April 28, 2013, 9:11 p.m.
April 28, 2013, 9:11 p.m.
After the wedding was the reception which was also held at our home, Kurt and I were a bit worried what kind of music Finn and Rachel had in store for us but we were pleasantly surprised that they had planned a mix of live music, in the form of any and all of our friends who wanted to sing to us, and a DJ. Kurt and I held each other close as we danced to every song, sharing kisses of varying length and getting lost in our own little world of love.
After we finished the dinner Burt stood up and cleared his throat.
"If nobody minds I'd like to say a few words, and if you do then tough luck 'cause I'm gonna anyway. " He said getting a laugh from everyone there, " They say that your wedding day is the happiest day of your life and don't get me wrong I was incredibly happy on both my wedding days but today, today is the happiest day of my life because today I got to see my son join his life with his soulmate's. Today Blaine officially became my son; even let's face it he has been my son ever since the day Kurt first brought him home. Because of today I know that no matter what happens my boys will be alright because they have each other and they always will. When Kurt was growing up I...I didn't know if he would be able to find anyone as strong and open as he was, I didn't know if he could find someone who could handle how special, and I mean that in the best possible way, he is I hoped he could but I wasn't sure and then he met Blaine who is just so different from Kurt but so similar at the same time and it's like they are two halves of a whole, I'm just so happy that they found each other and that today we all got to witness the wedding of two soulmates. To my sons Kurt and Blaine." He finished raising his glass.
"To Kurt and Blaine." The rest of our guests chorused raising their glasses.
"To us." I smiled raising my glass to Kurt.
"To us." He echoed.
"Umm...I guess as Blaine's older brother, it's my turn to say something although I doubt it will be anywhere as touching as what Burt just said." Cooper said standing up. "There was a time when I didn't think I'd ever be at my little brother's wedding partly because he didn't seem interested in getting married but also partly because until I turned up randomly on his doorstep we hadn't spoken in a couple of years, thanks again Wes for giving me Blaine's address," Copper said raising his glass towards Wes who raised his back and shouted out "You're welcome."
"By that time he and Kurt were already dating and when I saw them together I realised I was in the presence of true love...and do you remember what I said to you before I left Kurt?" Cooper asked.
Kurt nodded. "You said it was just a matter of time until I was your brother."
"Well, it looks like that day is here. So in conclusion the next time anyway says that I'm never right about anything I want you to remember today, oh and congratulations Blaine and Kurt."
Rachel stood up next. "I'm not actually related to either Kurt or Blaine...yet." She said shooting a pointed look at Finn who was too busy eyeing the cake to notice, "But I am Kurt's best friend and I do take credit for their relationship."
Wes cleared his throat.
"Fine! I share the credit for the relationship with Wesley, but I do get all the credit for introducing them. Kurt and I were roommates ever since we first moved to New York but we were best friends long before that. I met Blaine when he and the rest of his band performed at the restaurant I was waitressing at and I knew almost immediately that he and Kurt would be perfect for each other."
"You mean after you tried to hit on me and I turned you down right?" I asked.
"Shush! We agreed to never speak of that!"
I shrugged.
"Anyway after that little misunderstanding in which I maintain I wasn't hitting on Blaine, I realised that he and Kurt would be perfect for each other so when we needed a roommate I immediately asked Blaine, oh yeah Kurt when I told you there were other applicants I lied but I'm pretty sure you'll forgive me considering how everything worked out. Anyway, it took a lot longer than I expected it to and a talking to from Wes and myself to get Kurt to get out of his own way and finally admit to himself and Blaine how he felt about Blaine but fortunately for everyone involved he eventually did, well obviously or we wouldn't all be here right now, anyway my point is that I introduced them and I think I should be the godmother of their children as a result."
"Rachel, I think that's their decision." Finn spoke up finally tearing his attention away from the cake.
"I know I just wanted them to know it's something I'm interested in." She said sitting back down.
After the reception Kurt and I went into the city where we'd spend our wedding night at a hotel before catching a flight the next morning to our surprise honeymoon destination, well surprise to him anyway. He had grumbled about not knowing where we are going for a good month, he tried every trick in his book to try and get me to tell him, he bribed me with sex, he complained he wouldn't know what to pack, he begged, he gave me the silent treatment, he cooked me my favorite foods, he even got Burt to ask me but I wouldn't crack which is why as we now laid naked on our hotel room bed naked and holding hands he still doesn't know where we are going.
"I hope I packed enough sunscreen." He commented.
"For our trip to Hawaii."
"We're not going to Hawaii."
"Not Hawaii....mmm....but I will need the sun screen?"
"Possibly I'm not sure what the weather is like in Paris right now."
"PARIS? We're going to Paris?" He asked excitedly.
I nodded smiling.
"I've always wanted to go to Paris!"
"I know."
"Have I told you lately how much I love you?"
"I believe there was some sort of ceremony earlier today in which that was expressed, yes."
"Oh my god! You are such a dork! I'm married to a dork!"
"You love me and my occasional bouts of dorkiness."
"Occasional my ass."
"Speaking of your ass, want to see if we can break this headboard too?"
"I don't know....it looks pretty sturdy... it could take all night."
"I'm up for the challenge if you are."
The next morning we checked out early in order to be able to go catch our flight.
"Did you gentlemen enjoy your stay?" The lady at the front desk asked.
"Very much so." Kurt told her.
"Fantastic, now do you want the room on the credit card you used when you booked the room?"
"Yes....oh and we broke the headboard so I don't know what the charge for that is but go ahead and add that as well."
"I...um....you broke the headboard...how?"
"It's our honeymoon." Kurt told her covering my mouth with his hand.
"Oh! Oh....I see....um....no one's ever broken one of our headboards before....I have no idea how much to charge for that....um....I guess someone will be in touch with you when we figure out what to do?"
"Come on Sexy; let's go see if we can break some French headboards." I said taking Kurt's hand and leading the way out of the hotel.