Just For the Night
Chapter 10 The Musical About Firemen Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Just For the Night: Chapter 10 The Musical About Firemen

E - Words: 6,162 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Mar 10, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
6,858 0 28 0 0

Author's Notes: Yeah, I know. I'm late again. This chapter has smut in it, by the way, so I hope that makes up for the wait.


I woke up to bright sunlight streaming through the glass doors of the lake house. My eyes opened slowly, and I took in the color of the wall that I was facing. It was a subtle dark green, with a single landscape painting in the center of it. My gaze drifted lower, to the top of the couch, and then finally to Blaine, who I was curled up against. I closed my eyes again and shifted my head on his chest. His head was resting on top of mine and a sigh of contentment left me as I tried to fall asleep again.

Blaine let out a sigh as well, and his arm rewound itself around my waist. The corner of my mouth twisted into a smirk as I let myself be pulled closer to him. He hummed a faint tune lightly in my ear, and I couldn't help but smile at the resonance, my eyes still closed in my sleepy state.

"Good morning, Kurt," he whispered to me. I felt his lips press lightly against my forehead and that familiar swooping sensation in my stomach returned.

"Morning, Blaine," I whispered back as I tilted my head up to look at his sleepy smile. His curly hair was ruffled from the night and it was extremely endearing.

"Sleep well?" he asked.

"Of course," I felt his thumb trace lightly over my hip from under the blanket, and I closed my eyes again, basking in comfort. I think I would be perfectly happy if I never had to move again. The blankets were nice and soft, and the couch was perfect for lying on. Blaine held me close and safe, I felt as if all of my cares were simply melting away into the fabrics of the couch. These are some pretty deep thoughts for 7 in the morning, but it's nice. It's really, really nice.

Blaine began placing feather light kisses on and around my forehead, getting closer to my lips. I leaned into his touch, actually enjoying the sensation in my stomach this time. No one has really ever made me feel like this before.

A small thought popped into my brain just before he reached my lips and I flinched back suddenly, my hand stopping me from falling off the couch with a loud 'thump!'

"No!" I yelped. Blaine looked down at me, looking confused and slightly hurt. "I-we-I didn't brush my teeth, I'm definitely not going to put you through that," I hushed down to a whisper. God, morning breath would absolutely kill this mood.

Wait...I probably already just killed the mood...

I looked behind me, seeing that we were waking everyone else up. "We should probably go," I whispered again, giving him an apologetic look. Blaine nodded, sat up and pulled the blankets off of us.

Finn had got up around the same time as us, because he had to go to work at the garage. He had come here with Rachel the night before and he didn't want to wake her up, so he asked us for a ride home.

"Wow, I didn't know you could have a walk of shame with two other people," I said as I turned my key into the lock of the front door.

Blaine chuckled, "That is extremely kinky,"

"Still here," Finn said from behind us. I laughed, to which Blaine giggled a little. Finn stood there, rubbing at his forehead while his cheeks turned bright red. He disappeared up the stairs as soon as I opened the door.

"So did you enjoy yourself?" Blaine asked as we walked towards the basement door.

I turned around, my only response being a knowing smirk sent his way.

"I knew it."

"Oh please, it's only because you were there," I said as we went down the steps, then stopping for a moment when I realized what I just said. My feet stopped moving, and my eyes widened as I turned around slightly.

"It's alright," Blaine said with a grin, moving past me on the stairs, "I had a good time too."

I stood there for a while, a smile slowly appearing on my face as I watched him disappear into my bedroom.

That charming bastard.

My face felt so disgusting from another night of missing my moisturizing routine. As soon as we were back in my room, I went into the bathroom and began the process, splashing my face with water. Blaine walked over to the sink as well and picked up his toothbrush along with the tube of toothpaste. I watched his actions while massaging facial wash into my skin.

"What?" he asked, squeezing some toothpaste onto a toothbrush.

"Oh, nothing."

"What, you think I'm brushing my teeth just so I can kiss you?"

"It would appear that way."

"No," he responded, smiling and putting the toothbrush in his mouth, "just because I won't still have morning breath doesn't mean you won't still have morning breath."

I simply gave Blaine a certain look and continued my routine, washing the cleanser off my skin and moving on to the next tube.

"So, what did you think of everyone?"

