Jan. 18, 2015, 6 p.m.
Jan. 18, 2015, 6 p.m.
Kurt took a seat at breakfast. It was just him and his dad since Carole left for work and Finn went to his girlfriend Rachels house. He stared at everything sitting out at the table. A plate of bacon, a plate of pancakes, a plate of scrambled eggs, a box of cereal. His stomach growled in hunger and he covered it up in hopes no one heard its plead.
"You sound hungry." Burt said to his son.
Kurt closed his eyes, "Dammit!" He reopened them to see his father looking back at him, "Not really." He lied as he grabbed a small strip of bacon. Burt looked down at his sons stomach which growled again, "Not as bad as you think. My stomach is lying."
"A stomach cant lie." Burt said in his most fatherly voice, "But a person can."
Kurt grabbed another strip of bacon with a groan, "Really, Im not-"
"Whats going on, Kurt. Youre refusing to eat and practically-" Burt stopped himself but he really didnt need to because Kurt was about to cut him off anyway.
"Its the recital." Kurt bit his bottom lip hoping his father would believe the lie, "Im trying to be as fit as a fiddle for tomorrow."
"Promise?" Burt asked, still a little unconvinced. Kurt nodded his head as a lump formed in his throat then took a bite out of a strip of bacon, "Okay..." It was enough investigating for the day, "Just be careful."
Kurt left the table and waited until he was out of his dads sight before letting a few tears sweep down his face. He looked down at his wobbling legs. He took another bite of the bacon knowing that he did need a little food.
Kurt remembered Blaine and turned back into the kitchen. Burt looked at his son expectantly, "Dad? Do you think I should start tutoring Blaine again?"
Burt let out an upsetting sigh, not what he wanted to hear, but he still smiled at Kurt as he answered, "Where is he at?"
"He knows everything about everything in dance. He just has a bad balance and is a bit off on timing."
"Then yes." Burt said with a head nod, "Yes you should."
Day 7 (The Day Before The Recital):
Madame Arthur watched her student from the corner of the room. Kurt was still silent. She wished she knew why but she hoped her plan worked and she can get Blaine inside. The problem was: class was about to start and Blaine was nowhere in sight. She was starting to get worried. She sighed before clapping her hands twice to get her classes attention.
"Très bien, classe. Tomorrow is the concert, so no pressure but I want you to do your best tomorrow night and see lots of smiles, and lots of energy. I encourage you to stick around and watch my other performers. Alright! Places!" She watched the class scurry off in all directions to their opening line. Kurt was with the least amount of energy. Madame Arthur sighed again, "If only I could just figure it out."