March 6, 2015, 6 p.m.
March 6, 2015, 6 p.m.
You've done this, Kurt told himself, following the neon green arrows on the floor marked “catering.” You've been out with artists before. You know how this works, calm down.
It had been a rocky start. Their flight from Nashville to Tampa was delayed and Kurt lost his patience when the flight attendant made him check his bag. A summer storm blew in and the last half of the flight was a frightening hour of turbulence. The car was late picking them up at the airport which made Blaine late for dinner with a radio station. The band and crew were none-too-pleased about Blaine's late arrival and no one seemed the least bit interested in meeting Kurt.
“All Access only,” a burly man in a black tour shirt barked at Kurt, blocking the door to catering.
“Oh, I don't have…I just got here…I'm Blaine's…” Kurt sighed. What should he say - boyfriend? Flavor of the month? Weekend fuck? He walked back down the hall to look for Blaine's dressing room and what he hoped would be plenty of dressing room snacks. The further he walked, the more Kurt started to worry he was just Blaine's weekend fuck. No one seemed to care he was there, almost as if it happened enough for them not to notice and the crew was used to whatever new guy showed up. He tried to remember Frankie's words - Go with him and fulfill a fantasy. Go and be everything you've ever wanted to be. He was so lost in thought he bumped right into Blaine's manager.
“Kurt! Hey!” Tec said, hugging Kurt and slapping him a little too hard on the back. “So glad you made it!”
“Yeah, thanks, it's good to see you again. We met in Nashville?”
“Oh, I remember it well. Someday we'll have to go back to that honky tonk! It was a blast!”
“That would be fun. I wanted to say, I hope it's okay that I'm here?”
“Of course it is!” Tec said, slinging an arm around Kurt and leading him back towards catering. “I know Blaine's got that radio thing. You hungry?”
“That's okay, I can just find some snacks in the dressing room. I don't have a pass.”
Tec reached into his back pocket and pulled out an All Access lanyard with Kurt's name printed across the bottom. “You do now!”
“Great, thanks,” Kurt said, slipping the pass over his head, “I'm not normally so disoriented backstage at a show. I got the feeling the crew isn't too happy to see me?”
“Fuck the crew. Blaine wants you here, that's the only thing that matters,” he said, walking again, his arm looped through Kurt's. “Besides, it's getting towards the end of tour and they're tired and grouchy. But they're also harmless. Now let's go eat.”
“Okay,” Kurt smiled, “that sounds great.”
After the radio dinner Blaine had a fan meet and greet. Then the show. Then another fan meet and greet. Bus call was at 11:30pm and at 11:28pm Kurt was sitting on the bus, fidgeting. He started to wonder why he'd come out on tour with Blaine at all when so far he wasn't spending any time with him. Sure, it was great to see the show again and watch Blaine in his element. This time he stood at the sound booth and watched Blaine make love to the crowd. He really was an incredible performer and Kurt got lost in it, lost in the music and the moment. But he was expecting more than a free show. He'd come on this trip to spend time with Blaine.
At exactly 11:30 the tour manager, Cam, walked to the front lounge from the back of the bus to let the driver know everyone was accounted for and they could roll.
“Wait, what about Blaine?” Kurt asked.
“This is the crew bus. Blaine and the band are on a different bus.”
Kurt jumped off the leather couch, steadying himself as the bus lurched forward. “Wait, why didn't you tell me that? I should be on Blaine's bus. Can you let me off, please?”
“Sorry,” Cam sneered, “tight schedule. Gotta roll.”
There wasn't anyone else in the front lounge. Everyone else had gone to their bunks or were hanging out in the back lounge. Kurt stepped forward to talk to the driver but the tour manager stopped him.
“Where are you going?”
“Let me off,” Kurt demanded. “I'm not supposed to be here.”
“You got that right.”
Kurt stared at Cam, neither willing to back down.
“I'll just text Blaine.”
