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Shiver: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,856 - Last Updated: Mar 06, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jan 24, 2015 - Updated: Jan 24, 2015
115 0 0 0 0

“Shiiiiiit shit shit shit SHIT!” Kurt cursed, yanking on the door. “My key card. It's on my desk. In my office.” He turned around and looked at Blaine, pointing above his head. “Up there.”


Blaine's arms were crossed over his chest and he had one leg thrown across the other, swaying from side to side. “Kurt,” he said through gritted teeth.


“Bar!” Kurt said, already running, “across the street!” Blaine followed closely behind as they ran through the gravel parking lot and around the corner to Clinton Street and William Collier's bar. Blaine disappeared inside while Kurt waited on the sidewalk, reaching into his pocket to text Frankie an update. Only his phone wasn't in his pocket. “Dammit,” he sighed, picturing his phone sitting on his desk…right next to his key card, wallet and car keys. He'd been so focused on getting to Blaine he'd forgotten every single other thing. 


Seemed like it was all he could think about since the show. Kurt's mind was consumed with Blaine…his eyes and his hands and his voice and the way he moved and the way he…was walking towards him in a worn green v-neck and tight blue pants that left little to the imagination. And oh, how Kurt had imagined.


“Better?” Kurt said, lifting his eyes away from Blaine's crotch, hoping he hadn't been caught.


“Much.” Blaine was smiling up at Kurt through his eyelashes, flirting. “See something you like?”


He'd been caught. “I was just…admiring the cut of those pants. Are they designer?”


“Hell if I know. I have a stylist who dresses me when I'm on tour because my label doesn't trust me to dress myself. And trust me, I do know how to dress myself. When I was younger I was very dapper,” he said, adjusting an imaginary bow tie. 


“You. Dapper,” Kurt said, laughing. “That's quite the image. I can't imagine you wearing a bow tie.”


“I had an impressive collection, very prep-school chic. I used to gel my hair back, too.”


“Oh no, don't do that. Your curls are gorgeous.” Kurt stopped himself from saying more, from saying how much he wanted to run his hands through those curls and bury his face in them.


They stood on the sidewalk smiling at each other, both shy and unsure. Kurt felt Blaine hesitating, waiting. It seemed like he was giving Kurt control, following his lead. “So,” Kurt said, his eyes on Blaine's lips, “I've made a discovery.”


“What's that?” 


“My keycard isn't the only thing I left in my office.”


“Uh-oh,” Blaine laughed.


“Yeah, I'm afraid my phone, wallet and keys are also locked up safe and sound.” They were both laughing now, their arms crossed, mirroring each other while keeping a respectable distance. “I guess I was a little distracted.”


Blaine reached his hand up and scratched at the stubble on his cheeks, the stubble Kurt wanted to rub his face against. “Should I take you somewhere? Do you need to call someone?”


Kurt thought about it for a moment. “You could…uhhh.…,” he said, going for casual even though the tremor in his voice gave him away, “you could send your limo driver home and we could hang out here? Get some drinks? Food?”


Blaine looked towards the bar and back at Kurt. “Yes,” he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket, “that sounds perfect.”


Blaine texted the driver as they walked back into William Collier's. Kurt led them through the maze of people and chairs to a small table in the back where they sat down, both instinctively angling their chairs closer to each other. Blaine leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table, hands clasped together. Kurt looked across the bar but could feel Blaine's eyes on him. He caught the eye of his assistant, Spencer who waved and gave him a thumbs up. Kurt smiled and glanced at Blaine. 


“Friend?” Blaine asked.


“My assistant,” Kurt said, waving to someone else a few tables over.


“You're a popular guy.”


“No, no, nothing like that. A lot of people from my office come here after work…I should have considered that before suggesting it. We could go somewhere else?”


Thea from publishing walked by their table. “Hey, Kurt!” 


Kurt smiled and waved, looking back to Blaine. “I'm sorry.”


“I like seeing you in your element. So this bar's a hangout for people at your label?”


