Basket Boy
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Story
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Basket Boy: Chapter 5

E - Words: 2,237 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Apr 08, 2012 - Updated: Jun 04, 2012
597 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Thanks to my best friends for helping me figure out songs to use for this, and future chapters. Also shout-out to nellie12 who is one of my favorite fanfic authors for reading and reviewing all my chapters. Please check out her stuff, she's amazing. Once again thanks for reading everyone. Please read and review, especially the review part:) Also, check out the question on the bottom of the chapter and tell me what you think.


Chapter 5

It smelled different, Blaine thought as he stirred himself awake, the pounding headache already setting in. His room at his parents' house didn't normally have a smell; it was clean, neat, and perfect, lacking any sense of personality that would contradict the perfectly groomed house it was in, but for some reason it now smelled lavender with a touch of Old Spice. That was new. Squinting, Blaine tried to open his eyes to figure out where the aroma was coming from but even the little stream of light that snuck through the window shades caused him pain. He knew that his dad was expecting him to go out and play golf with his law firm partners but there was no way he was going to be able to get out of bed anytime soon, let alone play golf. Deciding to give up, Blaine snuggled into the arms that were wrapped around his body. It was nice to be held again Blaine thought as he wiggled against the body behind him, trying to resituate himself. Finally finding a comfortable position Blaine settled in and tried to fall back asleep, it was then that he felt something hard pressing against his backside. Shooting up into a sitting position, which caused a hairsplitting pain to go through his head, Blaine pushed the body next to him off the bed and causing the body to fall to the floor with a thud. Darting his head from side to side trying to figure out were he was, Blaine took in the scene around him. Clothing that he would definitely never wear was thrown around the room and the surfaces that weren't masked by clothes were covered by unorganized piles of books. This was not Blaine's room.

"What the fuck was that for Blaine?" said a muffled voice from the floor that was obviously very upset about the rude awakening.

Glancing over the side of the bed Blaine saw Kurt, shirtless, wrapped up in the blankets that were covering the two of them just moments ago, and holding his head in obvious pain. He had no clue what to do other than stare. What was going on? Why was he waking up in Kurt Hummel's bed? Shivering as the thought passed through his mind again, he, Blaine Anderson, was in Kurt Hummel's bed. Just the thought made him blush and look down only to turn redder as he discovered that he was only wearing boxers. What happened last night?

Another groan came from the ground as Kurt picked himself up from the floor and looked at the shocked face in front of him. Slowly words started to form in Blaine's mouth, "Kurt-um why am I in your bed?"

"I don't know, you said something about your dad going to kill you if you came home drunk...besides you were a mess last night and there was no way I was going to let you drive home like that so I just got Rachel to call your home and let your dad know that you were staying over at her house."

"Staying over at Rachel's...?" said Blaine slowly, as if the words hadn't fully connected in his head. "Wait, then why am I here?"

"Rachel had already left the party with Finn by the time I- I uh found you" said Kurt, unsure of how much Blaine remembered.

"What do you mean you found me? I was with Sebastian all night, it's not like I could get lost." Blaine watched as Kurt's eyes went dark and his jaw clenched, "...did something happen?"

"You don't remember anything do you?" said Kurt, getting up and running his hands through his ruffled hair. Looking for confirmation, Kurt noticed the blank look on Blaine's face. "Shit, you don't remember anything do you?"

"Tell me Kurt, tell me what happened. All I remember is walking out of the kitchen holding Sebastian's hand and him saying something about body shots and then, well and then I woke up here."

"That asshole." repeated Kurt, his eyes turning dark and his hand clenched as Sebastian's name was repeated.

"Hey!" Blaine exclaimed, he knew that Kurt didn't exactly like Sebastian but he thought the older boy was being kind of harsh. "Sebastian's really not that bad, especially once you get to know him-"

"I do know him!" shouted Kurt turning and hitting something off of his desk. Turning quite Kurt turned and looked into Blaine's eyes, "I do know him, Blaine, and he is the not the guy you think he his. God, after last night you'd think that someone as smart as you would know that..."