“You do that,” Cam laughed, pushing past him and pulling out a refrigerated drawer full of beer underneath the leather couch. He pulled out a bottle and wiped the condensation on his shirt before twisting off the cap. “Let me know what he says.”
Kurt stomped back to his bunk (a top bunk, which he hated, the top bunks swayed back and forth more than the middle or bottom and made him nauseous) and climbed inside. Fighting back tears, he pulled out his phone and saw several missed texts from Blaine.
11: 28pm from Blaine - I'm sorry this is taking forever - almost done and we can finally be together! Meet you in my dressing room?
11:28pm from Blaine - also I miss you
11:28pm from Blaine - is that okay to say? cause I do.
Kurt chest tightened. And he suddenly wanted to kill Cam. With his bare hands. He called Blaine, and when he didn't answer Kurt texted back.
11:35pm from Kurt - I don't know what's happening but I'm on the crew bus.
11:35pm from Kurt - I didn't realize there were two buses and the tour manager told me bus call was at 11:30. I knew you were busy so I got myself on and now…seems like you're there and I'm here? Call me.
Five minutes later, Kurt's phone buzzed with an incoming call.
“What the fuck, Kurt? You're on the crew bus?”
“Yes,” Kurt sighed. “You were busy so I looked for Tec but he wasn't around so I asked the tour manager what time bus call was. He said 11:30 and told me where the bus was parked. I didn't realize there were two and when I asked him to stop and let me off…”
“I'm going to fix this. Let me call you right back.”
Blaine hung up before Kurt could respond. He called back exactly four minutes later.
“Hey,” Kurt said, emotion in his voice.
“I am so, so sorry about all of this. This is not at all how I wanted this trip to go. Today has been a massive clusterfuck from the word go and I hate it. I'm also fucking livid. I cannot BELIEVE Cam did this. He's constantly pulling bullshit moves like this and I am done. When we get to Atlanta I'm firing his ass.”
“Good idea. Since tonight's ruined. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?”
“No. Hell no. We're leaving now and I had Tec call your driver to pull over at the next truck stop. I'm coming to get you.”
“You are?” Kurt's voice shook and a tear fell out of his eye and rolled down onto his pillow.
“Kurt, yes. You think I'd let us be apart for an entire night? I'm coming for you.”
Thirty minutes later the bus rolled to a stop at a truck stop off I-75. Kurt was waiting in the front lounge with his bag, Cam smirking across from him.
“Man, you must be a spectacular lay for him to make us stop. Do you charge for your services?”
Kurt glared at him. “I know we don't know each other very well so I hope you take this in the spirit with which I mean it - Fuck. You.”
Kurt opened the curtain that separated the driver's area from the front lounge and climbed down the stairs and out into the parking lot. Blaine was on him before he could take a step.
“Kurt,” he said, engulfing him in a hug and kissing his cheek and ear and hair. “I'm sorry. I've missed you all day and I'm sorry.”
Kurt held on, gripping Blaine as tight as he could. “You're here now.”
Blaine pulled back to look at him. “Give me a second? I'd like to fire that asshole in person.”
“After you,” Kurt smiled, following Blaine back onto the bus.
“Cam!” Blaine shouted, rounding the corner to the front lounge.
Cam stood up and crossed his arms, his jaw set.
“The bullshit ends now. When we get to Atlanta, the runner will take you to the airport where you will board a flight home. You're fired.”
Cam laughed. “Seriously? You're going to fire me over some meaningless piece of ass?”
“No, I'm firing you because of how you treated Kurt, which is his name, and because you're a shitty tour manager. We're done.” Blaine turned to Kurt. “Let's go.”
“Oh my god, Blaine,” Kurt said, his hand on the wall as the bus swayed and rocked down the interstate. “I've been on quite a few tour buses and I've never seen anything like this.”
Blaine's bus was much like every other tour bus: front lounge with leather couches on either side, small table, kitchenette with a sink and small refrigerator, tiny bathroom, 12 bunks stacked three high. But instead of a back lounge with a wrap-around couch and flatscreen TV, Blaine's bus had a private bedroom with a queen-sized bed.
