Tiny Feet
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Story
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Tiny Feet: Chapter 11

T - Words: 963 - Last Updated: Jan 18, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Sep 08, 2014 - Updated: Sep 08, 2014
137 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Woohoo! New update! Heres where Im most excited to start writing the story! I hope you enjoy the update :)

Burt rode with Kurt in the ambulance when his son awoke. With an oxygen mask around his face, Kurt couldnt really speak, he just kind of turned his face to look sleepily over at his crying dad who was squeezing his hand. Kurt squeezed back.


"Im so sorry, Kurt." Burt sobbed, "I love you. I should have never let it go this far."


Kurt wanted to fight back with his dad, refusing to believe it was his dads fault they were in this situation. It wasnt, it was his own fault.


"Oh my god, I let my son nearly kill himself!" Kurt fell asleep, everything was still feeling blurry from how drowsy he felt. He just really wished he didnt hear his dad say that.


When he re-awoke Kurt was no longer in an ambulance with his dad but laying in a hospital bed with an IV in his one hand, a heart monitor attached to him, and an oxygen mask still on his face. He wasnt alone though. With him sat three familiar faces, Burt, Carole, and Blaine.


"Hes awake!" Carole cried and turned to her husband who was crying in his hands. Burt looked up and sighed at his son with relief.


Blaine rested a hand on top of Kurts. Kurt looked down at it, neither said a word. Kurt couldnt and Blaine wouldnt.


"Lord, thank you he is alive!" Burt prayed. Normally, he, Kurt, and the rest of their family were atheists, but sometimes in situations like these its impossible to not think that theres something greater out there.


"Kurt? How are you feeling?" Carole asked the exhausted boy. Kurt turned his hand around under Blaines then squeezed the other boys hand and nodded, hoping that they understood that he meant he felt well.


Carole nodded, she got it, "You really had us worried. The doctors said you will be staying here for a couple days so they can make sure your eating properly and that you dont pass out again."


"I just cant believe it..." Burt trailed off.


Just then, a nurse came in, "Oh good, someone finally woke up. How are you, sweetie?" She was a young, vibrant girl, "Oh, sorry, forgot were giving you oxygen." She walked over to Kurt and removed the mask that was helping him breathe, "I dont think well need this anymore." Then to the other three, "But if we do, please call us immediately." Back to Kurt, "How are you feeling, Kurt?"


"A little tired, but Im okay." Kurt said.


"Thats normal. Im Marnie, and Ill be your nurse this evening and tomorrow morning."


"Thank you, Marnie." Burt said then shook her hand.


"You must be the father?" Marnie guessed then turned to Carole, "And the mother?"


"Step-mom, but yes." Carole replied.


Blaine waved at Marnie and simply said his name as an introduction.


"Hello, Blaine." She joyously said then gave Kurt a huge smile that suggested her thoughts he and Blaine were in a relationship, then looked down at their entwined hands that she used to confirm her theory, "Well, if you need anything Ill be just around the corner. All you have to do is press the little button on the remote at the side of your bed and Ill be here in a flash. Ill leave you four to yourselves." Then she waltzed out of the room.


"Dad? Carole? Do you think you could give me and Blaine a moment?" Kurt asked.


Burt and Carole looked at each other, a little hesitant to leave their son who was ill but they nodded and left.


"Youre such a good friend." Kurt said as soon as his parents had left the room.


Blaine smiled, "Im glad you think that. Im trying to be."


Kurt swallowed hard, "When you came up to me the other day asking for me to tutor you again, you were looking out for me, werent you?"


"Madame Arthur, er... should I say, Dorris and I both."


Kurt laughed, "Im the only other student who gets to call her that."


"I know. She told me." Blaine said, "But yes, that was why."


Kurt nodded, "Thank you. It really means a lot that people were - are looking out for me."


"Do you wish to get better?"


"It hurt me to believe where my life was heading. When I realized that I might have been anorexic, I didnt deny it, I began feeling so bad. I began crying myself to sleep at nights, but I had a hard time wanting to eat after Ive already stopped. And I also badly wanted to tell you, for help, but I was too scared to do so. My answer: Im going to try, because I desperately want to."


"Good. Thats good to hear." Blaine said and then hesitated before adding, "Our second practice... d-during break I overheard what you said to Dorris and I promised myself, No quitting, only do. and I applied that to everything I did after that. I was not going to quit on you, a person that I love." Blaine chuckled slightly after he said that last statement as he began to realize it, how much he liked Kurt.


He remembered on their first day of practice he thought of all the reasons he liked Kurt. How nice he was, the way he danced, his beautiful voice... then he fell more in love with Kurts laugh, and he hadnt thought about it until now but... he couldnt hold it back, he leaned in to Kurt and before he could register what he was doing his lips met Kurts. Their lips danced with each other as Blaines body carefully moved on top of Kurt. Blaine grabbed Kurts face gently and began stroking his cheek with his thumb. Suddenly, everything felt right When they parted Blaine looked down at Kurt who looked just as dazed as Blaine felt. Blaine no longer felt sick.


"Wow!" Kurt managed to breathe before their lips met once again. Wow indeed.


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