"Kurt, tell me. What happened?" Blaine whispered, growing pale.

"He- he tried to- Blaine I'm so sorry I wasn't there..." said Kurt quietly. "He tried to rape-"


"Blaine, I'm not lying..."

"He wouldn't."

"Look at yourself Blaine," Kurt said gently, as Blaine looked down. Small, purple bruises covered Blaine's arms and torso marring his clear, olive skin. Kurt watched as Blaine's eyes filled with water and his heart broke for the smaller boy.

"He wouldn't-" Blaine tried to get out, but his voice broke and the life drain out of his face. Stepping forward, Kurt made his way to the top of the bed where Blaine was trying to hold back tears and wrapped his arms around the younger boy. At the touch Blaine fell apart and curled into the taller boy and cried. Kurt didn't normally do things like this, heck he'd never done this before, but for once he just sat there and comforted the other boy as he cried, running his hands through Blaine's curls and whispering kind words into his ears. Soon the waterworks turned into sniffles and then to soft snores as Blaine fell asleep, exhausted, in Kurt's arm. And Kurt just sat there holding the broken boy as he slept, trying to will all the pain away.

"Kurt I need you to-" said Burt as he walked into his son's room only to be stopped by the scene of a boy he had never met in the arms of his only son, both boys laying in just their underwear. "Kurt" repeated Burt louder causing the younger boy in Kurt's arms to jump awake and in turn waking up his son.

"Hey dad," Kurt mumbled as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. Blaine hurried to gather his clothes from the ground, his face turning redder by the second. "This is Blaine, he was having some trouble last night so I let him crash here."

Burt didn't know what to say, he hadn't actually seen a friend of Kurt's stay over in a long time, not since his late wife's death. Some nights he'd lay awake and hear the whispers of voices floating up from downstairs late at night and soon, well other sounds would start, but when he'd come down in the morning Kurt would be alone and Burt would be left trying to forget what he had heard just hours ago. But Burt never asked, and Kurt never talked about it. That was their relationship ever since Elizabeth died, tactfully living around each other, never talking to one another. "Um I was just wondering I you would help out at the shop today but I see you're, um, busy today with your friend..."


"Uh yes, Blaine."

Kurt took a glance over at Blaine who was buttoning up what use to be a perfectly pressed collared shirt. "You busy today?" Blaine shook his head. "We'll be there then."

"Oh, um great," said Burt, uncertain of what to say. Finding no words coming to mind, he closed the door and let the two boys be in silence.

"When did you start calling me by first name?"

"I have no clue what you're talking about, Anderson" Kurt said as he got up from the bed with a start and headed towards his closet. "You must be hearing things, better get that checked out, Anderson."

"Fuck you."

Kurt turned and chuckled as he looked into the other boys indigent, hazel eyes. "Oh I'd love to."

Finding what he was looking for Kurt threw a change of clothes in the other boys direction, "Wear these. I'm going to shower and then we can leave." And with that Kurt headed into the connecting bathroom leaving a stunned Blaine wondering what he'd gotten into.

"Did I ever tell you that you look hot in my clothes," said Kurt in a matter-a-fact manner as he glanced at the boy siting shotgun next to him in the passenger seat.

"Um no," blushed Blaine. "I don't think so."

"Well you do, they suit you much better than those funny bowties you normally wear."

"Um, thanks?" muttered Blaine, turning a darker tint of red and looking at his hands that were tangled on his lap.

Kurt smiled for the what seemed like the first time in a while as he looked at the adorable boy sitting next to him. They sat in a comfortable silences as Kurt drove them to his father's garage. Pulling into an empty parking spot in the back of the shop Kurt got out and walked to the passenger side of the car to open the door for Blaine. "Come on short-stuff, time to put those lovely hands to good use."

