Dec. 12, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 12, 2015, 6 p.m.
A/N: Thank you for the kind reviews and those who have followed, liked or placed this story in their favorites.
Again, I do apologize for any grammatical errors. This is unbetaed and written by someone whose English is a work in progress.
I do not own anything from Glee, Versace, Tom Ford, Dela Renta or Armani. I wish I did, but well...
Chapter 1: The House of Elizabeth
Its hard to see it back then, but truly, when one door closes another one opens. And the door that opened for me after my marriages tragic ending is a freaking huge one.
I graduated with a Degree in Performing Arts from NYADA and my internship in made it possible for me to have a minor in Fashion Management at Parsons.
Fashion was something I love but I never considered it to be a career. Performing is what I loved most, what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. After graduation and during the course of my marriage, I tried to audition for different roles. Broadway, Off Broadway, Off Off Broadway, it didnt matter. I wanted to perform and thats what I am set to do. But for a unique voice that I have, not to mention my too soft features, landing a role was really, really difficult.
Such dreams were a constant point of arguments during the latter part of my marriage. I am this naive, artistic fellow wanting to chase my dreams while Blaine turned into a money generating machine. I still remember his voice inside my head when we argued.
What do you plant to do with your life? Our life!
When do you plan to find a real job and start contributing to our marriage?!
When will you get serious about money and our future?!
You cant do this forever Kurt! You need to face reality at some point!
Money and our future. It seemed thats all my ex-husband thought about. Well, for one thing he got something wrong. He did have a lot of money, but our future was never going to happen.
If you asked me if I had heard any news about my ex-husband, then the answer is no. The last I heard about him was at the front of the government building when he was talking to his "baby". Damn! Up to this point I still felt the hurt I felt when I heard those words.
It took some time for me to figure out why, but I guess, it is because I felt such a loser back then.
During the divorce, I have nothing. Blaine gained the rights to our house as hes the one who bought it in the first place. He also got our joint accounts as part of the settlement because frankly, it is his money and I do not want anything that has something to do with one of the main reasons why my marriage ended.
All I got were my clothes, my collection of Broadway records and a measly amount on my personal bank account.
I was a loser while Blaine has everything. Hearing him talk to someone with so much enthusiasm and love, made me felt that more.
He moved on…and rather quickly. He forgot about me. We are still husbands, and he already moved on. Perhaps with one of those rich bastards that kept flirting with him.
That realization shattered my heart into a million pieces. Yet, it is also the main reason why I got back on my feet.
Nobody pushes the Hummels. I remembered fondly the words my Dad used to say.
I ditched Broadway and foolish yearnings to be on stage and focused on fashion instead. I applied and was granted a full-time internship at Vogue, and later on climbed the ladder of the fashion world.
All thoughts of singing and performing was forgotten. I wont be a loser. I refuse to be a loser.
And fashion made me a winner. And for once in my life, I am winning.
Fashion may be a second choice, but I started to love it. Not just love it halfheartedly, but I started to squeeze and breathe it with all of my being and found that I am really good at it.
So no regrets. Regrets are for people who dont know where they are going.
I may not have my stage, but I have my runway. And god knows I command that bitch like no other!
After a few years I was given the opportunity for an internship with Donatella Versace in Paris. I decided that there is nothing for me in the US so I grabbed the opportunity and never looked back.
Aside from talking with my Dad and Carole, and Isabelle who became my friend and not just my former boss, I severed all contact.
Now I am 32 years old and for the first time in a long time, I am back to officially managed the US branch of my Paris fashion line, House of Elizabeth. An homage to my mother.
It was the start of summer in New York and the weather is bright, as if happily welcoming me back. I was looking at the view of Central Park and thinking how refreshing it is to be back when I was pulled out from my musings by the touch of soft lips on my cheek.
"What are you thinking babe?" I looked at the man beside me. Estefano. I forgot he was here.
The man raised one perfectly shaped eyebrow.
I met Estefano Dela Rossi when I was in Paris. He works as a broker for some of the popular fashion brands in the world.
I met him during a ball hosted by Donatella, and the physical attraction was instant.
He is tanned skin, 62 in height, muscular, with abs to die for. He has this nice wavy brown hair that was styled in a pompadour. His eyes are a set of smoldering aqua green. He is always dressed impeccably both as a leisure and as a necessity due to the nature of his business, and he is a few years older than me.
He is a god in all accounts, and his bed is the one I would like to worship from time to time when I got horny.
