Holding Out For a Hero
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Holding Out For a Hero: Chapter 9

E - Words: 5,045 - Last Updated: Apr 08, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Sep 04, 2012 - Updated: Apr 08, 2013
464 0 3 0 0

“Alright,” George said, clapping his hands together loudly, “it’s the first of the month. You all know what that means.” There was a chorus of groans that filled the class room. Kurt even heard someone behind him bang on the desk, but with their fist or forehead, Kurt couldn’t tell. “Oh, come on guys. You’ve done it a million times before. It’s harmless.” Kurt looked over at Santana who looked like she wanted to bite George’s head off. “Now, everyone move the tables aside, pull up a chair, and set up a nice circle.”

A few minutes later, all the tables in the room were shoved against the side walls and everyone was sitting in a chair in the middle of the class, George sitting at the head in front of the white board. “Is there anyone who’d like to go first, or shall we go down the line?” Kurt looked around the small circle and saw everyone else doing the same, no one wanting to be the first to speak up. He even saw Chet descending into his chair as if it could swallow him whole. “Down the line it is!” George swiveled in his chair to the left and smiled at Thomas, who in turn let out an over exaggerated sigh.

“Alright, alright, I’ll talk.” Thomas leaned forward so his elbows were on his thighs and kept his eyes trained on his clasped hand as he spoke. “Um, not too much to report, to be honest. Sam’s been keeping himself safe, so that’s good. No near deaths to account for.” It was quiet for a moment, the silence dragging out as Tom began wringing his hands.

“What about the two of you? Any progress there?” George asked gently and Tom shrugged his shoulder.

“I guess a little. He’s accustomed to me being around, at least. I mean, we’re best friends, but I think that’s part of the problem.”

“Why is that?”

“Because, how is he supposed to see me as his Companion when all we do is play video games or watch movies so he can perfect another impression? How am I supposed to be this-this person to him when he’s not even gay? I know that’s just how it is. I know I have to wait for him to have this big revelation or whatever, but it is so damn hard having to watch him hit on every girl in school and just wait. Like, what if he never has feelings for me. Don’t even try telling me that ain’t possible. 1903, Ned Hochstetler. He had a Companion named Julie Kipp, who married her high school sweetheart, Steve Tansen. Ned died at the age of 58 while Julie and Steve lived well into their nineties. They died married and had six kids together. Ned died alone.” Tom was looking around the room, gauging the reactions of everyone in the room. Kurt knew why everyone hated the 1st of each month, because sharing stuff always seemed so inane. But it was times like this, when Tom let everyone see a glimpse of himself, when he didn’t keep up his sarcastic barrier, that Kurt relished it. It was a time when he actually got to know his fellow Guardians. Tom glanced over at George once more before turning his attention back to his hands. “I just don’t want to be a Hochstetler.”

“You’re not going to be a Hochstetler,” George began, but Santana cut him off.

“Seriously. I think I speak for everyone here when I say Sam is definitely playing for the other team, me and lady lips over here would know.” Santana gestured to Kurt before crossing her arms over her chest and sinking into her chair. Kurt closed his eyes for a moment, letting her comment slide due to their often recurrence before turning to Tom.

“You never know, Tom; Sam might surprise you. I mean, you guys became fast friends, and really close ones at that. Maybe your future isn’t as far off as you think.”

“Yeah,” he mumbled, “maybe.” George took a deep breath.

“Anything else you’d like to share?” Tom shook his head. “Alright, then. Tina, you’re up.”

“Um, things have been going well,” Tina said, awkwardly trying not to look at Tom who was still skulking in his chair. “Mike’s learned a lot so far and getting a handle on his abilities.”

“What does he have?” Chet asked, perking up in his seat at something a less depressing.

“Can he make a dozen eggrolls in under a minute?” Santana asked, causing everyone to gape at her. Tina looked like she was barely refraining from launching herself at the girl.

“He has Physical Duplication,” Tina said through clenched teeth. “So far he’s been able to conjure up to five clones, but he hasn’t been able to keep control on them for over a minute.”

“I can think of a lot of things boy-Chang can do with six of himself in under a minute.”

“Okay,” George said loudly. “Tina, anything else you’d like to add?”

