Another Perspective
One-night Stand Next Chapter Story
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Another Perspective: One-night Stand

T - Words: 2,026 - Last Updated: Feb 07, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Jan 22, 2015 - Updated: Jan 22, 2015
152 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Welcome back to the "One-Night Stand" verse. This part is "Another Perspective" which will be written in first-person told by Brinley. Some parts in the story might sound familiar because I just rewrote it from "One-Night Stand so that way you could hear the story in her perspective. I would advise you to read "One-Night Stand" and "Just Another Night" before reading this one. It will be two chapters long. Chapter one will be from "One-Night Stand" and Chapter two will be from "Just Another Night" Here it is:

"I love you, Blaine." I said as I took a seat on his couch next to him, "You know that I love you?"


"Yes." He replied, "You dont need to say it a thousand times for me to know. I love you too."


"Good." I bit my bottom lip, feeling anxious as to what I was about to suggest we do.


Weve been together for a couple weeks and have been out four times. Both of us thought that we were the ones for each other and have been trying to lose ourselves to one another. The problem in hand was: How do you properly have sex without being aroused?


Ive tried to get Blaine turned on multiple times but each ended unsuccessfully. Its like his dick wont budge! I have stayed up at nights wondering if maybe he has a disorder, like erectile dysfunction, but (crazy as it sounds) my heart was still set on his penis erecting.


So I went for my last resort, "I was thinking we could go out tonight."


"Where to?" He asked and my heart began to pound as I was about ready to tell him where when I realized he might refuse. I stuck to keeping it a secret which calmed my nerves slightly.



I practically dragged my boyfriend along the streets of New York until we approached the building I remember researching from earlier, "This one. This one, here!" I said and pointed to the club, Bikini Straps and Heart Attacks, "Its a strip club! I know this is an odd fifth date but its for both men and women and it might strike up a bit of want between us."


I watched Blaine look up at the building and I began to worry again, "What if he bails on this date? Or worse, break-up with me? I dont want to lose the man I love because of this."


"Must we go here? We can arouse ourselves in other ways. I only want to see one woman in my life and that woman is you." Blaine ended up saying with a smile. He wrapped an arm around my waist.


I liked his cheesiness but I still wouldnt give up so I said, "But I cant seem to get you..." I trailed off and shook my head, "We both want to have sex but we both want to feel turned on. I cant seem to get you to feel sexually aroused around me. I think if we can at least get you to want it this way well have decent sex."


"Its not that I cant get aroused. Its just-" He began but stopped.


I suddenly felt irritated and disappointed at Blaine. I knew what he met though, "Its just what?" I acted dumb for him.


"I dont know why..." Blaine trailed off, still trying not tell me the already obvious.


"Stop stalling!" I yelled.


"I dont know why. Im trying so hard but I cant seem to sexually want you."


Yep, that made me mad alright. Just hearing it from him made me feel so much worse. Unsure of what to say about that, I simply stuck my nose up in the air and walked away from Blaine to the club.



It didnt take me long to get myself wasted. I started off just sitting at the bar and drinking the pain away. Knowing that Blaine didnt get turned on around me physically hurt and sickened me. So there I was: drinking all my feelings away until I was ready to have fun.


A woman I was talking to at the bar as we got drunk together decided it was time to dance and watch the men on the stage in the front of the room. I grabbed the martini I was drinking and she drug me to the floor.


We laughed as we began dancing to the music with each other, not a care in the world. One: men were dancing sexily for us. Two: We were drunk and feeling sexy ourselves.


The music died enough for a man to announce the next strippers as they began to change shifts. Up next: Long Rod, Black Leather, and Fire Dong.


Unlike the last set, who dressed like sexy emergency people, these people were all in tight, leather shorts that went along with there alias. Long Rod wore the longest, but tightest pair of blue shorts. Black Leather wore exactly that, black leather. Fire Dong wore gold shorts and orange suspenders.


The three of them automatically jumped to the poles on the stage and everyone cheered. I screamed on the top of my lungs.


I was just having fun. I was waving my martini in my hand and went back to dancing with that other woman as we talked about the hot men on stage. Then I remembered turning my head around and found Blaine walking through the crowd and toward the door. Suddenly I realized my situation, the reason I was here.


"Blaine!" I shouted over the loud music and screaming girls, "Blaine!" I repeated and began shuffling my way through the crowd. I sat my drink on the bar and headed out the door, but Blaine was nowhere in sight.


I fell to my knees and began sobbing, "No!" I cried, "No! No! No!" I repeated.


That woman came out a second later and sat on the sidewalk next to me, "Are you alright, honey?" She asked and took me in an embrace as she tried to calm me. I didnt say anything, I just snuggled into her arms.


We laid like that for a few minutes until she suggested to walk me home. I nodded in her hug then we helped each other up and headed in the direction of my apartment.



"What a sleazeball! Who the hell leaves their girlfriend during an outing?" The woman, I learned her name was Lori, said during our walk after I finally told her what happened. We were both wasted and walking awkwardly down the sidewalk, but we still communicated well.


