The Fiancé
Chapter 20 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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The Fiancé: Chapter 20

E - Words: 1,616 - Last Updated: Apr 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Apr 07, 2013 - Updated: Apr 28, 2013
191 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry this is so much later than usual, I just didn't have the energy to write today. People have been asking about another sequel after this and I'm going to be honest I don't know if I'll do one or not. I might take a little bit off after I finish this story and do it but I'm making any promises. Thanks to larakl for suggesting I do a chapter on the wedding from Kurt's POV.

Kurt's POV- The day of the wedding

I grabbed the can of hairspray and gave my hair a good coating, the last thing I needed was for my hair to fall flat in the middle of my own wedding.

"If you're done fussing with your hair I need you to tie my bow tie." My dad said coming up beside me, he and I both knew he could do it himself but he also knew I needed something to keep me busy or I'd go out of my mind.

"I hope you know you're not wearing a baseball cap during my wedding." I told him as I tied his tie.

"I know I'll take it off before then."

I finished tying my dad's tie and then went back to the mirror to check my hair again. Deciding that it looked good I turned my attention to my suit turning my body to try to see as much as myself in the mirror as possible.

"What do you think of these pants?" I asked the room.

"They look wonderful." Carole told me.

"Are you sure? They seem too big to me.

"Just because they aren't skin tight doesn't mean they are too big." my dad told me.

"I know they are the right size and all but Blaine likes it when I wear tight pants."

"And he'll like you in those pants too; he thinks you're gorgeous no matter what you wear." Rachel told me.

I sighed knowing she was right.

"Dude are you like totally freaking out? 'Cause like you're getting married and that's a really huge deal." Finn asked.

"I'm not freaking out, I love Blaine."

"Oh no I know but aren't you worried that you might trip while walking down the aisle or something?"

"Oh God! What if I trip?"

"Finn why don't you go get your brother a glass of water or something?" My dad suggested before turning to me. "You won't trip."

"I could trip."

"Nu-uh, I'm going to be right there with you and I won't let you trip."

" I just have to worry about forgetting the lyrics to Come What May and my vows."

"You know that song backwards and forwards there is no way you'll forget the lyrics and if you forget your vows then just tell Blaine how you feel about him." Rachel told me.

I nodded. "Did you guys just hear Blaine yell?" I asked.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened.

"Dude! Blaine is totally freaking out!" Finn told me bursting in his room, he said something else but I couldn't focus on it and burst from the room to go to the spare room where Blaine was getting ready. I paused outside the door and took a deep breath before knocking and asking him if everything was ok.

"I'm fine Sexy, but Coop ripped his pants." He told me.

"Ok....that's ok, Finn said you were freaking out and...." I let my voice trail off not wanting to voice the fear I had since Finn burst into the room.

"Bloody Finn, I wasn't freaking out I just needed him to get Carole so she could sew Cooper's pants."

"So, you're really not freaking out?" I asked biting my lip.

"I'm really not...are you?"

"Not at all." I told him feeling the tension leaving my body.

"Ok, good

"If you pass me out Cooper's pants I can find someone to sew them."

Our hands brushed as he handed me the pants and I knew that no matter what happened everything would be ok.

"I'll get Finn to bring them back when they are done." I told him before heading back towards our bedroom.

"Tina!" I called seeing my old friend.

"Kurt! Hi! You look fantastic!"

"Oh thanks sweetie, listen I need a favor my idiot brother-in-law ripped his pants, can you sew them?"

"Oh yeah, that'll just take me a minute."

"You are a life saver! Normally I'd do it myself but I just don't trust myself to do it today."

"I understand, I was the same way when Mike and I got married...well you were there you know."

I nodded smiling at the memory.

"Show me to your sewing room."

I began walking quickly to the room in question.

"Whoa Kurt slow down, I'm carrying twins here I can't walk that fast."

"It's twins? You never told me it was twins!"

She laughed. "We didn't know for the longest time, one of them was hiding behind the other and just decided to make his or herself known."

"Wow! That's fantastic." I told her kissing her cheek.

I lead her to my sewing room a lot more slowly and then returned to mine and Blaine's bedroom where I smacked Finn upside the head.

"Asshole." I told him.

"What?" He asked rubbing his head.

"He wasn't freaking out! He just needed Cooper's pants sewn."

"Right and he was freaking out about it."

I shook my head.

"Finn, why don't you go mingle with the guests?" Carole asked. "Before Kurt kills you." She added.

He nodded and then fled the room. I walked over to my vanity and grabbed my hairspray adding another coat before pacing the floor.

"Kurt? Hi, I finished the pants and gave them to Santana to bring to Blaine and his brother." Tina said poking her head in the door.


"I saw her in the hall and she insisted on being the one to bring them to Blaine."

"Those two have a strange relationship; I swear if they were straight they'd be a couple." I said shaking my head.

"Remember that time they both got really drunk and Santana asked to see Blaine's..." Rachel started but stopped talking remembering my parents were in the room.

"Oh I remember, I had to physically stop him from showing it to her, I definitely remember that."

"Oh my god! That was so funny, you were all 'Need I remind you that you are both gay and in very committed relationships!' " She said pointing her finger and speaking in a voice which I assume was supposed to be an imitation of mine.

I couldn't help but laugh at the memory.

"Wait, she wanted to see his....thing?" Carole asked.

"Uh...yeah, well she wanted to see if it was as 'small as the rest of him'" I said making air quotes. "And he wanted to prove that....well that it's not." I said blushing.

"Can we please change the topic? It is getting nearly impossible for me to pretend you aren't talking about what you are talking about." My dad spoke up.

My dad was saved from the conversation by a knock on the door; he opened it and let Cooper in.

"I come bearing a gift." He announced showing me a small box.

"Oh! Dad can you bring Blaine his?"

He nodded and picked up the box with Blaine's present in it off the dresser. Cooper handed me the present from Blaine and I opened it revealing the old pocket watch.

"It was our..." Cooper started.

"Your Grandfather's, I know." I said softly running my fingers over it. "This you ok with me having this?"

He nodded. "I think it's only fitting you have it, plus it's staying in the family and that's all that matters."

I attached the chain to my belt loop and slipped the watch into my pocket. "I know how much your Grandfather meant to the both of you...thank Blaine for me."

"I will."

"How are your pants now?"

"They're good, like brand new."


"And don't worry I won't being doing anymore splits to try to impress anymore least until after the wedding. Do you think you can point out the single straight ones at the reception?"

"Sure." I laughed.

"Did you know that I'm walking Blaine down the aisle?"


"Hmm...guess I was the only one he forgot to tell."

"Please tell me you're going to do it because if you didn't it would break his heart."

"Oh, don't worry I'm going to do it, I want to do it."

"Alright good. You should get back to him."

He nodded. "I'll see you down there."

After Cooper left I paced my room a bit and then headed back to my vanity and picked up my hairspray again.

"Enough with the hairspray kid." My dad said coming back into the room and taking it from me. "It's almost time."

"Is it? How do I look?" I asked nervously.

"You look perfect." Rachel told me. "Now I'd better get down there and take my seat."

"I know you're disappointed not to be in the wedding."

"Don't worry Kurt I get it... I mean I know no one has come out and said it but Blaine was worried if you had a big wedding your side would have a lot more people in it, it's sad and I don't think it's true but I get it." She smiled at me sadly. "You know the next time we talk you'll be a married man?" She whispered before kissing my cheek.

A few minutes after she left my dad turned to me "Come on kid, let's go get you married."


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