April 8, 2013, 1:23 p.m.
April 8, 2013, 1:23 p.m.
“How’d you know it was me?” Kurt asked, exasperated. The brunet pulled back a little and turned to give Kurt a gentle smile.
“Because I can feel you. Now that we’re Sealed, it’s like I can feel where you are. And it gets stronger the closer you are.” Blaine closed his locker and reached out his hands, landing them on Kurt’s hips before pulling him closer. Kurt glanced around at the crowded hall nervously before he felt Blaine’s lips kiss the skin just below his ear. “You’re fine,” he whispered. Kurt allowed himself to close his eyes, seeing as his usual offenders were nowhere to be found. Blaine must’ve found time to tell the swim team to back off, though Kurt didn’t know when. He’d barely let Blaine out of his sight for him to sleep at night and attend classes since finding out the extent of their… situation.
Blaine placed a hand on Kurt’s cheek and turned his face a little so he could capture his lips in a soft kiss and Kurt couldn’t believe they were kissing so openly at school. It’s something that until now, Kurt had only dreamed of, but never thought it would actually be a reality. Not for him in such a dinky town like Lima, Ohio. Needless to say, it left an extra wide grin on his face. “Ready for class?” Blaine asked and Kurt nodded his head as he took Blaine’s hand in his.
“Kurt Hummel to Principal Figgins’ office. Kurt Hummel, Principal Figgins’ office.” Kurt froze, staring up at the speaker above the lockers. Why would Figgins want to see him? Did he do something wrong? Was this about his recent absences? If so, he was sure George would cover for him. Kurt could feel Blaine’s eyes on him and he let out a sigh. He didn’t want to just leave Blaine, even though he was sure nothing would happen to him.
“C’mon, I’ll walk you to class,” he said, keeping his hold on Blaine’s hand and beginning to walk toward Blaine’s classroom. After a while they reach the room and pause outside the door, still hand in hand. Kurt sighed, looked down at their hands. He really didn’t want to leave Blaine. “So, I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Or sooner,” Blaine said. Kurt looked up at him when Blaine squeezed his hand and smiled softly at him. “Maybe you’re getting an award,” Blaine said, knowing that Kurt was still thinking about going to see Figgins. Kurt snorted.
“For what?”
“Being the best boyfriend ever,” Blaine said with a scoff, as if Kurt should’ve just known.
“Boyfriend, huh?” Kurt asked, not overlooking the fact that this was his first time hearing Blaine call him his boyfriend.
“Oh,” Blaine said before looking down. “No, no, I get it. You’re a busy guy. Got lots of people to save. I guess I just thought- nothing. Nevermind.” Kurt rolled his eyes so hard he thought they might pop out. Blaine was always so overly dramatic and very committed to his “jokes.” Blaine began to walk backward into his classroom, still mumbling and looking sad, when Kurt tugged on his hand and pulled him into him. Kurt cupped the back of Blaine’s neck with his free hand and pressed a less than chaste kiss to his lips. He could feel the eyes of Blaine’s classmates on them, but he quickly ignored them, putting all he had into the kiss. When he pulled back, Blaine had a goofy smile on his face.
“Alright, boyfriend, go learn something,” Kurt said as he gave Blaine a gentle nudge in the direction of the doorway behind him.
“Everything will be fine,” Blaine said, leaning in one more to give Kurt a peck on the cheek. Kurt smiled at him before pulling away from Blaine’s warmth and watching him retreat into his classroom with a comforting smile. Kurt took a deep breath, steeling himself before making his short journey to his principal’s office. When Kurt gets there, however, all the strength he’d built up on the walk melted away.
Kurt looked around the small glass office and his breathing became shallower as he looked at the ground of people occupying the space. George was sitting in a chair in front on Figgins, the later looking very confused. It was the three men sitting on the couch on the left side of the room, however, that completely unnerved Kurt. They all sat stock straight, wearing less formal attire than usual, dressed in identical charcoal slacks and a simple dress shirt. They looked normal enough, but Kurt recognized one of them from when he was younger and going through Guardian training. These were the Superiors.
