From Where You Are
Epilogue Previous Chapter Story
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From Where You Are: Epilogue

M - Words: 889 - Last Updated: Apr 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Dec 08, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
865 0 21 0 0

Author's Notes: Well this is it guys. The final bit.Here we go...

6 months later... 


The air is heavy and warm, the small scent of smoke touching the breeze. The hot summer wind wafts gently through the dusty and cracked streets. The hard earth is hot through the soles of his worn shoes. 

He steps lightly, a small spring in his step. And then there he is, pale and slender, blue eyes sparking in the midday sun as he stands waiting, a smile breaking across his face. Even after all this time Kurt still takes Blaine's breath away. 

He rushes towards him and then Kurt is in his arms, kissing him quickly before pulling away and taking Blaine's hand, dragging him through the streets. 

"Someone's in a rush today," Blaine laughs. Kurt just snorts adorably and pulls Blaine along faster.

A few minutes later, the couple reaches a splintered fence which Kurt jumps skillfully, Blaine following after a moment's hesitation, years of experience teaching them where it was lowest and how to avoid the cruelest thorns, the dry grass crunching beneath their feet as they land softly.

And then there it is.

The meadow where the two had been coming ever since their first day of school where chance stood them beside each other as a Peacekeeper listed off restrictions to a group of frightened children, his voice caging in the free spirit they were all born with as he forced them to learn, to follow and to never question.

The meadow that Blaine had thought of while a train was whisking him away to a shiny city and a forested arena.

The meadow where Kurt ran to when everyone had given up, where the rain had fallen in sheets, the lightning cracking across the sky.

The meadow that was home.

The tree's branches are laden with leaves, spreading dappled shade across the clearing. And hidden between the thick roots and covered by a worn tablecloth is an ancient guitar, wood made soft and smooth by generations of hands. The grasses have grown taller, are yellowed by the summer heat. They mask the remnants of small purple flowers that peak meekly through the carpet, where the overgrown grasses have concealed them to only those who know to look.

 Other than the growth, it looks exactly the same. As if Blaine had never left. As if nothing had happened.

As if there was only a damned alarm clock, a worn cottage, a rusty bike, an educational facility, a girl who liked to answer questions, a factory with dim light, a dusty mill, a meadow, a chocolate cookie, a guitar, music, a smile, a kiss.

As if there was never a shirt buttoned by shaking fingers, a frightened crowd, a small slip of paper, a clear voice, an anguished cry, a last goodbye.

As if there was never a train, a piano, a girl with wispy blonde hair, a mentor, a bow tie, a crowd, a song, a desire to fight.

As if there was never an arena, a scream, a mountain, a cliff, a bear, a river, a cave, a guitar, a song, a storm, a knife, a cannon, a flood, a climb, a lifeless blue eye, a victor.

As if none of it had ever existed.

Blaine just looks on for a moment, Kurt watching him carefully, something he does often now. 

"It's grown." Blaine breathes out with a smile, Kurt exhaling in turn. 

"Hasn't it? Race you to the tree!" Kurt calls lightly before sprinting towards the tall oak, which shades much of their meadow. 

"Not fair! You got a head start!" Blaine laughs before taking off behind his boyfriend. He catches him, his quick feet carrying him over the dry grasses. Kurt squeals as Blaine spins him around for a deep kiss, tongues intertwining as they kiss languidly in the midday sun. Then Blaine is pulling away shouting, "I thought we were still racing!"before sprinting towards the old oak.

Kurt glares at him for a second, a grin plastered to his face as he springs after him.

Blaine is running. The hot breeze is catching and playing with his dark silky curls, brushing across the bare skin of his arms, just a warm caress, like the comfort of soft fingers after a nightmare. His feet touch the ground with small crunches and small explosions of dust, the sun lifting them and giving them a stage to dance on as they waltz through the hot air.

He is running. But he isn't being chased. There isn't a cold hand constricting his heart, isn't a pounding pain in his ribs and shoulders. Isn't a glance behind to see a long knife, an arrow, or a launched spear.

He is running. And this time, he wants to be caught.

Before he reaches the tree, a small force tackles him to the ground, the air whooshing out of Blaine's chest as he thuds to the ground, the soft grasses cushioning him. He rolls away laughing and Kurt pounces, pinning him gently and straddling his chest.

"Got you." Kurt breathes, blue eyes shining and perfectly coiffed hair now perfectly ruffled. He reaches down, and brushes down the curls that have fallen across Blaine's forehead with a smile.

Hazel eyes sparking under the sun, Blaine leans up as much as possible to pull Kurt down into a long kiss that makes Kurt's heart stop. Breaking away with a grin he sings, "Oh you make me smile."

