Tiny Feet
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Tiny Feet: Chapter 2

T - Words: 1,036 - Last Updated: Jan 18, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Sep 08, 2014 - Updated: Sep 08, 2014
141 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Thank you to the people who favorite it and followed it. That means so much to me! Please review

Day one:

Kurt and Blaine both came into the studio at 1:30pm next Monday. Madame Arthurs Junior class was already there warming up for their rehearsal. Madame Arthur warned them they would be in the back corner for their rehearsals because of her schedule and she was right. There was no room in the tiny studio for two groups, one big and one small, to practice. They only had the corner to learn in.

Madame Arthur saw the two boys and came up to them, "Kurt. Blaine. So nice of you to be prompt on your first lesson. As you can see, the class is pretty big. I have made sure to keep that corner over there open for you two to practice." She told the two before directing herself to only Kurt, "If there is any problem, Kurt, just yell for me."

"I dont think well have that issue." Kurt replied with a smile. Madame Arthur gave her smile with the outlined wrinkles back before stepping off to begin her class.

"All right, Blaine. Let us begin with our first practice." Kurt said as he sat down his bag and walked to the back corner. Blaine followed him. He was already nervous that Kurt was going to judge him over his lacking ability to dance.

"What should I do first?" Blaine asked.

"Lets start with some basics. Do you know your positions?" Said Kurt.

Blaine nodded. He hasnt done his positions since kindergarten but he knows them.

"Okay. First position." Kurt ordered. Blaine did as he was told and stood heels in and touching each other and toes out. He placed his arms in a circle-like shape in front of him. Kurt nodded his approval. Blaine let out a sigh of relief as he relaxed, "A danseur never slouches. Posture Blaine, posture."

Blaine hadnt even realized that he slouched when he relaxed.

"Stand up straight. Shoulders back. Second position." Kurt commanded all too fast for Blaine.

He could barely catch up as he straightened his back, fixed his shoulders, and moved into second position. Keeping his feet pointing the same way as position one he moved his right foot out slightly so it was separated from his left then moved his arms out, much like he had wings. Just as Blaine got himself situated into second Kurt called out "third" and Blaine quickly moved into third. Slightly bending his left toes in he moves his right foot back in and bumps it back up against his left but positioning it right after his left toes. He brought his left arm up.

"Fourth position." Kurt smiled, "See, you arent so bad." He said as Blaine situated into fourth, his right foot brought out in front of his left and his right arm was brought in to make a half circle as his left still floated above him. Blaine smiled. He knew this much.

"Now, just one more position. Fifth." Blaine brought his right arm up to make a ring around the top of his head as he tried to form the fifth position. He turned his right foot around as much as possible and tried to steady it next to his left. It was difficult to keep the position but he got Kurts approval.

Madame Arthur turned her attention from her Juniors and walked over to Kurt and Blaine. Blaine finally relaxed from fifth position.

"How are things going over here, you tow?" She asked with the smile.

"Good. I was just making sure Blaine knew the basics." Kurt replied, "He knows his five positions so thats good."

"Wonderful." Her smile grew to show her teeth, "Im going to go back to my class but please start practicing the routine soon. With only three weeks to learn it you have a long way to go." Madame Arthur walked back to the front to continue her class.

"There is one move in the dance we do several times throughout. Its a very basic move. Lets see if you have it down." Kurt said once he heard Madame Arthur begin teaching again.

"Okay. What is that?" Blaine asked.

"Can you do a plié?" Kurt asked.

Blaine snorted, "Can I do a plié?" He repeated the question with a cocky tone, "Anybody can do a plié." He then demonstrated a plié to Kurt.

"What about a relevé?"

Blaine then began to rise on his tip-toes, placing his arms in first position for balance.

"In our dance we do a sauté. Do you know what that is?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded, "Will you show me one?"

Blaine started with a plié then stood into relevé that turned into a sauté as he jumped into the air then landed back into a plié.

"Great, you understand that much." Kurt smiled, "Now comes the dance. We start in a long line, we are already in a plié when the curtains rise and before the music starts, our heads are bowed." Kurt showed Blaine the starting position as he spoke. Blaine copied him, "Bring your arms into first position." Blaine did so, "Now, the music has started. We bring our arms in and back out. We look up and straighten our knees. Our arms are in second position and our hands are as wilted as possible. Loosen your wrists as much as possible. You bring your right foot in, slowly, while also bring your arms into fourth position, just as slow."

Blaine mimicked Kurt as he walked Blaine through the routine. So far so good, he hasnt made a mistake yet.

He continued to follow Kurt as he spoke and showed Blaine the movements. Things were easy.

"I thought this would be harder?" Blaine said to Kurt as he took a one step turn and kicked his right foot up in the air while keeping fourth position with his hands.

"The start of the song is slower. Thus, the moves are slightly easier. It will get harder, though."

Blaine liked Kurt. Everything about him. He was so nice. Kurt could have been mean and strict, but he wasnt. The way he moved so delicately. He was so light on his feet. The way he spoke so rhythmically. His voice was so soft and mellow. Soothing, to put it. Kurt made all the stress Blaine was carrying when he started this ease off him. Maybe this wasnt going to be as hard as he imagined?



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