From Where You Are
Chapter 8 A Grand Entrance Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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From Where You Are: Chapter 8 A Grand Entrance

M - Words: 1,008 - Last Updated: Apr 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Dec 08, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
992 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Alternation POVs in this one. It's marked, but it will be the only chapter like this. In the future the will be split up so you aren't confused. But since this is a short one, I'm going to keep it like this. Sorry for any inconvenience.


“Look it’s starting!” Rachel exclaimed, pointing to the giant screen suspended in the city centre. The population of the entire district was huddled together, their eyes glued to the screen as the opening ceremonies began, the Capitol anthem blasting out of giant speakers.

The families of the two tributes sat in front, with the New Directions and their families beside them. Kurt shook gently until he felt a warm hand grip his shoulder.

“It’ll be all-right sport. It’s only the opening ceremonies. He isn’t in any danger yet.”Burt whispered reassuringly to his son.

“All those people. He must be so scared.”

Before Burt could reply, the giant doors within the screen slid open and a white chariot stepped out. Kurt felt his heart catch in his throat, blue eyes eagerly looking at the screen to catch the first glimpse of his boyfriend.


A wall of sound slammed into Blaine as his chariot walked out, the crowds of the Capitol screaming at the sight of the first tributes. He drew in a shaky breath, feeling so small. Remembering Kurt, his family, and friends would be watching, he forced a smile onto his face, lifting his chin up, straightening his shoulders, and waving regally to the crowd. Blaine felt his small smile turning genuine as he saw how much the people loved them, screaming their approval at the prince and princess atop the ivory chariot.

Everywhere he looked there were posters. Giant drapings on the side of buildings. His face enlarged along with all the others. Another piece in their games. 

But he keeps waving undeterred. If they were going to make him a piece, he would make sure that he was the most valuable piece they would ever hope to own. 

They couldn't touch him. 



Everyone within the square drew in a collective breath and gasped as the camera finally was trained upon their tributes.

Kurt’s eyes widened as he saw Blaine for the first time. He was barely recognizable with the small smile playing across his lips, his head held high, his curls tamed, his tan skin contrasting sharply again the pearl white of his shirt and grey jacket. Kurt’s trained eyes instantly took in the value of the material but Blaine was wearing them like a second skin. As if he was born in them.

He didn’t even just look different; Blaine was taking on a different persona entirely. He was no longer Blaine, the dork who twirled Kurt around in flowery meadows and was ridiculously attached to a rusted bike and sang Disney songs to whoever would listen. He was no longer a boy who was driven away by bullies and broke every afternoon under the weight of huge rolls of fabric. He was Blaine Anderson, a District 1tribute, eyes clear and sparkling, face and small smile oozing arrogance, elegance, and respect.

Kurt felt his knees weaken at the strength of their entrance and deep inside of him he felt something flicker and rumble in his gut, something that had flitted away and disappeared the moment he heard Blaine’s name read off a small slip of paper.


Around his people were having similar reactions. No one could remember the time when District 1 had made such an entrance, had looked so strong.

“Oh they look beautiful.” Rachel gasped, hand to her heart.

“Not beautiful, fucking brilliant.” Puck said, his eyes trained to the screen.

Suddenly Rachel shot up with a laugh and began to clap, everyone around her doing the same and District 1 erupted in loud applause.

Mrs. Anderson wiped away a single tear off her smiling face, Mr. Anderson holding her tightly, a look of pride etched upon his face.

“Damn that Elizabeth has a nice ass on her. She looks hot.” Puck said before Finn smacked him, “Hey dude chill, just sayin’.”

“She looks gorgeous.” Quinn agreed with a smile.

Mercedes gently elbowed Kurt “And your man doesn’t look too shabby either.” She said with a wink.

Kurt, his eyes still glued to his boyfriend enlarged upon the screen, feeling his mouth twisting upwards, his voice breathless as he replied, “Not too shabby at all.”

“Not too shabby? Anderson looks boss.” Puck butted in.

“Puck, has anyone told you that you talk way too much?” Finn sighed.

Puck just snorted.

The other chariots replaced the pearly white one on the giant screen, eliciting a general groan from the crowd, but they studied the opposition nonetheless. District 4 was looking fabulous in ocean blue netting and bronze trident crowns, District 2 looking dangerous in bright chain mail embedded with blood-red jewels, and District 12 was looking horrendous (as usual) covered in nothing but coal dust. Other than that, no one district really made any sort of impact.

District 1 watched eagerly as the twelve chariots fill the loop of the City Circle. On the buildings that surround the Circle, every window is packed with the most prestigious citizens of the Capitol, using dainty opera glasses to admire the tribute and pick their favorites. The horses pull the chariots right up to President’s Snow mansion where both they and the music halt with a flourish.

The President begins to give his official welcoming speech, and the camera cuts away to the faces of each tribute. Kurt feels his heart almost burst with pride when Blaine’s face fills the screen after Elizabeth. He was looking directly at the camera, and gave a subtle wink before the lens, almost regrettably, continued on to District 2.

When the national anthem plays, the camera does a quick cut around to each pair of tributes, but then it holds on the District 1 chariot as it parades the circle one last time and disappears into the Training Centre.

End Notes: Credits:The tribute poster is curtesy of teamklaine. Much gratitude to that amazing person!Please review!


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I AM LOVING THIS! And the wink? *Swoons*

why thank you so very much :) im glad your actually enjoying it!