Follow My Lead
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Follow My Lead: Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,497 - Last Updated: May 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Mar 01, 2012 - Updated: May 17, 2012
1,567 0 3 0 0


*books fall*

Teen Gay: Shit, sorry.

Teen Gay #2: *sighs* Whatever.

Teen Gay: Here let me help you.

Teen Gay #2: Thanks.

Teen Gay: Here you go. *eyes meet*

Teen Gay #2: Thank yo- *brain fart, blinking*

Teen Gay: No problem. *slow smile* What’s your name?

Teen Gay #2: Uh, … Kurt. My name is Kurt.

Teen Gay: Nice to meet you Kurt. I’m Blaine. I’m also horribly late for History, hence the haste that led to the bumping.

Kurt: Huh?

Blaine: The bumping? When I knocked all the books out of your hand? That happened like… 45 seconds ago?

Kurt: Oh duh. Of course…

Blaine: …

Kurt: …

Blaine: I’m still late.

Kurt: Right. Thanks for the help.

Blaine: Yeah, we’ve covered that.

Kurt: See you around.

Blaine: See you, Kurt.


 * * *


Monday After Lunch:


Mercedes: What happened?


Mercedes: So these are rage!caps?

Kurt: …What? No. He helped me pick up my books.

Mercedes: So they are caps celebrating the kindness of humanity?

Kurt: Huh?

Mercedes: I am so confused.

Kurt: So am I. What are you talking about?

Mercedes: What are you talking about?

Kurt: I’m talking about Blaine, possibly the sexiest guy ever, who bumped into me and knocked the books out of my hands.

Mercedes: Oooh.

Kurt: Yeah. *sighs*

Mercedes: That’s really sad.

Kurt: What?

Mercedes: You did hear yourself, right? A guy knocked the books out of your hands, helped you pick them up and now you’re sighing dreamily about him.

Kurt: Uh-huh. Your point?

Mercedes: Kurt, he’s just some random!

Kurt: Yeah, but you didn’t see his smile.

Mercedes: Oh lord.

Kurt: I swear he had just put in eye drops or something, because his eyes sparkled.

Mercedes: Please stop.

Kurt: And when he turned to leave, he waved at me over his shoulder.

Mercedes: It sounds like true love.

Kurt: If this were a Disney movie, I would be singing about him to some woodland animals by now.

Mercedes: And he would be bragging to his horse about the sexy princess he just helped.

Kurt: You know, I don’t get the feeling that you’re taking this especially seriously.

Mercedes: *pauses. Laughter* Says the one who started the Disney metaphor.

Kurt: Well, it’s true. Disney relationship move surprisingly fast for films that are all about teaching young kids good morals.

Mercedes: Unfortunately, you don’t live in a Disney movie. You live in Lima, Reality.  Now come on, let’s go to Glee so we can sing about Jesus in a toasted sandwich, or whatever we have lined up for this week.


* * *


Tuesday, after school:

Kurt: Non-fat mocha please.

Blaine: Oh, hey, uuuuh, Kurt? Did I get that right?

Kurt: Holy - !

Blaine: Sorry, did I startle you?

Kurt: N-no, I’m OK. Hi, um, Blaine was it?

Blaine: You remembered!

Kurt: It’s hard not to remember the guy who dashed off at the speed of light, after knocking all your books to the ground.

Blaine: You’re missing a vital part of this story! I stopped to help first!

Kurt: I suppose that is crucial to the plot, yes. *grins*

Blaine: Suppose? Without it I come across as a total douche!

Kurt: In all honesty, though, how do I know you are not a total douche? One who appears to be stalking me at my favourite coffee shop?

Blaine: Your favourite coffee shop, huh?

Kurt: By far.

Blaine: … Mine too. Though it’s a recent development.

Kurt: Oh yeah?

Blaine: Yeah. It used to be Javas, up in Westerville, but it’s way too far away to be practical.

Kurt: Ooh, Javas make a good low-cal Caramel Latte.

Blaine: Add an almond biscotti to that and you have yourself the perfect Why-god-is-it-Monday, pick me up.

Kurt: You shouldn’t say such sinful things.

Blaine: Chocolate. Hazelnut. Frappuccino.

Kurt: Stop. For the love of god, stop.

Blaine: *grins*

Kurt: *smiles*

Blaine: …

Kurt: …

Blaine: Do you wanna sit down?

Kurt: Yeah.

Blaine: *sits* So, Kurt. You have a last name?

Kurt: I do.

Blaine: Care to share?

Kurt: Not in the slightest. You could be a serial killer.

Blaine: Blood makes me squeamish.

Kurt: Or a stalker.

Blaine: My attention span is terrible.

Kurt: Or a rapist.

Blaine: I wouldn’t need your surname for that. Just chloroform.

Kurt: Maybe you’re a paedophile.

Blaine: I think you’re older than me.

Kurt: Um… a cyber hacker?

Blaine: Which button is the On-Switch?

Kurt: Identity thief?

Blaine: I’m not hiding from anyone or committing any kind of fraud.

Kurt: Hummel.

Blaine: … I don’t know what that is.

Kurt: My surname.

Blaine: Oh, right. Hummel. Hmm, why does that sound familiar.