“Mike and I are pretty sure he has a second ability, but we don’t know what that is yet.”

“Well, we look forward to hearing about it in the future. Next up, Kurt.” Kurt looked over at Thomas once more before speaking.

“Things have been…good. Since our last little ‘Share Time’ Blaine has almost died-”

“How?” Kurt swallowed thickly, the image of Blaine being splattered like a water balloon thrown at a wall flashing through his brain.

“Hit by a bus,” he said quickly, wanting to glass over that part of his news and onto the more positive sides, though dulling it as to not seem like he’s rubbing it in Tom’s face. “Since then our relationship has gotten progressively stronger.”

“Oh my god, you Sealed!” Santana cried. Kurt could feel the flush heating up his cheeks and tried to calm himself but suddenly everyone was talking at once and he could hear questions about Blaine and their relationship and what powers he had and why hadn’t he told them sooner and what was it like and Kurt felt like he was going to snap.

ENOUGH.” George’s voice rang though the room and Kurt touched his forehead, hoping it would stop the rattling if his brain. “There are details about Kurt’s Sealing that cannot be shared at this time. However, it is crucial that none of you speak about it outside of this room, is that clear? No one can know it has happened. You four will be informed when it is needed, but until then, anyone who is found spreading word will have the Superiors to answer to.” It was quiet for a long time and Kurt could feel the rest of the Guardians looking at him, undoubtedly wondering what had happened that was so secretive. Kurt cleared his throat loudly.

“Santana, you’re turn,” he said rushed and a little breathlessly. Santana rolled her eyes slightly but spoke regardless.

“I gots nothing to talk about. Cripples is still in his chair and I have no clue why he’s still a Paladin. Like obviously he needs a Guardian but how is supposed to save anyone when he can’t even take two steps?”

“I take it you two still aren’t together,” Tina murmured.

“It’s a love-hate relationship.”

“Is that why you’re always hanging out with Brittany? She’s my Companion, not yours,” Chet said, not too kindly. Santana narrowed her eyes at him.

“Face it, she likes me a hell of a lot more than she likes you.”

“Is that why she slept with you last night? Oh wait, that was me.” Santana opened her mouth to snap at him, but Chet cut her off. “You may have her thinking she likes you and you like her, but in reality, she’s my soulmate. So back off.”

Guys. Can we please get through one person sharing without there being a blood bath?” George asked, seeming to age ten years in five seconds. “Santana, is there anything else you’d like to say? About your Paladin,” he specified and Santana rolled her eyes.

“I’ll do my job and protect him or whatever, but that all is it. A job.” George sighed.

“Last up, Chet. What do you have for us?”

“Nothing really new has happened. Brittany and I haven’t Sealed yet, but I think we’re getting there.”

“Good. Great. Anything else you’d like to share?” Chet shook his head. “Great. Maybe next time we share you’ll all be more respectful of each other and stop being idiots for ten minutes or however long it takes you all to give a little update on your lives.” The group looked around at each other like they had at the beginning of the meeting, this time with slightly more malice. “Everyone get out. We’ll meet up against sometime next week.”

Everyone got up slowly and put the tables back where they’d been before exiting the room silently. “Kurt!” a voice called once he was in the hallway and Kurt turned around to see Thomas walking toward him. “Are you going to the swim meet?” Kurt smiled at him.

“C’mon. It’s starting soon.” Tom smiled at him and stepped in line with Kurt, making small talk as they made their way to the pool. When they reached the room, they could hear people talking and saw that the stands were nearly filled to capacity. They quickly found a space in the second row and sat down, watching as their Companions stretched and got ready with the rest of their team.

“We should all hang out sometime,” Tom said and Kurt nodded. Why hadn’t they before? Both their Paladin were friends and on the swim team. Why hadn’t they at least sat together during past meets? Kurt bit his lip and Blaine caught his eye across the room. Blaine’s face broke out into an explosion of a grin and Kurt couldn’t help but think about how adorable Blaine was, even though the Speedo he wore elicited other adjectives. Blaine finished putting on his swim cap before glancing at the clock on the wall above the stands and jogging over to where Kurt was. He slowed down after Coach Roz yelled at him not to run, but as soon as she looked away he continued at a brisk pace.

