July 19, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 19, 2014, 7 p.m.
“It's been eight weeks, did you know that?” Blaine and Kurt were sitting on the couch in Kurt's living room watching a Top Chef marathon. Kurt had his feet in Blaine's lap getting one of Blaine's famous foot massages.
“Eight glorious, surprising weeks,” Kurt said, laying his head back and closing his eyes. “You are so good at that.”
“I like your feet,” Blaine said, moving to Kurt's other foot. “I like you.” Kurt's eyes were still closed so he didn't see the way Blaine was looking at him. He never saw the way Blaine looked at him, full of awe and interest and lately…heat.
Blaine ran his thumb back and forth across the arch of Kurt's foot while Kurt moaned and hummed. It made Blaine's hands sweat.
“Mmmmm, will you still rub my feet when we're in New York,” Kurt said, lifting his arms over his head and hanging them off the end of the couch. It made his shirt ride up, exposing the tiniest strip of skin. Skin Blaine wanted to touch.
Blaine stopped rubbing and cleared his throat. “Umm, Kurt?”
Kurt leaned his head up, one eyebrow quirked in a perfect arch, “Why did you stop the rubbing? You never stop the rubbing, Blaine.”
Blaine moved Kurt's feet out of his lap and folded his own legs underneath him. He looked nervous. “Do you ever think about…I mean…do you…”
“Do I think about what?”
Blaine scratched the back his neck and cleared his throat again. “I've been thinking. About us.”
“A fascinating subject if I do say so myself,” Kurt said, eyes on the TV instead of on Blaine.
“Do you?”
“Do I what?”
“Do you think about…us?”
“Blaine, I'm going to need you to be more specific. Oh my god, look at Tom Colicchio. He is so not ok with that sad looking soufflé.”
Blaine fidgeted, losing his nerve. “I'm going to get some water, you want anything?”
Blaine stood up from the couch and Kurt grabbed his hand. “You okay? Was there something you want to talk to me about?”
“Nope. And you're right, that soufflé is tragic,” Blaine said, leaning down to kiss Kurt on the tip of his nose. “And I will definitely rub your feet in New York.” Then, under his breath, as he walked away, “I'll rub anything you want.”
Kurt watched him go, reveling in the view. “Did you say something” he called out.
“I said I want a croissant.”
“What? You want a croissant?”
Blaine walked back in the room carrying a glass of water. “Never mind.”
“Are you sure you're alright? You're acting a little crazy.”
“Maybe because I'm crazy about you,” Blaine said, leaning down to tickle Kurt's ribs sending Kurt into fits of laughter.
The next morning Kurt was leaning over Lauren's desk in the back room of Scoops writing down the ice cream order for the week when suddenly he felt Blaine pressed up against him from behind.
“Blaine, I'm trying to order more Strawberry Swirl.”
“Maybe a little swirl is what I'm looking for,” Blaine said, pulling Kurt up and hugging him from behind.
“A little swirl? Really, Blaine? Did you join a fraternity and not tell me? If you start calling me ‘brah I'm breaking up with you.”
“I can't resist your swirl…brah,” Blaine breathed into his ear.
Kurt swatted him away. “Go unlock the door and turn on the open sign, brah, before I actually break up with you.”
“The customers can wait,” Blaine said, pulling Kurt tighter. He slid his hands down Kurt's sides, his fingertips pressing into Kurt's hipbones, “I want you.”
“You are ridiculous,” Kurt said, wiggling away and turning back to his list. “Now go unlock the door or Zises will have both our heads.”
Blaine trudged out front and pulled the short, silver chain on the ancient neon OPEN sign in the front window. It buzzed and sputtered, flashing a few times before fully illuminating the window.
“At least I can turn something on,” Blaine muttered under his breath.
That night Kurt was in his closet sorting clothes and putting storage items into garment bags. Moving an entire wardrobe to New York was tedious work and he was running out of time. He was trying to decide if he should take his full winter wardrobe now or have it shipped later when his cell phone buzzed with a text.
To Kurt: I miss you.
To Blaine: We've been together all day, what's to miss?
To Kurt: Your sweet ass.
To Blaine: Really, Blaine? Sweet ass? What has gotten into you?
Kurt laughed and set his phone down on the dresser when it started to ring.
“Can I come over?” Blaine sounded out of breath.
