Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Story
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Shiver: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,511 - Last Updated: Mar 06, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jan 24, 2015 - Updated: Jan 24, 2015
113 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

This story was so much fun to write! Thanks to those of you read and commented along the way - yours kind words mean so much.

It took 48 hours for Kurt to talk about it. When Frankie showed up in Atlanta they went to dinner and talked about everything, everything but what happened. Kurt drove her car back to Nashville while she slept in the passenger seat. And he thought about it. He thought about it the entire drive back. He thought about it on Saturday, walking through the farmer's market and taking out the trash and at dinner with Bellie and June and Frankie. Bellie and June had both been busy with work projects and trips so neither of them were aware of Kurt's exploits. But every time he caught Frankie's eye, he knew she was thinking about it. And she knew he was thinking about it.


He thought it about in on Sunday, waking up alone in his bed that still smelled like Blaine even though he washed the sheets. Making coffee. Checking email. He thought about it so much his head ached. Then Sunday night he walked across the hall and knocked on Frankie's door.


“Come in,” she shouted, not moving off the couch.


Kurt went inside and plopped himself down next to her. “I'm ready to talk about it.”


Frankie paused the TV and turned towards Kurt, tucking her legs underneath her. “I'm ready.”


Kurt laid his head back on the couch and closed his eyes. “I'm an asshole.”


Frankie laughed right out loud. “Duh. I thought we were going to talk about Blaine?”


“I was petrified,” he said, shaking his head, “I still am. It's too much to believe that Blaine Anderson, Blaine Fucking Anderson, would want me. Not that I don't think I'm fabulous because, clearly,” he said, gesturing to himself.




“But he's so…larger than life. Magnanimous. Wanted, by everyone. To the point that women, knowing he's gay, offer themselves to him. Like, sexually. Did I tell you that? A woman offered herself to him the night of the Nashville show.”


Frankie smiled, but didn't say anything, making a motion with her hand for him to keep going.


“So it's difficult, knowing who he is, and not just to me but to everyone. It's hard to think about sharing him. It's hard to think that I could be enough when he could have anyone he wanted. It's hard to believe that he wants me. But. I believe him. I am choosing to believe him.”




“What do you mean, ‘okay.' I just made a speech! Don't you have more to say?”


“I'm listening, remember?”


“Fine,” Kurt huffed. “I've thought about it. My brain hurts from thinking about it. And the conclusion I've come to is that he is the one person who hasn't given me reason to doubt him. Members of his crew gave me reasons, the gluttony of fans wanting to meet him and do god knows what else gave me reasons, my own crippling disbelief gave me reasons, but he never did. He's only ever been kind and honest and open. I mean, none of this would have ever happened if he hadn't come to Nashville and pursued me. He did that.”


“He did.”


Kurt glared at her. “What? You're saying you've known this the entire time and you've been waiting for me to figure it out because I'm slow and an idiot?”


“I did not say those words.”


“But you thought them.”


“I may have thought some version of them.”


Kurt laughed. “So what should I do now?”


Frankie uncurled her legs and stretched them out across the coffee table. “Not to be all Oprah on your ass, but what does your heart tell you?”


Kurt stretched his legs out beside her. “My heart tells me his next show is Wednesday night in Philadelphia.”


“Go on.”


“And I have Southwest points and a free rental from Avis.”




“And I'm going to get him back.”


“Yes. Good. Now be quiet so I can watch my show.”


Kurt smiled and looped his arm through hers and laid his head on her shoulder. “Thank you,” he said, so softly he wasn't sure she would hear it.


Frankie kissed the top of his head. “For the record, you're not an asshole, you're just in love.”


Kurt sat up so quickly he knocked Frankie's glasses sideways. “WHAT.”


She smiled, adjusted her glasses and hit play.






Kurt's flight left on time and landed on time and his seat mate left him alone the entire flight. The attendant at the rental car desk was polite and checked him in quickly, even upgrading him from to a mid-size to a full-size. Kurt read back through his text conversation with Tec, making sure everything was in place. It was 5:00pm and Tec had arranged for Kurt to meet Blaine at 6:00pm. According to Google, the venue was 30 minutes away from the airport. He started the car.


But Kurt didn't account for rush hour traffic. 


He arrived at the venue ten minutes late, flustered. He parked in the back, using his tour pass for access and walked up the ramp of the loading dock. He wore dark skinny jeans with his favorite weathered Marc Jacobs boots, a white oxford with the sleeves rolled up his forearms and a navy vest. He found the taped arrows on the floor marked “Dressing Room - Blaine Anderson” and followed them to the dressing room door.


