The Family
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The Family: Chapter 8

E - Words: 1,029 - Last Updated: Jul 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: May 11, 2013 - Updated: Jul 31, 2013
173 0 0 0 0

By the time the thirteenth week of the pregnancy rolled around we were doing pretty well on our to-do list, we had bought several parenting books and had enrolled in a parenting class, in fact both Kurt and I now knew had to change a diaper and the proper way to burp a baby. I had even managed to not go anywhere near the baby store and therefore not buy any more clothes for the baby without Kurt, fortunately we would be finding out the baby's gender at Maria's doctor's appointment today and then Kurt and I were going to go straight to the baby store to buy some gender appropriate clothing, I hadn't discussed it with him but there's no way my husband would ever turn down a chance to shop for clothing.

"Are you ready to find out the gender?" Maria's doctor asked smiling.

"We're ready." Kurt told him.

"Ok then you are having a little.....boy!" He announced happily.

"A boy." I repeated softly.

"Everything is still good with him right? His heartbeat is still strong?" Kurt asked.

"Everything is great, don't you worry." Dr. Forrest reassured him.

Kurt nodded.

"I'm going to give you a few minutes; I'll go get you copies of the sonogram." Dr. Forrest excused himself from the room.

"Hi baby, I'm your daddy." Kurt said to Maria's belly.

"He moved! Did you see that on the screen?" I asked Kurt.

"Did you feel that?" Kurt asked Maria.

"I did."

"Can I?" Kurt asked gesturing to her stomach.

"Of course but I don't think you'll be able to feel him yet."

"Talk to him Blaine."

"Hi little peanut, I'm your papa." I said to Maria's stomach watching the monitor and smiling when he moved again.

"Did you feel that?" I asked Kurt.

He shook his head.

"Give him a few more weeks then he'll be big enough for you to feel." Maria told us.

Dr. Forrest came back in and gave us our copies of the sonogram, we asked Maria if she wanted to come out to lunch for us again but she turned us down telling us she couldn't this time but maybe another day so Kurt and I decided to just grab something from the food court at the mall so we could eat quickly and then go straight to the baby store.

"Oh! Kurt look at this!" I said once we were in the store holding up a blue stripped onesie that said 'My daddies loves me."

"We have to get that! Have you seen this little vest? Isn't in precious?"

"Get it. Kurt! They make baby jeans!"

"Let me guess you two are first time fathers." A very pregnant woman said coming up to us with a couple of kids in tow.

We nodded.

"I thought so; can I give you some advice?"

"Sure." I replied.

"I know all the clothes are super cute but most of the ones you are buying aren't overly practical. Babies don't need multiple vests or bow ties," She said looking at our baskets. "They're messy and go through multiple changes in a day, my advice would be to get more things like the oneise, things that are easy to put on, take off and are easy to wash."

" has little teddy bears on it." I said holding up the bow tie.

"You can go ahead and buy a few of the nicer things but those are more for special occasions or getting the baby's picture taken than for the everyday and from what I can see you have very few everyday clothes in that basket."

Kurt and I looked at each other.

"We have no idea what we're doing." I admitted.

"That's ok, nobody does. I sure didn't when I had my first but you'll learn and who knows maybe in a few years you'll be in this store again talking a couple of first time parents out of buying impractical clothing."

For the rest of the shopping trip Kurt and I tried to buy things that seemed more practical, 'just picture everything covered in stains' was the woman's parting words to us and we did just that until we had a basket full of maybe not the most fashionable baby clothes but ones that could actually survive being worn by a baby.

After we were done shopping Kurt dropped me off at work so I could play for the after work coffee crowd before he headed home. About halfway through my shift I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I had been planning on checking in on my break but when Santana walked through the front door I assumed it was just her seeing if I wanted to hang out and forgot all about it.

"Alright, I know you're dying to show it to me so come on." She said as we sat down with our coffees.

I smiled and pulled out the sonogram. "It's a boy."

"Huh, he doesn't look that much like a peanut anymore does he? He looks like a real baby."

"He is a real baby."

"You know what I mean."

"I do."

"I still can't believe you are going have one of those, how are you not freaking out?"

"I am a bit, you know sometimes I realise I have no idea how to raise a kid but other times I just know I can do this. Besides I'm not doing it alone I have Kurt and I know together we'll be able to handle it."

"Blaine?" one of the baristas called. "Kurt's on the phone for you."

That's strange; Kurt never calls me at work. I didn't know he knew the coffee shop number, hell I don't think I know the coffee shop number.

"Kurt? What's up?" I asked taking the phone.

"I've been calling and calling....oh god Blaine."

"Kurt, I need you to take a breath and tell me what's going on."

"It's Maria. She's had an accident."


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