“Of course you can, but I should warn you, I'm sorting.” Kurt pulled out a grey, double-breasted, knee-length sweater and held it against his body in the full length mirror. “Are you okay? You sound winded.”
“Just need to see you. I'll be there in ten minutes.”
Eleven minutes later Kurt heard a car door shut and looked out his window to see Blaine pacing and talking to himself in the driveway. He walked downstairs and opened the front door.
“Blaine, what are you doing?”
Blaine's head jerked up, embarrassed. He jogged up the front porch stairs and grabbed Kurt in a tight hug. “Hi.”
“Hello to you, too. I'm sorry I interrupted your fascinating conversation.”
“Let's go inside. Is your dad home?”
“No, he's over at Jimmy's Tavern watching some sporting event on their big screen. Evidently our 60 inch screen is too small.”
Blaine pulled Kurt into the living room and they sat down on the couch, both in the middle. Kurt put his hand on Blaine's bouncing knee. “What's going on and why are you so nervous? Is this about that difficult customer today? I know she was unfairly rude to you but honestly I don't think-”
“I want to touch your dick!” The words jumped out of Blaine's mouth and hung in the air between them.
Kurt stared, eyes wide. He opened his mouth, shut it, and then opened it again.
“I'm sorry, I didn't…that's not what I wanted to say.” Blaine said , his voice strained and quiet.
“Blaine, I…I don't - “
“Let me start over, can I start over?” Blaine's hands were circling each other in his lap, like a dog chasing its tail.
“Yes, please.”
“We've been taking things slow, really slow.”. Kurt took a breath to speak and Blaine cut him off. “And that's what I wanted! It's what we both wanted, I know. But we're going to New York next week, leaving Ohio and, I don't know, starting a new chapter.”
“And what does that have to do with my…” Kurt motioned to his crotch, ears turning pink.
“I don't want to go to New York a virgin.”
They stared at each other then, neither one knowing what to say.
“Blaine, what you're saying…it's a big step.”
“It is, you're right. But I really care about you. A lot. And I want to be with you, in every way I can.”
“Because you don't want to go to New York a virgin.”
“That's not, I didn't mean,” Blaine paused, sighing. “This is hard.”
“A necessary step, I believe,” Kurt said, mouth in a straight line. But his eyes were smiling. He moved in closer and puts his arms around Blaine.
“Your odd behavior the past few days is starting to make sense. Why didn't you just talk to me?”
“I tried.”
“Try again, only this time using actual words to my actual face. I want to know how you feel.” Kurt kept his hands on Blaine's shoulders, needing to feel grounded, needing to let Blaine know he was there and listening.
“Okay.” Blaine took a deep breath. “I am wildly attracted to you. You're the most…you are stunning, Kurt. It's intimidating. I'm glad we decided to take it slow but I can't help feeling…I want you, Kurt. I want to see you and feel you and put my hands on you. I want to know how it feels to press my skin against yours and…” Blaine paused, crossing his arms over his chest.
Kurt grabbed his hands and gently pulled them into his lap. “I want those things, too, I do. But why the sudden urgency? Why before New York?”
“I don't know why I said that. I'm making a mess of this whole thing. I wanted this conversation to be romantic, I wanted to seduce you. Instead I'm chattering like an idiot and shouting that I want to touch your dick.”
“That was a real low point.”
“I'm sorry.”
“Don't be. My dick is flattered by your interest.”
Blaine smiled in spite of himself. “Have I ruined this?”
Kurt leaned in and kissed him, slow and sweet. “Let's go up to my room and talk about it.”
They were standing in Kurt's room, facing each other, music floating softly through the room.
“I made this playlist for, well, for this moment. I just didn't know it would be tonight.”
“We don't have to do anything, Kurt, really. I don't want you to feel pressured. We don't have to-”
“Blaine, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been thinking about it, too. You're very sexy, you know. That first day at Scoops when you walked in wearing that insanely tight pink shirt and bow tie. And your hair…I thought I would die on the spot.”
Blaine ran a hand through his soft curls. “I took a shower before I came over and I didn't have time to…it's curly.”
“I like curly,” Kurt said, reaching up and cupping Blaine's face in his hands. He slid his fingertips into Blaine's hair scratching and pulling ever so slightly. Blaine closed his eyes and let out the softest moan.
“That feels really good.”
