From Where You Are
Chapter 1 Waking Up Next Chapter Story
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From Where You Are: Chapter 1 Waking Up

M - Words: 2,043 - Last Updated: Apr 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Dec 08, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
2,091 0 50 0 0

The boy opened his hazel eyes and stared, hatred filling every corner of his body.

The old alarm clock continued to ring, unaware of its imminent destruction right before a tanned fist slammed down on it. Being a feeble little thing, it fell apart, silent at last.

“Oh, damn it,” Blaine sighed, hauling himself upright with a groan. He wasn’t bothered in the least about the alarm clock; this routine had occurred many times before. He knew exactly how to fix that little hellish creation - it was just the waking up part that was pissing him off. That and the fact that it was the day before the-

“Blaine? You up yet? You’re going to be late,” Mr. Anderson said, his deep voice interrupting Blaine’s thoughts.

The boy stepped out of his bed, shivering slightly as his feet touched the bare wooden floor. Dressing quickly, he made his way out of the room and into the kitchen of the little stone cottage, yanking on worn boots as he stumbled out the door.

“Blaine? Are you coming home after work?” his mother called after him.

“No! I might be out a little late…you know, to spend time with-“

“I get it. It’s all right. Just make sure you’re back before the curfew.”

“Of course, mom.”

“Take this with you,” Mrs. Anderson said, pushing a small warm sack into her son’s arms.

“Are you sure?” Blaine asked hesitantly, but already tucking it into his burlap bag.

“Of course. Share them tonight.” She insisted.

“Thanks, mom. I’ll see you tonight,” Blaine replied, giving her a quick peck on the cheek as he hurried out the door.

The air was cool and crisp, the smell of smoke touching the breeze. Great weather, Blaine thought inwardly as he climbed onto his rusted bike and pedaled down the dirt road. Even in such early hours, the citizens here in the slums of District 1 were already active, smoke rising from the chimneys of broken shacks, people stepping out of their houses and making their way to the centre of the city.

What you must know dear reader, is that District 1 isn’t a privileged place. The war had taken a heavy toll on it because of its proximity to the Capitol, and the Capitol still held a tight grip on it, knowing that if District 1 decided to do anything, the Capitol’s early warning system wouldn’t even have time to kick in. Not that the citizens were planning to, anyways, because District 1 relied on the Capitol for everything: food, energy, medicine (all of which were decisively lacking). This was why tributes from District 1 didn’t usually win the Hunger Games, an annual show of strength by the dictatorship in which one boy and one girl were chosen to take part in a fight to the death. Living under the fist of the Capitol usually quashed any fighting spirit from a young age, and pair that with not being used to physical tasks, District 1 tributes had no chance. Every child aged twelve to eighteen had their name entered in the Reaping once every year, no more and no less, to prove that no matter how rich or how poor, no one could escape the will of the Capitol. The two unfortunate people who had their name picked out of that glass bowl were most likely looking at a death sentence. However, the recent discovery of a diamond mine will soon put District 1 on their course of being one of the most powerful districts in Panem, but that is a story for another day.

Blaine continued along the path he took every day, passing the square and unsuccessfully ignoring the announcements playing in the city square.

“Good morning, citizens of District 1! Please proceed to your destinations. Once again, we remind you that everything will be closed tomorrow for the Reaping of our twenty-third annual Hunger Games. Please be home by the district curfew of 7PM…” the monotone voice echoed across the already bustling city centre.

The young boy quickly pulled up in front of a large, grey building. He tied his bike to the railing with an old chain and made sure the lock was secure before he climbed up the stairs and stepped into the building. He passed a worn sign - he didn’t have to read it to know that it said District 1 Educational Facility.

Blaine walked quickly to his class, the normally laughter-filled hallway as silent as it always was at this time of year. He quietly stepped into his Ancient Literature class, where the students sat, talking quietly, tiredness etched across their young faces. Blaine slid into the final bench beside a boy whose nose was buried in a book. He nudged the other boy gently.

“Oh, there you are, Blaine!” Kurt exclaimed loudly, noticing his boyfriend for the first time. The rest of the class looked up at the sudden noise before continuing their respective conversations. “I thought you were going to be late. Dad told me that some rain blocked up a few of the back roads.” Kurt continued in a quieter voice.

