Feb. 16, 2013, 9:42 a.m.
Feb. 16, 2013, 9:42 a.m.
The following morning, I awoke in an auburn room due to the early sun spilling through the gaps of my blinds. I sat up, stretched and literally tore myself from my bed. I trudged downstairs and shuffled towards the cupboard to find some sort of breakfast. Pulling open the cupboard door, I skimmed the shelves. In the end I thought of the idea to eat out for breakfast.
"No time." Kurt croaked, appearing in the kitchen doorway.
"For what?" I asked, walking over to the counter to pour us both glasses of orange juice.
"Eating out for breakfast."
"Oh, so you're a mind-reader now, are you?"
"Not exactly, more of a face-reader. It's all over your face. Your eyes are screaming pancakes."
"Pfft, I think you need to sleep some more."
"I'm hungry. Anything to eat?" He asked, walking to the cupboard.
"I'd rather eat out."
"No. Time." He replied, drawling out both words.
"For what?" I repeated.
"We're going suit shopping!" He beamed, sounding a lot chirpier.
"Suit shopping?"
"Didn't you hear me?"
"I did but-"
"You don't want to turn up at a wedding looking like a tramp, do you?"
"I don't know. Tramps are looking pretty suave nowadays."
"Rude!" Kurt laughed, swatting my hands.
"Fine, we'll go suit shopping. Do we have a reservation or something?"
"Took the words right out my mouth! Yep. At nine-thirty."
"...That's in seven minutes!" I squawked, bolting to my room and pulling on the first clothes that caught my eyes.
We turned up at the bridal shop looking a lot better than I expected, considering the amount of time we had to get there.
"Kurt Hummel! How's it going?" A guy, dressed in a tux with black glasses framing his eyes came up to us.
"Ryder!" Kurt laughed, hugging the boy.
"A little birdie told me somebody wants to find two suits."
"Guilty!" Kurt said, raising his hand.
"This way," The guy said as he andKurt walked in one direction. "Oh, and by the way, I'm Ryder." Ryder looked back over his shoulder to look at me.
"Blaine." I replied.
We stopped in front of thee aisles.
"Well, it depends what role you play at the wedding." Ryder started, "If you're the groom or bride , then the wedding dresses and suits are over there. Bridesmaids are here, flowergirls are there; suits are here and guests are all over. Enjoy!" He said, retreating to his spot at the main door.
"What role do you play in the wedding?" I asked
"Best Man, it's Finn and Rachel's wedding so I figured I'd get a high role." Kurt snorted.
After choosing the suits we wanted – a silver suit with black lining and white buttons for Kurt and a classic, black suit for me – we went to the section where we would get them fit. An elderly woman started on Kurt, making him change into his chosen suit to be able to tack it for the final fittings. She was on him in an instant, plucking here and smoothing there. Kurt looked over to me, faint flushes on his cheeks appeared as he caught my eyesight – looking him up and down.
"Oh my God, you're checking me out!" He blurted.
"Of course I'm checking you out. You are my boyfriend, after all." I smiled, blushing on the inside.
The woman had finished tacking Kurt's suit whilst making a disgruntled sound; obviously disapproving before she got up and left the room. Once she left, Kurt took off the suit, stood on the platform; proudly in his boxers.
"Put some clothes on!" I laughed.
Kurt rolled his eyes and waltzed into his changing room.
After, he emerged into the room and skipped up to me.
"Did you like what you saw? You know, when you were 'checking me out'."
I blushed furiously. I looked away but then summoned up the courage to face him and said in a rather smoky voice, "Always."
This caused Kurt's breath to hitch in his throat.
"Boyfriend." I corrected him, "I'm allowed to be."
"You're really enjoying this aren't you?"
"Yes indeed." I smiled.