Kurt: Because I’m famous.

Blaine: Sure.

Kurt: Well, Tumblr famous.

Blaine: I’m not on Tumblr.

Kurt: You should be.

Blaine: Ah-ha! The lube shop!

Kurt: Excuse you?

Blaine: Your surname! Hummel Lube shop,

Kurt: It’s Hummel Tyres and Lube.

Blaine: *laughs* Yeah. I love driving past that place. Best name ever.

Kurt: My dad owns it.

Blaine: Small town, that makes sense.

Kurt: So what’s your surname?

Blaine: Anderson.

Kurt: Mr Anderson, we meet at last.

Blaine: You’ve seen The Matrix?

Kurt: My step-brother is a fan.

Blaine: But you’re not?

Kurt: I’m not really a sci-fi/action genre kind of guy.

Blaine: But it’s a classic!

Kurt: And thus, I was able to quote it at you.

Blaine: What about Alien? Pitch Black? Bladerunner?

Kurt: Yawn.

Blaine: You wound me, Kurt. Those are some of the best and most awful movies of all time. They’re awesome!

Kurt: Yeah. I believe you.

Blaine: Liar.

Kurt: They’re not my thing, OK?

Blaine: *sighs* So what movies do you like?

Kurt: Anything by Disney. Or with Judy Garland. Or Audrey Hepburn. Also, anything that can be classified as a “musical” in even the vaguest sense of the word.

Blaine: Something’s coming, I don’t know what it is, but it is gonna be great.

Kurt: Westside Story. Nice.

Blaine: Well, it was either that or, “No, Simba. He lives in you.”

Kurt: *laughs* Why?

Blaine: Those were the only two quotes that popped to mind! I don’t function well under pressure.

Kurt: Not that there’s a whole lot of pressure floating around right now.

Blaine: Hey, when talking to an attractive guy, there’s always pressure.

Kurt: *awkward laugh*

Blaine: … So step-bother, huh?


* * *


Tuesday evening:

Kurt: (19:39) [insert awkward first text in which I call you bro/buddy/dude to establish exactly what we are to each other here]

Blaine: (19:47) [insert generic yay lets be friends text here]

Kurt: (19:48) [insert text that quickly changes the direction of the conversation so that we have a reason to stop texting now if we want here]

Blaine: (19:49) [insert text indicating that we can continue texting if you want to, here]

Kurt: (19: 52) [insert smiley face and neutral comment here in the hopes of establishing conversation]

Blaine: (19:53) [insert witty remark that makes you think “what a cool guy” here]

Kurt: (19:56) [insert suitably impressed remark and counter with witty banter here]

Blaine: (19:58) [insert more witty banter heading in the flirting kind of direction here]

Kurt: (20:00) [insert panicky silence as I try to calm the extreme fan boying that’s happening in my head]


Blaine: (20: 01) [insert relief and patient waiting]

Kurt: (20:02) [insert flirty but playing hard-to-get text here]

Blaine: (20:04) [insert more flirting possibly in the form of compliments here]

Kurt: (20:06) [insert indication that flattery won’t get you everywhere here]

Blaine: (20:07) [insert acknowledgement of this, but continue flattering none-the-less here]

Kurt: (20:10) [insert … um. Can we stop talking like this now? here]

Blaine: (20:11) [insert sexual innuendo inquiring if this is too hard for you, complete with waggly eyebrows here]

Kurt: (20:14) [insert …]

Blaine: (20;14) :D

Kurt: (20:15) I really need to start getting ready for bed.

Blaine: (20:16) But, this conversation just got normal!

Kurt: (20:17) Exactly.

Blaine: (20:19) Fair point.

Kurt: (20:22) So, good night?

Blaine: (20:24) Wait. It’s only 8:30. How early do you go to bed, grand pa?

Kurt: (20:26) I’ll have you know, my perfect ivory complexion takes a fair amount of maintenance to keep looking so baby-bottom soft.

Blaine: (20:26) Heheh.

Kurt: (20:26) What?

Blaine: (20:28) “Baby-bottom soft.”

Kurt: (20:29) It’s just a figure of speech!

Blaine: (20:29) Heh.

Kurt: (20:31) Now you’re just trolling me.

Blaine: (20:31) *bows*

Kurt: (20:32) :/

Blaine: (20:37) So… see you tomorrow? [insert attempt not to sound too eager]

Kurt: (20:38) Yes. [insert attempt not to sound too eager as well, that is kind of squashed by the fact that it took me -5seconds to reply]

Blaine: (20:39) [insert all feelings of Yay here]

Kurt: (20:41) Good night. :)

Blaine: (20:42) Good night, baby face.


End Notes:

I really hope the beginning of their text-based convo wasn't too hard to follow. Sometimes I don't know if my beta and I are just on the same wavelength, or if we do actually speak coherently enough for other people to follow.

Lemme know what you think! This is the first fic I've gotten up the courage to share, so be nice...ish. Don't coddle me tho! :D


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And the award for the creepiest douche goes to..... Sebastian!!! Any way, hi there. This is quite a fabulous story you've got here and I am glad that I clicked that link on Tumblr because this is good. Ok. Goodnigh...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Writing block passed? Hope to see more chapters soon!