Follow My Lead
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Follow My Lead: Chapter 9

E - Words: 1,134 - Last Updated: May 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Mar 01, 2012 - Updated: May 17, 2012
751 0 2 0 0

Saturday night.

10:24 pm. Incoming call: Kurt

Finn: Hey, Kurt! How’s the party going?

Kurt: Fa-fantastic.

Finn: Dude, are you Okay?

Kurt: No. Can you come get me?

Finn: What happened?

Kurt: Nothing. Can you please come pick me up?

Finn: I thought Blaine was bringing you home.

Kurt: That was the idea, but I can’t… I don’t want him… Finn, please.

Finn: Did he do something to you?

Kurt: Finn, can we not talk about this right now? Just come fetch me, please? Please, Finn?

Finn: Yeah, of course. Just text me the address.

Kurt: Thank you… And Finn?

Finn: Yeah?

Kurt: Please don’t tell my dad.

Finn: … I’ll try, but you’ve seen how bad I am at lying.

Kurt: Just try not to come face to face with him.

Finn: Dude, you’re seriously worrying me.

Kurt: I’m fine. I’ll see you soon.


* * *


Drunken laughter echoes down the driveway of a large house. The beat of a subwoofer can be heard, it’s rhythm indicating that whichever song is playing is fast – probably a good dance number, perfect for roaming hands and impaired judgements. A soft wind rustles the leaves of a giant oak, it’s cold and sends shivers up Kurt’s spine. He curses softly and wraps his arms tighter around himself. He didn’t expect to be spending much time outside when he dressed for the party earlier.

Mercedes: No, you cannot wear that, Kurt.

Kurt: Why not?

Mercedes: It’s ridiculously long and you’re going to get hot inside the house. Do you want to have to leave it unattended at any point in time?

Kurt: No… But it goes so well with these pants.

Mercedes: Kurt, those are skinny jeans. Anything goes well with them.

Kurt: God, I have never been so nervous.

Mercedes: Well, it is your first house party and you are going with a very attractive guy.

Kurt: Not helping.

Mercedes: I mean, this could be the only party you’re invited to all year, other than glee events, so you could look at it as you coming out party.

Kurt: Of the closet?

Mercedes: Into society.

Kurt: Good, because I did not put my dad through a lot of trauma if I only pretend came out of the closet.

Mercedes: This is your chance to show people other than the glee kids that you are cool.

Kurt: It’s not my fault that we go to a school filled with Neanderthals who can’t tell I’m fabulous.

Mercedes: And then, slowly, you could introduce me to these new found awesome people and maybe you won’t be the only one with a boy toy.

Kurt: I really hate that term.

Mercedes: Yes, Kurt. This is it. This is your chance to pull us out of our statuses as the social pariahs of McKinley.

Kurt: And people call me dramatic. Okay, how about this?

It had taken him four more outfits before he was satisfied he got the correct balance of casual-chic. But now, he was deeply regretting his decision to listen to Mercedes and not bring a sweater.

There’s a loud snap behind him that sounds like a screen door closing. He desperately wishes that it is not Blaine coming to look for him. He can’t face him, not right now, not with what had just happened.

Blaine: Kurt? Is that you?

Kurt: *softly* Fuck.

Blaine: Hey, Kurt, are you Okay? Why are you out here?

Kurt: My brother’s coming to pick me up.

Blaine: Your brother? I thought I was taking you home?

Kurt: I’m sorry, I just need to go home.

Blaine: Kurt, what happened? Did I do something?

Kurt: *hesitates* No, no. It wasn’t you. You’ve been admirable, but…

Blaine: Then can’t you tell me what happened?

Kurt: No, I’m sorry, Blaine. I can’t talk about this with you just yet.

Blaine: But, Kurt, I thought we could talk about things.

Kurt: Blaine, let’s just get real for a moment. I’ve known you for almost a week. Yes, it’s been amazing and weirdly intense, but it’s still only a week. So please, please don’t push this.

Blaine: I’m just trying to help.

Kurt: I know.

Finn choses the perfect moment to show up. He hops out of the car, followed by closely by Puck.

Finn: I told you to take care of him!

Puck: Is this the guy?

Finn: Yeah.

Kurt: What are you doing?

Puck: Breaking kneecaps.

Blaine: What?

Kurt: What?

Finn: I warned him.

Kurt: Finn, Blaine didn’t do anything.

Finn: But you’re really upset.

Kurt: Yes, but it’s not Blaine’s fault.

Finn: Then whose fault is it?

Kurt: Can we not talk about this here? Puck, stop advancing on Blaine.

Puck: Just making sure he doesn’t get any ideas.

Blaine: What kind of ideas? Suicidal ones? You’re twice my size!

Puck: And don’t you forget.

Kurt: *grabs Pucks sweater* Come on, you idiot. Finn, let’s go.

Blaine: Kurt-!

Kurt: I’ll see you on Monday, Okay?

*doors slam, Finn pulls away*

Kurt: What the hell was that?

Finn: What?

Kurt: You brought Puckerman? What were you going to do? Beat him senseless?

Puck: If he’s the one that upset you, then yes.

Kurt: *shocked silence* … That’s really not necessary.

Finn: Kurt, you’re my brother. I’m supposed to protect you.

Puck: Except he doesn’t have the badass-ness that I do that’s needed to take a man down.

Kurt: How admirable. (sarcasm alert)

Puck: No problem.


* * *


For the second time in only several minutes, the snap of a screen door echoes in the dark.

Party random: Oh, hey Blaine.

Blaine: Yeah?

Party random A: What are you doing out here?

Blaine: Staring dejectedly into the distance. How about you?

Party random A: I’m looking for that delicious Kurt Hummel.

Blaine: Well, he’s not here anymore. His brother had to come fetch him early.

Party random A: Aw, that’s too bad. I was hoping we could pick up where we left off.

Blaine: What did you say?

Party random A: Well, I don’t like to kiss and tell, but Kurt and I had a real… connection.

Blaine: You and Kurt kissed?

Party random A: What can I say? It was lust at first sight.

Blaine: Excuse me, I need to go inside.

Party random A: What’s the matter, Blaine? Can’t stand to be alone with me? Afraid we might pick up where we left off?

Blaine: Get out of my way, Sebastian.

Sebastian: What’s with the ‘tude, Anderson?

Blaine: You’re between me and my car keys.

Sebastian: *pout* Leaving already?

Blaine: I’ve had enough partying for one night.

Sebastian: Well, if you’re ever in the mood to, uh, party, call me up. Your brother has my phone number.

Blaine: Goodbye, Sebastian.

Sebastian: See you around, hobbit.

End Notes: Well, I'm headed to Okinawa for about a week, so I'll see you all on the flip side! Sorry that you'll have to wait :(


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YOU AMAZING PERSON THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT(S). Yeah, that's right. I saw that this is your second. You are my favourite!