Follow My Lead
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Follow My Lead: Chapter 4

E - Words: 852 - Last Updated: May 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Mar 01, 2012 - Updated: May 17, 2012
663 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: WHAT? TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY?You're so spoiled. :D


Thursday morning:

Rachel: He did not say that.

Kurt: Yes, he did.

Mercedes: No way.

Kurt: Way.

Mercedes: It’s too cheesy.

Rachel: It’s too perfect.

Mercedes: There’s no way a guy could have thought of something like that.

Rachel: Agreed.

Kurt: I’m telling you, that’s what he said.

Mercedes: And so, did he act on his desires?


Kurt: *smiles*

Rachel: *squeals*

Mercedes: You kissed??

Rachel: Ohmygod and you didn’t call me immediately!?

Mercedes: How was it?

Rachel: Was it perfect?

Kurt: It was amazing.

Rachel: This is the best. Tell us everything.

Kurt: What? No way. I am not your source of gossip.

Mercedes: Kurt this isn’t gossip.

Kurt: Then what is it?

Rachel: It’s girl talk.

Mercedes: Exactly.

Rachel: A boy told you that he’s basically in love with you-

Kurt: He didn’t say that-

Rachel: -and then you guys kissed.

Mercedes: This is better than The Notebook.

Rachel: This is better than Pride and Prejudice.

Kurt: Pride and Prejudice was awful. They never got around to kissing.

Rachel: But the build-up was amazing.

Kurt: But that’s all it was! Build-up! After all of that effort, the stupid sighing and staring at each other, the dancing alone, the tortured internal monologuing, that we never heard but had to guess at through long periods of Keira Knightley staring at herself in the mirror: NOTHING! Not a single peck.

Rachel: But-

Kurt: No, it’s a horrible movie.

Rachel: It was beautiful.

Kurt: But unsatisfying.

Mercedes: Fine, whatever. But your night wasn’t unsatisfying so tell us.

Kurt: No.

Rachel: Kurt. Do not make me go Jewish white-girl on your ass.

Kurt: I would pay to see that.

Mercedes: No, Kurt she would make our lives hell.

Kurt: More than she already does?

Rachel: Hey! I’m just challenging.

Kurt: You’re a raging psychopath.

Rachel: *frowns*

Kurt: But we love you.

Rachel: Hmph.

Kurt: *grins*

Mercedes: I’m with Rachel, though. Spill. Now.

Kurt: Ugh.

Rachel: Please?

Mercedes: Don’t make us beg.

Blaine: What are you lovely ladies begging for?

Kurt: Blaine!

Blaine: Hey. *smiles* How are we all?

Mercedes: Good.

Rachel: Frustrated.

Kurt: Ganged-up on.

Blaine: Oh yeah? Why are you ladies ganging up on my boy toy?

Kurt: Hey! *thwack*

Blaine: What?

Kurt: I am not your boy toy.

Blaine: But, I like you being my boy toy.

Kurt: But “boy toy”, seriously?

Blaine: Well, would you like to decide on a term for what we are to each other right here, right now?

Rachel: Oh please god.

Mercedes: We’d be OK with that.

Kurt: Definitely not.

Blaine: Then boy toy stays.

Rachel: Aww. *disappointment*

Blaine: Fear not, ladies. We’ll get back to you.

Kurt: Oh, we will, will we?

Blaine: Kurt, they’re your friends. I think. You could be talking to your lab partners.

Mercedes: Best friends, actually. And you haven’t even introduced us, Kurt.

Rachel: So rude.

Kurt: Blaine, this is Mercedes and Rachel. Girl, this is Blaine.

Blaine: An honour, I’m sure. So, what were you begging for when I so rudely interrupted?

Rachel: Well, Kurt was refusing to tell-

Kurt: Nothing! Not a damn thing.

Blaine: Ooh, this sounds embarrassing.

Kurt: I prefer private.

Blaine: Those are basically synonymous.

Kurt: You don’t understand synonymous then.

Blaine: You always say the nicest things to me.

Kurt: That’s why you keep me around.

Blaine: I thought it was for epic face mashing.

Kurt: *squawk* Blaine!

Mercedes: Aha! Now we’re getting somewhere!

Rachel: Blaine, will you tell us about the face mashing?

Mercedes: Please?

Blaine: Oh, I’ve found the source of the begging, have I?

Rachel: Please, Blaine?

Blaine: It was pretty epic, if I say so myself.

Kurt: *blushes*

Rachel: Awww.

Blaine: Yeah. *beams*

Kurt: Oh, god. They will never let this go now. I’m going to have to hurt you.

Blaine: Oh. Swoon. The things you say.

Kurt: You idiot.

Blaine: *sighs* Well, as much as I’d love to stay here and exchange sweet nothings with you, I have to go meet a friend. Ladies, it was a pleasure. Kurt… You have my number. *grins and walks away*

Mercedes: He is, maybe, the most adorable thing I have ever laid eyes on.

Rachel: Are you sure he’s gay?

Kurt: Yes, Rachel.

Blaine: (15:32) Stop staring at my butt as I walk away.

Kurt: (15:33) Stop making me want to.

Blaine: (15: 35) Not gonna happen.

Kurt: (15:36) Then you have your reply.

Blaine: (15:36) Touche.

Kurt: (15:47) So… You want to do something later? Or maybe this weekend?

Blaine: (15:51) I can’t this weekend. My friends brother is having a thing and I should go.

Kurt: (15:53) Oh, right. It’s cool.

Blaine: (15:54) But now that I know where you live, how about I pitch up on your front step in about 2hrs?

Kurt: (15:55) We’ll be having family dinner shortly after that.

Blaine: (15:56) Well, my mom has trained me to eat at a table.

Kurt: (15:58) You’d want to subject yourself to my dad, step mom and step brother?

Blaine: (16:00) …If you’re OK with that?

Kurt: (16:01) I guess I’ll see you around 6.

Blaine: (16:02) Awesome.


End Notes: Up next: THE HUMMEL-HUDSON FAMILY (AND BLAINE) DINNER EXTRAVAGANZACan I get an AW YEAH?...No one? Fine. But now you're gonna have to wait a couple of days.


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