"They're really nice!" Blaine responded from behind the toothbrush, which was clouded with toothpaste foam. I grinned and watched him through the mirror. "They sure do like to um...show affection, don't they?"

"Well yeah," I said, thinking about to how Finn and Rachel spent half the night with each other's tongues down their throat, "but most of them are in long-distance relationships right now, so this week is basically the only time they get to see each other. I mean, I know I would be all over my boyfriend if I hadn't seen him for months."

Blaine's eyes found mine while he smirked, and I was very thankful that the cream on my face managed to hide my blush. He made a little hum of acknowledgment and continued brushing his teeth. A minute later he finished and reached over me to grab the mouthwash out of the cabinet. He poured some of the liquid into the cap, and tipped it into his mouth. Blaine swished the mouthwash around a little before he tilted his head back and started to gargle. The sound that came from him was ridiculously high pitched, and he started to wiggle his hands around at the burn of the alcohol.

"You sound like an African tribal toddler," I said, wiping some lotion off my face.

Blaine must have found that amusing, because a strangled hitching noise came from somewhere in his throat and he suddenly stopped gargling and ran towards the sink with wide eyes. I moved out of the way as he spit the mouthwash out and proceeded to cough heavily into the sink.

"Are you trying to kill me?" he said with a chuckle in between coughs as he leaned over the linoleum. I doubled over with laughter; my eyes squinting as I idly pointed a finger at him. "I'll take that as a yes," he replied, cupping some water into his hands and trying to use it (to) swish out the burning in his throat.

I continued to giggle to myself as he finished up and went back into the bedroom. Five or ten minutes later he came back into the room, stripping his shirt off upon arrival.

"I'm gonna take a shower if that's alright with you," he said, continuing to remove his clothes. My eyes went wide and I stared intently at my face in the mirror, trying to ignore the presence of a man getting naked in the corner of my eye.

"Oh...um yeah...sure..." I squinted my eyes shut and began washing what was on my face off as a distraction. My heart was finally able to calm down a little when I heard the glass doors of the shower open and close, the water turning on next. I opened my eyes again, and sure enough, my cheeks were an embarrassingly bright hue of pink.

I reached into the cabinet for my toothbrush and busied myself with oral hygiene, all the while trying to forget about the fact that there was a gorgeous naked man within ten feet of me.

I looked up in the mirror to see Blaine poking his head out of the shower, his curls wet and dripping. "You're brushing your teeth?"

"No, I am checking my gums for microscopic aliens."

"That's good, you can never be too safe about that stuff," he replied, poking his head back into the shower, and resuming his business I assume.

I smirked and continued to brush my teeth. A moment later I heard humming coming from the shower and strained my ears to listen.

"Gitchi gitchi ya ya da da," came Blaine's voice from inside the shower, "Gitchi gitchi ya ya here."

"Mocha chocolata ya ya," I sang back in enjoyment.

"CREOLE LADY MARMALAAAAAAADE!" he belted out in ridiculous falsetto.

I exploded with silent laughter, the back of my hand covering my mouth as I held in my silent fit of giggles, catching myself in the mirror as I did so. My nose was crinkled and my eyes were shining with amusement. I don't think I've ever actually seen myself laugh like this. When I finally composed myself, I moved onto the mouthwash as Blaine continued the song. A minute later I was done, and about to leave the bathroom.

"Hey, Kurt?"


"Can you hand me the shampoo, please? I think I left it on the sink."

I looked behind me, and sure enough, there was a bottle of shampoo sitting on the edge. I grabbed the bottle and walked over to the shower, knocking my finger on the glass doors. Blaine opened the door a little, poking his head out, "Oh thank you," he said, looking down at my hand.

He opened the glass door a little bit wider, and reached out, to grab the bottle, I assumed. However, he did not grab the bottle of shampoo from me. His wet hand grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me quickly into the shower and under the stream of water. "OH MY GO-"I yelped before Blaine's mouth covered mine. He pushed me by the waist against the shower wall, pressing his naked body against my clothed one and kissed me hard on the mouth. I melted into him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. My bugged out eyes began to close and I was kissing him back once the initial shock wore away.

He kissed down my jaw, his fingers quickly unbuttoning the top of my soaked shirt. "You didn't let me kiss you earlier," he breathed, mouthing into the crook of my neck.

