happy he was to have finally found him. "I can't tell you how long I've been looking for you, like actually searching Google and phonebooks-"

"Who uses phonebooks anymore?"

"Regardless," Blaine said with a mock glare.

"And Google? Blaine, how would you even know if it was me?"

"I didn't say they were effective searches." Kurt shook his head. "What made you come here today?" Blaine asked suddenly. Kurt blinked.

"Um," thoughts of his other Blaine bubbled up and Kurt popped them before they could become too prominent. He was finally with his soul mate. Kurt told himself it was okay to, well- ignore the whole boyfriend complication for the moment. He knew he should tell New Blaine about that factor, but it didn't necessarily have to be now. "My usual caf� closed."

"Brew Ha Ha?" Blaine laughed. "Of course you went there. I did too." Kurt's brows flew to his hair line.

"You're kidding me." The men smiled at each other, both silent wondering how many times they'd passed each other without knowing it. Blaine's phone began to beep, forcing him to break their eye contact. Blaine fished his phone out of his pocket and sighed.

"My break's over," he mumbled, flashing his ran out timer to Kurt. Blaine looked down at his phone, then back up at Kurt. He could tell by the look on Blaine's face that he wanted to say something, and Kurt could piece together what it was fairly quickly.

"Alright, hand it over." Blaine blushed and smiled as he handed Kurt his phone. Kurt quickly entered his number before handing it back to Blaine. "Would you be weirded out if I stayed a little bit longer? I really need to finish this essay and-"

"Kurt, Kurt, relax; you don't have to make up excuses to stare at me. I'm okay with it." Kurt let his head hang.

"Sigh. You saw right through my ruse. Not only are you impeccably handsome, but you're also inconceivably intelligent." Blaine snorted and Kurt looked up, keeping up his fa�ade. Blaine reached over the table and grabbed Kurt's hand in his. Kurt ignored the fact that his touch ignited a wildfire across his skin. Blaine knitted his brows together and looked down at their hands before gazing into Kurt's eyes and Kurt could feel himself losing focus as those large, misty, honey colored eyes bore into his.

"I have no mind. I am the village idiot." Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Okay, Doc." Blaine broke into a smile, those eyes losing their wet vulnerability.

"Blaine!" a voice called and Kurt looked behind him to the barista counter where Rachel was starting to get swamped.

"Coming!" Blaine called back, not bothering to look away from Kurt. "Seriously though, stay as long as you want. I'll send over another mocha when I get a chance." Blaine let go of Kurt's hands and stood up.

"Wait," Kurt began, pulling out his wallet to pay Blaine for the previous coffee, but when Blaine caught onto what Kurt was doing he shook his head vigorously and began to walk away. "Blaine!"

"Sorry, Kurt, duty calls." Kurt sighed, but couldn't stop himself from staring at Blaine's ass as he made his way back to his station.

Blaine hummed to himself as he waited for the espresso machine to finish spitting out shots, and Rachel bumped his hip with her own. "What are you singing?" she asked. Blaine shook his head as a blush warmed his cheeks. He knew Rachel would both appreciate and mock it. "What, it's not something cheesy, is it?" Blaine flushed deeper. "Well now you have to tell me." Blaine grabbed the shots and poured them into the latte he was making. He could still feel Rachel's eyes on him and he purposefully ignored her. "If you tell me, I'll take over and let you deliver this time." Blaine bit his lip and glanced up to where Kurt was sitting, still in that same place he'd been since 9:30. Rachel's tactics were cheap, but he knew as well as she did that he would take it.

Blaine put the lid on the latte and called out the order before grabbing a new cup. The rush was over for now, so it was the perfect time to make Kurt's mocha. He took his time, making sure all the ingredients would be mixed perfectly and, when he was finshed, sighed. He began to sing softly, because he knew Rachel was still waiting to hear it.

Today all day I had a feeling, a miracle would happen-

Rachel cut him off with her laughter. Blaine glared at her and grabbed the coffee before leaving her alone, her laughter echoing behind him as he made his way to his soul mate. He still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he'd met Kurt. His Kurt. He'd seen the boy so many times before, never knowing his name. How was it that they'd lived in the same town for years and never met? Blaine didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but he couldn't help it. It was, however, quite the horse. Kurt was amazing. Smart, talented, witty, gorgeous; Blaine had been wondering what Kurt would be like for four years now, and for sixteen years before that without a name. But Kurt, the real Kurt Hummel, was so much better than anything he'd ever imagined. Because he was real. He was Blaine's.

