Just For the Night
Chapter 16 Third Wheel Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Just For the Night: Chapter 16 Third Wheel

E - Words: 5,506 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Mar 10, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
2,936 0 20 0 0

Author's Notes: Yep. It's been a month. I suck. Go ahead and tell me how much I suck.


Kurt Hummel's Point of View

After getting home from Sunday afternoon's show, I immediately changed into sweatpants and decided to start on a paper for my American Theatre History class. I grabbed a blanket and sat down on the couch with my laptop, earnestly writing the beginning paragraphs to an essay on Orson Welles. About fifteen minutes later, someone was knocking very loudly on my door.

I rolled my eyes and slumped my head back, annoyed that someone was interrupting me when I was actually moving through my work at a good pace. Fifteen seconds later I lifted the laptop and blanket off my lap, and got up from the couch to go open the door. The person racked their knuckles against the door again as I made my way across the room.

"Okay, okay! Jesus! I'm coming!" I yelled, letting my frustration come out through my voice. As soon as I opened the door, Jackie burst past me and went into the room, jumping around and waving her hands in the air.

"Guess who just got ki-issed," she chanted as she danced around my kitchen and living room. "Guess who's got a da-ate - guess who's probably gonna have a successful relaaaaaationship!"

"Umm," I put my finger up to my lip, pretending to concentrate. "Jennifer Anniston?"

"What the-no, not Jennifer Anniston you haughty bastard," Jackie retorted.

"What? She could use a successful relationship!"

"You're not even...I have really exciting news here!" she whimpered.

"Okay then," I laughed, "tell me about him!"

"Oh he's so good looking, Kurt. I just-oh my god he's like fucking Flynn Rider." Jackie jumped up, her eyes suddenly widening as she remembered something. "He's-he's the guy from those credit commercials!"

I furrowed my brow skeptically. "The one's about checking your credit score? The singing guy?"


"Nooooooo," I denied with an unsure smirk, "you can't be serious."

"Kurt, why would I lie about kissing some random commercial star?"

"I don't know, but OH MY GOD," I exclaimed once a picture of him finally came up in my mind. "He's really hot."

Jackie nodded enthusiastically. "You know how there's been that empty apartment next to mine for the longest time? Well this guy finally moved in and his friend - aka sexy commercial man - was helping him move and he was blocking my door and," Jackie was speaking really fast, rambling through the story with excited eyes, "and we went for a walk and we exchanged numbers and he called me this morning and asked me if I wanted to go out for lunch today and we went to this café after my show and HE KISSED ME and I'm just so so so happy - hold me!" Then she jumped into my arms as I tried to process everything she had just said.

"That's so great Jackie!" I enthused as I held her close. I could feel her nod against my shoulder.

"I'm just so glad because I hadn't really met anyone in the city so far because all the guys from the show are either gay or already taken and I thought I was just going to be that single quirky dancer girl forever. I hadn't been on a proper date since I was 18." She unwound her arms from around my back and stepped into the living room. "And now hope has been sprung at me in the form of a TV hottie and I..." she stopped, her voice dropping down lower as she realized, "I'm rubbing it in your face, aren't I?"

"No, no you're not rubbing it in my face," I amended. "Although now that you mention it..."

"I'm sorry, I just got excited, I guess."

"Don't worry about it, you're fine." I walked into the room, sat on the couch and picked up my laptop again. "So are you guys a 'thing' now, or..."

"Well, I think it's probably too soon to tell," Jackie responded. "But we're going out for drinks tomorrow night?"

I nodded and raised my eyebrows with approval. Jackie spread herself out on the other couch and grabbed the TV remote.

"Make sure to invite me to the wedding," I joked in a blank tone.

"Don't plant those ideas in my head, Hummel."

Blaine Anderson's Point of View

Why the hell did I just get a cat?