"My god, Blaine," I groaned, pulling him back up so I could meet his mouth. "You can't just," I said in between kisses, "pull me...into your fucking...shower..."

Blaine pushed the shirt off my shoulders and reached down to grab my undershirt and lift it over my head. "Is that a complaint?" he asked, a cocky smirk displayed on the face that was so very close to mine. He kissed me again, his tongue inching its way into my mouth and mingling with my own.

"No, 's not a complaint," I breathed, and then pulled him closer so that our bare chests could meet. Water cascaded onto both of our heads, running down our shoulders and bounced off of our skin. All that could be heard was the faucet running mixed with the sound of heavy breathing. My hands roamed around Blaine's torso, splayed across his back and chest as I sensed my way around his body. I could feel his muscles move around from under his skin as he unbuttoned my jeans, tugging them down roughly and let them fall to my feet.

He calmed down a little once I was naked, his movements becoming slower and his hands settling on my waist. I cradled his face in my hands, kissing him smoothly and leisurely, enjoying the warmth of the shower. We pulled away to breath and rested our foreheads against one another, staring into each other's eyes.


"Hello," I replied, smiling back at him.

Blaine's eyes glanced over to the small shelf in the corner of the shower, and he reached over, grabbing a bottle of body wash. "Can't waste a perfectly good shower, right?"

I let out a breathy chuckle, leaning back against the wall and watching him as he opened the bottle and squeezed some of the gel into his hand. He mixed the soap, cupping in his hands a little, before flattening them out against my abdominals. I watched as he moved his hands slowly up to my chest and around my shoulders. His eyes were fixated on my pale skin, and on the soapy bubbles that were forming on top of it. This continued for a few minutes, his hands worshipping my chest and arms, rubbing slow small circles of soap into my skin with his palms.

"You...are...gorgeous," he whispered, his gaze now on my face.

I stared back at him, my right hand reaching down to grab his and lift it up so that our hands entwined underneath the spray of water. "You're far too kind."

Blaine hummed in recognition. "I could say the same about you," he replied, smiling ironically before leaning forward and kissing me slowly. His grip on my hand firmed as I slid my tongue against his bottom lip, and he granted me access to his mouth immediately. Blaine's other arm slid around my back, pulling me closer against his body. I lifted my left hand up his chest and twined my arm around his neck, tilting my head so I could explore him deeper with my tongue. Our hands were still entwined on my right, tugging and tightening the hold on each other's fingers.

Blaine pushed us up against the wall, and I could feel his growing erection pressing against my upper thigh. I pushed myself into his groin, making note of his sharp intake of air and the low, barely audible hum in the back of his throat. My arm unhooked itself from around his neck and I slid down on the wall slowly, licking a trail down his chest with my tongue, following the droplets of water that descended to his hips. I finally detangled my fingers from his, letting them trace across his abs and then taking his cock in my hand. My face nuzzled into his thigh, and I pressed kisses to the clear wet expanse of skin as I stroked him slowly.

I looked up at Blaine, who had his head tilted back and his eyes shut in bliss. Taking him fully in my hand, I licked the tip of his head experimentally, savoring the quiet, low whine that he let out. My lips lowered themselves down more, and I took my time, slowly taking him in my mouth. I let my eyes fall shut and leisurely bobbed my head, going from the tip to as far down as I could go. The slow rhythm continued, and I braced myself by supporting my weight against the wall as I continued to take him on.

My hands reached beneath my lips, taking his balls and rolling them gently between my palms. Blaine let out a stuttered moan, and the sound went straight to my cock. I let my one of my hands lose grip of his balls and reached down to yank at my erection, yearning for some sort of relief. My mouth detached from Blaine's cock with a lewd 'pop', and I mouthing at the side of it, moving down further along the base. The hand that I wasn't jerking off with ran between his ass cheeks, running over and encircling his hole, before pushing lightly against it. I lowered my tongue down, flicking it against his ball sack and then taking them into my mouth. Holy shit, I'm really getting into this, aren't I?

Blaine keened loudly above me, and I felt his knees buckle a little bit as he braced a hand against the wall for balance. He pulled himself away from my mouth, obviously trying to hold off on his orgasm before it came too soon.