Blaine reached Kurt's table and set down his coffee. "How's the essay going?" Kurt threw his head back and groaned.

"It's brutal." Blaine bit his lip and looked around the coffee shop.

"Hold that thought, I'll be right back." Blaine dashed off, back behind the counter and into the back room. He emerged with a broom and dust pan.

"Wow, Blaine, I've never seen you so eager to clean."

"Shut up, Rachel, or I will break all of your headbands."

"Rude!" she called, but Blaine wasn't listening anymore. He made his way back to Kurt and began to slowly sweep around his table. Very, very slowly.

"Okay, please continue." Kurt snorted.

"How's work going?"

"Fabulously." Kurt smiled radiantly and Blaine had the fleeting thought that Kurt probably thought he was being sarcastic. In reality, Blaine had never been more ecstatic to work in a dinky coffee shop in Lima, Ohio. "Kurt, I was wondering if-" Blaine was cut off by Kurt's phone ringing. Kurt gave him an apologetic look before pulling out his phone and answering it. Blaine sighed. Maybe this was a good thing. I mean, he'd just met Kurt. Maybe Kurt would've denied going on a date with him. But they were soul mates, and they seemed to have chemistry. Even though they'd just met, the connection was pretty palpable.

"Hello?" Kurt spoke into his cell and a second later he looked kind of scared, and panicked. "Yeah, yeah, sorry... no, I'm okay. H-how was school?... yeah, me too... huh? Oh, right, French test." Kurt closed his eyes. "Yeah, it went great." Blaine thought he should give Kurt and Whoever It Was some privacy, so he stepped away and swept the floor, but he could still hear Kurt's voice through the noise of the shop. "I-I can't come over today... I know, but I have to help my dad at the shop... I know, I'm sorry; I should have told you sooner... yeah, of course... okay, I'll talk to you later... okay, bye Blaine."

Blaine froze. Blaine? Kurt knew another Blaine? Okay, okay, Blaine isn't too uncommon of a name, right? Granted, Blaine had never met another Blaine, but that didn't mean anything. There were probably tons of Blaines in Ohio. It was perfectly normal.

"Sorry about that," a voice spoke behind him and Blaine jumped slightly as he turned around, finding himself face to face with Kurt. He tried to ignore the fact that Kurt was more stunning the closer he got and that his eyes weren't blue, but rather glasz. Blaine glanced away, not too confident in his ability to remain chaste with Kurt's proximity, and noticed Kurt's bag was slung over his shoulder.

"Heading out?" Blaine asked and Kurt nodded. "Is everything okay?" Blaine asked, and he hoped Kurt didn't think he was being nosy because Kurt had sounded uneasy on the phone and he genuinely wanted to make sure he was okay. Kurt stared at him for a moment, looking into Blaine's eyes before finally speaking.

"They will be." Blaine wanted to tell Kurt that he could talk to him. That Blaine would listen no matter what. That even though they'd only met, they were soul mates and Blaine wanted to be there for his match. Instead, he leaned his broom against a chair and pulled Kurt into a hug before he could talk himself out of it. Kurt was stiff for a moment, and Blaine was about to pull back and apologize, but then Kurt relaxed and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. Kurt rested his chin on Blaine's shoulder and Blaine held onto the boy's waist just a little bit tighter. "Thank you," Kurt said softly, and Blaine thought it safe enough.

"Anytime. No matter what." They stayed like that for a moment longer before Kurt began to pull away.

"Text me, okay?"

"Yeah, of course." Kurt gave him a smile.

"See you later, Blaine."

"See you later, Kurt."

Kurt climbed into his car and sighed. He didn't really have to help his dad today; he just couldn't handle going to see Blaine after spending the day with His Blaine. Besides, he needed the rest of the afternoon to think. Kurt put his key in the ignition and began to put the car in drive when his phone vibrated. Kurt pulled it out and saw he had a new text.

(419) 262-2305
Don't worry, bee happy!

Kurt rolled his eyes but couldn't hold back a smile as he saved Blaine's number in his phone and pulled out of the parking lot. Everything would be okay. And for that afternoon, Kurt wasn't going to worry about soul mates and relationships. He would simply replay his day over and over in his head, that smile never leaving his face.


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