I obtained his services as a broker when I started my own line, hence he is with me here in the US not only to supervise his US branch but also to help me find someone who can manage my companys stocks and investments.
He told me once that he loved me, but I cant return the sentiment… not after him. I guess I am still carrying some ruins made by him. I lost the ability to trust someone in that way, and so far became really good at keeping my heart guarded.
But dont get me wrong, I am not some prude. I had my share of men after my fail of a marriage. Some lasted for days, some just for one night. In all of my conquests, it feels like I am looking for something, something more than to scratch the itch. What is that? When I found out, I will tell you.
Estafano none the less, is the perfect distraction. And it is consensual on both sides. After his failed attempt of "I love you" we talked it out and arrived at an agreement.
We turned out, for all intents and purposes, business-colleagues-slash-close-friend with benefits on the side.
"Nothing. Im just overwhelmed. The last time I am in this country I have nothing." I said in a small voice, then slowly after realizing what I said began to smile. "I did it Estefano, now I have everything"
Estafanos eyes softened then became heated when he started to hug me from behind. I was shocked and suddenly became horny when I felt his monster cock pressing behind me.
"And you will have more baby. I am so horny right now." He said as he started to grind that big cock of his against my butt crack. "Can you feel it baby? That will soon be inside you" He said heatedly as he began to kiss my neck and rub my chest. His cock was thick and hot and rubbing against me in the most delicious way. Just that feeling is enough to make me moan and really, really turned on.
That is what I like most about Estafano, his cock is amazing!- big, hot, thick, amazing.
I quickly turned around and our mouths met in a heated kiss.
Estefano stayed that night and we spend round after round of hot and passionate sex.
We arrived at the House of Hummel the next day to meet with the team leads to have an update on the performance of the line in the past few months. The response from our initial show from the February Fashion week is sensational, and the challenge to perform and beat what we have achieved is huge.
Anyone in Fashion knows that the best time to prepare for those torturous week starts from the day when the last one ends.
Estefano is beside me, seated in the board room looking perfect as usual. He is wearing pinstriped maroon pants, deep-cut dark blue V-neck shirt covered by a gray-blue coat. To an outsider, he looks good. But anyone in fashion will definitely know that his entire outfit was directly ripped from Giorgio Armanis Spring-Summer collection of 2015.
He smirked at me as he saw my incredulous look. Show-off.
Anyway, knowing me, I cannot be outdone by Dela Rossi. He takes a closer look at my outfit, and his smirk was suddenly replaced by an incredulous look of his own.
I am currently wearing pants which looked painted on and makes my butt look…well…delectable. Leather jacket on top of a striped black and white shirt. It might be simple to the common eye, but Estafano knows that this exact outfit is from the yet-to-be-released Tom Ford collection.
Estafanos eyes suddenly darkened and he leaned towards me and whispered, "Tom Ford. I am amazed. If I had known better, I will be under the assumption that you are trying to seduce me. My cock is leaking right now and if I were you, I will wipe that smirk off or I will bend you here in front of everyone and fuck you so hard you wont even be able to say Dela Renta"
I flushed a bright red, while he gave me a charming smile. Bastard!
I was saved from being… well…fucked by the arrival of my team leads. Jeff from Marketing, Nick from Sales and Brittany from Fashion Department.
Jeff Duval-Sterling is a blonde, energizer bunny whose main purpose in life was to bother everyone with his constant energy. But he is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to marketing my designs. He was introduced to me by Isabelle during my internship in Vogue, and he became one of my fast friends and one of the key persons for my US branch.
Nick Duval-Sterling, Jeffs husband, was in-charge with sales and all the lines financial matters. He and Jeff are a package deal.
I still remembered Jeff telling me a few years back via phone when I offered him the job. His only response aside from "Ok" is "So what will Nick do?" I smiled as I remembered that moment fondly.
Though Nick was technically a referral of Jeff, I cannot regret that decision as Nick proved that he is not just some accessory of his husband. Through his clever hands, the House of Elizabeths sales peaked at an unexpected rate, carving its own mark in the US market.
Jeff and Nick… Niff, as I would like to call them, are some of my new friends when I started this life. They often visit me in Paris, just to bother the hell out of me and the two that are the happiest (well, aside from my dad) when I returned.
"Kurtiekins! Finally youre here!" Jeff said in his annoying baby-voice. "We missed you so much!"