Blaine clenched his jaw, looking down at me. "Hold on tight," he said. All of a sudden he reached down to my thighs, sliding my body back up the wall so we were eye level again. My arms flailed a little in surprise, truly shocked at the fact that he was strong enough to lift me so easily.

My feet finally planted themselves on the tile floor as Blaine kissed me passionately, leaning his body into mine. Our tongues met and Blaine whimpered out loud at the heady taste of himself on my lips. His hips thrust forward while our mouths were connected, pushing me into the wall behind me and pressing his cock against mine. My hips pressed forward against his, creating an unsteady rhythm between us. I opened my eyes and glanced down, wanting to see what was happening. It was a mess of skin, abs against abs and hips against hips. We pushed into each other frantically, aligning our cocks so that we could feel each other's hardness. I reached my hand down between us, taking both of our erections in my hand and pumping up and down, my eyes closing at the instant pleasure stirring in my stomach.

Blaine let out another loud grunt, and kissed me roughly, all teeth and tongue. "My god, that's so hot," he said as he gazed in between us. His eyes met mine for a second, a twinge of a smirk showing before he took my thighs in his hands again, spreading them apart and lifting me higher on the wall. He wrapped my thighs around his waist, so that his hips and arms were the only thing keeping me from falling down. My hand had stilled in shock from the new position, my back pressed tightly against the tile and my legs encircled around Blaine's waist. He bucked into my hand, creating rapid friction again, and leaned forward to taste me again. "M'so close," Blaine breathed as he pulled away, leaning his head into the crook of my neck as he continued to thrust.

"Me too," I responded, just barely able to stifle my moan.

"Finn's at the garage isn't he?" Blaine said, grunting low in his throat before continuing. "No one's home. I want to hear you," he lowered a hand down to where I still held our erections and entwined his fingers with mine around the two cocks. He guided my hand in a fast pace, all the while still thrusting up into the circle of fingers that we had created.

I obliged his request, yelling out as a huge orgasm overcame my body. I felt the thickness of my come spread across our fingers and stomachs, mingling with the water that was trapped between us. His name was tumbling off my lips again, like there was absolutely nothing that was going to stop it from happening. A moment later Blaine came as well, spilling himself over on both of us. His arms weakened during his orgasm, losing their grasp on my thighs, and I slid down the bottom of the shower in a post-orgasmic haze. Blaine knelt down as well, joining me as we both sat leaning against the wall of the shower, our naked legs tangled in front of us under the stream of water.

"That just happened..." I gazed at the other wall of the shower, wide eyed, images flashing through my mind.

"It did," he replied, still breathing a little heavily and then smiling at me. "It was nice."



"I don't get an, 'amazing' or 'awe-inspiring', I just get a nice?"

"Yes, Kurt, the things you did with your mouth were splendid. Well done," he said with a chuckle, lifting his hand to cradle the side of my face and pressed a kiss to my lips. The corners of my mouth tilted in a smile as I kissed back, moving my lips against his.

"This is crazy."

"What's crazy?" Blaine pulled away, looking into my eyes with a hint of doubt.

That you and I ended up like this. That I met you on the streets of New York last week and here we are, holding each other like we've been doing it our whole lives. That I've done more lying in the past few days,than I ever have in my whole life. That I'm probably risking a lot of people's trust by continuing this.

"My clothes are lying in a wet heap underneath us, and I'm pretty sure the zipper on my jeans is digging into my ass."

Blaine laughed, lifting himself off of the tile floor and reaching his hand down to help me us as well.

That evening I walked into the living room to find Blaine, Sam, and Finn talking amongst themselves.

"...and then our dog Jackson came up and bit the egg roll right out of Kurt's hand and he ended up accidentally spilling coffee all over the poor animal,"

"Wait," Finn said, holding up a hand. "I thought your dog's name was Hector?"

"Yeah, that's what I said," Blaine replied quickly.

"I'm gonna do it!" Sam said abruptly, holding his phone. "I'm gonna do it."

"Do what?" I asked.

"Ask Mercedes out," Finn responded. I beamed, walking closer in interest and sitting down on the couch.

"Oh you absolutely have to! You two have always been perfect for each other," I said.

"You really think so?"

"Of course!"

"You were there last night, weren't you?" Blaine added. "You guys were wrapped up in each other's eyes all night!"

"Yeah, well so were you and Blaine!" Sam said.

