April 8, 2013, 1:23 p.m.
April 8, 2013, 1:23 p.m.
Kurt began to feel the familiar tug at the front of his brain. He knew what was coming. His vision began to blur then and he blindly sidestepped the bustling students around him until he felt the rough brick wall against his hand and ducked his head as he rested his back against the stone surface. It was happening again. The visions.
The world around him looked exactly as he’d just seen it, except there were different people milling about. It must be soon, Kurt thought absently as he waited for his mind to play out the scenario. It was always like this. It always started out seemingly normal.
Kurt looked around for notable events. He saw a group of girls standing a few feet from the bottom of the stairs, one of them laughing loudly at something another had said. Next, he saw a boy walking across the campus, only to curse loudly as he stepped in a fresh wad of gum. Kurt looked for the familiar head of curly brown hair, but to no avail. Where are you? He then heard a high pitched scream that made his head whip to the road that passed in front of the school. He watched as a boy stood in the middle of the street, frozen with fear, and a bus drove right at him. Blaine.
Kurt tried not to look at the boy. He’d been having visions long enough to know that they didn’t end well. He also knew that they always involved one person- Blaine Anderson. He was a junior, same year as Kurt, and had the kindest eyes he’d had ever seen. He knew what the boy's fate would be and knew he couldn't bear to watch. Instead, he focused on the bus driver.
Behind the wheel of the yellow McKinley High School bus, was Mr. Green. Mr. Green had worked at McKinley for fifteen years now and had always been the type of man who loved his job more than anything. That is, until two years ago when he found out his wife was having an affair. Even worse was that the other guy had been his brother. Since then, Mr. Green hated everything and everybody. But that didn't mean that he would just run over a child on purpose.
Kurt slowed down the vision so everyone around him moved in slow motion. He walked over to the curb and squinted through the glare on the windshield to see the whole bus in chaos. Some students were throwing paper airplanes and shooting off spit balls. Others were seat hopping and tripping those who stood up in the aisle. One boy in particular was sent flying toward the front of the bus and narrowly missed the front windshield. He landed on the ground hard at Mr. Green’s feet, causing the man to take his eyes off the road. He was glancing back and forth from the street and the boy on the ground, checking to see if he was conscious. That’s when it happened.
Kurt quickly closed his eyes, but he knew all too well that the vision wouldn't stop until the victim was absolutely dead. So he let it run back at its original speed, and even though he'd heard it so many times before in various scenarios, he still choked on his breath and flinched when he heard the impending crunch and splat that meant the end of those kind eyes. Kurt wanted to vomit.
A moment later Kurt found himself back by the brick wall, hand extended to steady himself and breathing ragged. He looked around, seeing how much time he had. He heard the laugh as he pushed off the wall, and saw the guy step in gum. He knew he had about thirty seconds. Protect him, a stern voice repeated in Kurt’s head. He recognized it as the Guardians Keeper. The talk he’d had with Kurt a couple years ago replayed itself as Kurt moved.
Kurt looked over at the curb, still about twenty yards away, and saw Blaine walking with another guy. He said goodbye to the boy and stepped off the curb, walking away but he was called back. Blaine stood there in the street, still talking to the boy, and Kurt knew he had to move fast.
He took off into a run and felt his stomach churn when he saw the impending bus picking up speed and heading straight for Blaine. He heard the cry and saw Blaine's eyes widen with fear as he realized what was happening. God why could Kurt run any faster? You must protect Blaine Anderson. You are his Guardian.
He broke out into a sprint worthy of an Olympic gold medal and prayed to anything or anyone listening that he would make it in time. He was almost to Blaine, but so was he bus. It is your destiny. He is your destiny.
Kurt didn't make any means of slowing down as his back foot leapt off the curb and his body collided with Blaine's. Kurt screwed his eyes shut as he heard more distant cries and his breath caught in his throat.
Then everything was still.
A few moments later, he opened his eyes.
He was lying on the grass on the other side of the road, unceremoniously flopped over an unresponsive Blaine. Kurt took a deep breath and looked behind him where the bus kept driving, unaware of the horrors it scarcely escaped.
Kurt let is head fall and caught his breath for a moment before regarding the body beneath him. Blaine was staring up, eyes wide and distant. "Are you okay?" Kurt asked, seeming to break the boy's reverie. Blaine looked at him, eyes misting as the reality of the situation set in. He had almost died.
Blaine stared for a second, jaw dropped and tears swelling as he choked back a sob. Kurt made to get off of him, but the second he tried to move, Blaine's arms were wrapped tightly around his body. Kurt blinked. He didn't move away from the touch, but he didn't move into it either. He just hovered over Blaine awkwardly holding himself up on his hands.
After a minute, Kurt delicately pulled the boy's arms off of him and rocked back so he was sitting on the balls of his feet. Blaine sat up slowly and stared at Kurt. "You...you saved my life," Blaine said, his voice thick with gratitude and slight wonder. “Again.” Kurt smiled softly at him and shrugged.
"It's what I do." All too often. Why did it have to be Blaine? Sweet, handsome, innocent Blaine. The boy just continued to stare at him.
"H-How can I ever repay you?"
"Stop being a damsel in distress?" Kurt suggested and he swore Blaine almost smiled. Kurt shook his head. "Honestly, Blaine, you are the most death prone person on the planet,” he joked. Keep him safe, Kurt. He is our world’s only hope. You were born to protect him. He needs you, just as you need him.
"Maybe the universe is trying to send a message," Blaine said gravely but Kurt waved him off.
"Maybe you need to look before stepping into oncoming traffic," Kurt retorted and this time Blaine really did smile.
"Seriously though, this is the third time you’ve saved me.” It was actually the seventh, but Blaine wasn’t completely aware every time of the dangers around him. “The first time you just shrugged it off, but I'm not taking now for an answer. Let me buy you dinner or something."
"Blaine, you don't have-"
"I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure you’re the sole reason I'm not a puddle in the street right now. And I'll be damned if you don't let me start repaying you with dinner." Kurt opened his mouth again to decline, but Blaine cut him off. "No, Kurt. Dammit, let me take you out. Please?" Kurt was taken aback by his aggressive tone, but quickly composed himself.
"You asking me out on a date, Anderson?" Blaine blinked, apparently not noticing that he'd unintentionally asked Kurt out.
"That depends. How great are my chances of you saying yes?” He is yours, and you are his. You were made for each other.
"I'd say they're pretty high."
"Then yes, I'm asking you out on a date. Tomorrow night? Breadsticks?" Kurt smiled at the other boy.
"If you live that long." Blaine's brows rose.
"Good point. Why don't we go now?" Kurt felt a blush rise to his cheeks as Blaine climbed to his feet and held out his hands to help Kurt up. The crowd that had assembled around them in panic parted for them and watched in shock and confusion when the two boys simply walked away from the scene hand in hand.
You knew this would be my kryptonite! I seriously need this story in my life.
...actually I didn't know that. I thought Aretha was your kryptonite? Anyway, sorry to disappoint you, but as you said, I really need to update my other shit before continuing this :/ SORRY JANAYE
wow it's better than i expected. good job!! i love it