“I”m glad we've been taking it slow, Blaine. But I want things, too. I want to make you feel good.”
Blaine opened his eyes and put his hands on Kurt's waist. “Yes.”
It was one word, but it was enough. Their mouths crashed together in a desperate kiss that was immediately different than all the other kisses they'd shared. This kiss had intention, it was a start of something. Kurt was finding it difficult to breathe, his chest heaving out short breaths while Blaine kissed and kissed him. He shivered and felt hot all at the same time. Blaine reached around and grabbed Kurt's ass, grinding their hips together causing them both to cry out.
“Blaine,” Kurt said, Blaine's mouth devouring his neck, “do you have a condom?”
Blaine froze, mouth on Kurt's Adam's apple, hands half-way down the back of Kurt's pants. “Ummm, no?”
“I don't either,” Kurt said, pulling Blaine's hands out of his pants. “Shouldn't we have one if we're going to…do this?”
“I…yes? I mean, we don't have to do, you know, everything, if you don't want to.”
“I know but, what if in the heat of the moment we want to try? Shouldn't we be prepared?”
“The heat of the moment,” Blaine said, his eyes glazing over, “yeah.” Blaine thought the current moment was sufficiently heated until Kurt had started talking.
Blaine sat down on the bed, elbows on his knees. “I could go get some? Or we could just, I don't know, look?”
Kurt laughed right out loud. “If you weren't so damn sincere I would not believe you just said that. You are such a boy!” Kurt leaned down to kiss him and then walked over to the door. “Let's go to the store and get condoms like proper young men and then I will let you look all you want.”
That perked Blaine up and they raced down the stairs together, giggling and knocking into each other. Kurt threw open the front door just as Burt was walking through it.
“Dad! What…what are you doing here?”
“Game sucked. We were getting slaughtered so I decided to come home and watch it on the little TV. Hey, Blaine.”
“Hi, Mr. Hummel.”
“Kid, I keep telling ya, it's Burt.”
“Yes, sir. Burt, sir.”
“Where are you two going in such a rush? You both look like you seen a ghost.” Burt brushed past them and plopped down in his favorite chair.
“Nowhere. We weren't…”
“Yeah, we were just here. Hanging out. We weren't doing anything.”
“Is that right,” Burt said, eyeing them both. “Well be sure and don't do anything with your bedroom door open, got it?”
“Got it,” Kurt said, motioning for Blaine to follow him back upstairs.
“I guess it's a good thing I forgot condoms?” Blaine whispered once they had reached his room.
Kurt laughed and wrapped his arms around Blaine's shoulders. “I guess the great reveal will have to wait.”
“I'll be counting the minutes,” Blaine said, leaning in and kissing Kurt with as much passion as the open bedroom door would allow.
“Good morning, Kurt,” Blaine said, kissing Kurt on the cheek.
“Good morning yourself. You look particularly bright-eyed this morning.”
“That's because I'm planning to ask my gorgeous boyfriend out on a date. A romantic date.”
“Oh, you are? How exciting. I hope your boyfriend says yes.”
“I hope he does, too. I have plans,” Blaine said, grinning, his hands on his hips.
“What sort of plans?”
“Romantic plans. Sexy plans.”
“Sexy plans? This romantic date wouldn't be just an elaborate ruse to get into your boyfriend's pants would it?”
“As delightful as that would be, it is not my intention. I tried that already, and it didn't go well. I approached it the wrong way, all desperate and handsy. He's definitely worth more than that. So this time I want to show him what he means to me, tell him how much I care about him, make him feel special.” Kurt was drying an ice cream scoop and looked up at Blaine. Blaine took a step forward so that their faces were inches apart. “I want to tell him that I love him.”
Kurt dropped the ice cream scoop. It bounced and clattered across the tile floor while both boys looked at each other, Blaine smiling, Kurt's bottom lip quivering.
“Kurt, I want to apologize for what happened last night, for how I approached us being together. I came off like some dumb, sex-crazed idiot and I'm sorry.” Blaine put his hands on Kurt's hips. “I want to do this with you, anything that we do, because I love you. I love you. And sharing this with you would mean more to me than I can say.”
Kurt pressed his forehead to Blaine's and sighed. “First, you don't need to apologize for last night, I thought you were an adorable sex-crazed idiot. And like I said, I'm ready, too. Because, Blaine, I love you. And I didn't want to say it before because I was afraid I was being too impulsive or too sentimental. I didn't want to scare you away.”