Kurt paused, calming himself. His entire body was trembling. He moved to open the door when he heard Blaine's voice on the other side. “What's this appointment you set up? I thought you said it was at 6:00? You know I've got meet and greet in a few minutes.”


Kurt opened the door. 


Blaine's back was to him, his hands clasped behind his head as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. Kurt's stomach clenched.


“Blaine,” he said, his voice shaking.


Blaine spun around, his mouth wide open. “Kurt?”


“I'll leave you two alone,” Tec said, walking out the door and closing it behind him.


Blaine lowered his arms and took a step towards Kurt but stopped himself. “What are you doing here?”


“Can we sit down?”






“What are you doing here?” He crossed his arms over his chest, resolute.


Shit, okay, Kurt thought, here we go.


“I've been an asshole.” Blaine didn't say anything, didn't move a muscle, his eyes intently on Kurt's. “These last few days I realized how wrong I was, how I listened to all the wrong people. I listened to your shitty tour manager and your even shittier stage manager. I listened to my own insecurities and reservations and doubts. But the one person I didn't listen to, the most important person, was you.”


Blaine uncrossed his arms and shoved his hands in the back pockets of his jeans. Kurt kept talking.


“This whole time, this whole crazy scenario, you've done nothing but be honest about your feelings and your intent in pursuing me. It scared the shit out of me and it confused me and I…I didn't know how to accept it. But that's not your fault. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you.”


“And you're here.”


“I'm here.”



“Because I wanted to tell you I'm sorry, in person, so you could see me and know how much I mean it. Because I can't stand being apart from you. Because these last few days without you have been miserable. Because I miss your face and your voice and your laugh. Because I lo-”  Kurt caught himself before he said the word. 


Blaine walked over to him then, wrapping his strong arms around him and laying his forehead against Kurt's. “And you aren't going to run?”


“No, I'm not.”


Then Blaine was on him, hands and lips and tongue. It was more than a kiss, it was a reunion, a declaration. Kurt was in and Blaine was in and they were doing this. 


“I missed you,” Blaine murmered, kissing Kurt's ear. “I missed you so fucking much.”


“I missed you, too, Blaine, god….”


Blaine kissed him again, happy kisses filled with smiles and a few tears and something else that felt a lot like love.


Kurt heard someone clear his throat behind them. 


“I'm sorry to bust up this glorious reunion, especially since I'm incredibly happy it's happening,” Tec said, “but it's time to meet the VIP line.”


“Will you wait?” Blaine asked, nose to nose with Kurt, not wanting to separate any sooner than he had to.


“I'm here. I will be here. Im not going anywhere.”






Kurt stood in the sound booth next to Tec to watch the show. Blaine was on fire, flirting with the crowd and singing every song with more energy, more happiness, than Kurt had ever seen.


“I'm so glad you're back,” Tec shouted, “the last couple shows were torture without you. He was totally off his game.”


Kurt smiled, the idea that his presence (or lack of it) could affect Blaine so deeply. He felt a blush rush to his cheeks.


“Such a beautiful crowd in Philadelphia tonight!” Blaine shouted. “So beautiful, you make me wanna shake my ass,” he said, doing his trademark shimmy dance that sent the crowd into a screaming fit. Kurt laughed as Blaine shimmied around the stage, the band playing the opening chords to a familiar song. 


“Since you're such a sexy crowd, and because I'm feeling so much love  from this room,” Blaine said, looking directly at Kurt, “from you,” Kurt gulped, “I'd like to do a fun little cover for you. Can we do a fun cover?” The crowd roared as Blaine put on his electric guitar and started to play. “Dance with me sexy people! This is Shiver from Walk The Moon and I'm playing it for you,” he said, pointing to Kurt.


Kurt danced and shook his hips and smiled so hard his face ached. Blaine sang, his words dripping sex, sweat pouring down his neck. The falsetto in Blaine's voice lit Kurt's entire body on fire.


When Blaine got to the breakdown, he took his guitar off and grabbed the mic, moving to the very front of the stage. Everyone in the front row reached for him as he looked back at Kurt and sang the words, changing them in the moment.


Hey Kurt you're dear to me

Please check your clothing at the door

And who you're supposed to be

You always leave me wanting more

Hey Kurt you're dear to me

Shall we get intimate again

Hey Kurt you're dear to me

Kurt threw his arms over his head and danced, looking right back at Blaine.