Blaine didn’t have time to reply before the teacher made her way into the room, not bothering to ask why her class was so silent.

As she began her lecture, Blaine settled into his seat, clasping the other boy’s hand beneath the desk. Kurt raised an eyebrow questioningly before the look of confusion was replaced with a look of understanding as the significance of today dawned on him. He squeezed Blaine’s hand tightly as he turned his attention back to the lesson, scribbling notes every so often with his other hand, while Blaine continued to completely ignore the lesson as usual.

Blaine awoke from his reverie conveniently five minutes before class was scheduled to end.

“Can anyone tell me the author of this ancient classic?” the teacher asked, holding a yellowed book up, pleased with the number of hands that shot up. “Go ahead, Elizabeth,” she said, turning to a petite girl with wispy hair that was flung into an untidy knot.

“It’s the first novel of the Harry Potter series,” the girl replied softly.

“Very good, Miss Browning. Now Mister Wood, would you mind telling us who wrote this iconic novel?”

“J.K Rowling.”

“Excellent, Oliver. And who would like to tell us how many installments are in the Harry Potter series?” A tall girl with ginger locks raised her hand. “Yes, Miss Thrift?” she asked the eager student.

“There are six novels that have been recovered, but historians believe that there were more that were lost during the war.”

“I must confess, I’m very impressed, Jennifer,” the teacher said with a smile, turning to the class. “Yes, there have only been six novels recovered, which leaves us to speculate the ending on our own,” she continued.

The bell rang loudly as the students rose slowly and packed their materials into their bags.

“Now, remember, we have no class until the Games are finished, so we’ll continue our study of Ancient Literature when we get back. Read your photocopy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and be prepared to discuss it when we return. I’ll see you all tomorrow at the reaping, and, of course, may the odds be ever in your favor!”

Kurt and Blaine walked side-by-side into the congested hallway.

“Kurt! Blaine!” voices called out. The two boys turned.
Rachel and Finn, hands intertwined, approached the two boys, Mercedes and Tina following closely behind them.
“Just wanted to remind you guys that Glee club is canceled until after the Games.” Rachel said breathlessly.

“Kurt, you headed home now? I need to drop off some stuff,” Finn said to his stepbrother, holding up a bag of cords.

“No, I have a shift at the factory. What are those for, anyway?”

“Burt needs some more cords for the hovercraft repairs. A new order was sent in from the Capitol. Apparently, everyone there wants to arrive to the Games in ‘style’,” Finn replied scornfully.

“Not here! You crazy?” Mercedes scolded quietly, “I’ll see you guys later, okay?”

“Of course,” Kurt said, wrapping her in a warm embrace.
The group of friends smiled weakly at each other as they each broke off into their separate ways.

Kurt followed Blaine out to his bike, watching as he unsecured it from the railing. “I don’t know why you‘re so worried about your bike getting stolen. Only someone as small as you can ride it, and I’m pretty sure it’s a safety hazard.”

“Don’t insult the bike. It’s older than you-“

“My point exactly.”

Blaine let out a small laugh and shoved him gently. “-So show some respect. I’ll see you tonight.”

“I’ll stop by the mill and we’ll walk together. Sound good?”

“Sounds totally awesome.” Blaine said, giving his boyfriend a short kiss before climbing onto his bike and pedaling down the cobblestoned road.

“Don’t fall!” Kurt called after him with a smile before making his way through the throngs of people to his work.

From the moment you could walk you were doing some sort of work in District 1. When you were sixteen, you took a small job to help support your family. The pay sucked, but any small amount would help get food on the table. Kurt had been working in the stitching factory for a year now, and he hated every minute of it. Sure, it was cool to be working with such luxurious materials at first, but the long hours and dim light was significantly dry and uneventful when combined with the delicate detailing that always hurt his eyes.

Kurt trailed off his thoughts as he stepped into the factory, eying the rows upon rows of tables before him with distaste.

“Mr. Hummel, you were almost late. May I inquire as to where you were?” the peacekeeper in charge said gruffly, staring at the young boy.

Kurt lowered his eyes, trying to mask the hatred within their blue depths, “I was at school, sir.”

“Make sure it doesn’t happen again. You’ll be working at table eighty-three this afternoon,” the peacekeeper replied haughtily, checking Kurt’s name off on the sheet.