Cats are bitchy. Cats are whiny. Cats can't do tricks. Cats are bad listeners. Cats scratch a lot. Cats jump on all your shit. They don't even play fetch. You can't walk a cat. People have to earn a cat's affection. You don't have to earn a dog's affection. You can put a Yorkie in front of Hitler and I'm pretty sure the damn dog would be trying to lick at the dictator's face within ten seconds of entering the room. Cats can't protect your home from burglars, I'm positive they would just watch emotionlessly as people stole your TV's and kitchen appliances. Cats are moody, and possessive, and they don't like dogs. What if you're in a bad mood and you need some cheering up? Don't count on a cat to make you feel better.

So why was I finding this little kitten so fucking adorable? He's fluffy and small and compact and cute, he kind of smells and he peed on me, but somehow I've seemed to overlook those details

It was 12:30 AM and I really should've been getting sleep, but there was this small animal in my lap and I couldn't stop petting it. I'd literally been showering it with snuggles for the past two hours. I had scratches on my arms, a few on my legs, and on my fucking face for Christ's sake. Why can't I stop touching this thing?

I had finally decided to put the damn pet down and started heading to bed when the door opened. Cooper, accompanied by a woman in a green dress, stumbled into the apartment, with their mouths attached to each other. They seemed frantic and extremely horny and god I really didn't want to stick around any longer. I had almost made it to the bedroom door, when suddenly Pippin (that's what I named the cat) meowed extra loudly.

The meowing seemed to have caught Cooper's attention because he immediately broke the kiss off and looked around the apartment with wide eyes.

"Was that a...cat?"

I reached down and picked Pippin up into my arms, before looking up to Cooper.

"Yeah, I um, I got a cat. But don't mind me! We'll just go to my room..." I announced awkwardly before beginning to walk out.

"Blaine?" the woman asked uncertainly. "Oh my god, is that you?"

I squinted at the woman next to Cooper, suddenly recognizing her in the dim light of the apartment. "Jackie?"

"You...you're Cooper's roommate?" she bemused.

"You two know each other?" Cooper asked excitedly.

"Cooper's my brother, actually," I retorted. Jackie simply stared at me in shock before her expression turned harsh. Cooper didn't seem to notice the tension in the room at all.

"Wow, what a small world!" he exclaimed with a surprised smile. "Where do you know each other from?"

"You stole my car," Jackie whispered from under her breath. She began to slowly walk into the room as she said it again, louder the second time. "You...stole my car."

"I gave it back? So...I-I borrowed your car."

"Without permission!" she yelled as she got closer, raising her hands for emphasis. Jackie picked up one of the couch pillows and ran towards me, hitting me repeatedly with the furniture accessory.

I cradled Pippin in my arms and turned my back towards Jackie to protect him. "Hey! I'm holding a small animal!"

"You performed grand-theft-auto on my vehicle!" she yelled again, then continued to assault me in the side with the cushion.

"That's what I told him, actually," Cooper commented from the other side of the room. I gave him an unbelieving stare as he continued to casually watch Jackie assault me. She stopped, and turned around to gawk at my brother as well.

"Oh, so you helped him?"

"Actually, no, not really. I'm the one who got him to return it," Cooper happily explained.

A small smirk forced its way through Jackie's frown, and she relaxed her shoulders. "I knew I liked you," she admitted quietly.

I began to smile as I watched the couple stare bashfully at each other. Pippin leaped out of my arms and onto the couch, then scurried out of the living room and into the next.

Jackie suddenly turned around and began beating me with the pillow again.

"Will you - stop - that!" I yelled in between hits.

"Why haven't you talked to Kurt, huh?" Jackie yelled and continued to pelt me with the red cushion. "He's - been - miserable! You bastard!"

I was finally able to grip the pillow and quickly rip it out of her hands. "Yeah, I'm sure he's so miserable," I mocked, not believing her. "He's probably glad that I'm gone."

"No, he's not," she said as she grabbed another pillow and threw it at my face. I ducked. "You're all he ever thinks about. Believe me, I've been pretty much one of the only people he's talked to in the past four months." She somehow kept finding more pillows to throw at me. We really shouldn't have this many pillows. "Why - are - you - being - an - ass?"