“Cocktails are typically helpful when dealing with demanding artists. You know how that can be,” Kurt joked.


“Artists are the worst. Always making demands like, ‘Cancel my interviews for today. I've got to go to Nashville to see someone.' Real pain in the ass.”


Kurt stared. “You…did you do that?”


Blaine stared back. “I did.”


“Well,” Kurt said, licking his lips and spinning the small strip of leather he wore around his wrist, “I'll be sure and write them a thank you note for being so agreeable to your demands.”


“Kurt,” Blaine said, leaning in close, close enough to-


“Hey, Kurt, who's your friend?”


Kurt looked up, startled. “Oh…hey, Calvin. This is-”


“Oh, I know,” Calvin said, reaching out to shake Blaine's hand, “Hi, Blaine. I'm Calvin and I'm a huge, huge fan.”


“Hi, Calvin,” Blaine said, shaking his hand a warm smile on his face, “it's so nice to meet you.”


Calvin was Kurt's favorite server at Williams Collier's. He set his order pad and pen on the table and reached into his pocket. “Can I get a photo?”


“Calvin, no,” Kurt said, but Blaine was already standing and taking Calvin's phone. Blaine pulled him in close and held the phone at arm's length. “Say cheese!”


“Oh my god, thank you so much. You're amazing,” Calvin gushed, looking at the photo and giggling, “so so amazing. Thank you so much! You're so gorgeous! My friends are going. To. Die.”


“You're most welcome, happy to cause the demise of any friend of yours.”


Once Calvin had taken their drink orders and thanked Blaine for the tenth time, Kurt turned to Blaine. “So. Here you are.”


Blaine smiled, shifting his weight in his chair, inching ever closer to Kurt but still not touching him. “Here I am.”


“Excuse me?” Kurt and Blaine looked up to see two girls with eager smiles and phones in their hands, “could we get a photo? We love you.”


“Sure,” Blaine said, standing once more and greeting the two girls. Kurt watched as he asked their names and introduced himself, as if they didn't know him. He smiled with each girl, even laughing when one of them kissed him on the cheek as he took the photo. He thanked them and hugged them and sent them away. 


“Where were we?” Blaine said, sitting back down and facing Kurt. 


“Drinks!” Calvin was back, setting their drinks onto the table and lingering, winking at Blaine.


“Thank you, Calvin,” Kurt said, widening his eyes and hoping Calvin would catch the hint.


“Fine, I'm going,” Calvin pouted, “but I'll be right over there if you need me.”


Kurt raised his gin and tonic to his lips and smiled at Blaine, taking a sip. “I can see that having a drink with Blaine Anderson means I have to share you.”


Blaine's eyebrows shot up into perfect triangles over his honey hazel eyes. “Are you suggest-”


“Hi, Blaine Anderson?” A young guy with long hair over his eyes and the requisite cell phone in his hand was swaying next to their table.


“Hi, I'm Blaine, what's your name?” Kurt watched Blaine talk, admiring his genuine interest and affable demeanor. Blaine was effortless and smooth, made everyone who approached him feel at ease. He looked them in the eye and asked them their names. Kurt was transfixed.


“I'm sorry,” Blaine said, sitting back down after the fifth photo request, “this is a bit unusual.”


Kurt knew that was total bullshit, knew it would continue to happen the longer they sat there. He knew one of the things he liked about Blaine was the way he treated his fans. And what he knew most of all, what he knew deep in his bones - he wanted to be alone with Blaine.


“We shouldn't have sent the limo away,” Kurt said, swallowing hard, “might be nice to go somewhere more…private?”


Blaine took a breath. “Is that what you want?”


“We could go to my apartment. I want you to…come. To my apartment.”


Blaine's lips parted as he stared at Kurt's mouth. “Okay.”






The short cab ride to Kurt's apartment was filled with happy tension. Kurt pointed out various Nashville landmarks and Blaine appropriately oohh'd and aahh'd. Their hands rested next to each other on the seat but didn't touch. Blaine paid the fare and Kurt thanked him. Kurt punched in the code to unlock the front door to his building and Blaine held the door open. It was all very polite, very cordial, very nice. And completely agonizing. 


