The Fiancé
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The Fiancé: Chapter 12

E - Words: 1,304 - Last Updated: Apr 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Apr 07, 2013 - Updated: Apr 28, 2013
174 0 0 0 0

I can't say I woke up the next morning because I didn't sleep but I laid there until Wes came out of his room.

"Want some coffee?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Ok Blaine, time for you to tell me what happened."

"I woke up last night and Kurt wasn't in bed so I got up...and I heard Finn tell him if he didn't want to marry me he needed to tell me."

"Did you talk to Kurt about what you heard?"

"Yeah...I asked if he wanted to marry me and he said no."

"Ouch, did he say anything else?"

"He said that the wedding and the house and me wanting four kids was too much and that the wedding was putting a lot of stress on him and that I didn't care and that all I cared about was sex."

"Four kids? Shit."

"Really helpful Wes."

" sounds to me like he is overwhelmed but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to marry you. He loves you."

"I don't know he does."

"Yes you do."

"I thought I did but now I don't know...Can we go get my stuff now?"

He nodded.

"Can I borrow some shoes? I don't have any shoes."

"Of course."

We took the subway from Wes's place to...Kurt's place, I guess. I didn't have my keys so when we got there we had to knock. Rachel opened the door.

"I just need to get my stuff." I told her.

She nodded and stepped to the side allowing me entry into the apartment. I saw Kurt sitting on the couch next to Carole who had her arms around him, he looked up when he heard my voice and I saw his eyes were red and puffy, if my heart wasn't already shattered it would have broken it to see him looking like that.

"Come on Wes." I said walking towards the bedroom.


I grabbed my duffel bag from under the bed and started stuffing clothes in it.

"Should I pack up your nightstand?" Wes asked.

"No...I don't want anything from in there, just gather up my sheet music."


"So kid, want to tell me what's going on here?" Burt asked appearing in the doorway.

"He doesn't want to marry me."

"I never said that!" Kurt's voice came from the living room.

"Yes you did! I said 'Do you not want to marry me?' And you said no!"

"Ok both of you take a deep breath." Burt instructed. "Now Kurt, is that true?"

"Well...yes but that's because he cut me off! I was going to say 'No I do want to marry you but something's gotta give.'" Kurt replied joining Burt in the doorway.

"You do want to marry me?" I asked quietly.

"So badly."

I nodded and bit my lip.

"What? Don't you want to marry me?" Kurt asked.

"I do...but I don't know if it's such a great idea."

"You can't have stopped loving me overnight, it isn't possible."

"I didn't...but I don't know if I can trust you Kurt."

"Of course you can."

"No I can't, you kept so much from me, how do I know you won't do that again?"

"I won't! I promise!"

"Just like we promised we'd tell each other if something was bothering us?" I asked running my hand through my hair.

"I shouldn't have kept how I was feeling from you, I'm sorry Blaine."

"I know but this isn't something trivial like you not wanting to watch the movie I picked this is huge, this is our whole future. How am I supposed to know if you actually want to do anything I suggest or if you are just going along with it to make me happy? Every time I suggest anything no matter if it's a restaurant, or something for the wedding, or..." I gestured to the bed not wanting to say it in front of Burt, "I won't know if you say yes because you like the idea or because you were too afraid of hurting my feelings to say no."

"I have never ever agreed to do anything I didn't want to when it comes to...."he also gestured to the bed.

"I really hope that's true."

"It is!" he insisted.

"Then why did you throw it in my face? Tell me it's all I care about when you know Kurt." My voice cracking as I spoke.

"Oh shit! Blaine, I swear I wasn't making a dig at your past I don't ever think about it...and I guess I kinda forgot. I'm so sorry."

"Really? Live never?"


"Should I stop packing now or....?" Wes asked.

"Yes." Kurt told him.

"No." I said.

"No? You're still going to leave me?"

"I'm not leaving you but I need some time apart from you, I need to figure all this out Kurt, I need to see if I can trust you again."

"You can trust me! I don't see what good you leaving me will do!"

"I'm not leaving you; I'm just going to stay at Wes's for a little while."

"How long's a little while?"

"I don't know Kurt."

"You want me to tell you when I don't like something right?" He asked and I nodded. "I don't like this! I hate this!"

"I do too but it's necessary."

"But I'm sorry and I love you."

"I love you too but we're not ok Kurt."

"But we will be?"

"I hope so...I need to get my stuff from the bathroom."

He nodded and followed me. I began packing up my toiletries as he watched.

"Rachel? Is this your eyeliner or mine?" I called out to her.

"What color is it?"

"Midnight black."

"That's yours."

I threw it in my bag and looked around to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything.

"Why can't you just figure things out here? Why can't we just work this out together?"

"We need to be apart for a little bit Kurt, you need to figure out where that sassy diva who wasn't afraid to speak his mind went and I need to see if I can trust you."

He nodded. "But you aren't mad at me anymore though right?"

"To be quiet honest...I am, I'm mad and I'm hurt and I'm heartbroken and I need time to get over all that."

" there a chance we won't make it past this?"

"I hope we will but there's a chance we might not."

"God I really fucked up this time, didn't I?"

"What am I supposed to say to that?"

We stood and looked at each other for a few minutes.

"I should go." I told him heading towards the door where Wes was waiting with my belongings.

"Are you taking everything?" Kurt asked.

I shook my head.

"Ok, good."

"I'll see you." I told him grabbing my bag.

"Blaine?" He asked his hand going up to his cheek.

"I can't Kurt."

He nodded.

Wes and left the loft and closed the door behind us.

"It'll be ok, you'll be ok. I've got you." Wes told me.

I nodded.

"You guys will get past this; this is the best thing for both of you, you are doing the right thing."

"You never told me why I went to your place last night."

"Because you know I won't let you do anything to screw this up."


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