April 28, 2013, 9:11 p.m.
April 28, 2013, 9:11 p.m.
The day of the wedding
"Umm....Blaine....I have a problem." Cooper told me coming into the spare room I was using to get ready for the wedding. I turned and looked at him. "I ripped my pants."
"You ripped your pants?"
He nodded, "There were some hot girls and I decided to impress them by doing the splits and ....rip."
"Please tell me you have another pair of suit pants."
He shook his head.
"MOM!" I called hoping to hell Carole could sew Cooper's pants in time. "I swear to god Cooper if you ruin this day I'm going to fucking murder you."
"I didn't mean to." He said meekly.
I opened the door and poked my head out.
"Finn! Have you seen mom?" I asked.
"What?...oh right, sorry dude still not used to hearing you call her that, yeah she's with Kurt."
"Can you tell her I need her please?"
He nodded and then ran down the hall. About a minute later there was a knock on the door.
"Blaine is everything ok?" Kurt asked.
"I'm fine Sexy, but Coop ripped his pants."
"Ok....that's ok, Finn said you were freaking out and...." His voice trailed out.
"Bloody Finn, I wasn't freaking out I just needed him to get Carole so she could sew Cooper's pants."
"So, you're really not freaking out?"
"I'm really not...are you?"
"Not at all."
"Ok, good." I said resting my head on the door in between us wishing it was his shoulder instead.
"If you pass me out Cooper's pants I can find someone to sew them."
I opened the door a crack and blindly handed Kurt Cooper's pants, letting our hands brush briefly.
"I'll get Finn to bring them back when they are done." He told me before I heard him walking away.
"Sorry if I snapped at you Coop but you can't walk me down the aisle in ripped pants."
"You're walking me down the aisle, I told you that didn't I?"
He shook his head. "You definitely didn't tell me that, I would have remembered that."
"Oh....well you are....unless you don't want to?"
"I want to." He replies quickly his voice thick with emotion before he threw himself at me wrapping me in a tight hug.
"Don't wrinkle the suit." I told him.
"Shut-up and give your big brother a hug." He replied causing me to laugh before I returned the hug.
"Now now what would Kurt say if he saw you hugging a guy without pants right before the wedding?" Santana's voice said running our brotherly moment.
"I thought that door was locked." I replied.
"It was." She told me, "I picked it."
"You know my brother Cooper right?"
"Yeah he's the idiot who split his pants trying to impress Britt and me."
I couldn't contain the bubble of laughter that spilled out of me. "Oh my god Coop you have the worse gaydar ever."
He looked confused.
"The girls you were trying to hit on are girlfriends." I told him.
"Fiancées actually." Santana said I looked at her surprised. "Brittany proposed last night, we haven't told anyone yet, we don't want to intrude on your and Kurt's day, but yeah."
"I'm so happy for you San." I told her giving her a quick hug.
"I'd never thought I'd see the day, ya know? Never really saw myself getting married but Britt...she's special."
"I completely understand before I met Kurt I was a huge sl....I slept around a lot, I never saw the same guy twice and if you would have told me I would be getting married one day I would have slapped you and called you a liar but...." I trailed off shrugging.
She nodded, I knew that she understood.
"Oh I almost forgot, I have Cooper's pants." She told us handing them over to him.
"I thought Kurt was going to send Finn."
"He was but he decided he wanted to make sure they actually got to you."
I suspected that she asked to be the one to bring them in order to check in on me before the wedding but I'd never ask her and she'd never tell me.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"You've got twenty minutes before you have to head down." Cooper told me
I nodded and began pacing; twenty minutes seemed like an eternity.
"How's my hair? Did I use too much gel? Do you think Kurt will like it?" I asked looking in the mirror.
"Your hair looks great squirt."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
Both he and Santana nodded.
"Does Brittany have her flowers? Our flower girl needs to have flowers." I asked Santana.
"She does but I'll go make sure she didn't set them down."
"Ok and make sure Sebastian is behaving and not hitting on everyone with a cock." I called after her as she left.
She gave me a thumbs up over her shoulder to let me know she heard me.