“Hello, beautiful,” he said when he reached the stands. Kurt and Thomas were sitting on the inner edge of the stands so Blaine walked up the step and stood against the short railing next to Kurt. Kurt smiled up at him and Blaine leaned down to press a chaste kiss to his lips. “Are you going to be my good luck charm?”

“Like you need one,” Kurt said, but Blaine raised his brows and gave him this look. Kurt rolled his eyes. “Yes, baby, I’ll be your good luck charm.” Blaine smiled again.

“Good.” Blaine looked next to Kurt and, seeming to see Tom for the first time, smiled anew. “Hey! Thomas, right?”

“Tom,” he corrected, “sup, Blaine?”

“A little nervous,” Blaine admitted, shaking out his hands at his sides.

“You’ll be great, don’t worry,” Tom said, but his eyes were watching something, or someone, in the distance. “Hey, I’ll be right back, okay?” Tom said and Kurt nodded, knowing he was probably going to go with Sam luck with the meet. As he passed Blaine he clapped him on the shoulder. Blaine watched him walk off the stand before turning back to Kurt and sitting down when Tom had been.

“I didn’t know you guys were friends,” Blaine said, confusion eminent in his voice. Kurt watched Tom walk over to Sam and observed them as they interacted. He was definitely rooting for them. Kurt felt Blaine wrap an arm around his waist before Blaine’s breath was warm on his neck. “Is he a…” Blaine trailed off and Kurt nodded, know what he was thinking. “And Sam?” Kurt tore his eyes away from the men and looked at Blaine sadly. Blaine smiled back at him half-heartedly. “Is there anything we can do to help?” The thought was tempting, but-

“It’s best if they work it out on their own,” Kurt said dejectedly. Blaine nodded.

“I figured as much.” Kurt began to look back over at them, but Blaine cupped Kurt’s cheek with his free hand and kept him looking at Blaine. “Hey, they’ll be okay.” Kurt nodded.

“I know. I just can’t imagine what Tom’s going through. Sam isn’t- and they aren’t- and I just-”

Kuurt.” Blaine slipped his hand from Kurt’s waist and cupped his other cheek. He closed the distance between them and kissed him softly. Kurt let himself be kissed and soon melted against Blaine’s lips, forgetting all about Sam and Tom and wow where were they again?

Blaine pulled back after an unknown amount of time and gazed at Kurt, that ever present smile dancing across his face. A voice rang through the room telling everyone to take their seats for the meet. Before Blaine could move Kurt leaned in and gave him one last kiss. “Good luck,” he whispered against Blaine’s lips.

“I love you,” he said back, then jumped up and raced down to where the rest of the Titans were, earning him another scolding from Coach Roz. Kurt covered his laugh with his hand but immediately froze when he was a couple of the boys on the team staring at him. It was the same three from the locker room and wouldn’t stop watching him. Kurt tried to swallow past the lump in his throat, but under their threatening gaze Kurt felt like he was going to throw up. A figure passed in front of him, Tom, causing Kurt to blink and breaking his eye contact. When Tom passed and took his seat, the boys were no longer watching him; they seemed to be listening to their coach. Kurt let out a shaky breath and jumped when he felt something touch his leg.

“You okay, Hummel? You look like a chick in a slasher movie.” Kurt clutched his chest and breathed heavily.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” Thomas didn’t seem too convinced, but he didn’t press Kurt for answers and Kurt was thankful. The rest of the meet wen without a hitch and ended with the Titans pulling an overall win over the Lima Heights Chipmunks.

Kurt and Thomas waited out in front of the school for Blaine and Sam, deciding that they should all go grab a bite to eat. When the boys finally emerged, they hopped into Tom’s Jeep and made their way over to Breadsticks. They sat together in a close knit booth, Kurt next to Blaine and Tom next to Sam, and Kurt blushed as the same waitress from his and Blaine’s first date came and took their orders. Blaine took Kurt’s hand under the table and Kurt leaned into Blaine they all talked about the meet.

