The Label
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The Label: Chapter 6

E - Words: 2,269 - Last Updated: Jan 16, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Jul 26, 2014 - Updated: Jul 26, 2014
111 0 0 0 0

“Kurt,” Blaine croaked, peeking out from under Kurt's pillowy white comforter. Kurt was standing by the bed, fully dressed, holding a steaming cup of coffee, the pulled curtains casting the room in a hazy morning glow.


“There's coffee,” Kurt said, his voice low, afraid to do anything to spoil this perfect, perfect moment. 


Blaine stretched his arms out from under the comforter and reached for Kurt. “C'mere.”


Setting his coffee down on the bedside table, Kurt sat down on the edge of the bed. Blaine reached over and wrapped his arms around Kurt, nuzzling his head into Kurt's waist. Kurt reached down and kissed Blaine on the top of his head, running a hand through his messy curls.


“I have to go,” Kurt murmured, looking down into Blaine's eyes.


Blaine hummed, kissing up Kurt's chest. “Stay.”


“I can't, I have an emergency meeting about my newest artist, Blaine Anderson. Apparently he wow'd the crowd at The Ryman last night so now we're rushing the first single.”


Blaine continued to kiss up Kurt's chest, burying his face in Kurt's neck, his ass half-exposed as he reached for Kurt. “That show was total shit.” He rubbed his stubbled cheek in circles over Kurt's neck. “Aren't you the boss?” He kissed behind Kurt's ear. “Stay,” he whispered, his hot breath sweeping across Kurt's face, “stay here with me.”


“As enticing as your proposition is, and believe me it is, my phone has been blowing up with texts all morning. I think my assistant's in love with you. Grant actually said he was moved. Moved, Blaine! Didn't you hear my phone buzzing this morning?”


Blaine shook his head no, his hair brushing across Kurt's cheek.


“The entire company is texting me about how amazing you are. I hate to think what might happen when you play a non-shitty show.”


“Hmmm. More importantly, how do you feel about naked hugs?” Blaine sat up all the way up and climbed into Kurt's lap, wrapping his fury legs around Kurt's waist and engulfing him in a hug. 


Kurt smiled. Blaine was all warm skin and soft touches. This man, he thought, is going to be my undoing. “I don't think it counts as a naked hug when you're the only one who's naked,”


“So get naked with me,” Blaine said, kissing him slow and sweet. Kurt groaned into the kiss, warmth spreading through his veins. “Last night, Kurt…I….” Blaine paused and laid his head on Kurt's shoulder, his arms and legs squeezing tighter.


“I know. Me, too. It was for me, too.”


They lingered, touching and kissing, holding each other in the thin rays of sunlight streaming through the cracks in the curtains.


“I'll come back. You stay here, and as soon as my meeting is over, I'll come right back.”


Kurt pulled Blaine's face up to his and kissed him, laying him back down on the bed. 


“I'll come back and I'll kiss you here.” He kissed Blaine's Adam's apple. “And here.” He kissed his sternum. “And here.” He kissed his ribs. “And maybe even here,” he said, hovering over Blaine's crotch where he was half-hard. They locked eyes, Kurt waiting for permission.


“Or you could…now…you could kiss me now.” Blaine was breathless, eyes wide.


Kurt leaned down and placed a kiss to Blaine's cock. And another. And another. Then he leaned up to kiss Blaine hard on the lips. “I really have to go,” he sighed into Blaine's mouth as Blaine kissed and kissed him. “Stay in this bed. Do not move. I want you naked and rumpled when I get back.”


“Hurry,” Blaine said, smiling and pushing him off of the bed.






Kurt smoothed down his shirt and ran his fingertips across his lips as he walked to Grant's office. Even though he had checked three different windows on his walk over as well as the men's room mirror, he felt like Blaine was visible all over him, like Grant would take one look at him and know. He'd purposefully avoided thinking about how wrong this whole situation was professionally. No one could know, especially Grant. He and Grant had been friendly rivals since Grant was hired at Vine three years ago.


Grant's office was smaller than Kurt's, which he knew irritated Grant. Kurt's corner office had two full walls of windows while Grant's only had one. It was an unspoken hierarchy at Vine; more windows, more power. Grant could never find out Kurt was fraternizing with his latest signing. Not only would he likely be fired, Grant would win. And Kurt never let anyone win. Ever.