"I'm sure Wes is looking after Sebastian." Cooper told me.
"What time is it?"
"It's been two minutes."
"Are you fucking kidding?"
He shook his head and I went back to pacing the room.
"Shit! Fuck!"
"I have a wedding present for Kurt and I forgot to give it to him when he was here earlier. Fuck!"
"Do you want me to bring it to him?"
I nodded.
"What is it?" Cooper asked taking the small box from me.
"It's Grandpa's pocket watch....that's ok right?"
"I think it's the perfect gift, Grandpa would've loved Kurt, Grandma too for that matter."
"I think so too."
"I'll be right back." Cooper said before heading to mine and Kurt's bedroom where Kurt was getting ready.
"Hey kid." Burt said coming in the room after Cooper left.
"Hi dad."
"Geez, you boys are both going to wear holes in the carpet before this day is done."
"Stop pacing for a second I have something from Kurt."
I stopped and looked at Burt expectantly until he handed me a small box. I opened it to reveal two diamond cufflinks.
"They're gorgeous."
"They used to be earrings, I gave them to Elizabeth on our wedding day, Kurt got them reset so he could give them to you."
"I...are you sure you want me to have these?"
"Of course I do kid...here let me put them on for you."
"Thank Kurt for me and tell him I love him."
"I will kid." He fastened he cufflinks on to my sleeves. "She would have loved you."
"You think so?"
"I know so, you're a good kid and you make Kurt happy, she would've been head over heels for you."
"Thank you, that means a lot."
"I should get back to Kurt."
"Before you go, what time is it? Cooper will kill me if I ask him again."
"Five more minutes kid."
"It'll be fine kid."
"I know...I just..."
"Want to be married to Kurt, I know kid I get it I was the same way when I got married."
"You'd better get back to him, and send Cooper back if you see him."
Burt smiled at me and then left the room.
"Ready to go squirt?" Cooper asked coming back in the room.
"Fuck yes!"
We walked outside and all the noise of people talking stopped as they all turned to look at me. There wasn't all that many people and I knew them all but it was still rather strange. Cooper and I began to walk down the aisle.
"Should we be holding hands? No wait, You're supposed have your arm through mine aren't you?"
"Shut-up Coop."
"I just want to do it properly."
"Just walk next to me."
We reached the alter and Cooper looked unsure what to do next so I pointed to the spot next to me. He nodded and stood there. When Brittany appeared in the aisle the music for Come What May started, it was timed so that I would start singing as soon as Kurt appeared, we didn't have a big wedding party so that when we stood at the alter it would just be us and our brothers, Brittany was the flower girl as Kurt had promised her long before we got engaged and you can't break a promise to Brittany, it just isn't possible. Rachel was upset not to be in the wedding at first but she got over it.
Kurt walked down the aisle as I sang.
Never knew, I could feel like this,
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart can you hear it sing
Tellin' me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you, until the end of time
Come what may, Come what may
I will love you, until my dying day
He joined me at the alter and I reached out and took his hand as we began to sing together, looking into each other's eyes as we did.
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high, no river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather,
And stars may collide
But I love you, I love you
Til the end of time, Until the end of time
Come what may, Come what may
I will love you, until my dying day
Oh come what may, come what may
I will love you , I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Come what may, Come what may
I will love you
Until my dying day
People clapped when we finished causing me to jump a bit.
"I forgot they were here." I told Kurt causing him and everyone else to laugh.
"Ok, so I've been told by both sides of the family that the grooms are incredibly impatient to get married so let's get started shall we?" The Justice of the Peace, Ted, told everyone once again causing them to laugh.
My heart was racing the whole time and I know my hands were sweaty and gross but Kurt didn't seem to care and held them the whole time, despite my nerves everything went off without a hitch and I couldn't have been happier when the five sweetest words I have ever heard were spoken. "I now pronounce you husbands."
"Seal it with a kiss?" Kurt whispered to me before we shared our first kiss as a married couple.
"Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Kurt and Blaine Hummel!" Ted announced to which everyone clapped and cheered.