An hour later they were all stuffed and happy, Blaine feeding Kurt the last spoonful of cheesecake before the bill arrived. When they collectively decided they would be able to hobble out of the restaurant, the four boys got up and filed toward the door, Blaine wrapping an arm around Kurt’s waist and placing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Well, that’s disgusting,” a guy at the table they were passing muttered, but it didn’t go unheard by his group or theirs. Sam whirled around, making a move to charge at the man, but Tom grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out of the restaurant against his will. Once they were safely outside, Sam ripped his arm out of Tom’s grasp.

“What the hell, Tom?”

“It’s not worth it,” Tom argued, but Sam wasn’t letting it go.

“Like hell it isn’t! You heard that asshole! You’re just going to let him talk about them like that?” It was weird having Sam get so defensive over Blaine and his relationship. At first he thought that maybe that was just how Sam was, but then again, maybe it was something else. Something more.

“It doesn’t matter!” Sam had a wild look in his eyes and seemed like he was going to go off on Tom for saying that, but Tom didn’t let him get a word in. “People like that don’t matter. They’re small minded and ignorant and can’t even fathom the complexities of love. They’re not worth it, Sam.” Sam stared at Tom for a minute before shaking his head and walking off. Blaine made a move to go after him, but Kurt held him back; Tom went running after him immediately and soon enough they were out of view, into the darkness of the Breadsticks parking lot, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone in front of the restaurant.

“Looks like we’re going to be here for a while,” Blaine said. He took Kurt’s hand and pulled him over to the small wooden bench on the side. Kurt sat down beside him and Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt’s shoulders as Kurt took Blaine’s other hand in his.

“You were great today,” Kurt said and Blaine kissed his temple.

“I have you to thank for that.” Kurt rolled his eyes and leaned into Blaine’s side, resting his head on his shoulder. Blaine leaned his head against Kurt’s, his nose in Kurt’s hair. “Thank you,” Blaine said seriously. Kurt tilted his head up and Blaine kissed him softly. Kurt hummed against Blaine’s lips and Blaine nipped at his bottom lip. Kurt opened his mouth and reveled at the feel of Blaine’s tongue against his. Kurt began to turn on the bench and Blaine grabbed his legs, pulling them onto his lap and wrapping his arms around Kurt’s middle. Kurt threaded his fingers into Blaine’s hair and kissed him harder, loving the taste of Blaine.

Kurt faintly heard Blaine moan, the noise coming from deep in his throat and going straight to Kurt’s growing erection. It was kind of embarrassing, getting that hard that fast, but Blaine’s lips and tongue quickly made him forget everything but taste and touch. Blaine pulled Kurt closer and Kurt twisted his body until he was sitting in Blaine’s lap, but not before he felt Blaine’s own hard on against his ass. Kurt tried to stifle his groan at the sudden sensation, but it tore through his chest and seemed to fuel Blaine’s hunger. Blaine’s lips abandoned his and Kurt began to whine in protest until he felt them trailing open wet kisses down his jaw and working at the space just behind his ear. He dipped his head lower and began to work on Kurt’s neck, nipping and sucking at the skin as Kurt tugged on Blaine’s hair. “Love you so much,” Blaine said between kisses and Kurt barely found his voice long enough to tell him to stop talking. Blaine pulled back and looked at Kurt in the eye. “Kurt,” Blaine whined.

“Yes, Blaine, I love you too. I love you more than anything. But your tongue is a close second so can we please get back to making out?” Blaine’s eyes got darker and Kurt felt heat pool low in his stomach. Blaine crashed his lips against Kurt’s and god why didn’t they do this all the time? Blaine seemed to be having a hard time keeping his lips on Kurt’s, moving them to Kurt’s neck again and causing Kurt to moan softly as he licked over Kurt’s Adam’s apple. Kurt threw his head back, screwing his eyes shut as Blaine’s hands fell to his upper thighs, squeezing and rubbing and Kurt vaguely registered his own hips stuttering forward, needing friction on his cock that was aching more and more with each passing second.

Kurt tried to get a hold on his thoughts, remembering where they were and that this probably wasn’t the best place, but every time he remembered long enough to say something, Blaine’s tongue would dart out of he’d feel Blaine’s teeth and forget again only to have the process repeated. Kurt eventually gave up and pulled Blaine closer to him, wanting to envelope himself in everything Blaine. That was when Kurt began to see it.

