Tiny Feet
Chapter 1 Next Chapter Story
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Tiny Feet: Chapter 1

T - Words: 927 - Last Updated: Jan 18, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Sep 08, 2014 - Updated: Sep 08, 2014
136 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I hope to be updating soon but until then please review :)

"And one, and two, and grand jeté, and plié." Kurt talked out the entire routine as he practiced it for the fifth time that evening in his room.

"Kurt! Dinner!" Burt called up to him.

Kurt heaved in a breath as he tried to catch it, "Just one moment!" Kurt called back down, "I need to figure out this last piece of the routine Ive been struggling on!"

"No, now! Youve been working too hard. Its time for a break!" Burt called back.

Kurt wiped the sweat off his face with a dry towel and took a long drink from his ice-cool water bottle before bounding down the stairs and meeting his family in the kitchen.

"Whats for dinner?" Kurt asked as he sat down at his seat.

"Pot roast." Carole answered as she sat a bowl of salad down in the center of the table. Kurt crinkled his nose, "What? I thought you liked pot roast?" Carole asked upon noticing her stepsons reaction.

"I do, but, the recitals coming up. I need to be in my best to perform my best." Kurt said, "I think Ill just go for a light salad." He reached out and grabbed the salad bowl which he began dishing out onto his plate.

"Cmon, kiddo. Youve been upstairs all day dancing!" Said Burt, "Youre starving! Eat something more."

Kurt sat the salad bowl in front of him, "Im really not." He lied. He was so hungry but he couldnt eat the mouth-watering pot roast. He was trying to eat healthy. He thought he was eating alright.

Burt gave his son a discouraging look. He knew, deep down inside, Kurt was craving the roast. He could see it in his sons eyes. Still, he wouldnt be able to get the stubborn boy to eat.

"Très bien, classe." Madame Arthur said as she clapped her hands to get her class attention, "Okay, class." She repeated again in English, "Great work today. I hope to see you all at tomorrows practice. Dont forget, our recital is in a month. Im excited for you all."

The class began to pack up their bags to leave. Kurt took a swig of water as he put his ballet slippers into his bag. Madame Arthur called his name. Kurt stood and slung his bag over his one shoulder, his drink in the opposite hand he approached his teacher.

"Now, this is not really an act of favoritism but theres this new kid whos joining the class next week. Youre our best dancer" Kurt blushed after she said that, "and... hes not so good. He needs an extra hand, especially since he too will have to perform in our recital next month. Im too busy already with four classes I have to teach. I dont have the time to be teaching another kid separately. Im putting him under your wing. You take care of him, get him ready for next month. Thats all I ask of you." Madame Arthur said, "You may be excused."

"Oh, thank you, Madame Arthur." Kurt thanked his teacher. Madame Arthur smiled at him, the wrinkles of the contours of her mouth showed. Madame Arthur was in her mid-fourties but she still was very flexible and in shape.

Kurt smiled back at his ballet teacher before turning and leaving the little dance studio. He would have never admitted it to you out loud but he was very excited to become a teacher to his own student.

The next week Kurt walked into his dance class. Everyone was stretching at the bar or in the middle of the floor. Well, all except one. A shy boy stood in the back of the studio with Madame Arthur. His face was unrecognizable to Kurt. It must have been the new kid Madame Arthur was talking about.

Kurt sat down his stuff and walked to the back where Madame Arthur and the new boy stood.

"Bonsoir, Kurt." Madame Arthur greeted her student as he approached her and the boy.

"Bonsoir, Madame Arthur." Kurt greeted back.

"Kurt, this is Monsieur Anderson." Madame Arthur introduced the boy standing next her, "Monsieur Anderson, this is Monsieur Hummel."

Kurt extend his hand out to the boy, "Hello." He smiled.

The boy took Kurts hand in his and began to shake it, "Bonsoir, Monsieur Hummel. My name is Blaine." Blaine exchanged the smile.


"Blaine, Kurt has accepted to take you under his wing and teach you." Madame Arthur said to Blaine.

"Oh, thank you. I will warn you, Im a bit rusty. I havent exactly done ballet since kindergarten. Even then I wasnt too good." Blaine said.

Kurt laughed, "You cant be that bad."

"Kurt, would you like to join the rest of the class. We must rehearse our number for the recital. Blaine, I would like you to sit out this rehearsal. Watch the dance and Kurt will teach you during his private lessons. Ive set dates for the two of you to meet here and practice privately. Ill give you the calenders I have printed out after practice. You will be pushed off into a corner for I have other classes to teach throughout the week, but it shouldnt be too hard."

Kurt and Blaine nodded. Kurt joined the rest of the group and Blaine took a seat in the far corner of the room.

Blaine watched the routine through the entire rehearsal. His eyes were wide at how challenging the number was. He didnt think he could pull it off like he thought he could, when he joined the class. He kept close focus on Kurt. It looked so easy for him. No wonder Madame Arthur chose Kurt to teach him the dance moves. He was the best in the class.



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