Because Kurt didn't want polite. He wanted to drag Blaine into his apartment and get his mouth and hands on him, strip Blaine bare and explore every inch. But he couldn't. He'd been so self-righteous at the bar after the show. He would look like a complete asshole if he tried anything now. 


“Wait,” Blaine said, shaking Kurt from his thoughts. They were on the second flight of stairs that led up to Kurt's third floor apartment. “Your keys!”


“My best friend lives across the hall and she has my spare. You've met her actually,” Kurt said, turning the corner to walk up the last flight of stairs. “She was with me at the show,” Kurt said, stopping in front of Frankie's door and knocking. 


They heard some shuffling behind the door followed by a muffled shriek. Frankie opened the door with a smirk on her face. “Hello boys.”


“Oh yeah, I remember meeting you!” Blaine said, his goofy charm making Kurt's cheeks burn. “Tell me your name again?”




“Frankie! That's right…I'm Blaine,” he said, reaching out to shake her hand. “It's good to see you again.”


Frankie glanced at Kurt, a knowing look on her face. “It's good to see you, too. What brings you to back to Nashville?”


Blaine lightly touched the small of Kurt's back, the first touch since Kurt pulled him out of the limo. “I…we had…” he smiled at Kurt, “I came back to see Kurt.”


“Key!” Kurt shouted, the moment feeling like too much and not enough. “I left my keys at the office. I need my spare.”


Frankie grinned, looking at Blaine and back at Kurt. “I can see you do,” she said, grabbing Kurt's key from a small, silver dish on her entry table. “Enjoy yourselves.”


“Good to see you, again,” Blaine waved as Frankie shut the door, laughing. “She seems cool.”


“She's the best.” Kurt unlocked the door and invited Blaine inside. “Come on in. Do you want a drink? I'm not sure what I have.”


“I'll have whatever you're having,” Blaine said, walking around the small living room and looking at Kurt's photos and books. Kurt was in the kitchen opening two bottles of beer and saw Blaine pick up a black and silver frame form the shelf. Shit, he mumbled to himself, that's just great.


“I'm afraid all I have is beer” he said, rounding the corner from the kitchen.


Blaine was holding up the frame, grinning. “You framed it.”


“June framed it. My friend June, you met her? She…framed it.” The photos from the VIP line had been posted the day after the show and Kurt had appropriately spiraled when he saw his photo with Blaine. Their arms were wrapped around each other and they both had wide, happy smiles. June framed it for him and he secretly loved it. Of course, he never imagined Blaine would see it. “I'm embarrassed.”


“Don't be,” Blaine said, pulling out his phone, opening his photo album and clicking on the very same photo to show Kurt, “we look good together.” He had the photo on his phone. He had the photo of Kurt from the VIP line. He had it.




“I told you, Kurt, you made an impression on me that night. The second I saw you I thought my knees would give out. You were so…you are …so beautiful, so…captivating.”


Kurt was standing in his apartment, holding two bottles of beer, hearing words that made no sense. “That doesn't make any sense.”


Blaine put the frame back on the shelf and moved to sit on the couch. “Come and sit with me.”


Kurt set the bottles down on the coffee table and sat down on the opposite side of the couch, his body turned toward Blaine.


“Come and sit with me,” Blaine said. They moved closer, together, Kurt's heart pounding. Blaine slung his arm across the top of the couch and leaned in.


“Kurt, I realize this whole situation is weird and we don't know each other and there's a large possibility I look like a creep showing up here unannounced…with your photo in my phone.” Kurt laughed at that. “I want to be as clear as possible. I meet a lot of people…a lot. And I've never, not once, been so immediately taken with someone the way I was with you. I think that's why I reacted the way I did at the bar after the show. I just…I wanted you.” He paused, taking several breaths and looking directly at Kurt. “I still do.”


And that was it.