“You couldn't. You can't.” Blaine pressed his lips to Kurt's, both boys needing to feel the connection, needing to break the tension.
“So about this romantic date,” Kurt asked.
“I was serious about that. I want to take you to that sushi place you've been wanting to try.”
“And after?”
“After, we could go back to my house, if you want. My parents have a fundraiser tonight and won't be back until late.”
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and pulled him close. Closer. “Yes.”
“OHMYGOD WOULD YOU TWO JUST BONE ALREADY.” It was Zises. She'd been in the back room. Listening.
Kurt and Blaine jumped apart like they'd been electrocuted, the swinging doors to the back room banging against the wall as Zises burst in. “I swear, you two are the worst gays I've ever met. You should have been boning weeks ago, weeks. And now you're professing love just to touch tips? Do I need to buy you both a manual on how to be young and gay?”
Zises had her hands on her hips and was looking them both up and down, clearly waiting for an answer.
“I don't…we…” Blaine was stammering and blushing.
“It's none of your business what we do in our private lives,” Kurt huffed.
“Oh please, Hot Ass has been practically salivating for weeks. Give him the D, Hummel. The poor kid's waited long enough.”
“That's not…I am not salivating!” Blaine's face was getting progressively more and more red.
Zises walked over and patted both of their cheeks a little harder than was necessary. “My sweet little baby gays. Anderson, why don't you let me open the store and you can take Huffy Huffington here in the back and bend him over the desk. I bet he's a screamer,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.
Blaine turned from red to white.
Kurt 's mouth fell open but no sound came out.
“Fine, do it your way with the romance and shit. Just promise me you'll do it. And then tell me all about it.”
She turned to leave, whipping around at the last second. “Hey, Hot Ass, catch!” Blaine reached up to catch what she threw as Zises exited through the back door shouting, “Thank me later!”
“What is it,” Kurt asked, afraid to look.
Blaine opened his hand and felt his cheeks heating up again. “It's…lube.”
“Oh god.”
Blaine's house wasn't anything like Kurt's house. Kurt's house was soft and lived-in and felt like love. Blaine's house was marble and flat and untouchable. Kurt had only been to Blaine's house a couple of times, but this time was different. This time there was an expectation. An expectation might drown him.
“I'm nervous,” Kurt blurted out as they walked up the winding staircase to Blaine's room.
Blaine stopped on the stair above Kurt. “Do you wanna go home? We don't have to…”
“No, I, I want to stay. I want to be here. With you.”
“I bought condoms. And I have the lube from Zises.”
“Please don't mention her right now.”
“Sorry! Look, I'm nervous, too. We don't have to-“
“Blaine, it's ok. Let's just go to your room and talk for a minute.”
Blaine turned to walk up the staircase, holding his hand out behind him. Kurt took his hand and immediately felt better. By the time they reached Blaine's room, Kurt's nerves were settled. Well, mostly settled.
“I like your room. It's less…severe, than the rest of the house.”
“Thanks,” Blaine said, standing in the middle of the room. He looked scared and a little bit lost. And, Kurt thought, so, so beautiful.
Kurt walked over and put his arms around Blaine's neck. Blaine had turned on Kurt's playlist and they stood there together, not dancing, but slowly swaying and looking at each other, into each other. There was a moment, a small one, when they could have called it off. They could have decided to wait.
“How should we-“
“Do you want to-“
Both boys laughed. “Kurt, I don't know what I'm doing here. All I know is that I want to be with you. I don't care how. I just want to show you how I feel.”
“Okay,” Kurt said, taking a small step back, presenting himself, “show me.”
Normally when Blaine kissed Kurt he started out with slow, soft, chaste kisses that would build to something more. But this time he went right for it, kissing Kurt with his entire body. His tongue was in Kurt's mouth and one hand was in Kurt's hair and the other was slowly finding it's way past the waistband of Kurt's pants. Kurt relaxed and let go, let Blaine explore and touch and feel. He wanted to touch Blaine, and he would, but in this moment he loved the feeling of Blaine's hands on him. Loved the low growl in the back of Blaine's throat, loved being the object of desire.