"Well this is not how I imagined this night going," Cooper sighed as he gave up and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "Jackie, here's what I've learned from living with Blaine for most of my life," he said from the other room. Jackie just kept throwing pillows. "When he's rejected, he inherits the self confidence of a turtle."

"I do not!" I defended before ducking again.

"Yes, he does. And he's been hiding in his shell for the past four months."

"Well, just give me a minute," she growled as I caught one of the pillows, then immediately threw it back towards her head. "I might manage to crack the shell in half."

"Cooper!" I cautioned before ducking behind the couch. "Your girlfriend's threatening to kill me!"

"Jackie, play nice," he recommended half-heartedly from the kitchen.

"I'm throwing pillows aren't I?" she quipped. "Just-go talk to Kurt!"

Jackie had finally stopped throwing pillows at me, opting to just simply stare into my soul instead. I could feel my eyebrows tilting up as I thought of something to say, and panic bubbled in my chest. I can't just talk to Kurt. It isn't that easy. I've been trying so desperately to build a wall and now she's coming in to tear it all down. Talking to him wasn't what I needed. Forgetting about him was what I needed.

So as fast as my feet could carry me, I ran to my bedroom. A second after I had locked the door behind me, a thump came from the other side, which I assumed was another one of Jackie's pillows.

"This isn't over, Blaine!" she yelled. "I know where you live!"

How comforting.

I sank myself down against the door and rubbed my face in my hands as I listened to the faint sound of Cooper laughing. Pippin began slowly walking towards me, and nuzzled his head into my leg. I picked him up by the waist, and lifted him up so that his eyes were level with mine.

"What should I do, Pippin?"

The cat simply responded by meowing, and reached his paw out, almost scratching my face again.

"I know," I sighed, and then cradled the animal back into my arms. "Sleep sounds like a good idea to me too."

Kurt Hummel's Point of View

"You don't have any plans tonight, right?" Jackie asked as soon as soon as Friday's evening show had ended.

"Do I ever have evening plans, Jackie?" I replied sarcastically.

"Okay, good. We're going on a double date."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Jackie, I appreciate your concern, but blind dates really aren't my thing."

"How is it a blind date? I've seen him, and we're practically the same person."

I laughed, "Oh that is so very untrue."

"C'mon Hummel, you haven't been out in forever. What else would you be doing tonight?"

"Well, I have this really hot date with my couch and a bowl of cereal..."

"Okay Kurt, no excuses. You're coming with me to SoHo," Jackie demanded as she made her way towards the door.

"SoHo?," I yelled as I began to follow her, "I can't afford SoHo, Jackie! You can't afford SoHo."

"Don't worry about it, Hummel. Just come," she yelled back, making her way down the street.


An hour later Jackie had called my phone, demanding that I change into something nice and meet her outside my apartment in ten minutes. I then spent the next five minutes arguing with her about how I always wear something nice and that I didn't need her hassling to enable me to do so. Once she hung up on me, I went to my closet and picked out a tailored oxford shirt, a dark grey cardigan with a stripe running through it, very dark (very tight) denim skinny jeans, a pair of white and tan Sperry's, and a green frog broach.

Jackie was wearing a purple strapless dress paired with a white cardigan, and white heels. I questioned her over and over again as we rode the subway, desperate to know who my 'blind date' was.

I leaned forward in my seat, my eyes widening in thought as I turned to her. "It's one of the monkeys, isn't it?"

Jackie just continued to smirk.

"Gordon? Is it Gordon?"

"Do you want it to be Gordon?" Jackie asked amusedly.

I sat back and pondered the idea while I looked out at the passing concrete outside the subway windows. Gordon was nice, Puerto Rican, very tall, a little bit eccentric. Well I mean, not that eccentricity is a bad thing, I would probably be considered as eccentric myself but...

Jackie interrupted my thoughts, and I assumed that she had given up on her former question. "Are you excited to meet Cooper?"

"Are you excited for me to meet Cooper?" I asked instead. She simply nodded with a cute smile on her face. I grinned at her endearing excitement. "Well, from what I've seen of him, he's very handsome. So if he has a piece-of-shit personality, at least I'll have something nice to look at."