"Well...that's because we're also perfect for each other."I wore a coy smile. Blaine glanced at me, and I ignored him, focusing on Sam. "Mercedes totally likes you, and I'm sure she's dying to see you again before she leaves."

"I...I...what if it's awkward? Last night we were with all of you, and there wasn't any pressure."

"We'll double date!" Blaine exclaimed, his eyes widening with enthusiasm.

"That's actually a great idea. Plus, Mercedes said that she wanted to hang out again before Blaine and I left."

"Hey! Rachel and I will totally come with you guys!" Finn said, perking up from where he was slouching on the sofa.

"No offence Finn...but...no," Sam replied.

"What? Why?"

"Like I said, no offence, but I don't want you guys bringing your 'crazy' along with us."

I forced out a believable giggle, looking at the ground in incredulity. He thinks we're the normal couple. Oh god, the irony.

"We are not crazy!"

Sam and I looked at Finn critically, giving him an 'are you serious?' glare. "You are crazy in so many ways it is ridiculous," I said.

"No, you're just saying that because of high school," Finn defended.

"Blaine?" Sam asked, nodding to the brown haired man across the room.

"...yeah, you guys are kind of crazy," Blaine said regretfully, "but not like a bad kind of crazy, like, a 'I enrolled my child into a dance class at the age of two and made sure they knew three languages by the time they were eight' kind of crazy."

"Yes, you mean well, but you have way too much conflict to be invited on a first double date," I said.

"Whatever," Finn sighed, slouching back into his chair.

"So are you going to ask her or what?"

Sam smiled, finally dialing the numbers into his phone. "Here goes nothing."We all watched as he put the phone up to his ear, the faint sound of a ringing tone humming through the room. "Hello, Mercedes?...Yeah, it's Sam...I know...you're right, we haven't talked on the phone in a while...Listen 'Cedes?...would you maybe like to go into Columbus tomorrow night?...I was thinking we could go do something and maybe go out to dinner...Kurt and Blaine can even come along..."

We all smiled as we listened to Sam talk, his eyes wide with hope. He suddenly beamed, the corners of his huge mouth turning into a smile

"Great! I'll um...how about I'll pick you up around 3? ... Awesome! ... great ... I can't wait either."We all laughed, watching Sam blush and try to shush us by waving his hands. "I'll see you then...bye 'Cedes."

"Goooooing to the Chapel and we're gooooooonna get maaaarried," I sang playfully, getting up from the couch and dancing my way into the kitchen.

"It's a little bit too early for that, don't you think Kurt?" Sam said, but there was no hiding the stupid grin on his face.

I ignored him, walking out of the doorway and into the kitchen, "Goooooing to the Chapel and we're gooooooonna get maaaa-aaaaa-arried." I danced my way into the kitchen, yelling back while I opened the fridge. "I think I'm going to make some tea, do you guys want some?"

"No, but we'll take 3 cokes," Finn yelled back. The sound of the PlayStation starting echoed from the living room and I rolled my eyes, taking 3 glasses and a mug out from the cabinet.

"Gee, I really love you and we're goooooonna get maaaaaaarried," I continued to sing, swaying my hips and dancing as I moved around the kitchen, rocking my butt to the beat inside my head as I filled a kettle with water. "Goooooing to the chapellllll of looooooove,"

"Blaine, I realize that Kurt is your boyfriend and all, and you're probably very attracted to him, but that's my little brother over there, and I would appreciate it if you'd stop staring at his ass," I heard Finn say from the living room.

"Two hour drive," Blaine said, staring at the GPS after he had put the address in for Columbus. We were in my navigator; I had opted to take my car instead of Jackie's, just in case something happened on the trip. "But hey, we're practically road trip experts by now."

I turned onto the entrance ramp for route 117, speeding up to match the pace of the other cars in traffic and making my way into a lane. "I have an mp3 convertor in my glove compartment, you can play something from my iPod if you'd like."

Blaine did exactly that, taking the cord out of the glove box and plugging it into the radio. "Let's see what you got," he sighed, scrolling through the music on my iPod. About twenty seconds later he started laughing hysterically in the passenger seat, slouching back and gripping his sides as he practically died with laughter.


"Why the hell do you have Sir Mix-A-Lot's 'Jump On It' on your iPod?" he said, still giggling to himself.

"It's my workout mix!"

