Follow My Lead
Chapter 21 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Follow My Lead: Chapter 21

E - Words: 1,398 - Last Updated: May 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Mar 01, 2012 - Updated: May 17, 2012
439 0 0 0 0


Blaine: So…

Kurt: Yeah…

Blaine: We just…

Kurt: Yeah…

Blaine: It was pretty good.

Kurt: Indeed.

Blaine: Except…


Blaine: No, there’s nothing wrong.

Kurt: Oh. Thank god.

Blaine: Well, there is one little thing wrong. Not wrong, wrong, just wrong-ish…?

Kurt: Am I squishing you?

Blaine: Actually, no. I quite like you spread out on top of me and panting.

Kurt: Blaine! *thumps*

Blaine: *laughter* Well, I do. Are you blushing?!

Kurt: Maybe?

Blaine: Why are you blushing? We just… um… frotted? Is that the correct term?

Kurt: Oh, my god, don’t say it.

Blaine: *laughter* Why not?

Kurt: Because, it’s not something people talk about.

Blaine: Which people and how do we avoid them?

Kurt: Blaine… You were last telling me that something was not really, but kind of wrong-ish?

Blaine: Oh, yeah. Um. But I can’t tell you about it, because apparently we’re not the kind of people who talk about the fact that my underwear is now decidedly sticky. Nor do we talk about how I would kind of like to move to go change them, but I definitely do not want to be further from you than I absolutely have to.

Kurt: Oh, well. We can talk about things like that.

Blaine: Can we? How about you make a list outlining what we’re allowed to talk about and what we’re not allowed to talk about.

Kurt: It’s not a very difficult list. Just, don’t be gross.

Blaine: And how do I know what’s gross?

Kurt: The term frotting is gross.

Blaine: *groan* Holy crap, hearing you say it…

Kurt: What?

Blaine: Possibly one of the sexier things I have ever heard.

Kurt: What?

Blaine: What?

Kurt: Oh, my god, this is the worst!

Blaine: I’m lost.

Kurt: My boyfriend is into … dirty talk.

Blaine: *huff* I am not into… Yeah, Okay, I am. It’s just… hearing you say things, like that… My hyperactive teenage hormones will not survive it.

Kurt: You repulse me.

Blaine: Don’t lie. You love me. I heard you say it not 15 minutes ago.

Kurt: Can’t be. I don’t remember it.

Blaine: Kurt.

Kurt: Blaine.

Blaine: Our buddying love can’t handle such horrible lies. Do you really want to kill it before it can fully take flight?

Kurt: … No.

Blaine: Good. Now tell me that my saying handjob doesn’t stir anything inside you.

Kurt squawks as Blaine says the intended Bad Word. He buries his bright pink face in the hollow between Blaine’s chest and his arm and smiles.

Kurt: My insides remain unstirred.

Blaine: You are too stubborn for your own good.

Kurt: No such thing. Now come on, I have clean clothes to change into in my bag, but you will have to make it all the up the stairs in that sticky state.

Blaine: Why do you have clean clothes here?

Kurt: In case we can convince my dad to let me stay the night. Now up.

Kurt stands up, awkwardly tugging at his skinny jeans. Blaine can only imagine how uncomfortable he must be. That knowledge does nothing to quell the surge that goes straight to his cock, knowing why Kurt is in that unfortunate situation. Kurt attempts to tug him to his feet, but Blaine suddenly goes boneless.

Blaine: No. Can’t move. Go on without me.

Kurt: Blaine Anderson.

Blaine: Too comfortable. Even after complaining about the state of my soiled undergarments.

Kurt: Don’t mention your soiled undergarments in my company.

Blaine: Oh, another thing for the list? But you’re the one who caused the soiling.

Kurt: Yes, well, it won’t happen again if you’re just gonna lie there.

Blaine: What?

Kurt: You heard me.

Blaine: Wait, where are you going? I’m up! Look, I can move again.

Kurt: Congratulations. Get cleaned so we can cuddle.

Blaine: Yessir! I’ll be in my bunk. *grins*

Kurt: *rolls eyes* I’ll be up in a few.

Blaine walks up the stairs, tugging awkwardly at his jeans. His ungelled hair is bouncing around his head like a crazy cloud. Kurt watches him go, smiling slightly, blushing furiously and completely sure of his decision to come to Blaine’s early.