“Yes, sir,” Kurt said quietly before turning and making his way down the rows of chairs to his designated table, giving a sigh at the pile of fabric on it. It’s gonna be a long afternoon, Kurt thought with a frown, sitting at his seat and plugging his ancient MP3 player in, blaring the beautiful sounds of classic musicals like West Side Story and Wicked in his ears, and settled down to work.

A few hours later, Kurt finished embroidering a lovely pearl design onto a black silk vest and imagined what it would feel like to wear it when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He pulled out his earphones and saw Puck standing above him.

“Puck, what’re you doing here?” Kurt asked surprised.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to start working in this shithole, if that’s what you mean.” Kurt glared as Puck continued, “I was just dropping off some fabric from the mill and saw you. Mercedes told me to let you know that everyone is getting together in the choir room, you know, to spend some ‘time’ together in case one of us gets screwed tomorrow.”

“I don’t think so. I promised Blaine we would go out tonight…”

“I get you Hummel, no worries. In case I do get picked tomorrow, I wouldn’t mind getting a little somethin’ somethin’ tonight,” Puck winked.

“You know it’s not like that,” Kurt said, blushing.

“Just messing. Anyway, I’ll see you at the Reaping tomorrow. May the odds be ever in your favor!” Puck replied, his voice taking on a serious tone. He clapped Kurt on the shoulder and strode off.

Kurt sighed softly, “And may the odds be ever in yours…”

End Notes: Some of my head!Blaine's bike:(x)The Anderson Cottage:(x)


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Duh. I'm kind of in love with that chapters. I WANT NEXT !

oh im so glad you like it! thanks for reading! ajkfdsfjsodivnaso il try and have the next chapter up soon!

So I messaged you on tumblr and said I don't read WIPs if I can help it but here I am, breaking my own rule and getting sucked in right from the first chapter, just like I knew I would. God, there's already a sense of foreboding amongst the kids and it isn't even reaping day yet and right from the off, it's clear that District 1 kids stand less of a chance than anyone when it comes to the actual fight because they just aren't trained or brought up in a way that will give them an advantage. Lets just hope the bonds they've built gives them enough of a reason to succeed if/when the time comes.

oh haha im glad you like it so far. hopefully breaking the rules can be fun :)

ahahha its alright! all the tributes (or most of them) are big and scary. in regards to another character, unfortunetly its a little to late to fully develop one, considering the majority wont live past a couple chapters. it is a fight to the death remember? ;)

I meant district 2, *palm to forehead*. He's the big guy who came up to Blaine with the girl and stated trying to intimidate him. Yeah well, I hope Blaine kicks his ass. Now I just need another character like Sebastian to come in so you can have Blaine kick his ass too.

oh im so glad you're enjoying it! this is probably not going to be nearly as good as the hunger games but im certainly going to try ;) at least i have some klaine!!! anyways thank you soo much for everything, from your compliments and taking the time to review. much gratitude and many hugs <3

this is seriously, like so nervous and excited and gosh its like reading the hunger games all over again but with, well, to be quite obvious, with KLAINE! so yeah this is just absolutely fantastic!

Great. Now I know never to guess on an outcome that would make me happy haha.

Haha lesson well learned ;)But seriously, I'm pretty sure you guys will like what I've come up with. Now stop doing your psychic guesses so I don't have to change the plan again!!! :p

Oh don't give yourself too much credit now that I look at it, it does seem increasingly cliche :pBut I guess you are a little psychic... STOP IT!!!! You're going to give away the ending unknowingly!!!

Wait! You mean I actually guessed it right the first time. Wow, I guess I kind of am psychic.

My lips are sealed.

<img src="" alt="" width="500" height="375" />

The feeling is mutual =D

Oh thank you so very much. You are totally awesome too!

I just added you to my favorite author list. Because you're just that totally awesome.

Oh I don't want us to be fighting! But we'll se what happens. ;)

No, don't you dare! If you make this a dad and depressing ending you and I will be officially fighting.

I meant to say good work... I was a little eager and pressed submit before I was done. Oops

Why thank you very much. I'm glad you approve. Thanks for the taking the time to review. Hugs!

