Holding Out For a Hero
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Holding Out For a Hero: Chapter 10

E - Words: 2,095 - Last Updated: Apr 08, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Sep 04, 2012 - Updated: Apr 08, 2013
478 0 1 0 0

Kurt sprang from his spot on the couch when he heard the sharp trill of the doorbell. He ran to the front door, but someone had beaten him to it. “Blaine? What are you doing here?” Finn asked in his standard confused manner, speaking slower as if thinking and talking at the same was almost too much for his brain to process.

“Well don’t just make him stand out there all morning,” Kurt said, pushing past Finn and grabbing Blaine’s hand and pulling him inside.

“Are you guys riding to school together or something?” Finn asked, obviously wanting to get to the bottom of why Blaine was at their house at seven AM on a Friday.

“Yeah, or something.”

“Does Burt know he’s coming over?”

“Yes, Finn, Dad knows Blaine is coming over. Shouldn’t you be getting ready for school or leaving or something?” Finn’s brows creased.

“Shouldn’t you?” Kurt opened his mouth to respond, but then he remembered that Finn didn’t know anything about Blaine and his… relationship. Kurt simply stood there, trying to think of something to say, when Blaine put a hand on his shoulder.

“Yes, yes we should. Come on Kurt.” Blaine tugged on Kurt’s sleeve and Kurt finally moved. They left Finn in his stupor and walked into the kitchen where Burt was sitting at the dining table and Carole was making a fresh pot of coffee.

“Blaine’s here,” Kurt said unceremoniously and Carole, seemingly very excited, almost dropped the pot in her rush over to hug Blaine. Blaine grinned largely and hugged her back.

“It’s good to see you again, Blaine,” she gushed as she pulled away and Kurt swore he saw Blaine blushing.

“Blaine,” Burt greeted with a nod of his head.

“Good morning, Mr. Hummel.” Burt stood up and folded his newspaper before dumping his breakfast plate into the sink. He gave Carole a peck on the cheek before giving Kurt a side hug. He then gave Blaine’s hand a firm shake.

“I’m going down to the shop, but Carole has the day off.” Burt eyed the two boys and Kurt felt his cheeks warm as he remembered his dad seeing them together yesterday in the backyard. So, Carole “had the day off,” huh? She probably took a sick day so Kurt and Blaine wouldn’t be home alone all day.

“Have a good day, sweetie,” Carole said and Burt turned to smile back at her.

“Love you,” he called, then walked out of the room and out the front door.

“Well,” Carole said loudly, making her way back to the counter. “I have a busy day ahead of me. Lots of errands and shopping to do.” Carole glanced over at the boys and winked. Ah, so she was purposely leaving the house for a while. Thank god for Carole. “Do you boys need anything while I’m out?” she asked kindly, and after a refusal from both Kurt and Blaine, she left to run her errands.

Kurt lead Blaine into the living room and they sat down in front of Kurt’s open laptop. “So, I did some research yesterday and found a few sites that will, hopefully, be useful.”

“Useful for what?” Blaine asked, sounding adamant.

“Overcoming your blocks. Have you had breakfast?”

“I drank some coffee,” Blaine said, still sounding hesitant about trying any of the ideas Kurt had found.

“Well, according to this article, blueberries are brain food and will help with your memory. Also almonds, apples, leafy veggies, carrots, fish, and eggs.”


“So it’s kitchen time.” Ten minutes later Kurt had set out across the table the items in question, well, all except for the fish. Kurt stared at Blaine.

“Why are you-?”

“Eat,” Kurt commanded, and although Blaine wasn’t hungry, he obliged. He wasn’t too excited about trying out all these things Kurt had found on the internet, since anyone with a computer can put up an article and say that being stung by jellyfish while eating asparagus can cure cancer, but Kurt seemed to be hopeful and Blaine couldn’t say no to Kurt when he stared at him with those big blue unwavering eyes. So, he ate. He munched on blueberries and almonds and carrots as Kurt watched, and Blaine was wondering if Kurt thought he would automatically be able to breathe fire or fly or something.

After Kurt seemed to notice that Blaine’s memory wasn’t going to magically appear, he ran to grab his laptop and told Blaine the next item on the list to try; yoga. Kurt put on some calming music and he and Blaine began to do some stretches, but Blaine was becoming less calm as they began the Downward Facing Dog pose. Kurt and Blaine were both bent at the hip, creating an upside-down V with their body as their asses were raised toward the ceiling and their hands were on the floor before them. Blaine glanced over at Kurt and found himself watching his boyfriend, his perfect round ass in front of him and Blaine quickly decided that no, he wasn’t going to be getting any relaxing done.

Kurt was coming down from the pose, resting his knees back on the carpet of the living room when he felt a hand on his back. Kurt turned his head back and saw Blaine next to him. “Why don’t we take a break,” Blaine said, and Kurt had to take a quick breath because Blaine’s eyes were darker and his voice was low.

“Good idea,” Kurt said, and he didn’t know how it’d happened but he was now lying on the floor and Blaine was leaning over his body, coming closer and pressing his lips to his. Kurt closed his eyes and tugged Blaine’s head closer, deepening the kiss and savoring the feel of Blaine’s tongue as it darted out against his bottom lip. Kurt parted his lips and Blaine’s tongue slid inside; Kurt heard Blaine moan at the contact. Kurt let himself melt against Blaine, but only for a little while. They still had a lot to do that day, and Kurt would be damned if he let his hormones get in the way of helping Blaine. Though, Blaine didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.