"Jeff! He is our boss. You cannot do that here." Nick stage-whispered to his husband before greeting me with a genuine smile, "Hi boss man!"
"Hello Nick, Hi Bunny" I smiled to the both of them.
Jeff then turned to Estafano and said his greetings in a clipped voice, followed by a polite greeting from Nick. For some reason, I cannot understand why Jeff did not like Estafano. I never got the chance to talk to Jeff about it.
Estafano just nodded. Perhaps the feeling is mutual?
"This should be quick. The fashion fairies said they wouldnt give me their magic if I didnt immediately go back. And we need their magic dust for us to work the line" a whimsical voice said.
I got up and enveloped the owner of the voice in a hug. God I missed this girl.
Britanny S. Pierce, is one of my co-interns when I started at . She is a weird girl and often was laughed at during our internship period, but I often saw something with Britany… something magical.
And it turned out I was right. Britanny is a goddess in Fashion. Her whimsical style, combined with my trendsetting and out-there aesthetic completely matched. This gave the House of Elizabeth its trademark.
I offered Britanny to be my business partner countless times, but she often gave me the same line. "Stop being stupid Kurtie-buns, I cannot lead with a Unicorn. Unicorns are made to lead their own. If I lead them, they will lose their magic, and that will just make me sad."
"Ok Britanny, we will be quick" I told her as I released her from the hug.
"Hello Estafano" Britanny said in a serious, professional manner. She is always like this around Estefano. She suddenly become a professional business woman, instead of her magical, out-of-fairy tale self around him.
"Hi Britanny" Estafano said, as if everything is normal.
As everyone gathered, I proceeded with the meeting.
"Ok everyone, thank you for coming" I said in my most commanding and professional voice. Suddenly, I felt the shift. Everyone started to look all business-like and ready to be in the meeting as I spoke. The power that I feel whenever this happens, makes me feel in-charge…it makes me feel a winner.
"So the main focus of this meeting is for you to give me an update on the current status of our US branch and to prepare for the Fashion week by September. Estefano is here as our official broker and see what services we can obtain from his list of agents to help further our business. Lets start with you Jeff, then Britanny. And Nick You will be the last"
Jeff proceeded detailing the marketing strategies in the past few months and gearing towards a more aggressive approach to obtain the male market. Britanny wholeheartedly agrees with Jeffs suggestions that the House of Elizabeth should not neglect the male market. She mentioned that currently, there is an increasing trend in Male fashion buyers. Britanny further mentioned that aesthetic wise, she is thinking a classic mixed with modern look. A cross between dark colors with colorful patterns.
I took everything that they have to say and analyzed it. I have my reservations.
If I was the loser Kurt Hummel, I will throw caution to the wind and dive; but the new Kurt Hummel, the winner, still have to hear if his label can accept such challenge, financial wise.
"Nick, what is your opinion in all of this?" I turned to Nick, the quietest one among the group.
"Based on all our data, we are on the right time to do this. Our sales are up and the expected revenue from our clients based on the response we have obtained from the first fashion week is promising. Though I will highly suggest to diversify our assets, just so we will be safe if this move turned out to be stupid. Its really up to you Kurt." Nick mentioned.
"And Kurt, this move can re-launch our US branch and give its own identity from that in Paris. We can be a trailblazer for the US market in Mens Fashion" Jeff said, speaking from the marketing stand point.
"Ok guys, I hear what you have to say, but I need to think this through." I said to the team. Jeff and Britanny frowned, but Nick seemed to understand. "Nick, send me all our financial reports in the last year and a summary of our books. Britanny, I need a clear thematic board on your plans if this comes to fruition, but I also need a back-up plan, same with you Jeff." I looked at my team leads as they all nodded.
"Estafano, I need you to set me up with your most recommended financial agency at the soonest possible time. I will free my schedule two weeks from now so that should be enough time for you to set a meeting. The rest of you, you have a week to send all that I requested. Any questions?" When no one spoke, I finally said, "Meeting adjourned"
I smiled internally. I so got this bitch!
Weeks have passed and my team provided me all the needed data. It wasnt long before I received a call from Estefano, "I got you a meeting with Gringotts Financials next week. This is some serious shit Hummel, so you better be ready!"
I smiled. I am always ready. I am a winner after all. I should have known that fate wanted me to be ready for something else. Something totally unexpected.
A/N: What do you think? Please let me know what you think. Your reviews are nothing but supplements to this tired soul.