* * *


The weekend passes much too quickly. The rest of Saturday is spent trading first lazy kisses, then not so lazy kisses. After their lips got tired, Blaine ordered pizza and they settled onto the couch to watch some movie that was quickly forgotten about when Blaine fake-yawned, stretching his arm around Kurt in the process.

Kurt: Really? Really?

Blaine: What?

Kurt: The Yawn-Arm move? Really?

Blaine: I have no idea what you are referring to.

Kurt: You know you don’t have to put the moves on me, right?

Blaine: Ah, but where’s the fun in that?

Unfortunately, Kurt’s dad didn’t fall for the “No, Mr Hummel, my parents will be here the whole time,” line that Blaine tried to feed him over the phone, so Kurt had to return to his own bed that night.


* * *


Sunday evening:

[From History Kurt:] How’s your evening going?

[From Coffee Blaine:] It could be better.

[From History Kurt:] Why?

[From Coffee Blaine:] You could be here.

Burt: Kurt, no texting at the dinner table.

Kurt: I’m just checking on Blaine. He’s alone at home tonight.

Carol: Oh, are his parents away for the weekend again?

Kurt: Yeah, they have some conference until Tuesday.

Finn: That must suck. Who makes his dinner?

Kurt: Blaine is perfectly capable of making dinner for himself.

Carol: Really?

Kurt: … No… He ordered in.

Finn: I could make provide dinner for myself if it involved dialling a phone, too.

[From Coffee Blaine:] I’m trying to keep busy tho. Attempting to figure out how we’ll perfect that rhythm we tried to establish yesterday.

Burt: Kurt, are you Okay?

Kurt: *coughing* Yeah, I just tried to swallow a little enthusiastically. (Oh, god, what horrible phrasing)

Finn: Yeah, that happens to me all the time. You just gotta try not to get too much food in your mouth.

Kurt: Thank you for the slightly gross and totally unhelpful tip, Finn. Not all of us are attempting to set a record for speed eating.

[From History Kurt:] I heard somewhere that practice makes perfect.

Burt: Kurt, your phone…

Kurt: Right, of course, sorry dad.

[From History Blaine:] Practice, huh? You realise that it could take quite a while before we have it down perfectly, right?

[From History Blaine:] I suppose I’ll be willing to put that time aside.

[From History Blaine:] The things I sacrifice for this relationship.

[From History Blaine:] I’ll have to start doing my own laundry tho. Poor Anna.

[From History Blaine:] Kurt? Are you having dinner? I’ll just talk to myself for a bit.

[From History Blaine:] Man, this pizza is amazing.

[From History Blaine:] There’s a Bachelorette marathon on! I can’t watch this show without thinking about you now.

[From History Blaine:] God, I am so glad that I don’t have to resort to reality television to find someone I love.

[From History Blaine:] Hehe. I love you. That’s a thing that we can say now.

[From History Blaine:] Can we say other things like… I wish you were next to me? Preferably without that pesky top button in our way.

Burt: Your phone buzzes very loudly, Kurt.

Kurt: I’m sorry, I think Blaine is having a one-sided conversation with me. He goes a little crazy when left to his own devices.

Finn: He’s talking to himself?

Kurt: No, he’s talking to me, I just can’t respond right now, can I?

Carol: Well, if you’re finished, you can leave the table. Just help Finn pack the dish washer later.

Kurt: Sure thing!

Kurt bolts out of the room faster than is probably dignified. He really doesn’t care.

Burt: That seems to be going well, doesn’t it?

Carol: It does.

Burt: I’m glad.

Finn: Yeah, they put up with enough torture at school. They deserve some happiness.

Carol: What do you mean, torture?

Finn: Oh, just… a little bullying. Name calling. Slushies. Though, most of the Glee club gets slushied now and then.

Burt: How bad is it, Finn?

Finn: *shrugs* I’m not sure. Kurt seems happy though.

Burt: Will you do me a favour, Finn? Will you keep an eye on him for me?

Finn: Totally. I got his back.


End Notes: Welp. Physical therapy isn't going so well ;__; These boys are all that keep me going.As always, please review. They seriously make me happy and I could really use it this week :DAlso, I'm gonna be putting up a little prologue?thing to a new story either later today, or tomorrow. It's very different to this. Many Notebook parallels. Would you all keep an eye out for it and lemme know what you think? I don't know where it's going, I'm still getting a feel for it.And lastly, come hang out with me on Tumblr. Klaine Chat!Prompts will be very welcome.


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