Shall we get intimate again

Shall we get intimate again

Shall we get intimate again

I think so I think so

Shall we get intimate again

Hey Kurt you're dear to me


Kurt didn't know if anyone in the audience noticed the change in lyrics and he didn't care. He didn't care that every scream was for Blaine, didn't care that every single person in the building wanted Blaine. 


Blaine was his.






Kurt was waiting side stage when Blaine finished the encore. He came off stage and directly into Kurt's arms, his shirt soaked with sweat, the taste of it on his lips. 






“I've got another meet and greet but then I'm yours.”


“Good. I've got plans.”


Blaine smiled, raking his eyes over Kurt's body and grabbing his hips to pull him close. He leaned in to whisper in Kurt's ear, “You look fucking amazing.”






It was after midnight when Blaine walked through the hotel room door. Tec had arranged for Blaine's bus to stay in town and had also arranged for a room at the Four Seasons in downtown Philadelphia. Tec, Kurt thought, was the greatest manager to ever manage in the history of all things managers.


Blaine stopped short when he walked into the bedroom of the massive suite. Kurt was naked, lying back against the pillows, legs splayed out, stroking himself.


“Fuck,” Blaine said, mouth hanging open.


“I've been waiting for you.”


“Kurt,” Blaine said, pulling his t-shirt over his head and kicking his shoes off as he crawled onto the bed. “Kurt, look at you.”


Kurt continued to stroke himself, watching Blaine's eyes take him in, watching his throat swallow, watching his hands reach out to touch. Blaine was hovering over him, not touching, just watching. “You are…the most amazing thing I've seen.”


“Come and touch me, Blaine. Kiss me and touch me and fuck me. I want you, I want you so much.”


Blaine scrambled to take his pants off and slid up next to Kurt. “I'm so glad you came back.”


“I couldn't stay away.”


Blaine rolled onto Kurt, his cock already hard, and covered Kurt's body with his own. “I was lost without you.”


Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaine and grabbed a condom from the nightstand. “I'm here. I'm right here. The only place I want to be is here with you,” he said, rolling the condom onto Blaine and pulling him closer.


“Wait, you're not ready, I need to-”


“I'm ready,” Kurt said, squeezing his legs tighter around Blaine, pulling him closer still. “I'm ready for you.”


Blaine reached down to kiss him, his mouth against Kurt's, his tongue against Kurt's, a moan in his throat as he pushed inside. Kurt gasped and wrapped his arms around Blaine's shoulders. 


“Fuck me, Blaine. I want to feel you inside me.”


Blaine's head fell down onto Kurt's shoulder as he moved against him, thrust inside him, their bodies rocking together in a perfect dance.


“Yes, Blaine, I-”


“Kurt, you're so-”


“Uhhnnn, there, yes, Blaine-”


“Kurt, Kurt, Kurt-”


They kissed and held each other and loved. They loved with their bodies and their mouths and their eyes.


And when it was over, when they were sated, their breaths evened out, happy smiles on their face, Blaine ran his hand through Kurt's hair and kissed his lips.


“There's something I want to say to you. I wanted to say it earlier but I thought you wouldn't hear me or believe me or…that you'd run.”


“Don't say it ,Blaine, the answer is no, I will not bite your dick again. That was a one time thing.”


Blaine laughed, a loud, bright laugh that filled both the room and Kurt's heart. 


“Noted. Dick biting is off the table.”


“I mean, maybe on your birthday, or Christmas, but other than that, I'm afraid it's a no,” Kurt smiled.


“I love you.”


Kurt stopped smiling and bit his bottom lip, his eyes wide.


“And I know,” Blaine said, “I know that's insane and we haven't known each other very long and half that time we weren't even together. But Kurt, I think I knew it the first moment I saw you. Since that moment, you're all I can think about. When I'm with you I feel like I'm home. And god, that sounds so cheesy and I'm a songwriter for fuck's sake, you'd think I could come up with something better than that. But it's the truth. I love you. And you don't have to love me back. I know this a lot and too soon and I know my life is insane and my schedule makes relationships impossible and fuck, Kurt, I've never said this to anyone before. I've never…never loved anyone before. But I love you, I do. And I want you here, with me, for as long as you'll have me. Because without you I'm just-”


Kurt put his fingers against Blaine's lips, stopping his speech. He replaced his fingers with his lips, kissing Blaine with his entire body, his entire self.



“I love you,” he said, pulling away only far enough to get the words out. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” he said, kissing Blaine again and again and again.


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