The End

End Notes: And there we go. Where do I even begin? Writing this has been a fantastic experience. Truly. To have all of you and all this support for my first fanfic has been wonderful. Literally takes my breath away. You guys waited and were patient as I got the hang of formatting, and grappled with writing and editing. That's just..... wow. I don't deserve you all. You are all just totally awesome and fabulous and flawless.I very much hope that you enjoyed reading this fic as much as I have writing it. I hope that I've made it as comfortable as possible, have seemed open and friendly, and haven't kept you waiting for too long. If I didn't accomplish this at any point, I truly apologize and I am very very sorry and I'm glad you stuck around despite that.Before we get into the beef of what I have to say about the future, a few thanks have to be given. To those who helped me outside the fic and encouraged me: My good friends Jen (jenbondoc) and Jules (missweasly). And to those readers who consistently reviewed (I wish I could put everyone but no room! Every single review was fantastic, so for those of you who took the time to do that thank you very very much). But, special thanks to Temarifan9622, Sweetheart, Klaine19, Porcelein, Bioentity, Klaine Fearella and cellogrrl123. If I forgot someone I am very sorry but thank you from the depths of my heart.To all the reads, the ratings, the favorite stories, and favorite authors.... akdhaksda... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am not worthy! Now, on to the future:If we are to part ways here, I really hope you enjoyed the fic. Will I write a sequel? As of now, no. But if someone really wants one and there is popular demand for it, just come talk to me privately or through reviews or contact me on my tumblr, and we'll talk about it and see. Right now, I don't have enough ideas to make an actual substantial fic, but things might change if you all want so talk to me and maybe I'll revisit this. But in the near future, there will be no sequel because I honestly need a breather haha.Now if you are interested in my future works, the answer is YES. I have decided to pursue writing fanfiction. How could I not after this amazing experience? (Do I hear cheers or groans?)So, right now I'm going to need a small break. School is picking up, so this is the perfect time for a break. Once my schedule clears, I will start writing again. I have another huge AU crossover on the drawing board, but it will be a bit before I attempt that. I'm not going to announce it now but I'm very excited for it.Until then, I want to write shorter multi-chapter fics (like 5 chapters or so). I have a couple ideas, but tell me what you want me to start with:-A Klaine kidnapping-A McKinley School Shooting- Jealous Karofsky (sorry, I like this guy as the villain)-Cheerio!Kurt, Nerd!Blaine (There are a lot of these out there, but someone asked me to do one so what do you guys think?)As you can see, I am enjoying writing the Klaine angst so I'll stick with it. Please tell me your preference or give me a recommendation or request PLEASE. I am completely open to ideas and don't have anything specific in mind. Who knows, I might do them all at some point but let me know!!!I very much hope you enjoyed the fic. Thank you so very much for reading!!! Please review and tell me what you thought, tell me any concerns, ask if you want me to elaborate something, or if you want anything about the fic. (I have a giant word doc I could send to you if you want to read it without internet, not sure what else I could offer but come talk to me! I won't bite!)I'd love to hear what you think, especially if you've never reviewed before. This is your last chance!!! Please give me some ideas and come talk to me whenever. If only to say goodbye. I'd love to hear from all of you. It takes so little time but means so much.Now, if you haven't noticed, I have changed some formatting of the fic. I switched the cover photo because the other was so large, and I don't want to be giving so much away. Also, it give the fic a more completed feel. What do you think? Once you finish, skim back through the fic if you have time. I went through every chapter and fixed the formatting, and also added more pictures and gifs to illustrate the moments a little better. (For example, Chapter 1 has pictures of Blaine's bike and the cottage etc.) So look through it, and tell me what you think! Thank you so very much everyone and so much hugs to everyone! I love you all so much. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank youAnd now, we're done. Good bye and may the odds be ever in your favor!


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I would love a sequel to this!!! I know how we're left with Blaine being happy and free and loving Kurt, but I really want him to feel the sorrow when he has to go on th District tour and see the families and all that. Maybe he makes a request to have Kurt go along with him to comfort him? And I really want to see him mentor someone from the district. I would love to see a McKinley school shooting only if Klaine survives. :) Well done on this fict, it's going straight into my Kindle. -AF

Hey sweetie! Great to hear from you! Thanks for finding the time to review! I am seriously considering writing a sequel to this. There is much more interet than I originally anticipated. I will definitely give that more thought and put it on my "to write" list. But, the idea of a sequel doesn't seem to far fetched right about now but I'll keep you all posted. Come talk to me if you have any requests or ideas and we'll see if we can make it happen! A school shooting and kidnapping seem the most popular. So I will write them both at some point. I'll probably start with the shooting so yeah. Can't give a time frame now but we'll see. I'm flattered that you'd actually want to read more of my work! I am very happy you enjoyed the fic! It's even going on your fic? What the actual hell? Would you actually read it again. Gosh, I might have to just sit and read it at some point to see what all the fuss is about :p Lots of love, much gratitude and many hugs!