It started off pretty much as things were now, Kurt sitting on Blaine with Blaine’s lips attached to his own, but then the restaurant door opened. It was the man from the table inside and the rest of his group. One of the people looked over and saw them, pointing them out to the rest of their group. One of the guys yelled over to Kurt and Blaine, who immediately jumped apart, mumbling a string of apologies, an embarrassed flush creeping onto both of their cheeks. They really should’ve been somewhere more private. Then one of them, more than a little intoxicated, said he didn’t care if the two boys kissed in public or not. Blaine smiled, but the man wasn’t finished. He continued to say he didn’t care, as long as he and Kurt knew that they would get what was coming to them because of it.

Kurt could feel the bile rising in his chest as he watched the encounter, seeing himself in a vision for the first time. He knew where this was going, and he could his vision self knew too. He grabbed Blaine’s hand and tried to pull him away, but the group was growing closer, looming before them and, after pushing them back away from the door of the restaurant, began to form a circle around them. Kurt’s instincts kicked in and he tried to shield Blaine as best as possible, but it wasn’t long before he and Blaine were both on the gravel. Blaine’s boxing training didn’t hold up very well against a group of men in their mid-twenties, and Kurt was proven useless from the start when he was punched across the face. The two of them were kicked repeatedly and Kurt winced and choked down the pile as he watched himself and Blaine get beaten to near death. Vision Kurt still tried to block Blaine, receiving twice as many blows as Blaine until both were cut and bloody to the point of unrecognition. The group dispersed as they heard a noise not too far off, one staying long enough to spit on them before running to catch up to his friends. Kurt could hear each labored breath he and Blaine took and felt the tears streaming down his face as he watched Blaine attempt to reach out to him. He found Vision Kurt’s hand and pulled himself to him. Kurt heard him inhale sharply, his breathing shallow. “Kurt,” he managed, his voice muffled and gargled. “Kurt,” he called again, but Vision Kurt didn’t seem to be breathing. “Help!” Blaine tried to call out, but his voice was barely louder than a whisper. “H-help.”

Of all the vision Kurt had ever had, this one was the worst. It wasn’t because he himself was there. It was the fact that he had used every bit of his strength to protect Blaine, but it didn’t help. He failed as a Guardian. And there was Blaine, looking at Vision Kurt, trying desperately to find the energy to move to get them both help. Kurt choked out a sob as Blaine realized that no, there was no help. No one was coming. Blaine collapsed, falling onto Vision Kurt’s chest and attempting to kiss whatever part of him was there. “I love you. Always. Kurt-” he paused, his breathing becoming more of a struggle. He tried to keep his eyes open, but they slid shut under their own accord. Soon, Blaine lay there limp on top of him. Kurt was thankful that it was finally over, but just as the vision began to fade, Kurt swore he saw Tom walking over to him.

“Kurt?” he asked, just before the vision ended.

Kurt blinked and he was back to reality, Blaine clutching at his shoulders and trying to calm him down. God he looked so worried, so scared. Kurt blinked a few more times and subconsciously wiped at the tears still falling from his eyes as he got up off of Blaine’s lap. Blaine’s very real, very alive lap, re reminded himself. But only if they got out of there. Now. Blaine began to tug on his hand, trying to pull him back, but Kurt looked at him and his expression must have been dire because Blaine immediately let him go. “Let’s go home,” Kurt said, pulling Blaine up off the bench. He glanced back at the door, seeing the group of people getting up from their booth through the glass window. Blaine looked too and, figuring it had something to do with the people in the restaurant, took Kurt’s hand and began to pull him into the parking lot.

Kurt began to take out his phone to call Tom when he heard his own name being called. Kurt looked up and saw Tom and Sam, back in Tom’s car, pulling up in front of them. “Get in. Now,” Tom said, and by the look on his face, he’d had a vision too. Kurt didn’t think about it too long, opening the back door and ushering Blaine inside before jumping in after him.

Once Tom peeled out of the lot, Kurt looked over at Blaine and let out a sigh of relief. Blaine looked over at him, obviously wanting to know what had happened, but Kurt just shook his head. When they reached the school parking lot to retrieve their separate cars, Kurt thanked Tom for showing up and Tom nodded like a bobble head. Kurt assumed he’d seen Kurt and Blaine in his vision, most likely starting where Kurt’s had ended. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” Tom asked and Kurt nodded. Blaine came around the car and joined them on the driver’s side of Tom’s car. “It was cool to see you again, Blaine.”