Burt watched as his only son showed this Blaine kid how to do an oil change through the window that separated the garage from his office. Something was different about him, almost better, as if the life was coming back into his voice, his laugh, his eyes. He watched as Kurt bumped hips with the shorter boy as he teased him, and how his son's hands wrapped around the younger boy's as he guided Blaine on where to place the probe. And even when they weren't touching he could see them trying to sneak glances at each other from across the garage. He didn't exactly know what was going on between the two of them but he could see that this boy was bringing back something he hadn't seen in his little boy in a long time, hope.

It was getting late, all the other employees had left over an hour ago, making sure to get their quips in about Blaine an making the young boy blush. Burt should have closed shop and left too, but he didn't have the heart to break the two apart. It was, however, late so even though he didn't want to he decided to tell the boys he was going to start locking up.

Walking into the main shop Burt saw the boys under an old pickup truck. Kurt was leaning against the younger boy and pointing underneath the car explaining something to Blaine who was staring up intently listening. "Uh-hmmm" Burt coughed, startling the two boys who had become accustomed to the silence that had filled the garage. "It's getting kinda late and I was thinking about locking up for the night. I'll just finish this up on Monday..."

"Oh my, sure Mr. Hummel. Sorry for keeping you so late, we kinda lost track of the time," said Blaine.

"Call me Burt, son"

"Okay, Burt." Blaine smiled.

"Yeah..." replied Burt awkwardly, seeing that his son was getting a little annoyed. "Well I'm going to lock up now. Hope to see you soon, son." Walking towards his office Burt looked back at the couple and saw the younger boy helping his son out from under the car and then walking out towards the car and smiled.

"So where to next?" Kurt asked once Blaine had settled into the car.

Blaine looked at the car's dashboard and saw that it was 10:30, wow time really had passed. "It's kinda getting late." said Blaine cautiously, causing Kurt to frown. "It's not that I don't want it hang out more..." Blaine quickly got out, "It's just that my dad...he's going to kill me when I get home. Kill me."

"Well if you're going to already be in trouble..."

"You know I want to Kurt, but I can't." said Blaine sadly. "Maybe another time?"


The two sat in silence as Blaine drove, neither able to voice the thoughts running through their minds. At an attempt to do something, Kurt reached his hand out to the radio right as Blaine was doing the same.

"Oh, sorry. Go ahead."

"No, you're car you should chose what to listen to."

"Uh okay..." Kurt said as he switched through the radio stations. Every station seemed to be on commercial or playing a random rap song so he decided to give up and pulled out a worn cassette from the glove compartment and placed it in the tape deck.

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away

Now it looks as though they're here to stay

Oh, I believe in yesterday

The two sat in silence as the sound of The Beatles filled the car. Blaine rested his head against the window and left his palm up on his thigh to see if the older boy would take the chance. Looking down, Kurt saw the upturned palm and hesitated and going against his better judgment he reached out and entangled his hands with the younger boy's. Smiling his eyes went back to the road as he drove the younger boy back to his home.

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play

Now I need a place to hide away

Oh, I believe in yesterday

"Goodnight, Kurt."

"Goodnight, Blaine."

Blaine closed the car door and walked up the pathway to his parents' house. Taking a quick glance back at the boy who was staring at him from the car, with a deep breath Blaine opened the door and walked into the house.

"Where in hell have you been, Blaine Anderson?"



End Notes: The song used this in this chapter was "Yesterday" by The Beatles. I've been playing with the notion that Kurt is a rock band I haven't decided yet and I wanted to get your opinion. So what do you think? I don't want to give too much of that plot away, but I want to make sure that you guys would be interested in it before adding it to the plot. Thanks again guys! Don't forget to review!


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I think it would be pretty cool if Kurt was in a rock band! It would be awesome!!!

Where is the rest of this story? Honestly, it needs to get put up soon! About the Kurt being in a rock band - I would still read!