April 28, 2013, 9:11 p.m.
April 28, 2013, 9:11 p.m.
Kurt and I were lying in bed holding each other.
"How did he know where we live?" Kurt asked softly.
"I don't..." I started before sighing. "Where's my phone?"
He sat up and looked around before grabbing it off of my nightstand and handing it to me.
"Hey little brother, what's up?" Cooper answered his phone on the third ring.
"Hey, Coop...have you spoken to our father lately?"
"Actually I have."
"Did you give him my address?"
"Yeah....he said that he saw your engagement announcement and he wanted to congratulate you in person...fuck...he lied didn't he?"
"He did."
"Fuck. What happened?"
"He told me I was fucking disgusting and people like me shouldn't be allowed to get married and then he insulted Kurt and I broke his nose."
"I'm sorry squirt I thought he wanted to make up with you."
"It doesn't matter I'll never see him again."
"Hmm...how do you feel about that?"
"I think I'm good with it, I mean he was never really a dad to me now was he?"
"No he wasn't."
"But in the future if he asks you how to get in contact with me tell him to fuck off will you?"
"I will."
"Thanks, I'll talk to you later."
"I love you Blaine."
"I love you too Coop."
I pushed the end call button and placed my phone back on my nightstand.
"I should've known it was Cooper." Kurt told me.
"He meant well."
Kurt nodded biting his lip.
"What's wrong Sexy?"
"Do you ever wish I was....less girly?"
"You aren't girly."
"I have a high voice and I'm really into fashion...that's kinda girly."
"Not it's not, those things don't make you girly they make you Kurt...don't take what he said to heart, you are way more of a man then he could ever hope to be."
"But I'm not into sports or video games or anything that most guys like."
"So? Those things don't make someone masculine, hell there are a lot of girls who are into those things and there are guys who like fashion and Broadway but that doesn't fucking matter. What someone likes doesn't make them girly or manly. I'm glad you aren't like most guys because you are you and I love you so fucking much."
"I love you too. I was just being silly."
"It's not your fault that asshole has a way of getting under your skin and making you feel like shit."
"How's your hand by the way?"
"It's fine but it could use a kiss."
He smiled before pressing a soft kiss to my hand.
"Oh before I forget again I spoke to the relator earlier she has a few places we can look at tomorrow after your classes."
"Oh goodie!" He clapped his hands looking so fucking adorable my heart wanted to burst out of my chest.
"Don't get your hopes up too high Sexy these are the first houses we've looked at chances are we won't find our dream house yet."
"I know but how great would it be if the first house we saw was our house?"
Instead of answering him I leaned over and captured his lips in a deep kiss.
"What was that for?" He asked smiling as we broke apart.
"You are so fucking perfect." I told him kissing him again before he could protest that he wasn't perfect.
As I kissed him I could feel him getting hard against me so I grabbed the lube and coated both of our cocks before I began to rub against him. He wrapped his arms and me and held me tight to him as we continued to move against each other, kissing as if our lives depended on it. His hands began to slip down my back until he grabbed my ass digging his short finger nails into my flesh; the sensation caused me to buck into him frantically until I was cumming all over him, I kept moving until I felt him cum as well I stilled my movements but kept kissing him. When we finally broke apart I placed my head in the crook of his neck and tried to regain my breathe.
"We should go shower." He told me, I shook my head against his neck.
"We're filthy."
"It's just cum Sexy, we've both been covered in cum before and we will be again, let's just lay here for a few more minutes and then we can go shower."
"Ok... a few more minutes and then we'll shower and you have to cook tonight."
"Deal." I muttered into his neck.
"Damn it Blaine, stop sucking my neck I can't get hard again."
"Can't help it you taste so good." I protested before finishing the hickey I was working on.
"You are insatiable."
"All your fault Sexy."
"How can you seriously be horny right now?"
"Mmm...not just need you."
He put his left hand on my face so I could feel his ring against my skin and then ran it down my side until his hand met my hand, our rings pressed together. "You have me baby.
"I know...I just...."I faltered not knowing how to express what I was feeling.
"Shh...it's ok."
After that neither of us said anything of moved for a few minutes.
"We should go shower, eat dinner and then spend the rest of the night laying here cuddling and talking." Kurt said softly breaking the silence.
"You'll have to get off of me first my love."
"See that's the part where your plan sucks."
"Do you want me to carry you again?"
I shook my head. "Just give me five more minutes."
I kissed him before replacing my face into the crook of his neck. I closed my eyes and breathed in taking in the scent that can only be described as Kurt, the only scent in the world that can make me feel like everything will be ok, the only scent that makes me feel loved.
"Are you ready for that shower now?"
After our shower we ate a quick dinner that Kurt made despite our deal and then we went to lie on our bed and cuddle like Kurt promised.
"Is your dad going to think I'm pathetic now? Because I called him crying?"
"No baby, dad knows sometimes a guy just needs to call his dad crying."
"But he's not..." I started.
"Yes he is."
I nodded.
"Can we talk wedding plans?" Kurt asked me.
"Of course we can."
"Good because I was thinking for flowers we should have red and yellow roses."
"Like the ones you had in the all over the apartment when you first asked me out."
He nodded.
"That's perfect. I've been thinking too, you know how we talked about singing Come What May at the reception?"
"Yeah?" He asked cautiously.
"What if we sang it as part of the ceremony instead?"
"Like as our vows?"
"To supplement our vows."
"That might be the best idea I have heard in my life."
"At this rate we are going to have this wedding planned in no time."
"We still have a lot of details to figure out baby."
"We still have time." I told him holding him tighter, knowing he wanted to get up and grab the laptop or a few wedding magazines. "Plus Carole is going to be here the day after tomorrow and you know she wants to help plan."
"I am so in love with you, you know that right?" I told him.
"I had my suspicions," he joked before looking at me seriously, "I love you too baby."