"Well that was an interesting show," Sam said as we all sat down at a fairly fancy restaurant. It was a rather busy night, and there seemed to be people sitting at every table. Sam wanted this to be special for Mercedes and him, because this might be the last time they would see each other till spring break.

"No, that was a horrible, horrible show," I said, sitting down in the chair that Blaine kindly pulled out for me. We had just gotten out of very, very off-Broadway show (well, duh, it was in Ohio) that was absolutely horrendous to watch. It was a freaking musical about firemen. I mean at first I had some hope for it, but ten minutes in I swear I wanted to force jellyfish into my ears.

Mercedes giggled, looking over at Sam. "Well yes, it was extremely shitty, but I had a very good laugh and I'm sure it will be a very fun story to tell people."

"Was it a comedy?" Blaine asked, "I really wasn't sure. Sometimes they would say the corniest things so they just had to be jokes, but then when we laughed the actors

looked like they died a little on the inside."

"At least now we know not to go see 'Hotchkiss House: A Fireman's Tragedy' every again," Sam said, reaching his arm to rest around Mercedes' shoulders. Mercedes laughed in response and leaned into Sam's shoulder comfortably.

About a half an hour later we were all comfortably enjoying our meals, laughing and telling each other stories. Mercedes and I were able to catch up, which I'm really kind of disappointed about because most of the things that she asked me were centered on Blaine. I felt terrible for lying to her, but at the same time, the words just flew off my tongue. Lie after lie came out of my mouth like they were destined to come out. I was obviously getting used to this life, constant deceit and lavishly made up stories. Nevertheless, I tried not to think about it and simply tried to focus on getting Sam and her closer while I could.

I took a sip of my water (which was filled with thinly shaved ice in a fancy wine glass, might I add) and turned to ask Blaine a question as Sam and Mercedes whispered something to each other. His face was stone cold, and his eyes were trained to the other side of the restaurant. I tried to figure out what exactly he was looking at, but I couldn't figure it out. Everything seemed normal, and all that was in his line of sight were a few tables at the other side of the large room.

"Are you okay?"

Blaine's eyes snapped back to our table, my words startling him a little bit. He cleared his throat quietly and pulled the cloth napkin off of his lap. "Um...yeah. I'm just going to use the restroom really quick, excuse me."

Blaine got up from the table, quickly turning around and heading towards the men's room which was located at the opposite side from which he was just staring at. I sat there, confused and dumbfounded. Sam and Mercedes, of course, were in their own little world, and they didn't even notice that anything was wrong in the slightest. A million thoughts penetrated my mind before Blaine showed up again four minutes later, sitting down apprehensively.

"Are you okay?" I asked, for the second time.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine. Just had to pee," he responded, his face still stone cold, and his brow furrowed as he stared down at his plate. Normally, something that immature coming from him would be accompanied with a smirk to let you know he was trying to be humorous. Something was definitely up, but I didn't want to make a scene, so I let it go.

"What the hell was that?" I asked when we got back into the car after we said goodbye to Sam and Mercedes. Blaine ignored me, leaning his head back on the headrest and closing his eyes. "Blaine."


"Please...just...tell me what happened,"I said, starting the car and beginning the long drive back to Lima.

Blaine leaned forward, putting his head in his hands and his elbows perched on his knees. He mumbled something, but I couldn't quite hear what he said.


"My parents," he repeated, "my parents were in the restaurant."

"Oh." Suddenly I had the urge to fidget with my hands while driving. Suddenly everything made sense. "Blaine...will you...will you tell me?"

"Tell you what, Kurt?" he replied, still monotone.

"About you. Not... not Blaine, the model boyfriend who goes to Columbia and works at Virgin Records in Times Square, I want to know about the other Blaine...the real Blaine."

"No, you don't."


"You don't."

"And why do you say that?"

"Because it's a sad, miserable story that I've never told anyone before," hesaid as he lifted his head out of his hands, his voice rising rising slightly.

"Blaine ... please?" I was almost down to a whisper. "You know everything about me. Literally, everything. I've opened up my whole life to you this past week. I feel so lost, Blaine. I need some sense of reality because right now-" I was gradually becoming louder. "Right now you seem like this...this imaginary...fantasy dream ... person. This foreign tangible idea that's been just absolutely torturing my brain and I have no idea what to make of anything. I just need something Blaine...anything."

