Jan. 18, 2015, 6 p.m.
Jan. 18, 2015, 6 p.m.
I planned on getting this update out sooner but Im a horrible procrastinator! Reviews?
Blaine fell on his bed that night after not only his first lesson with Kurt but his first official practice right afterward. Ballet was so not as easy as he thought earlier.
He panted as he reached out and grabbed his water bottle off his nightstand. He took a long drink out of it and sat it back down as he continued to catch his breath.
"Why did I sign up for this?" Blaine asked himself as he rose into a sitting position and began to rub his face with his hands, "Maybe I should just tell Madame Arthur that I just cant do it?"
Blaine sighed and fell back down on his back. He hope he wouldnt hurt Kurts feelings. He hardly knew the boy but he could see from the slight gleam in his eye today that Kurt was so excited to help teach Blaine.
Kurt was beaming when he walked into his house after dance that evening.
"Im home!" He called out.
"How are you!" Kurt heard Carole call back from the living room. Kurt poked his head in through the archway to see his step-mom folding laundry on the couch.
"Im wonderful." He smiled at Carole who smiled back as she folded on of his dads shirts.
"Why are you wonderful?" She asked.
"It was my first day working with Blaine. It was tricky, hes not the best dancer, thats for sure. It was nice, though, being the teacher to my student. It feels..." Kurt trailed off to find the word to finish his statement, "it just seems fitting. It feels like I was meant to be a dance teacher."
"Maybe someday you will be." Carole enthused.
"I hope so. I like it." Kurt gave her another smile before heading upstairs to put his bag away and get into a pair of pajamas.
Day 2:
Second day of lessons with Kurt and Blaine came in late. He found Madame Arthur with her Junior class and thought that he should not disturb her during class but wait for break before telling her that he would like to drop out of the class.
He saw Kurt sitting crisscrossed on the floor in the back playing with his finger nails as he waited for his student. Kurt seemed not to notice Blaines arrival. Blaine sighed, sat down his bag and walked over to the boy who is to be teaching him. He could handle one more day, after all.
"Sorry Im late." Blaine said as he now stood in front of Kurt. Startled by the voice, Kurt looked up. He let out a heavy breath of relief when he saw it was just Blaine.
"May I ask why were you late?" Kurt asked. Blaine shrugged. He had no proper answer to Kurts question, "Dont let it become a habit."
Kurt thought it felt good being authoritative to Blaine after saying that.
"I promise, I wont." Blaine said simply, and he was telling the truth. He wouldnt be coming back after today.
"You should. All right, so where do we begin?" Kurt said, first to Blaine, then mostly to himself.
During break both Kurt and Blaine rushed up to Madame Arthur. The two boys looked at each other quizzically, each wondering what the other wanted from her.
"Can I speak to Madame Arthur, alone?" Kurt asked Blaine.
"Can I talk to her first? I have a very important question to ask her." Blaine told Kurt.
"I have a very important question too. And I was hoping to do it privately."
Madame Arthur looked at the two boys expectantly. Blaine nodded and walked away. He could wait another minute or so.
"Madame Arthur, I want to talk to you about Blaine." Kurt began when he was sure Blaine was out of his earshot.
"What about Blaine?" Madame Arthur asked calmly.
"He seems like a nice boy but... he doesnt seem like he wants to learn. Im trying, he just seems sluggish and uninterested about the whole dance; and to be honest, hes not the best. He cant get any of his dance moves. No matter how hard we try nothing seems to be clicking with him. He cant even do a chassé right." Okay, maybe he lied about the chassé, sort of, and maybe Kurt was excited to teach but Blaine was just horrible at ballet. Kurt already deemed him to be unteachable, and its only the second day of lessons.
"Just give Blaine a chance. Who knows, maybe hell come through and not turn out to be such a bad of a dancer as you think? The difference between you and Blaine is that you were born to dance. You were a prodigy in the art. Blaine needs a bit more training to get even close to some of your classmates level." Madame Arthur replied. Kurt nodded. He understood what she was trying to say.
And in fact, Blaine did hear Kurts and Madame Arthurs conversation as he sat at his bag and took a drink of his water. This gave Blaine a challenge.
"No quitting." He thought to himself, "Only do."