April 28, 2013, 9:11 p.m.
April 28, 2013, 9:11 p.m.
The next day I was woken up by a couple of incoming texts.
Dad wants you to come to breakfast with us. –K
Also I love you, I miss you and I'm sorry. – K
Tell Burt I'll be there. I love and miss you too, and I know. –B
I was not surprisingly the last one to show up at the breakfast place, the rest of them probably all went there together.
"Hey kid, sit here in between me and Kurt." Burt greeted me.
"And be in between the two of you fighting when you try to order bacon? No thanks." I shook my head.
Kurt looked disappointed, like he thought maybe I didn't want to sit next to him.
"Slide over." I told Kurt, he did as I asked and I sat next to him.
"Hi." I said softly.
"Hi...are you still mad at me?"
"No...but I'm still hurt."
He nodded. "I suppose that's progress. Joanie called me yesterday we forgot we had an appointment with her. I didn't know what to tell her."
"I'll call her later and let her know we are going to put off looking at houses for a bit."
"Ok. I'm worried you won't come back to me."
"Do you see this?" I asked holding up my hand so he could see I was still wearing my ring, he nodded. "It means I have every intention of coming back to you."
"Just because you intend to doesn't mean you will."
I sighed.
"You want me to tell you what's bothering me, this is what's bothering me."
"I know and I'm glad you are being honest with me but I don't know what to tell you."
"Tell me you love me and you're coming home to me."
"I do love you, but I can't come home yet."
"I'm going to go to the bathroom, order for me?" He got up from the table and walked quickly to the bathroom. I bit my lip and then got up and followed him, when I got there I found my suspicions were correct and he was crying. I silently walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him.
"This is killing me." He told me between sobs.
"I know it's killing me too."
"I promise you that I will never withhold anything from you again."
"I believe you."
"Then come home!"
"We still have things we need to work out."
"We can do that with you at home! Please Blaine please!"
"Ok...I'll come home." I told him as I wiped the tears from his eyes.
He grabbed my face and pulled me in for a messy, needy kiss.
"We'll be ok Blaine." He told me and I hoped to hell that he was right.
"Everything ok in here boys?" Burt asked opening the bathroom door.
"Yeah, just give us another minute, ok?" I replied.
He nodded and closed the door again.
Kurt and I stood there, in the middle of the men's room at a popular New York breakfast spot, holding each other.
"I hate it when we fight." I told him.
"Me too."
"We'd better get back out there."
"Kiss me first?" Kurt asked.
I titled my head up slightly and gently connected our lips, this kiss was a lot last messy than the first one but still just as needy, we kissed like we would die if we didn't. When we broke apart and caught our breath I took his hand and we went to join the rest of our family for breakfast.
"We ordered for you." Finn told us as we took our seats.
"You two ok now?" Burt asked.
"We still have things to talk about but we're getting there." I told him.
He nodded and opened his mouth like he was going to say something but was interrupted by our food arriving.
"Pass me a piece of your bacon will ya kid?" He whispered to me behind Kurt's back.
"Don't you dare."
"Oh come on Kurt one piece won't kill me."
They both looked at me like they both wanted me to take their side but I raised my hands and shook my head to let them know this was strictly between the two of them.
"Just one piece." Burt said doing his best to pout.
"Half a piece." Kurt negotiated.
"I'll take it."
I broke one of my pieces of bacon in half and handed it to Burt. Kurt cut his omelette in half and then placed it on my plate taking half of my waffle for his plate.
After we finished eating I gave Kurt his kisses and then went to Wes's place to get my stuff.
"Are you sure about this?" Wes asked.
"I am."
"Did you guys talk everything out?"
"No but we're going to...we just decided that we can do that with me back home."
"As long as you guys actually talk things out I fully support it."
"Thanks man."
"Need a hand?"
"That'd be great."
I hadn't really unpacked anything so it didn't take long for Wes and I to gather up my stuff and head back to my place.
"Welcome home baby." Kurt greeted me with a big hug; I let myself be engulfed by him and breathed in his scent. After a few minutes we released each other and he took my stuff from Wes.
"We still need to talk." I told Kurt when we were alone in our bedroom.
"I know, but right now? You just got home; don't you want to celebrate first?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Not until everything is worked out."
"What if you don't like what I have to say?"
"Kurt, you promised you wouldn't keep things from me."
"I know I know....ok...um....four kids is too many Blaine."
"I'd be ok with three."
"Two with a possible third."
"I can live with that as long as at least one of the kids is biologically yours."
"But one has to be yours then."
"I don't want a six bedroom house; I want something smaller, cozier."
"Ok...we can wait for the house we can live here after we're married if you want."
"No I want a house but if we're going to be looking at houses we're going to have a smaller wedding."
"I never wanted a big wedding."
"You'd really marry me at city hall?"
"I'd marry you wherever you want, whenever you want."
"I don't want to get married at city hall."
"Then we won't. But you can't try to plan it all yourself it's too much and I want to help. That means if you find yourself lying awake at night worrying about it you wake me up and we'll figure out whatever is bother you together."
"Ok. Seal it with a kiss?"
"Of course." I smiled before joining our lips.
"Now it wasn't that hard to talk to me about what you were feeling now was it?" I asked after we were both well kissed.
He shook his head.
"Why didn't you just talk to me in the first place?"
"I don't know...you were so excited and so certain and I thought that maybe given time I could want that a big family and a huge house and then I don't know I just became so overwhelmed trying to make everything perfect for you, because you deserve perfection and it just got to the point where I didn't know how to tell you and I didn't know what to do about any of it."
"I just wish you hadn't let it get to that point that you would've talked to me right away."
"I know I should have and from now on I will."
"Can I ask why Finn thought you didn't want to marry me?"
"Oh, I told him I was stressed out and having trouble sleeping and that I needed to talk to you about some stuff but wasn't sure how to go about doing that and he misunderstood. But I promise that no part of me has ever had second thoughts about marrying you not even for a second."
"I'm sorry I ever doubted you." I told him.
"I'm sorry I gave you a reason to and I'm really sorry I didn't tell you how I was feeling sooner."
"That can't happen again, not if we want our marriage to work."
"I know...I promise to tell you how I'm feeling if you promise not to get mad and cut me off."
"Now, I really really want to have make up sex."
"Hmm...me too Sexy, but you're forgetting that your dad and Carole are in the living room."
"Damn, I forgot I promised them we'd go to the Statue of Liberty today."
"We'd better go then, but I promise later on tonight we will do whatever you want."
"I'll tell you right now it involves your cock and my ass."
"That's one of my favorite combinations."