"I know." I said in tears, "I cant believe he would do that! Im so mad at him!"


"You know what I would do? Break-up with him." Lori suggested. I gave her a disgusted look. She was absolutely right, but I didnt want to break-up with Blaine. I loved him, "I mean, you cant arouse him, then he just walks out on you. Sounds like this man is not interested."


I wiped the tears from my eyes, "No... No..." Everything she said made sense but I just wanted to deny it.


"Yes! Yes!" Lori exclaimed, "Break-up with the bastard!"


I stumbled in front of the woman, angry to hear what she just called my boyfriend,"I know how bad this situation sounds, but Blaine is not a bastard. Hear me?" She was silent. I looked to my right and noticed we were next to an entrance to a subway station, "Im out of here." I said then ran down the stairs, deciding to take a subway the rest of the way to my apartment.



My damn phone woke me the next morning. I already had a throbbing headache but then of course my phone was not silent in the least bit when it went off.


I screamed and nearly rolled off the bed but grabbed the bedside and pulled myself up. I picked up my phone sitting on the table and found Blaines name illuminating the screen. With a groan I answered the call.


"What, Blaine?" I questioned the man between gritted teeth. I was not in the mood to hear from the man who not only left me last night, but decided to wake me up at ten a.m.


"Hey... Brinley?" His voice came softly on the other end of the phone. He sounded worried and a little scared. My heart ached at his voice but I was still pissed at him.


"Yeah?" I asked, hiding my annoyance.


"C-C-Can I - you come over l-later today..." He stuttered. I realized just how afraid he was.


I rolled out of bed, ready to come over and talk this out. I thought I knew why he was like this and I was not going to show sympathy for any of it, because it was not my fault, "Ill be there in a few." I said then hung up. I was ready to give him a piece of my mind for what he did last night.



I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer, "Com in!" He called from inside.


I opened the door and began speaking as I stalked into the room, suddenly full of energy, "You left me at the club last night." I noticed him sitting on the couch looking down at his hands and stopped just in front of him as I waited for him to say something. He didnt. I was irritated enough that he left me last night and now he wouldnt speak or even look at me. Why did he ask me to come in the first place? So I began again, raising my voice, "Arent you going to talk to me? That made me mad enough, now youre just going to ignore me?" Blaine sighed, still not speaking, so I continued, "Thanks to you I had to ride the subway home, alone! With two creeps squeezing my ass, but it wasnt on purpose blame the bumpy ride thats what they told me. And I didnt have you there to protect me."


By the end of my rant I noticed that I began to cry tears of anger, and then I noticed that Blaine was crying also. "Was he feeling bad?" I wondered.


Blaine bit his bottom lip, sniffed, and wiped the tears from his eyes before finally speaking "Im gay..."


I had to blink twice to make sure I heard my boyfriend correctly. He couldnt be serious, and yet it all made sense, "Youre lying to me." I was denying what my ears heard him say, "I cant believe thats the best excuse you can give me! News flash, stupid joke. Haha, Im laughing so hard!"


"Its - Its not a lie, Brin. I realized this last night." Blaine said with a little head nod.


"Youre just confused-" Honestly, I still couldnt wrap my head around this and was just coming up with an excuse now.


"No, I was confused!" He cut me off, "Im not anymore. The reason you couldnt-"


"Just stop!" My muddled head was beginning to clear up as he started and I just couldnt listen to him admit the one thing I refused to believe. My eyes were watering again, this time from utter disbelief.


"- turn me on-" He still went on.


"Shut up!" I screamed, then covered my mouth.


"- was because I couldnt." Blaine finished.


I collapsed to my knees as I took in the news and I began rapidly shaking my head. Just then another man walked into the room from Blaines bedroom. He looked familiar, but I didnt know where.


I looked back and forth between the two guys as I watched Blaine wrap an arm around his waist like he used to do to me a lot.


I began to wonder if they started a relationship, "Please dont tell me." I gasped.


"Kurt helped me realize this last night." Blaine said, "Do you remember Kurt?"


The man, Kurt, gave me a shy wave.


"Should I..." I still tried to piece his face together


"Im one of the strippers you saw last evening." Kurt told me, and thanks to that I recognized his face as Black Leather. Kurt continued, "I met Blaine, we began talking, and then we just kind of realized it. Hes gay."


Blaine pursed his lips at me as he spoke, "Im really, really, really sorry. I cant tell you how sorry I am." I took a step closer to them, "I like you, Brinley. I really do. Can we - and I say this earnestly - still be friends?"


I took another step closer then asked him one very important question I hoped I would get a positive response to, "Can I get one more thing before I go?" I asked for one last kiss.


Blaine closed his eyes and nodded. We then walked closer toward each other and closed the gap between us with a kiss. We locked lips for only a brief moment before we parted. I stood with my face inches away from his for a couple seconds longer before I decided to leave him. That was it, that was the end.


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