“You too. We should do this again sometime. You know without the whole…” Blaine trailed off, not sure yet what he was referring to, but Tom and Kurt knew perfectly well, and that was enough for all of them.

“Couldn’t agree more.”

“See you later, Sam,” Kurt called over Tom and Sam called back a goodbye. Blaine took Kurt’s hand and they walked in silence over to their cars, both parked beside each other.

“Are you going to tell me what you saw?” Blaine asked when they reached their cars and Kurt turned so he could look at Blaine’s face. Blaine’s untouched, perfectly molded face. No bruises, no blood, nothing broken. Kurt reached up and touched his face as if to prove to himself further that Blaine was okay.

“It wasn’t pretty, I’ll tell you that.”

“It was that guy, wasn’t it? The one from the restaurant?”

“And the rest of his posse.”

“Kurt, whatever it was, I can take it,” Blaine said, resting his forehead on Kurt’s.

“I don’t know if I can,” Kurt whispered. He looked up at Blaine. “Why do you want to know so badly?”

“Because I love you. And whatever you saw was horrifying and terrible and I want to share the pain with you. I want to help dull the hurt. You were a wreck back there and it had to have been a vision because I know you were enjoying yourself.” Kurt began to blush again and Blaine leaned in to give him a peck on the lips, but pulled away before Kurt could react. Kurt sighed.

“It wasn’t just you this time. They went after both of us… because of what we were doing out there.” Blaine pulled Kurt against his chest tightly and rubbed his back. Kurt buried his face in Blaine’s neck, inhaling his scent and fisting Blaine’s shirt. “I have never seen so much hate. And you- I couldn’t- Blaine I couldn’t save you-”

“Shh, everything’s okay. I’m safe; you’re safe.”

“Blaine, you don’t get it. It’s my job to protect you, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.”

“But you did. Kurt, look at me. I’m fine. I’m perfectly okay and that all because of you. Kurt, I am so sorry that you had to see that. I am so, so sorry. But we’re fine. You got us out of there. We’re standing here right now because of you. How can you say you didn’t protect me when you did, Kurt?”

“But you didn’t see-”

“And you’re not seeing this.” Blaine grabbed Kurt’s shoulders and pulled him back so he could look at his face. “Kurt, you are amazing. You’ve saved my life, again. You’re vision, and I’m so sorry you had one, but it was a vision- just a vision. It wasn’t real, Kurt. It was a possible outcome, but you didn’t let it happen. You can’t keep focusing on what could have happened. You’re going to destroy that beautiful head of yours.” Blaine kissed Kurt’s head. Kurt closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Blaine’s shoulders, pulling him in and holding him tightly. They stood there between there cars, just holding onto each other, for a long while until they finally pulled away, silently agreeing they should get home.

“I’m going to follow you home, okay?” Blaine looked at Kurt for a moment before nodding his head. They got into their own cars and Kurt drove behind Blaine until Blaine pulled into his driveway. Blaine got out of his car and jogged over to Kurt’s before he had time to get out of the car. Blaine smiled at him and opened his door, but instead of letting Kurt step out Blaine leaned in and kissed him softly. Kurt sank back into his seat and kissed Blaine back. “Goodnight, Blaine. I love you,” Kurt said when he pulled back.

“I love you too. Call me when you get home, okay?” Kurt said he would and after a few more kisses Blaine closed Kurt’s door and watched him drive off. A few minutes later Kurt was pulling up in front of his own house and walking through the front door. He said a quick goodnight to his father who was waiting for him in the living room half asleep before going up to his room and calling Blaine, content to perform his moisturizing routine with him on speaker phone until they both fall asleep together.


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i cried omg i dont want to image that moment in my head ever again but greaatt chapter though.


This chapter was really good. It was nice to learn a little more about Sam and Thomas and to see how their guardian and paladin relationship was going. It was also nice to see Blaine and Kurt spending more time together and to see Blaine reassure Kurt that he saved him and shouldn't worry about the vision after he prevented it. I look forward to seeing what happens next.