Hahha but your new username though!!!<img src="" alt="" width="350" height="198" />Awww sweetie I'm glad you enjoyed the fic!!! It's your favorite? Gurl, you need to go read more fics. :) I'm happy you liked the ending!!! Thank you sooo much for your support through all this, love. Much gratitude and many hugs!!!

Ohhhhh my gooooooooooooood. My favourite fic has ended what do i do!!!!!!!! Crying. This is perfect. Btw, this is Bioentity. I requested a username change when my friends found it.;)

aksdhkasjd Thank you! Hi sweetie it's great to hear from you. Thank for taking the time to drop by!!! A fantastic writer? Where? (looks around) I don't see one. Wait you're talking to me? I'm the fantastic writer? <img src="" alt="" width="245" height="245" />It's all smoke and mirrors sweetheart. But thank you!!!! I'm so thrilled you want to read anything else me. The most popular seem the shooting and kidnapping (yay those were my two favorites as well) so I will try and write them both at some time to make everyone happy. Do you have any preferance on which you'd like to read first? I'm thinking of starting with the shooting... I am very very happy you liked the story and thought it was good. I'm thrilled, flattered, stunned, and very very glad. Thank you for reading and reviewing. Hope to hear from you later at some point! Much gratitude and many hugs!

This entire story was truly amazing. You're a fantastic writer!! As for your next story - I would love to see a Klaine kidnapping or a McKinley shooting. :)

Aww thanks for the mention in your last note. Can't wait to see your next story. I would love to see your ideas for A Klaine Kidnapping the most. As long as it isn't something really dark and twisted. Love ya!

Of course I would mention you! I couldn't have finished without you! Your reviews, and having you talk to me, and having you with me through this process is truly amazing and I LOVE YOU! I'm thrilled you want to read my future fanfics. The Klaine kidnapping does seem like something I'm going to do, but I'll wait a little, need a break. And it won't be very dark and twisted, maybe just a tiny bit more violent than this one? Or maybe less... I still need time to think about it. We'll see :)THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! SO MANY HUGS!!!!! I LOVE YOOOOUUUU!!!!

Great fic! I loved every minute, or should I say word, of it! Good job!

Thank you so much sweetie! Glad you enjoyed it! Thank YOU for reading and for taking the time to write a review!!!! Much gratitude and many hugs!!!

Hi there sweetie! Yes I do plan to write the kidnapping as well as the school shooting since they're the most popular. But I'll do it at some point because I have a couple ideas for big stories and the moment I get some free time and my AP Exams are over I'm going to launch into them. It's either another crossover I've been twiddling with or the sequel to From Where You Are (yes that may become a possibility). I am so happy you enjoyed the story and thank you so much for dropping by! Lots of gratitude and many hugs :)

for your next story i vote the kidnapping. loved this story, too!

HI!!! Yeah, so I'm going to write that kidnapping and the school shooting at some point. Right now I'm actually working on an AU because I can't think of anything else haha. Hope that isn't too dissapointing. You will get that story! I'm a brilliant writer? Really? Actually no, you're just super nice and I'm excellent at smoke and mirrors sweetheart haha. But I am so happy I managed to drag you into my illusion! Thank you so much for reading and thank you very very much for dropping by!!!!

The first option! You're a brilliant writer, I love it!

OMGosh!!! I don't really think I have words to describe how great I thought this fic was!! You did a fantastic job of capturing Blaine's melancholy after the Games had ended. However much he did not want the Games to change him, they did, and it was inevitable, and you captured that really well. I really do hope you have plans to write a sequel, because this was absolutely ASTOUNDING.

Oh wow thank you so much!!!!! kasdkasjhdkjsd!!! You are so sweet!!!! Aw chucks :) So many kind words!!!! THANK YOU!!!! Actually I have decided to write a sequel. There's a lot of demand for it apparently (like how...?) so after some thought I've decided to do one. I have the almost the entire structure planned out actually, and am choosing between titles. But right now I'm currently working on another AU crossover. I don't have a whole lot of time because I'm still in classes until the 25th and then travelling so it's going to be a busy month for me so I'm not going to give any time line but you should know that there indeed WILL be a sequel sometime in the future. Thank you so very much for taking the time to review and for writing some incredibly kind words sweetie! Much gratititude, lots of love, and many hugs!

Oh thank you very much :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Wow thank you so very much for leaving a review! I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised to see a new one for this story because it has been so long! I didnt even people were still reading it! So I'm grateful that you actually left a review because usually not many take the time to after the story is completed. So thank you very much! And I'm glad I was able to elicit such an emotional response from you! I take it as a success! Yaaaay! (And yes I want to hug Blaine too... Very very frequently) Thanks again for the review sweetheart!

I'm just sobbing right seriously sobbing cause uhg this is just too damn beautiful and listening to My Immortal i just wanna hug Nlaine so badly so damn badly <3

love your fic *o* So beautiful *o* Thanks !