Grant looked up from his computer as Kurt walked in. “Hey, Kurt. I cannot believe you missed Blaine's show last night. He was…”


“Amazing,” Kurt said, his mind replaying the images of Blaine's body under his hands, moving in the dark.


“Fucking amazing. Everyone's talking about it. Shay over at Pinnacle texted me last night. You know she tried to sign him, right? She's so pissed.”


“Lucky us,” Kurt replied, trying to stay in the moment, trying not to give himself away.


“Luck had nothing to do with it, Kurt, I worked my ass off to get Blaine to sign with us. Had to give him a massive signing bonus for him to even entertain the idea.”


“How massive?” Blaine hadn't mention a signing bonus.


“Massive enough that I thought Trevor was going to fire me when I told him about it. But the contract's signed, he's ours. Now we just need to have a perfect launch, which is why I called this meeting. Liam should be here any minute and I've asked Sugar to come, too. If we're going to fast track this single we'll need her input.”


One second later, Liam and Sugar both walked into Grant's office. Liam was the head of Vine's creative team and art director for photo shoots. Kurt loved working with Liam. He had a great eye and always knew how to capture the artists' personality.


Sugar rushed over to Kurt to as soon as she saw him. “Kurtsie, where'd you run off to last night? Everyone was looking for you,” she cooed, kissing his cheek and leaving a lipstick stain.


“Oh, ummm, migraine,” he said, wiping his cheek.


“Listen guys,” Sugar said, sitting on the arm of Grant's leather sofa, “I called Baird LeConte last night. He's in to shoot Blaine.”


Liam gasped. “You called Baird LeConte? THE Baird LeConte?”


“Sure did, Honey. Baird and I go way back, worked together on a shoot in the Bahamas a few years ago. He owes me.”


“Sugar,” Grant said, rubbing his temples, “we need to decide on a budget before deciding on a photographer, and a concept, you know that.”


“Yeah, but…Baird LeConte,” Liam said to Grant, mouth hanging open. “He's a legend! I've wanted to work with him my entire career but he doesn't do musicians.”


“He's a legend alright,” Kurt huffed, “a legendary dick. Sugar, what were you thinking?”


“I was thinking,” she sneered, “that we need a photographer that can capture Blaine's raw sex appeal. I don't trust some ill-experienced Nashville dishrag to do that. It's got to be Baird. I explained that we need something tout suite so he's coming in tonight on his private jet. We'll shoot tomorrow.”


Grant whined and put his head down on his desk. 


“Holy shit, Sugar!” Kurt was pacing the office and waving his arms around. “Have you completely lost your mind? We cannot shoot Blaine tomorrow! We don't have wardrobe or a stylist…or a location! Or a concept! Are you insane? Besides, I highly doubt we have the budget for a private jet.”


Liam eyes were glazed over and he kept repeating Baird LeConte under his breath.


“Liam,” Kurt screeched, snapping his fingers in Liam's face, “focus! We cannot shoot Blaine tomorrow. Tell her we cannot shoot Blaine tomorrow.”


“Kurt, it's Baird LeConte.”


“Yes, epic pervert, Baird LeConte, famous for exploiting women and underage girls in his overtly sexual photos.”


“Don't be so dramatic. Baird will be able to get the right photo for Blaine. You know it and I know it.” Sugar's arms were crossed, her long, spiked nails tapping against the sleeves of her hot pink, silk blouse.


“Grant, help me out, tell her we cannot do this.”


“It's happening,” Sugar interrupted, standing up to leave. “Get on board, boys, cause this train isn't stopping until we hit platinum status. I will work out the details with Baird and text them to you guys,” she shouted, already half-way out the door. “It's going to be fucking incredible!”


“Baird LeConte, oh my god” Liam said, shaking his head back and forth.


“She can't do that! Can she do that?” Kurt slumped down onto the couch with his head in his hands. 


“She just did,” Grant mumbled, head still on his desk.