Jackie bumped my shoulder lightly with hers, looking down at her hands. "I'm offended."

I breathed out a chuckle. "Are you?"

"I'm deeply appalled that you think I could ever date someone with a 'piece-of-shit' personality," she reprimanded.

"Yes, well I'm deeply appalled that you won't tell me why we're going on this whole double date thing in the first place."

Jackie leaned her head on my shoulder casually as we sat together. "It'll be good for you," she explained. "You haven't really been out in a while - you know - seen people, communicated at will..."

"Excuse me, I'll have you know that I leave the house every day to go to school and to do the show, and...errands and stuff." I defended.

"Oh yes, forced interaction is ever so social," she replied mordantly.

"How is this not forced interaction?" I scoffed.

"Well, it's...under good intentions. And I'm almost positive that somewhere deep inside that well dressed body of yours, you were dying for this opportunity."

"I am eternally grateful, Doctor Phil," I sighed. We both probably knew why she was bringing me on this date. I needed to get over Blaine. It was obnoxiously obvious. She was just trying to help.

Jackie sat up, "Our stop's coming up," she said as she linked her arm in mine. "Come on, big boy."

I furrowed my brow and allowed her to lead me near the subway car doors. "I would very much appreciate it if you never called me that ever again."

Jackie and I climbed the stairs of the subway entrance and walked onto the street. She explained that the restaurant was a couple of blocks away and that they would be meeting us inside.

"It's an Italian place," she elaborated as we walked up to a small looking restaurant called 'Caravaggio'.

"A fancy Italian place," I mumbled as I looked through the window. "The waiters are wearing suits, Jackie. I better not be paying for dinner."

She simply smiled and walked into the restaurant. The place looked even fancier from the inside and while one side of me was thrilled to be in such a sophisticated establishment, the other side was yelling at me for not wearing something more appropriate. There haven't been too many times in my life where I've been underdressed for an occasion.

"Oh!" Jackie squeaked excitedly, "there he is!" She walked over to a table at one side of the restaurant, where a man wearing a dress shirt and pants was sitting alone. He immediately stood up from his seat as soon as he saw us. Cooper (as I assumed him to be) pulled Jackie into a quick hug, complete with a kiss on her forehead, before turning to me.

"Hi," he greeted with a dashing smile. He brought his hand out to shake mine. "Cooper Anderson, it's nice to meet you."

"Kurt Hummel," I replied with a shy smile, returning his handshake. He really was very handsome. Jackie seemed to read my thoughts as she looked at me knowingly. I simply returned the look, giving her a discreet nod of approval as we all sat down. His last name sounded very familiar, but I shrugged it off. Anderson is a pretty popular last name.

"So you're Kurt," Cooper said once we all were seated, looking me over. I tensed under his gaze, very perplexed as to why he was so interested. I looked over at Jackie, hoping she would clue me in, or at least showed the same confusion I was feeling. She was just smiling. What the hell?

"Yes?" I answered hesitantly.

Cooper seemed to sense my slight uncertainty, because he chuckled and looked towards Jackie. "I'm not creeping on you or anything, I promise," he amended. "I've just heard...a lot about you."

Okay then?

The table seemed abnormally full for a 'double date' and that's when I noticed that there was no fourth chair.

"So is the other guy..."

"He'll be here soon," Jackie announced. "He's around here somewhere."

I glanced at Cooper, who looked around the room with a hint of nervousness in his features. Something was definitely going on.

"Shouldn't there be another chair?" I asked skeptically. Jackie simply pursed her lips and fiddled with the stem of the empty wine glass in front of her.

Suddenly, Cooper was smiling, looking somewhere in back of me. Then Jackie was too.

"Hello, my name's Blaine, I'll be your server this evening," the familiar voice came from behind me. I stilled immediately, watching as Blaine Anderson came around and started filling Cooper and Jackie's wine glasses with ice water. Blaine was clad in a white tailored shirt complete with a suit jacket and bowtie. I would have giggled at the uniform, of course, if I had had any communication with him in the past four months.