Blaine leaned back in his seat, took a deep breath, and then began to talk.

"Like I told you the other night, my dad is extremely successful. He owns a lot of things and has control over a lot of people." He took a deep breath, folding his arms in front of him. "I've never been the favorite in my family, especially with my dad, and I've felt that all of my life. I'm the middle child, and I was pretty much the one always overlooked in my family."

"When my dad was in high school, he was a very big football star, and he recalls the days as 'the best of his life'. He's the guy who won those big trophies that you see in a showcase at every high school. He had this dream that all of his children would also go there, and they would be just as popular as he was, and carry on the family name."

"My brother, Cooper, had no problem living up to that expectation in high school. He was loved by literally everyone, even the teachers, and he didn't even do his homework. My father was incredibly proud of him, because he was the football star and the guy that all the girls drooled over."

Blaine took another deep breath, tightening the hold that he had on his arms. "Things were different when I got to high school. I wasn't into sports, I was in the school marching band, and...well...I was obviously different than everyone else at my school. Deep down inside I probably knew why I was so different, but I was too terrified to admit it to myself, let alone anyone around me."

"Anyways, I tried to make my dad happy, so freshmen year I joined football. I was terrible at the damn sport, but somehow I made it on the team. I think it had a large amount to do with the fact that my dad and my brother were considered legends there. So I started playing, and that's when the trouble began."

I glanced at Blaine after I heard the word 'trouble';he was staring intently at his feet, not daring to look back at me.

"I was bullied very badly by the guys on the football team. They didn't understand why I was trying to play football if I was so bad at the sport. They thought it was so I could...sneak a peek at their junk in the locker room or something. So they started to harass me, shoving me away or making cruel comments every time I even made eye contact with one of them. Things got really bad about halfway through the year, and I ended up in the hospital."

I gasped quietly from my spot behind the wheel, sending a worried look to Blaine who was still gazing at his feet.

"I basically begged my dad to let me go to Dalton, to let me escape from the place where I was tortured so badly. He didn't understand completely, but I think he knew why, at least a little big - I mean - he had to. I transferred to Dalton, where I ended taking my freshmen year over again because of the superior academics there. But from then on, it was like all my father's love had completely vanished. He wasn't cruel, but he wasn't kind. You could tell that he tried his hardest to avoid me whenever possible. All he saw was a failed son, one that couldn't live up to his expectations,and is making him pay tens of thousands of dollars to go to some fancy all boys school. Things kind of stayed like that the whole time I was in high school, and we didn't talk to each other. The only communication between us was when I was telling him when I was leaving the house, and when I would be back."

"I came out to him the day after I graduated. I had a boyfriend, and I didn't want to sneak around my parents anymore. I decided, to hell with it, and I just blurted out at the dinner table that I was gay. That turned my father's switch. He was no longer just neutral towards me. He was cold, completely distant. He didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore. He wouldn't even look at me. I'm pretty sure he just tried to pretend that I didn't exist."

"I'd had enough of it, and I was so tired of feeling so...unloved. One night I got into my car and drove all the way to New York, not even stopping. I lived out of my car for a week until I ran out of money. I didn't dare go back home to ask for more though, so I simply sold my car, and began to rent an apartment. I still had nothing though, all I had were clothes, a guitar and a toothbrush. I didn't have any money to really spend on furniture...I didn't have anything. I tried to look for a job, for something, but I couldn't find anything. The recession was terrible, and competition for jobs was the worst it had been in a long time. I managed to live a year off of what I got for my car, but then the money for rent ran out...and there was nothing that I could do."

Blaine stopped there. Silence penetrated through the car as I continued to drive.

"I'm so sorry, Blaine," I said quietly after a minute or two. "You didn't deserve any of that."

He lifted his head to stare out the window. "Well, now you know."

"Thank you for telling me," I said, letting my right hand drop from the wheel and covered my hand over his. "It really means a lot."

"Yeah," he replied, almost at a whisper. "It meant a lot to me too."


End Notes: HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT GOT FEATURED.MY STORY GOT FEATURED.I JUST.OMG.You have no idea how happy and grateful I am!!!I also have my first fanart ever!!! Which I'm extremely excited about!!! It's beautiful and it's made by dorathebrit.Come talk to me on Tumblr!And also review and let me know what you thought!!!