Sugar's bomb of an announcement meant hours of work for Kurt but there was no way in hell he would be able to concentrate knowing Blaine was waiting for him. The photo shoot had Kurt's mind spinning. Last night had scrambled his brain and only now was he seeing things clearly. Pursuing something with Blaine was not only ill-advised, it simply couldn't happen. Yes, he was already in too deep to get out unscathed, but better to cut it off now than to make things worse. On the walk back to his apartment he made a mental list:


  1. He's my artist
  2. I could be fired
  3. He's not out, not sure about who he is or what he wants
  4. He's my artist
  5. He's my artist
  6. He's my artist


That settled it. Blaine was his artist, Kurt was Blaine's label rep. They would keep it professional. He rehearsed his speech as he rode the elevator up to his floor. He had to be strong, had to be responsible.


Kurt turned the key in the lock and pushed his front door open. “Blaine?”


He set his bag and keys down on the small entrance table and rounded the corner to see Blaine, naked, leaning against the kitchen counter eating an apple, like a fucking porno. 


“Oh, fuck,” he said. Out loud.


“Hi,” Blaine said, waving the apple in the air.


That morning he had asked Blaine to stay naked and rumpled in his bed. This was so…much…better.


Last night had been about connecting and making Blaine feel safe and wanted. Last night had been dark and emotional. Last night they had led each other with touch and emotion. But now…now the lights were on and Kurt could see everything. He licked his lips while he raked his eyes over every inch of Blaine's body, forgetting all about his responsibility speech. Blaine's back was against the counter, one leg bent at the knee with his foot on the cabinet, one arm crossed over his chest and the other arm raised to his mouth where he was biting into the apple.


I'm already doomed, Kurt thought, might as well go all the way to hell.



“See something you like,” Blaine asked, mouth full, a dare twinkling in his eyes.


“Maybe,” Kurt teased, kicking off his shoes, moving towards Blaine and grabbing his hips. He kissed Blaine, long and dirty. “I believe this morning I promised you a kiss.”


Blaine swallowed thickly and tossed the apple into the sink. “Yes, I…I believe you did.”


“Well,” Kurt said, sinking down to his knees, “take note, I always keep my promises.”


Blaine whined and gripped the counter, his knees trembling. Kurt scratched his nails up and down Blaine's thighs, his lips ghosting over Blaine's filling erection. “I don't know how to say this without sounding ridiculous, but, your penis is fucking gorgeous,” Kurt said, wrapping his hand around him and stroking him to full hardness.


Blaine turned his face to the ceiling, cursing and moaning Kurt's name. “Kuuuurt.”


Kurt placed small kisses up the side of Blaine's cock as he stroked, his other hand reaching around to grab Blaine's ass. He looked up as he took Blaine into his mouth, their eyes meeting, Blaine choking on his own gasp.


Kurt kept his eyes on Blaine as he licked and sucked and swallowed. Blaine watched him as long as he could, finally closing his eyes and giving in to the sensation, Kurt's name on his lips.


Even though he'd given his fair share of blow jobs in the past, it had never been like this. Kurt loved all of it, the weight of Blaine's cock on his tongue, the taste and smell of him, the sounds he made. Kurt had never felt so sexy, so in charge of the moment. His own cock was pressing tightly against the zipper of his perfectly pressed navy pants. Taking Blaine's cock fully into his mouth and throat, and eliciting a loud shout from Blaine, he moved one hand down, unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out. 


He was lightheaded. Between the intense rush of blood to his own dick and the way Blaine's hands were gripping his hair, their eyes meeting whenever Blaine opened them, Kurt didn't know how much longer he could hold on. He was having an out-of-body moment, watching the intensely erotic scene as a spectator, coming undone from the mere idea of what was happening.


And oh, it was happening.


Kurt sucked hard and with purpose while simultaneously jerking himself off. Blaine bent over Kurt, one long moan on his lips. 


“Kurt…nnnnhhhhh…..I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come.”


Blaine pulled on Kurt's hair but Kurt kept sucking, his head bobbing in perfect rhythm with his own hand stroking himself.


Blaine cried out, trembling, knees giving out as he came down Kurt's throat. He slid down the counter to the floor, grabbing Kurt's face and kissing him with fire and heat and sweetness, too. Their mouths were on each other's when Kurt came, gasping and clutching Blaine's arm, Blaine's hand over his to stroke him through the last of it.


“I've got you,” Blaine said, wrapping him up in his strong arms. “I've got you.”



“I know,” Kurt said, feeling in his bones how true those words were, “I know.”


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