Biting my nails in anticipation

I'll be sorry to see it end too. A sequel? Never actually thought about that.... I don't think so. I mean, whatever I wrote wouldn't match the contents of this story. And would just sort of drag on if you get what I mean. Besides, I'm not sure whether I will actually write any more fanfiction. From Where You Are was supposed to be a small one time thing because I really wanted to share this idea. So no, no sequel. But I may write more fanfiction... Maybe. Someone's already asked, I think I'm just going to have to think a little more about it.

Very nice. I will be sorry to see it end. Dare I ask... sequel... ????

Why? Does my opinions matter more then others or do they just make you smile? I would like to think both are secretly true.

Of course I care what you think! I was just really worried about that chapter considering it is the start of the culmination of the entire fic. And your reviews do make me smile sweetheart.

Thank you so very much! I am very glad you enjoyed it. As for writing another, I think I will, but I am still playing around with some ideas. I'll probably take a small break and then work on a small story (Klaine related)... Not sure. We'll see. I'll discuss it more at the ed of the epilogue to see if you guys want to join me. You have???? Oh do it!!! Make sure you tell me the name so I can check it out!!! Hugs!

Yur story has been so much fun to read! Any ideas as what you want to do for your next? Oh, and i have been working on starting one of my own.

Ok let me know so I can take a look at it! I actually don't read Harry Potter fanfiction, not sure why but I just don't... But I'll check yours out because it's you :)

It's going to be Harry Potter themed and I think I'm going to name it Spells, Quiditch, and Gryffindor Tower. I'll let you know when I start uploading chapters!

An author? Me? Really? That just sounds so weird when you say it.... I don't think of myself as one. Not really. More as a random fangirl who loves to procrastinate haha. So I can't really see why I wouldn't answer your reviews.... I feel like we're just fangirling haha Like this is some message board instead of reviews for a fanfiction (holy shit my fanfiction aksdjaksdh how did that happen)

You dont have to thank me haha. I'm just glad that there's an author that responds when i leave reviews

I love reading fanfic. its a guilty pleasure of mine that only a couple of my friends know about coz they find it funny that i like it. and of course you're an author. you wrote a story that people love and review about. that my friend makes you an author :)

Same! I don't tell a lot of my friends that I read much fanfiction (except for 1 or 2) because they probably wouldnt be interested haha. I love it though, never an overdue book. People love my story? Really? That's awesome! Yay! By the way, considering all this lovely response I've been giving some thought into writing another. But I'll talk about that at the very end.

Cant wait to hear about your next!

Me too haha! I have a few ideas spinning around but nothing definitive. You know, you should get a tumblr handle so we can talk more easily haha

Check my profile again. i just put my tumblr up

I WILL!!! Sorry it's taken me so long! Life has been crazy! The moment I have free time I will definetly give it a read (feel special, I've only ever one Harry Potter fanfic and yet I'm still going to give yours a whirl) LOVE YA!!!

Just posted my first fanfic with chapter one done. The title is Spells, Quidditch, and Gryffindor Tower. Please let me know what you think of it. YAAAAAAAAY!!! I POSTED YOUR 100TH REVIEW. CONGRATS! YOU DESERVE IT!!!!!

You always do! Hopefully one day in the near future I can repay that hahaha. I have your story tracked and it's at the top because it updated and I'm like staring at it going, "But just a little... just a bit.... NO I HAVE TO STUDY... but..." and this internal battle is raging on haha. But once I get some free time I'm reading that fic!!!!! Hugs righ back!!!!

Glad to make you smile. Hugs!

I know what you mean about the studying. It's terrible. All my motivation has gone out the window. Thanks so much for your support!! Bear hugs!

Haha you can do it sweetie! You'll find that motivation somewhere! I believe in you! So right now my problem is I have an awesome idea that I'm not really sure I can write (I'm working on it) but I'm so tired whenever get home I can't focus and do anything productive. I'm probably going to dabble a little this weekend though :) Good luck with your studying though. WE CAN DO THIS!

Yeah sorry about that! I'm so glad you're interested in reading something else by me! I'm absolutely flattered! I know I should have been working on something earlier but life has been crazy with school and everything. But classes end on Sunday and then I'm on a plane on Tuesday to my house in the States where I should get a little R&R... Which means time to write. Not sure which story I'll write first, or even if I'll write one of those first. But I've been structuring one so I really really really hope you will check that out when it goes up and like it. Thank you so much for your support!

OHMYGAWSH u have to write another story! A school shooting hell yes and a kidnapping?! Such good ideas!