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ADORE absolutely everything about this story. Can't wait to see where it goes.

The shower scene... Hehehe! Thank you. That was an AWESOME chapter. Any ideas on when you'll post the next?

I am beyond thrilled that this is becoming REAL for them and not make believe anymore.....they obviously love each other....can't wait for more, thank u!

Awe, blainey bear :'3 he so cooote, his dad should be shot it the foot, cooper should have helped him out and Kurt HAS to let him stay at the apartment!!!!

MOREEEE. I NEED MOREEEEEE. No shit though, I love this story. It's crazy endearing, and wildly funny. I was literally laughing out loud more times than I would care to admit, haha.I think the part that really gets me is that it's progressing fast, but not like okay I kind of like you today and then BOOM! I'VE KNOWN YOU FOREVER ZOMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, you know. That REALLY bugs me, and I'm so glad you haven't done that. Can't wait for the next chapterrrr :3

I need more! You have no idea how amazing this story is! I am totally absorbed in it, and the smut is just the icing on the cake. That shower scene- omg! Can't wait for the next instalment.

Yaaaaay! So happy for you! I really love your story. One of my favorites. Cang wait to see what happens next!

Wow, I didn't know you could have a walk of shame with two other people, I said as I turned my key into the lock of the front door. Blaine chuckled, "That is extremely kinky," It's like... you just SAY stuff. You just SAY STUFF and it's PERFECT! How am I supposed to handle anything that goes on with you. Really? Really. And then... Ugh. How he thinks Klaine is the normal couple... Oh Sam. And how Finchel is mad crazy? and how Klaine is also perfect for each other? And Blaine being a total liar and so good at it... I'm dying. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not addressing the shower scene. If I do, I'll get weird, and that would be bad... but it was fantastic, don't doubt. Okay. Road Trip Experts. I'm not dying. And I'm definitely not dying because Blaine was staring at Kurt's ass and Fin called him out. See? It's all good. We're fine. Um... and then the end. Yeah. Maybe SLIGHTLY dying to that. Like, I was expecting intenseness, but then... then there's that. And that was perfect. And his parents were there, and he was all... cray cray... and I'm dying. I'm actually going to have a heart attack... GREAT job!


"I'm really enjoying your story. I am looking forward to your next update. I hope Kurt can finally get over his ""hobo"" mentality about Blaine now that he has heard his story. Please update when you get a chance, I'm hooked. I more see why your story was featured. It's good."

Looove it! makes me laugh so hard at times.

please tell me they will be in a real relationship soon!

This is so so beautiful-I read it all together last night-so curious to know more-poor Blaine:(

please write more now. *beggin*

I'm sorry for leaving a review just now. I just had to read the whole thing and I couldn't stop myself from reading just to leave a review.Congrats with the feature. That's how I found this story, actually. You truly deserve it! I love this story. I love the humour that you mix into it. And how things go-- it's just perfect and great.I can't wait to see more of this. Definitely going to my fic recs!

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! You're doing a great job with this story, and honestly I think it's amazing. :)

First of all I love this story, sorry I haven't commented on earlier chapters, but I just read it all the way through and well...

Great story! can't wait to see what happens next:)


All I can keep thinking about is how confused Kurt must be. Is Blaine acting or not? And it's obviously eating Kurt up to be lying to everyone. Sometimes stuff just snowballs in life and that is so happening to Kurt right now! And Blaine? Aww Blaine..what is going on in HIS mind for goodness sake? Has he just learned to contain all his hurt and live in the moment? Is he going to come crashing down one of these days into a complete mess? How can he live in the moment like this and not worry/think about going back to NY and being on the streets again? is he just being the perfect boyfriend because that is what Kurt asked for? What has he had to do to survive on the streets? God I really need to not wake up in the middle of the night and plough through fics all at once causing me to become a goofy mess!! All the feels and all the questions.... AIIIEEEE..

What's the point of being an amazing author if you never update? I need the next chapter. You're killing me!

OHMYWIZARDGOD I love this! You're such a brilliant author! Damn, everything I've ever written looks so bad compared to this! Pleasepleasepleaseeasepleaseeeeee update sooooon!!! x

E V I L E V I L E V I L My poor Klaine heart is broked...shattered into a million klaine pieces.