Holding Out For a Hero
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Holding Out For a Hero: Chapter 15

E - Words: 1,151 - Last Updated: Apr 08, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Sep 04, 2012 - Updated: Apr 08, 2013
383 0 3 0 0

“This is ludicrous!” Kurt cried. The Superiors hadn’t wasted anytime getting him to the courthouse, deciding that teleporting there would be optimal. They were now sitting in a small room that reminded Kurt of an interrogation room. Floor to ceiling, the room was eerily white. The only thing in the room was a chair, just one chair, and Kurt was sitting in it. He looked up and squinted, trying to peer though the harsh lights and up to the judges.

This was how criminals went through their hearings. There were placed in a sterile environment, made to sit alone in their cage while dozens of rows of seats sat above him in a sort of amphitheater. Kurt could hear every word they said, the enclosure acting as a sort of dome, making every breath audible.

“If you cannot be silent on your own, Mr. Hummel, we’d be happy to find you a muzzle,” a voice spoke and Kurt all but ground his teeth. “Now, back to the matter at hand. It is no secret that Kurt Hummel has tarnished his Guardianship.”

“Agreed. I say we strip him of his duties now and be done with it.” Kurt felt like his stomach dropped to the floor.

“But then what do we do with him?” Another voice asked.

“I think we need to analyze this closer.” Kurt recognized that voice; George was there. “I’ve known Kurt for many, many years and he truly cares for Anderson. I see no reason why he would betray the Oath.” Thank you, George.

“We could go back and forth for hours over the why, Sullivan. The fact of the matter is that it has been done. I believe the punishment needs to be fitting of said crime.” Kurt tried to keep himself from speaking out again. They didn't even really care about what happened, they were just happy to be able to punish him.

“I agree,” someone new contributed. Kurt wanted to rip all their heads off.

“I vote bereavement.” Kurt blanched. He knew the Superiors had it in for him for protesting against their word, but killing him?

“Woah woah woah, I think that’s going a bit extreme,” George said, but another scoffed.

“He broke the law, Sullivan, you want him to get off scotch free?”

“I believe we should let Kurt explain things from his side, Perkins.”

“That would be counterproductive.”

“Agreed. I have a meeting to get to soon; can we speed this up?” How were they able to discuss this so candidly? As if Kurt’s life didn’t mean a damn thing.

“I personally enjoy the thought of bereavement. However, I have a counter. Oust?” There was a chorus of murmurs and Kurt felt like his blood had frozen in his veins. Please, no. I’d rather be murdered.

“Yes, yes that’s good.”

“I agree.”

“Let the Wardens deal with him!”

“Make him pay for what he’s done!” Kurt stopped listening. Everyone seemed to be shouting over each other, all putting in their two-cents of agreement and Kurt wondered if he could convince George to kill him before they’d be able to ship him off to the island.

How had things gone so wrong? Kurt had thought things were finally going together. He and Blaine were perfect. Blaine had gotten his powers. Sure, they had the Undetectables to worry about, but that wasn’t anything they couldn’t have handled.

Kurt still didn’t understand what had happened in the choir room. He had been sitting with Blaine, he knew it was Blaine. It had to have been Blaine. But it wasn’t. He knew it wasn’t, he just didn’t know how. How had it been Chet? Chet and Brittany weren’t Sealed, so he shouldn’t have any powers. Just because he shouldn’t, doesn’t mean he doesn’t. Chet had to have changed himself into Blaine. But why?

“I have come to a verdict.” Kurt closed his eyes and waiting in the ensuing silence to hear his Superior finalize his punishment. The seconds felt like decades until finally he spoke. “Life in exile.” Kurt felt like his heart stopped beating in his chest, but unfortunately it was still beating.

So that was it. Kurt would be condemned to a life of hell. “The accuser will be shipped out immediately after his strip.” Kurt could feel panic rising in him as the wall in front of him began to glow, a door materializing. A troop of men in head to toe white spandex suits marched into the room.

“No, no! Please, you can’t-” Kurt began to squirm in the chair but it was like every inch of him was chained to it, making movement impossible. “He needs me!” Kurt cried. “He needs me! He’s in trouble! You can’t-” the men stopped in a circle around him and held up their hands. The suits broke off and exposed each fingertip on their hands, and Kurt had never been more terrified in his life than when they all began to extend their hands to him in unison. “Please!” Kurt screamed, but it was frivolous. “George! George don’t let them do this! Please!” He could feel their touch all around the crown of his head. He could feel their minds stretching to him and tried to use all his force to block them out, to put up barriers to shield his mind, but it didn’t work. These men were trained to break into minds.

Kurt felt them working through his brain, stripping him of his memories of Blaine and quickly destroying any evidence of Guardianship. Kurt felt like he was being turned into mush. One moment thinking about Blaine, the next second feeling empty but not knowing why. They took everything. Everything that made Kurt who he was and left nothing but one message. It told Kurt where he was going. It said that Kurt was being punished for crimes he didn’t remember committing. It said he was to live his days in imprisonment, never to return to civilization.

Kurt’s eyes felt heavy, but he didn’t know why. He thought there were people around him, but they blended into the walls, their pure white flesh camouflaged with the entire room. He thought he saw shadows, though. Kurt opened his mouth to speak, but his tongue felt heavy in his mouth. He decided suddenly that he was quite tired.

A man came sprinting into the room then, and before they could stop him he surged forward and pulled back one of the shadows. “Kurt!” he cried, but it sounded weird, almost like Kurt was underwater. Why was this man screaming? The shadows quickly grabbed onto the man’s arms and dragged him out of the room. “No, stop! You can’t do this!”

“It’s okay, sir,” Kurt mumbled. He didn’t know why this man was so agitated, but he wanted to reassure him that everything was alright. As he was dragged down into the darkness, he muttered, “I must… repent…”

End Notes: :)


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This was really good although I feel bad for Kurt since he didn't do anything wrong. I think the superiors are corrupt and just want to be in control of Blaine. I can't wait to see what happens next and to see if Blaine was the person calling out for Kurt. Looking forward to reading the next chapter.


Oh god i 'm dying