Kurt eventually pulled back and Blaine looked resistant but rolled off Kurt regardless. Kurt watched Blaine for a minute before speaking softly. “Can I try something?” Kurt asked, and Blaine nodded his head instantly. Kurt placed his hands on Blaine’s had like he had when he searched Blaine’s head and Blaine continued to stare into Kurt’s eyes as Kurt began the process of stretching himself into Blaine’s mind, this time without any trouble. Kurt passed Blaine’s memories in a blur, knowing exactly how far back to go this time and quickly made it to the day Peter put up the blocks. Kurt could feel Blaine’s mind being closed off the way it had back then, and Kurt tried to figure out where the blocks were being constructed.

He felt around Blaine’s mind of a moment, but had to close his eyes because Blaine’s were still staring at him and he was losing his focus. Kurt found the area easy enough. It wasn’t like the rest of Blaine, open and bright and welcoming. This part of Blaine was fuzzy, blurred, and dark. Kurt tried to press further into the area, but it was as if a force field was in his path, immediately halting his movement. Kurt tried a few more times, but he just kept getting the same result. “Can you feel that?” Kurt opened his eyes and Blaine’s were now closed.

“Yeah. It feels kind of like this,” Blaine said and gently poked Kurt’s arm. “Except, obviously, in my head.”

“Does it hurt?” Blaine smiled.

“No, it just feels kind of weird.”

“Can I try something else?”

“Of course, Kurt. I trust you.” Kurt took a deep breath and swallowed the wave of emotion that rushed over him at Blaine’s words and closed his eyes again, attempting to approach the area again. Kurt surged forward, hard this time, but the force of the wall pushed him backward. Kurt let out a frustrated breath and tried again, every time surging forward just to be propelled back. Kurt was about to try again when his phone rang loudly, pulling him back into his own head instantly and giving him a headache. His head throbbed as he groped the coffee table for his cell phone.

“What?” he asked irritably. Kurt could feel Blaine’s eyes on him.

“Dude, where are you? We’re having a meeting.”

“Tell George I’m with Blaine; he’ll understand.”

“But it seems important.”

“Then take notes for me, Chet.”


“Goodbye, Chet,” Kurt said and hung up the phone.

“Everything okay?” Blaine asked and Kurt nodded.

“Everything’s great.” Kurt was going to suggest trying the blocks again, even though he already knew how it would turn out, but Blaine’s stomach growled, filling the silence. “Lunch time?” he asked and Blaine smiled meekly.

Kurt suggested they go out for lunch, feeling too lazy to cook anything, and made Blaine order fish, saying it could help with the blocks. Blaine agreed, but only to humor Kurt. He honestly thought all Kurt’s attempts were fruitless, but it made Kurt happy which made Blaine happy.

When they got back to Kurt’s house, Carole was back at home and Burt was back for his lunch break. Kurt and Blaine slipped up the stairs as his dad and Carole talked about the upcoming football game that night. Kurt barely registered that it was Blaine’s first time in his bedroom and felt a little nervous because he’d never had a boy in his room besides his father and Finn. Kurt awkwardly sat down on the edge of his bed as Blaine looked around at the pictures on his walls and desk, taking in the various trinkets and decorations on his shelves, and moving to the stack on books on one of the shelves, reading over the various titles before taking out one of his Guardian books. “You can take those with you, if you want,” Kurt said, and Blaine turned to look at him.


“Of course, Blaine. It’s not like I’m never going to see you again. Besides, I’ve read them cover to cover enough to have the damn things memorized. I just need the Guide back in a few days to update the journals.”

“Well, then I’ll just leave that one here,” Blaine began but Kurt waved his hand.

“Don’t worry about it, Blaine.”


“Take the books. You need them more than I do.” Blaine watched him for a minute before pulling the Guardian books out of the stack.

“Thanks,” Blaine said, and sat down next to Kurt. He thumbed through the largest one, a couple inches thick with small text. “This one looks especially fun,” Blaine said and Kurt nudged him with his shoulder. Blaine let out a soft laugh and wrapped an around his shoulders.

“Boys,” Carole called up the stairs and Kurt pushed himself off the bed to move over to the door and poke his head out. “Are you two coming with Burt and me to the game?” Kurt turned around to gauge Blaine’s reaction and Blaine nodded.

“Yeah, sounds good,” Kurt said and Carole smiled.

“We’re going to head out around six.” Kurt moved back into his room and over to Blaine who was checking his phone.

“Everything okay?” Kurt asked and Blaine nodded.

“Yeah, uh, just a message from Cooper. Apparently he’s home right now.”

“Really? Why?” Blaine shrugged softly and shook his head.

“No idea.”

“How long is he staying?”

“A few days, apparently.” Blaine was quiet after that, just staring at the screen of his phone and Kurt sat down next to him.

“Do you want to go home?” Kurt asked quietly and Blaine nodded his head after a moment.

“I probably should,” he said, finally thawing. He looked up at Kurt. “Although,” he drawled, “I don’t necessarily want to. I mean, if I go, I won’t be able to do this.” Blaine leaned forward and kissed Kurt softly. Kurt sighed happily, but pulled back shortly afterward.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just, you know, wondering why he’s here.” Kurt nodded and after a few more kisses followed Blaine down the stairs and out the front door. When they got to Blaine’s car, they kissed a little more before Blaine was sitting behind the steering wheel with Kurt leaning through the rolled down window to kiss him once more. “I’ll be back before the game. I promise.” Kurt nodded.


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This was really good. I am curious to see why Cooper is in town and what Kurt missed by not attending the guardian meeting. Looking forward to reading the next chapter.