Kurt could feel his heart hammering in his chest and a ringing drowned out any noise in the world. Kurt didn’t even realize it when he was asked to sit in the chair beside his Keeper. Kurt kept his eyes on his hands folded in his lap and tried to focus on what was being said.
“We must analyze Blaine Anderson. We understand that you, Kurt, did the search on him.” Kurt nodded softly, letting them know that he was listening.
“While we do not doubt what you have reported is fact, we think it would be best if one of us did more... extensive research.” Kurt froze then. They wanted to check Blaine? Although he trusted the Superiors with his own life, for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to be okay with the idea of them going through Blaine’s mind. He knew it was ridiculous, but he didn’t understand why it was needed. Kurt had already diagnosed the problem and knew that the Superiors wouldn’t be able to find any more information. He’d prefer them going through his own mind to recall the memory he’d seen rather than Blaine’s.
“What Bruce, Wayne, and I mean is that we feel that we could better decipher the on goings of that night. It’s nothing personal.” Being offended wasn’t something that had even occurred to Kurt. He simply didn’t want Blaine being thrown to the dogs. He knew they would do more than just search him. They’d run multiple tests on Blaine, not resting until they found every inch of information they could. They didn’t care about Blaine so much as their savior. They only cared about Blaine getting his powers, the rest was trivial. And although Kurt wanted Blaine’s mind to be open as well, he at least cared what happened to him in the process.
“Are you following this, George?” Figgins asked, looking as confused as Steve Rogers in 2002. “What’s this about Blaine Anderson? Is he in trouble? He’s not taking steroids, is he? I wouldn’t be surprised. Honestly, how else would he have been able to beat the state records? Maybe it’s because he’s so tiny. Like a little torpedo.” Kurt hadn’t noticed one of the Superiors, Wayne, had gotten up until he raised a hand toward Figgins.
“Quiesco,” he muttered, and Figgins’s head fell to the desk with a thud.
“What did you just do to him?” Kurt cried as Wayne lowered his hand and glanced tiredly over at Kurt.
“He was talking too much. I shut him up.” Kurt gaped at the man who in turn sat back down on the couch. One of the others stood up and walked to lean against the front of Figgins’s desk and seemed to analyze Kurt. After a moment of silence he spoke.
“We would like to act now. We will write a pass for Anderson which you will deliver. You will bring his here and we’ll take him to our more private offices to begin our work.”
“No,” Kurt said, and The Superior blinked at him.
“No. Blaine is my responsibility and I intend to keep it that way. You’re not taking him. I’ve already assessed the issues and George has reported them to you. You can do your brainstorming in your offices and once you’ve reached a foolproof plan that will help Blaine without harming him, then you may see him. If you wish to see the memory yourself, you may see it through me.” Even Kurt couldn’t believe that had come out of his mouth. He didn’t think there had ever been a time when someone had denied a Superior, but he didn’t regret his words. The man before him widened his eyes almost imperceptibly and he could almost taste George’s shock.
“Kurt Hummel,” Bruce began as he stood up and approached him. Kurt’s instincts told him to cower, but he squared his shoulders and straightened his back. “You are very courageous. We discovered as much when you were nine years old and training to be a Guardian. It was why we allowed you to protect Blaine. It is why you still do. And, it is why we will trust your judgment now.” Kurt’s surprise for himself was nothing compared to this. He felt his jaw drop and his eyes widen considerably.
“However,” Wayne began, still sounding exhausted and disinterested as he joined his fellow Superiors, “We will have to clear Blaine’s memory of the past few days.”
“No!” Kurt knew he was pushing his luck, but he couldn't just sit there and allow this to happen.
“It is dangerous for him to know, Kurt. Since he doesn’t have any abilities, he won’t be able to defend himself if something were to happen. Blaine was taken as a child, and if the men who did it are still out there, they could find him again. If word gets out that Blaine knows, they might come looking for him, thinking their previous blocking hadn’t worked and needing to take most drastic measures. It’s for the best.”