He was either choosing to ignore me, or didn't realize that I was there.

Blaine's eyes seemed to finally land on my face while he was pouring water into my glass. He jumped immediately, almost spilling water everywhere in the process, and then held the pitcher firmly with two hands. He stared at me with slightly wide eyes. I couldn't do anything but stare right back.

Well I guess I found him.

"Cooper can I..." Blaine spoke softly before clearing his throat and prying his eyes away from mine. "Can I talk to you in private...for a sec?"

"What was that, Blaine?" Cooper asked deliberately.

"Privacy," he repeated, looking back at me like he still couldn't believe I was there. "Over there...somewhere...please...now." Cooper smiled as he excused himself from the table and followed Blaine into one of the restaurant's corridors. I watched them until they were out of sight, too shocked to do anything else.

I looked back into my lap for a moment, then at Jackie.

"Sooo..." she murmured.

"How?" I asked, my eyes closing briefly in concentration. "How the hell did you find that man?"

"You would be talking about...?"

"Blaine, yes, I'm talking about Blaine."

Jackie smiled.

I'm getting really sick of seeing everyone smile.

"Blaine is Cooper's brother," she clarified with a nod.

I sat back in my chair, processing it all in my mind. It made sense. I mean, Blaine did mention that he had an older brother. But he failed to include that said brother was a commercial star.

"So what're you gonna do?" Jackie asked, resting her chin in her hand.

"What am I gonna do," I reiterated incredulously. "How the hell would I know what to do? I never planned on seeing him ever again. How could I possibly - Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just did!"

"No, I mean before he almost spilled water all over me and stared into my soul. That doesn't count, Jackie." I almost ran a hand through my hair in aggravation, but stopped myself, wincing when I realized that it would ruin the perfect shape I had it in. "You couldn't give me just a little bit of warning?"

"But then it wouldn't be fair."

"How is this fair?"

"Well, we didn't give Blaine any warning either," Jackie mentioned, innocently taking a sip of her glass of water.

A frustrated breath of air pushed through my lungs as I leaned forward and reached for my glass of water, taking a slow sip of the icy liquid. Cooper appeared back at the table a moment later, by himself.

"Sorry about that," he expressed.

"So how is he?" Jackie inquired.

"He's freaking out," Cooper answered with a smile. Seriously, why are these two finding this so humorous?

"Fantastic," I commented, my voice absolutely dripping with sarcasm.

"I can see that Kurt is handling this quite similarly," Cooper noted with a nod. His brother was back a second later.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," Blaine said, sounding rehearsed, "but would you like anything other than water to drink?"

"We'll take a bottle of the oldest, finest wine you have," Jackie requested with a delighted grin.

"I'll definitely need it," I muttered under my breath. Apparently however, I wasn't quiet enough, because Blaine stared at me for a good five seconds afterwards.

"So the newest and the cheapest wine we have," Blaine concurred to himself as he wrote something down. "Any appetizers?" Cooper was about to speak, but Blaine spoke up before his brother had the chance to answer. "No? My, you guys sure are an easy table. See you in a jiffy!" He said with fake enthusiasm before fleeing our midst.

Cooper and Jackie doubled over in a silent fit of giggles, and I stared at the both of them, slowly starting to realize that I would definitely be their third wheel for the night. Great.

The couple started talking between themselves about the menu in their hands. I looked down at mine, pretending to look at it, but didn't concentrate on it at all. Nervousness settled over me as I shifted in my seat. Images of Blaine a couple of moments ago flashed through my mind. He seemed mad. This was not what I wanted my first time talking with Blaine to be like. Not that I had even had anything planned or anything. The fact is, I never had any idea what I would say to Blaine when I saw him again. I guess I wanted to apologize, or force him to apologize...or something. Dear god, anything but just sitting here and making bitchy sarcastic comments.

"Ooo, Kurt everything's in Italian," Jackie cooed. "It gives me a chance to practice my accent."

"To practice your accent?" I questioned.

