Jan. 16, 2015, 6 p.m.
Jan. 16, 2015, 6 p.m.
Hope you enjoy this update. As I stated these next few chapters will be in Blaines point of view as he tells his story. Sorry for the teasers.
Blaines POV:
"Tony and I began our relationship about a month after I came out of the closet. When we started dating it was the biggest weight off my shoulder. I had no idea how much I was holding back. Tony was really the biggest slap in the face that told me I was gay. I loved Brinley and all my past girlfriends but Ive never been in love with anybody before. Tony changed that.
"We met at the theater. Brinley and I, as friends, decided to go see that new Angelina Jolie movie together. He was standing in line just in front of us with a big group of girls. That was my first hint that he had to be gay. Usually guys dont hang out with girls unless they are... But Im not one who just assumes so I watched out of the corner of my eye as I spoke to Brinley while we waited.
"Then he walked up to the counter and ordered the tickets for him and his five besties, to quote him exactly. His voice... was much like yours, Kurt, and the use of besties. I know no straight man would say that. Sure, Im stereotyping but have you ever met a straight man use besties as term used for his friends? Thats how I knew he had to be gay. I watched him grab the tickets for him and his friends and walk to the snack counter while he handed out the tickets.
"Brinley picked up that I was staring at Tony and suggested I go talk to him. With a heavy sigh of both a little relief and fright I nodded and slowly wriggled my way out of the line and inched toward him. Every step I took I wondered what he would say and what he would do. Would he like me too? An attractive man like Tony, I wouldve imagined him taken and I was a tad too late. I wondered if he was only in high school and just looked older for his age. That wouldve been the worst, coming up to him and being like, Hi, Im Blaine Anderson-" Thats my last name, Anderson is, - Im twenty-four years old and I find you completely attractive. With the response Sorry, Im only sixteen. Thatd be extremely awkward, especially in a public place such as a movie theater! Oh, and what if I had mistaken and he was straight all along? Did I take the stereotype too far?
"I finally reached the group and grew up the courage to tap him on the shoulder. He turned and looked at me. First he looked weirdly at me. I extended my hand, Hi, my name is Blaine." My voice was higher than usual and slightly broke as the fear really washed over me and my heart began beating so hard I thought it was going to beat right out of my chest. He took my hand in his and shook it as he told me his name was Tony. My racing heart slowed down as I figured things were going in a positive direction.
"He excused his friends and pulled me to the bathroom where he did a little further investigation. Just a bit of the basics. Age: 24, he was 23; What did I want: To ask him out on a date, he accepted; Who am I here with: My best friend, he was with his besties; Why did I come to him: I told him I was very attracted him, he thought I was cute too. We had already hit it off. We exchanged numbers and agreed to meet up at the little coffee shop down the road from the theater. My heart began racing again, but this time out of total excitement rather than fear. We parted for the evening after agreeing the time and date for the coffee date and I met up with Brinley at the snack counter.
"I met up with Tony the next morning at eight as we agreed. He bought him and I each a cup of coffee and then took a seat in the back corner of the place. There we learned a little about ourselves. Number of siblings: He has none, I have one, a brother; Pets: both none; and some other stuff here and there about each other. It was fun. The whole romance was exciting until that one unfaithful evening. It was our two-month-anniversary so I decided to surprising him by popping in and taking him out to dinner. When I was right outside his apartment door I heard the unholy sounds of orgasmic gasping and the pleads, his pleads for more.
"I was so upset. I backed away from the apartment and vowed never to speak to him again. A couple days later he received a letter in the mail from me stating, and I quote: Happy anniversary! Glad for the present you gave me, really great to know you were cheating on me for how long! Anyway, heres my gift to you: I never want to see or talk to you again. You are a fucking rude, inconsiderate bastard that doesnt deserve anybody, including me. Love, Blaine. Luckily, I never seen or heard from him again and although I was heartbroken I eventually got over him and a month later I met Taylor."