Blaine plunged his hands down the back of Kurt's pants, over his boxer briefs, and squeezed. “Kurt,” he breathed into his ear, “Kurt.” Blaine pulled his hands up and traced over Kurt's back, under his shirt, tracing a lazy pattern across his skin. “Can I,” Blaine whispered, tugging on Kurt's shirt. Kurt raised his arms over his head and closed his eyes. He could hear Blaine's intake of breath, a tiny gasp, as he raised his shirt slowly over his head and off his arms. “You are,” Blaine said, his voice a quiet reverence, “Kurt, open your eyes and look at me.” Kurt opened his eyes and his heart clenched. Blaine's face was flushed, his lips parted, and his eyes were wide and wet. Kurt felt like Blaine could see his very soul. “Kurt, you take my breath away.”
Kurt wanted to make a joke, something mildly crass to break the tension, but he couldn't. He couldn't move or speak, barely remembering to breath in and out. Blaine was barely touching him, running his fingertips over Kurt's skin like a feather, and it was torture. Sweet and divine torture.
“You, too,” Kurt managed to say, Blaine's lips on his clavicle, his tongue swirling in the hollow of his throat.
“Hmmm?” Blaine didn't look up, didn't stop kissing, touching.
“Your shirt,” Kurt squeaked out.
Blaine stopped then and stood up, a giant smile on his face. With one hand he reached behind his head and pulled, his shirt coming off and landing on the floor in a heap.
Suddenly there was olive skin everywhere. Kurt knew Blaine had a great body but this, this was more than he could have imagined. Kurt realized he was staring, his mouth hanging open. “Sorry,” he said, raising his hand to his mouth.
“It's okay,” Blaine said, smiling and reaching for Kurt, “I want you to look.”
Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine and Blaine stopped him. “Wait…” He reached down and pulled Kurt's leather belt through the loop. Kurt exhaled and reached for the button on Blaine's jeans.
They reached for each other, a tangle of arms and elbows and smiles until both boys were standing in front of each other in their boxer briefs. Kurt was the first one to laugh. And then Blaine was laughing.
“Blaine,” Kurt laughed, doubled over and clutching his stomach, “I can't…”
Blaine's shoulders were shaking and he was bent over with his hands on his knees. He was trying to speak and couldn't, his cheeks sore from smiling. After a moment Blaine composed himself and reached for Kurt, pulling him down to sit on the bed next to Blaine.
“I can't believe we're wearing the exact same underwear,” Blaine said, his eyes full of laughter tears.
“I bought them especially for tonight,” Kurt said, leaning into Blaine, “I wanted to impress you.”
“Me, too. I did, too.”
Then they were laughing again, reaching for each other and rolling onto the bed. Blaine pulled Kurt on top of him, his legs wrapping around Kurt's hips. The laughing stopped.
“Kurt, I can,” Blaine paused, licking his lips and swallowing, “feel you.”
Kurt's eyes were wide and he was trembling. “I feel your, I…I can…”
Kurt kissed him then, and moved against him. Kurt's elbows were on either side of Blaine's head and his hands were in his hair, his tongue in Blaine's mouth, and they were moving together.
“Kurt,” Blaine cried out, tearing his mouth away from Kurt's “you feel…that's…”
“I know,” Kurt cried, breathless, “I know.”
Kurt moved his hips, the thin layer of cotton between them doing nothing to hinder the hot pleasure coursing through him. Blaine was meeting him move for move, grinding and circling his hips.
“Shit, Kurt, you're so hard. I want to touch you,” Blaine breathed out right as Kurt yelped, his whole body going rigid, a silent scream on his face.
Blaine gasped, his own release quickly following.
They were both panting and gasping, embarrassed. Kurt rolled half-way off of Blaine, afraid to look at him.
“I'm sorry.”
“No, I'm sorry. I wanted to…I wanted…”
“I know. Me, too.”
Blaine started to laugh. “What could possibly be funny right now,” Kurt said.
“Just that I didn't even get you all the way naked and…I, I just, I came harder than I ever have in my entire life.”
Kurt rolled over and looked at Blaine, his hand on Blaine's chest. “That was…Blaine…”
“I know. I love you, Kurt.”
“So much,” Kurt replied, leaning in to kiss Blaine. “I guess we'll just have to try again?”
Blaine's eyes narrowed, a slow grin creeping across his lips. In one move he grabbed Kurt's hips and flipped them over. “I thought you'd never ask.”