"My grandfather lives in Italy, in this huge house on the coast of Sardegna," Cooper said.

"And what does that have to do with Jackie's accent?" I asked skeptically. They both shrugged, looking down at their menus.

I'm not a very good third wheel.

"Polletto ruspante con salsa di limoni, patate e rosmarino..." Jackie practiced to herself. "That sounds really good actually." I looked down at the menu, remembering that I should probably pick something out.

When I looked back up, Blaine was back with a bottle of red wine. He began delicately pouring it into the other's glasses, starting with Jackie. I pursed my lips and looked down at my hands when he got to mine, opting not to watch the view of him reaching in front of me.

"Ready to order yet?" Blaine asked, setting the bottle in the middle of the table. I was about to say something like 'not quite', but Jackie spoke up before I could.

"Yes, please," she said. "Can I have the polletto ruspante con salsa di limoni with patate e rosmarino?" Of course she rolled her 'r's whenever possible.

"How many times did she rehearse that?" Blaine asked to no one in particular, while writing down her order.

"No more than ten," I joked without giving it a second thought. There was really no original intention to say it out loud, and my heart beat a bit faster after I said it. I looked up to see a small smirk on Blaine's face as he continued to focus on the notepad in front of him.

"What was that ravioli that you brought home the other night?" Cooper asked.

"Ravioli ai frutti di mare?" Blaine posed. "It's stuffed with shrimp, scallops, branzino, and halibut."

"Yes," Cooper stated. "I'll have that. It was good cold, I can't imagine how great it'll be hot."

"Maybe you could tell me about it, because you ate it all," Blaine pointed out as he wrote down the order. "You stole it out of the fridge while I wasn't home, actually."

"Well, you stole my car while Kurt wasn't home. What goes around comes around," Jackie asserted with an adulterated smile.

Cooper's mouth twisted into a shocking 'o', and Blaine closed his eyes in embarrassment. Despite the awkwardness, I was finding it rather funny, so I bit my lip in an effort to hold down my grin.

"I can see that I won't be living that down any time soon," Blaine affirmed. It was silent for a couple of seconds, and I took it as my cue to order.


"I've got you figured out already," Blaine said to me suddenly, reaching out to take back the menus. I looked at him hesitantly while giving mine back, utterly confused. A moment later he was gone.

"Well that was..." Jackie started.

"Odd," Cooper finished.

I shrugged, pursed my lips, and reached out to take a sip of my glass of wine. I still wasn't 21 yet. My birthday wasn't for another couple of weeks. Maybe if things don't go very well tonight I can find a way to get him in trouble for giving alcohol to someone who's underage.

"He's crazy about you, you know," Cooper testified, looking at me seriously.

"I'm not so sure," I muttered, looking back at the door to the kitchen, where Blaine had just disappeared into.

"I am," he reassured.

A flare that I hadn't felt in a long time stirred in my stomach, and I shifted tensely in my seat.

Twenty minutes later, Blaine was back, balancing three plates in his hands. First, he set down Jackie's chicken, then Cooper's ravioli, and finally, a plate of risotto in front of me.

"Risotto mare e monti, funghi e gamberi," Blaine explained to me. "It's um...it's good. Really good."

"Thanks," I managed to say quietly, looking up at him and then down at the plate.

"Enjoy." And he was gone as quick as he came.

The risotto was freaking delicious, and the thought that Blaine had poisoned it quickly erased from my mind as soon as I took a bite. 'Funghi' means mushrooms right? It's not like, Italian for arsenic or anything.

"How's Blaine special order," Jackie asked about ten minutes into the meal.

"It's delicious, actually," I answered, then took another sip of my glass of wine.

Jackie nodded, ate another bite of one of her potatoes and turned to Cooper. "So did he say what time the set starts?"

"Lemme check," Cooper replied as he took out his phone.

"Oh, you guys are gonna go to a show?" I asked.

"We're going to go to a show, yes," she answered. "As in the three of us."

I mentally cringed at the idea. "Not that I don't love being in your guys' company, but, there's only so much of third-wheel world that I can handle in one night."