“What,” Blaine smiled, “did you think I'd bring you out on tour with me and make you sleep in a tiny top bunk that sways and makes you nauseous?”
Kurt laughed. “Yes. That's exactly what I thought.”
“Nothing went how I wanted it to today,” Blaine said, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist, “but now that I've to you, I'm not letting you go.”
They kissed, a needed reconnection, with soft lips and happy sighs. The bus hit a pothole, knocking them both onto the bed, Blaine falling on top of Kurt.
“Nice move, Mr. Anderson,” Kurt laughed.
“What, you think I have strategic knowledge of pothole locations in the southeast?”
“Maybe,” Kurt said, wrapping his legs around Blaine's waist and pushing his hips up against Blaine. “Do you?”
Blaine smiled and traced his hand over Kurt's chest. “A few years ago I had a premonition that I would meet a gorgeous man in Nashville. Since that day it's been my mission to meet you and subsequently convince you to join me on tour. Then I planned for us to be in my bus, in my bedroom, at this exact time. I instructed my driver to hit that exact pothole at this exact time so that I could fall on top of you, my dick getting hard, and-” Blaine leaned down, his lips against Kurt's ear, “fuck your tight little ass.”
Kurt turned his head and kissed Blaine, the sweetness gone, replaced by need and heat. They rolled together on the bed, their hands pulling at clothes and scratching at skin.
“Let me blow you,” Kurt moaned. “I want your cock in my mouth.”
“Fuck, yes.” Blaine laid back on the bed as Kurt scrambled to pull off his pants.
“You're not wearing underwear,” Kurt said, running his hands over the tops of Blaine's thighs.
“I showered after the show and I knew I'd be with you later and, I don't know, I just-”
His words were cut off as Kurt took him into his mouth. Kurt didn't start slow, didn't tease. He swallowed him whole and moaned, sucking and licking.
“Kurt, holy hell!”
It was then, Blaine's legs splayed out across the bed, his cock buried in Kurt's mouth and throat, the bus slammed on the brakes and sent them both hurling forward and off the bed.
They were both in a crumpled ball up against the door, all limbs and tangled clothes and sore knees and elbows.
“You guys okay in there?” Tec was knocking on the door. “I heard screaming, and not the good kind.”
“Fine!” Blaine called out. “We're fine!”
Kurt wanted to laugh but couldn't. “Are we fine? I'm so sorry, Blaine, I think I bit you when the brakes hit? Are you okay?”
Blaine looked down to see his half-hard dick with small teeth marks around the middle.
“OH MY GOD,” Kurt shrieked. “OH MY GOD, BLAINE.”
“Shhhhh, it's okay,” Blaine said, moving to stand up and pulling Kurt with him. “I'm fine.”
“You're not fine! I bit your dick! Oh my GOD!” Kurt reached out to touch him and Blaine winced.
“Maybe don't touch it just yet.”
Kurt covered his face with his hands. “I am utterly humiliated.”
“Don't be,” Blaine said, pulling back the comforter. “Now please get naked and come get in this bed with me. We can cuddle.”
Kurt obliged, making quick work of removing his clothes and sliding into bed next to Blaine, careful not to brush up against Blaine's injured penis. “I'm sorry. I am so so-”
Blaine cut him off with a kiss. “This day was fucked from the start. Let's just sleep. I want to hold you and I want to sleep. Everything will be better tomorrow.”
Kurt smiled and laid his head on Blaine's chest. “I'm sorry I bit your dick.”
He felt Blaine laugh, the vibration humming across his cheek. “I'm sorry I was gone all day and then you ended up on the crew bus.”
Kurt raised his head and rested his chin on Blaine's chest. “I sure do like you, Blaine Anderson.”
Blaine smiled and reached up to kiss him. “I'm crazy about you, too.”