“He needs to know. He needs to know what he is and what’s happening. It could be the thing that helps jog his memory and break down the blocks. It’s all we have right now. Plus, isn’t it better for him to aware? He needs to start training himself, even if he doesn’t have any abilities yet it would be beneficial for him to be educated. And nothing will happen to him. Not while I’m still breathing.” Bruce opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again. Kurt could practically feel the fire in his own veins, warming his body with a surge of adrenaline. Blaine was his and he knew he could protect Blaine. He would do whatever it took, just as he always had. Blaine would be safe. “Shall I start tutoring him now?” Kurt asked, voice hard as he narrowed his eyes a fraction. He would get his way. He had to. A part of Kurt’s mind was scared of his own ferocity as he thought of what his next move would be if they refused Kurt. The Superiors glanced at each other, sharing a look before looking back at Kurt; George looked like he was going to swallow his own tongue.
“Very well, Mr. Hummel. You may start your tutoring. But if anything happens to him-”
“It won’t.”
“-we’ll have a room ready for you on Oust Island.” Kurt couldn’t stop the shiver that ran down his spine. Oust Island was where rejected Guardians went. It was a sort of Alcatraz for Guardians who broke the law in one way or another. With its three foot thick concrete walls and biblical tortures, some say it’s a fate worse than death.
“And I will go willingly,” Kurt said, not backing down. It wouldn’t come to that. Kurt would make sure of it.
“Then we have an agreement.” He nodded curtly. Wayne stifled a yawn as Bruce walked around Principal Figgins’s desk and opened a drawer, pulling out a pad of slips and scribbling out an excuse for the both Kurt and Blaine to leave school. He walked back around and held it out for Kurt, but the moment he reached out to take it, he pulled it back slightly. “I hope you know what you’re doing.” He said warningly, finally letting Kurt take the pass. Kurt placed his bag over his shoulder and stood up straight, a few inches shorter than Bruce but giving him a fiery stare, making him feel stronger and taller than a skyscraper.
“It was a pleasure seeing you all,” he said, glancing at each one before turning and walking out of the office. He didn’t let himself break yet. He kept his shoulders strong and his gaze hard as he threw open the door to Blaine’s classroom and marched up to the teacher, who had been lecturing about something until Kurt burst in, and handed him Blaine’s slip. The teacher glanced at Kurt for a moment, probably because he looked like he was about to set something on fire just by glancing at it, before looking down at the slip in his hand.
“Blaine, you’re going home,” he said, and Blaine, having already begun packing up his things when Kurt came in, jumped out of his seat, barely pausing to take his pass as he practically ran to Kurt, ushering him out of the room. Once they were outside, Blaine pulled Kurt aside and cupped his face in his hands, instantly putting out the fire in Kurt.
“What the hell happened in there? You look like you want to murder everything. Plus I had to stop myself from bursting in there a few times. You seemed like you were either going to suffocate of strangle someone.”
“Not here,” Kurt managed to say, already feeling a new wave of emotions hitting him. Blaine quickly took his arm and pulled him out of the school, walking him toward his car and not stopping until after he helped Kurt into the passenger seat. Blaine rushed around the car and literally jumped into his seat behind the wheel.
“Where are we going?”
“My place. There’s a lot I have to tell you. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to, but it seems like I don’t have a choice now. You need to know everything.” Kurt wasn’t really looking at anything, just staring without seeing, until Blaine took one of his hands in his. Kurt looked down at their clasped hands before over at Blaine, filling his vision and clouding with thoughts with nothing but the honey and deep forest green of Blaine’s eyes.
This chapter was amazing. I absolutely loved all of Blaine and Kurt's interactions and I liked how protective Kurt got when the superiors wanted to take Blaine. I can't wait to see what happens next and to see how Blaine handles what Kurt has to tell him.
Wow i'm speechless. It was great