"Nope, you're coming," Jackie insisted.

"Blaine would want you there," Cooper commented.

"Blaine's coming?"

"Well, Blaine will be there yes," he responded.

"It's his show," Jackie explained.

Oh, well. Okay then.

After we were done, Blaine came by and handed me the bill. I was barely able to make eye contact with him before he disappeared off into the kitchen again.

When I opened the folder to take a look at how much I owed, my eyes rose immediately. The price next to my order had been neatly crossed out, and next it Blaine had written "Already taken care of".

"That pricey?" Jackie asked, noticing my reaction.

"No he...payed for me," I stammered. Cooper motioned to see the check and I gave it to him. He simply shrugged when he saw it.

"It's probably because you let him stay with you for so long, and bought him all those clothes, and those meals. I would be surprised if he didn't pay for you, actually," Cooper advocated.

"I'm perfectly capable of paying for it myself," I muttered.

"And so is he."

An hour later, Jackie and I were sitting together at a booth in the corner of a bar, while Cooper had gone backstage to talk to Blaine. Apparently this was Blaine's first real gig that wasn't in a café or coffee shop. It was a busy Friday night and Cooper wanted to check on his brother's nerves.

"So whose idea was all of this?" I asked once Cooper had walked away. "Yours or the TV star's?"

"Well, it was my idea to take you to the restaurant, and his idea to take you here afterwards," she explained. "We like to think of ourselves as fate's little helpers."

"You've already nicknamed yourself, classy." I commented.

"But you've got to admit, this is what you wanted. I mean, you've been looking for him for months. The only thing that's different is that Cooper and I are here. I thought you'd be more excited."

"If I'm anything, I'm nervous. He didn't look very happy to see me back at the restaurant," I reasoned.

"I'm sure that's him being just as nervous as you are. All you guys need is a little fixing, and then you'll be the best couple since Lucy and Ricky."

"Yes, but that's the thing. How do you fix this?"

Jackie leaned her head on my shoulder. "Well, talking to him is a start."

I leaned my head on hers. "Talking to people is stupid. I hate talking to people," I joked in a pouty voice.

"Don't we all."

The lights on the stage turned on, suddenly illuminating Blaine and Cooper, sitting on stools with guitars in their hands. Jackie lifted her head off of my shoulder and began clapping and whooping. I joined politely, putting my hands together for the boys at the other side of the bar.

"Hello everybody, my name's Blaine Anderson. My brother Cooper will be backing me up for the first couple of songs, I hope that's okay."

Jackie whooped again.

Blaine chuckled as he played a couple of practice chords. "Alright, so, I wrote this first song about a week ago, for a certain someone." He didn't say anything more, instead, he counted off silently to Cooper. Soon they were both picking a beautiful melody on the strings of their guitars.

"All attempts have failed
All my heads are tails
He's got teary eyes,
I've got reasons why.

I'm losing ground and gaining speed
I've lost myself or most of me
I'm heading for the final precipice."

My heart seemed to sink lower as I listened to the sorrowful lyrics. I looked towards Jackie for a little bit of encouragement. She gave me a hesitant smile, her eyes giving away traces of doubt.

"But you haven't lost me yet
No, you haven't lost me yet
I'll sing until my heart caves in,
No, you haven't lost me yet."

Relief flooded through my body as I held up a loose fist to my mouth. I still had him.

"These days pass me by
I dream with open eyes
Nightmares haunt my days
Visions blur my nights

I'm so confused,
What's true or false
What's fact or fiction after all
I feel like I'm an apparition's pet."

I closed my eyes and continued to think to myself. What if he had been feeling everything I'd been feeling for the past four months? Maybe he's been hurting too. Maybe he was just too scared to come and find me.

"But you haven't lost me yet..."

The words echoed in my mind again, and for a second I thought it too good to be true. Am I ready for this? What about all the doubt I had that pushed him away in the first place. I still don't even know how much I feel for him. I don't know if he's the one. Why go through so much trouble if it would end eventually?

Jackie put a hand on my back and snuggled in close next to me in the booth. I leaned back and accepted her comfort, waiting for what was going to happen next.

