May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
Friday, just after school:
Neanderthal #1: Hey, there, Lady.
Kurt: Can’t you just give it a rest?
Neanderthal #2: Give what a rest? Are you saying you don’t like our company.
Kurt: That is exactly what I’m saying, Azimio.
Azimio: But, Lady, who would give you your weekly slushie facials if it weren’t for us?
Kurt: Lucky for me, there are plenty of bullies to choose from.
Neanderthal #2: But we’re your favourite. Nobody else dumpster tosses the way we do.
Azimio: Damn straight! *Laughter. High fives*
Kurt: With qualifications like that, I’ll be surprised you if guys aren’t managers at Sewer Maintenance Department by our tenth reunion.
Neanderthal #2: My dad does always say I have management potential.
Azimio: He just insulted you, you idiot.
Kurt: *smirks*
Neanderthal #2: Wait, what?
Azimio: Let’s just toss him in the dumpster and get on with our lives.
Kurt took a moment to just lay there. He had managed to be cornered next to the paper recycling bins, so at least he wasn’t lying on anything gross.
Blaine: (15:51) I haven’t bumped into you all day :(
Kurt: (15:51) I hope you haven’t bumped into anyone else, either, if your track record is anything to go by.
Blaine: (15:53) Not a soul. Are you still at school? Come find me, I’m walking to my car.
Kurt: (15:54) Oh good. You can help me out of the dumpster. I’m in the recycled paper one.
Blaine: (15:54) WHAT.
Blaine: Kurt? … Kurt?
Kurt: Hey, there.
Blaine: Ohmygod what are you doing in there are you okay?
Kurt: Spiffing, actually. Can you help me down?
Blaine: Of course. Sit on the ledge and drop down. I’ll catch you, it’s not far.
Kurt: Oof! Thanks for that.
Blaine: What the hell were you doing in the dumpster?
Kurt: Looking for some homework I accidentally threw out.
Blaine: What?
Kurt: *laughs* Oh, Blaine. A couple of the football Neanderthals seem to think it’s vastly entertaining to throw me in there sometimes. I’m lucky I wasn’t cornered near the cafeteria dumpsters.
Blaine: This happens to you often?
Kurt: Well, being a Glee loser doesn’t win you any fans.
Blaine: I can’t believe you’re so calm about this!
Kurt: I can’t believe you’re so worked up about this. Haven’t you ever been tossed in the dumpster before?
Blaine: No.
Kurt: Oh. But ... you’re gay.
Blaine: … So are you?
Kurt: But that’s why they toss me!
Blaine: What?
Kurt: You need to learn a new expression of surprise.
Blaine: But… I haven’t been teased at all for being gay.
Kurt: At all?
Blaine: Nope, not really.
Kurt: Huh. That’s-
Blaine: Unfair?
Kurt: -lucky. I guess I’m just more of an obvious target.
Blaine: This is horrible! You’re so accepting about all of this.
Kurt: It’s not that bad, Blaine. If this is as bad as my bullying gets, I’m one of the lucky ones.
Blaine: … You are so amazing.
Kurt: Huh?
Blaine: You are so strong and selfless and… wow.
Kurt: Don’t start waxing lyrical about me just yet.
Blaine: Why not? You’ve been pretty perfect so far.
Kurt: *blushes* That’s cause you haven’t seen me at a shoe sale.
Blaine: *laughs* I can imagine it gets ugly.
Kurt: Definitely not something we can do together for a while… *limps* ow, dammit!
Blaine: Are you okay?
Kurt: I think I twisted my ankle on the jump down.
Blaine: Here, let me help you.
Kurt: No, it’s… Okay, sure.
Blaine: Where are you parked?
Kurt: In the corner, by that hideous Prius.
*they hobble along for a moment*
Azimio: Lady, where did you find yourself a gay friend? Are you turning the whole school gay?
Blaine: Excuse me?
Azimio: How nice of you to help Lady out of the dumpster. Are you gonna go have some gay sex now?
Kurt: Wouldn’t want it any other way, Azimio!
Azimio: That is just nasty. Might as well offer you a dog.
Blaine: Hey, there’s no need for that kind of talk.
Azimio: Lady, your knight better watch who he’s talking back to, if he knows what’s good for him.
Blaine: You better keep a civil tongue in that head of yours!
Azimio steps forward. He had been leaning against his car, but now he grabs Blaine by the front of his shirt. Blaine lurches forward, out from under Kurt’s shoulder. Suddenly he becomes aware of just how big Azimio is. Blaine barely reaches his chin, and Azimio is at least four times wider.
Azimio: Do not tell me what to do.
Kurt: Blaine, just-
Blaine: Do not talk down to me.
Azimio: I’m just putting you in your place, faggot.
With that, Azimio shoves Blaine, hard. Blaine falls backwards, landing on the ground, bruising his tailbone and self-esteem all in one go. The tarmac cuts into the palms of his hands. They grow hot and he clenches them into fists, glaring up at the bully. Azimio is laughing.
Kurt: What the hell, Azimio? Blaine, are you okay?
Azimio: See you later, fairy boys.
Blaine: Kurt, stop fussing, I’m fine.
Kurt: Your palm is bleeding. Here, I have a tissue.
Blaine: That guy is such an asshole!
Kurt: Azimio? Yeah, he is. We’re lucky he didn’t have his whole herd with him, that’s when things get ugly.
Blaine: What? Are you serious?
Kurt: Like the plague. But it’s okay. You can avoid them pretty easily.
Blaine: We should tell someone!
Kurt: *laughs* And how will that help? Figgins can’t do anything without proof, and then we’d just be punished by the jocks for snitching.
Blaine: Is this how it is for you?
Kurt: Yeah. *puzzled expression* Blaine, this is what high school is like for me, but I’ve learned to handle it. Unfortunately, you’ve now pissed Azimio off, so I doubt you’ll be left alone.
Blaine: Wha- what? You think they’ll start coming after me now? All because they finally clicked I’m gay?
Kurt: … I don’t know. Maybe. *slight pause* Hey, don’t worry about it right now. It’s not that bad. C’mon, lets go grab coffee.
Blaine: I can’t I have to head home. We’re having a family dinner.
Kurt: Oh… Okay.
Blaine: Yeah.
Kurt: Well, thank you for helping me out of that dumpster. I’m really sorry about your hands.
Blaine: It is not your fault.
Kurt: Still. I hope they don’t hurt too much.
Blaine: Can hardly feel there’s anything wrong.
Kurt: Good… um, so, I’ll see you on Monday?
Blaine: Yeah. Enjoy your weekend, Kurt.
Kurt: You too. See you.
Blaine: Bye.
How can you leave it like that?! o.OI'm addicted and I need more.Pretty Please :3