Kurt climbed into Blaine's lap and kissed him, hard. Blaine moaned into the kiss, grabbing Kurt's hips and pulling him closer. Kurt bit Blaine's bottom lip and licked it making Blaine moan louder. “Fuck, Kurt!”


“If you insist,” Kurt said, licking into Blaine's mouth.


Blaine pulled at Kurt's shirt, grabbing at the skin he could reach. He moved his hands up to unbutton Kurt's shirt, their kisses growing more needy and desperate with each moan and touch. Kurt's hands were in Blaine's hair, on his face, his neck. He felt drunk, his body pulsing with want. He couldn't stop, couldn't reason, couldn't do anything but kiss and lick and touch. Whatever was going to happen next was going to happen and he had no intention of stopping it.


Blaine got Kurt's shirt open and ran his hands over Kurt's chest. “Fucking stunning,” he breathed out, kissing Kurt's shoulder.


“I want,” Kurt whined, pulling at Blaine's shirt. Blaine sat up and lifted his arms over his head allowing Kurt to pull his t-shirt off. “God, look at you,” Kurt said, eyes wide. He didn't care anymore. He didn't care if he looked too eager or too easy. He wanted. “More,” he said, kissing Blaine's jaw, “I want more.”


Blaine grabbed him around the waist and stood up from the couch, holding Kurt firmly in his arms. Kurt nearly swooned, kissing Blaine again, wild and hungry. Blaine stumbled towards Kurt's bedroom, holding Kurt up and taking everything Kurt was giving. They tumbled down onto the bed, their lips finding new places to kiss. “More,” Kurt said, reaching for Blaine's pants, “more.” Together they shed every layer between them, remaining close, their bodies like magnets.


When they were both naked, Blaine pushed Kurt onto his back and hovered over him. His hungry eyes raked over Kurt's body as his heavy cock hung between them. Blaine leaned down to kiss him, slow and sweet, lowering his body onto Kurt's, their cocks sliding together.


“I want…I want…” Kurt couldn't get the words out, didn't know what he would say if he could.


“Tell me,” Blaine said, rolling their bodies together so they were side by side, legs tangled together, “tell me what you want. I'll do anything.”


“I want…your mouth on me.”


“Oh god yes, YES, I want to do that,” Blaine said, kissing down Kurt's chest. He took Kurt's hard cock in hand and stroked him, kissing one hipbone and then the other. Kurt could feels Blaine's heavy breath on him as Blaine kissed up the side of his cock before taking the head into his mouth. Kurt whimpered, one hand reaching down to hold Blaine's head, the other holding on to the headboard above him. He opened his eyes to see Blaine looking back at him, his mouth full and stretched. “Fuck,” Kurt cursed, the image so raw and real he felt the room tilt. 


Blaine didn't draw it out, sucking Kurt quick and hard. This wasn't some candlelit romance, they were fucking. It's what they both wanted. Needed. Kurt watched as Blaine's dark curls bobbed and dipped between his splayed legs, watched his cock pump in and out of Blaine's mouth.


“Come here,” Kurt said, his chest heaving, “come up here.” Kurt pulled Blaine up to meet him in a dirty kiss, their lips and tongues searching for more, always more.


“Like this,” Kurt said, reaching down to line their cocks up together, “I want you like this.”


The spit and sweat wasn't enough but it didn't matter. There wasn't time. They rocked together, thrusting and pushing, their breath in each other's mouths. 


“I wanted this,” Blaine said, his thrusts getting faster, his hands framing Kurt's face, “the first moment I saw you, I…unnhhnn….I wanted this. I wanted to…ahhh fuck….lay you down and….shit, I'm gonna come…”


Kurt raised his head up to Blaine's ear. “Do it, Blaine, come on me.”


Blaine tensed and came with a shout with Kurt following right behind him. They held each other through it, their pulsing cocks still rubbing against each other. “Oh god,” Kurt moaned, “oh my god.”


“Come out on the road with me,” Blaine said, his head buried in Kurt's neck.





Blaine lifted his head and looked Kurt in the eye. “I've got ten dates left on this tour. Come with me.”


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