"If it doesn't break...
If it doesn't break...
If it doesn't break...
If it doesn't break your heart it isn't love.

Then it hit me full force, and tears started to form in my eyes. I opened them again and watched as Blaine sang so passionately into the microphone, to the point where if you listen closely, you could hear a crack before every breath.

And he was absolutely right.

"If it doesn't break your heart, it's not enough
It's when you're breaking down, with your insides coming out
That's when you find out what your heart is made of
And you haven't lost me yet."

I wanted him back. I needed him back.

"No you haven't lost me yet
I'll sing until my heart caves in
That you haven't lost me yet
'Cause you haven't lost me yet."

And it sounded like he would let me have him.


End Notes: So does that kind of make up for the fact that I haven't been around lately?Of course, I didn't write the song. It's the song "Yet" by Switchfoot. Awesome awesome awesome song. Also, SarkyBlueEyes is the best beta ever.Review! Let me know what you think of how I made fate work them back together. Also, come say hi to me on tumblr (my url is now darrenswenis). I'm very nice and I love making friends soooooo yeah! Let me know what you think.Once again, I'm sorry for not updating in so long ):


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I AM A SOBBING MESS. First I was kicky feet flailing for a good ten minutes when I saw this update, then I read it and now I'm sobbing into my dog. My goodness I love this story so much!!!

Ahh! This is lovely!! one thing, as a lover of all kittens: they very rarely (if ever) pee on people. They're very clean and conscientious, right from birth. They might pee in a pile of clothes if they have an infection or are unhappy in some other way, but not directly on a person. And the kitten probably wouldn't outright scratch him unless the kitten felt threatened. But other than that, this is a lovely chapter! I'm not into heavy fantasy mode: what happens after the show?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?? Can't wait for the next update! Love this story!!!!!

About damn time! But thank you! This is one ofthe fics I look forwasrd to the most and you absolutely never disappoint! I love that they finally see each other again, I can't wait for the talk...then the make-up sex. I think you're adorbs for having Blaine buy a cat & Kurt the dog. Jackie & Cooper are perfect and I love how you thought of that, I hope they stay together because they work so well together and they both love Kurt and Blaine.

oh my god! i loveeeeeeee you!!!!! i loveee this whole story! please dont make me wait another month! i need them to just like have makeup sex or something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heartattack!omg! so glad you updated!!!!!!!!please just update soon! i might die! that was so sweet! :)

Yes you suck for making wait a whole month for an update, but what an update it was!I was jumping up and down when Blaine came in as their waiter!! xDCan't wait to see how these boys sort themselves out :)

Awwww - I just love these boys so very much!!! :D

This whole chapter was so perfeeect! Seriously, there's not a single bad thing about it!I need to know what happens next! Oh gods, how will I be able to wait?

This is so beautiful THANK YOU SO MUCH for updating! you're amazing keep it going PLEASEEE :)))

I love how they met!!! Poor Blaine, what a shock :-)I hope they go home together after the gig.

aww. my heart. i LOVE this chapter so much! finally <3



This was perfect! I love Jackie and Cooper, and Blaine was incredibly sweet.

Just OMG! Waiting for a new chapter is always worth it with you. Thanks for this chapter.

You are entirely responsible for the dry cleaning bill of duvet because there are feels everywhere. I have a special place in my heart for fics with heartfelt songs in because making 'creys' playlists are fun :)Im in love with the story. I'm in love with a monkey and hobo being in love. Seriously, awesome job on this. Just a thought I've just had 'You'll Be In My Heart' from Tarzan just popped into my head reading this. Lyrics seem approiate for a reunion maybe? Just thinking :)Again, d84;d84;d84;

It's been two months and you left it on such a cliff hanger!!!!! Please update this is killing me!!

Yessss I new Cooper and Jackie were gonna set them up. Kurt is an ass when he said this it made laught though"Maybe if things don't go very well tonight I can find a way to get him in trouble for giving alcohol to someone who's underage.Great chapter I love it.