Soul of My Soul
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Soul of My Soul: Chapter 17

T - Words: 1,011 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Sep 30, 2013 - Updated: Sep 30, 2013
172 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I was trying to get the rest of the story fiished before I posted the next chapter but then I felt badly that it was taking so long so I decided just to post anyway. The good news is I do have the next chapter finished as well so you won't have to wait for that one.

Once she calmed down a bit Rachel insisted they all go out to celebrate, Kurt was torn between wanting to spend time with his girls and really really wanting to stay in bed and make out with Blaine some more. In the end he decided it was better if he and Blaine took a break from making out and burnt off some of their pent up energy by going out dancing, Kurt was uncertain of just how far things would have gone if the girls hadn’t burst in on them, he knew that neither he nor Blaine were ready for full on sex but he wasn’t sure if their libidos got that memo. All the stories he had heard about soul mates and no one had ever mentioned how intense the desire to jump other’s bones was, which he supposed made sense that none of the soul mate couples, even then ones who seemed to feed off of the public’s attention, mentioned that, after all who would want the whole world knowing about their sex life?

            It probably should have occurred to Kurt that grinding on the dance floor with his soul mate all night buzzed on alcohol might not have been the best way to alleviate their urges. They didn’t get drunk enough to completely lose their inhibitions, thankfully, but they did to the point where they ditched the girls and took a cab back to the loft. They made their way to the bed joined at the lips and ripping each other’s clothes off, before they collapsed on the bed and rutted against each other until they came with the other’s name on their lips. Kurt considered getting up and getting a wash cloth to clean them up but he fell asleep before he could make that happen. When he awoke the next morning he couldn’t bring himself to regret his actions the night before even though it was something he wouldn’t have done sober at this point. He felt Blaine’s arms tighten around him and he knew that his…lover (no he didn’t like the sound of that it made him sound like a desperate old lady trying to sound young and sexy) his soul mate was waking up.

            “Morning handsome.” Kurt said smiling once Blaine finished blinking awake.

            “Morning baby…what time is it?”

            “A little after eight.”

            “Hmm…it’s early go back to sleep.” Blaine mumbled burying his head in Kurt’s shoulder.

            “Uh-uh. You have to get up, you’ve got your meeting at Columbia today.”

            “Don’t wanna go.”

            “Well, that’s new. You don’t want to go to the meeting or to Columbia at all?”

            “Doesn’t matter, if I go to the meeting they’re just going to tell me they made a mistake in sending me the acceptance letter and kick me out.” Blaine shrugged.

            “I don’t think Columbia accidentally sends people acceptance letters.”

            “Lucky me, I get to be the first.”

            “Blaine, honey, look at me.” Kurt instructed, Blaine lifted his head from Kurt’s shoulder and looked his soul mate in the eyes.  “I don’t know what the meeting is about but they aren’t going to kick you out.”

            “But what if they do?”

            “Then fuck them. We’ll get you into Yale or Harvard instead. If Columbia doesn’t want you then they are obviously a shitty school.”

            “I don’t think anyone has ever called Columbia a shitty school before.”

Kurt was right and the meeting was not about kicking Blaine out, rather the school had decided to let his NYADA classes count as the arts requirement which would allow Blaine to complete pre-med faster as he could take pother courses instead if the arts ones his classmates would have to take. Of course if he wanted to he was free to take an arts course or two, some students liked to take them as a stress reliever but the school wouldn’t require him to. After giving it some thought Blaine decided that boxing would be enough of a stress relieve for him and that he would take an extra class, the sooner he could be done with pre-med the closer he’d be to being a doctor. Kurt was a bit worried about Blaine’s choice when he was told about it but ultimately he figured he didn’t actually know how well Blaine dealt with stress so if Blaine felt like he could handle it then Kurt would support his decision.

The rest of Monday flew by all too fast and before the boys knew it the time for Kurt to catch his flight was upon them.

            “I don’t want to leave you.”

            “I know you don’t, but at the same time I know you don’t want to give up this role.”

            “I hate feeling like I have to choose.”

            “You don’t have to choose. I’m yours, nothing will ever change that and we’ll see each other at Christmas.”

            “That’s still a month and a half away.”

            “We’ll talk every day, we’ll skype so often you’ll be sick of my face.”

            “Never happen.”       

            “If I thought that you actually wanted to drop out of the show I’d support you in a heartbeat but I know that’s not what you want, so I’m going to have to insist you get on that plane and proceed to cause a tissue shortage everywhere you go.”

Kurt cocked his eyebrow at Blaine’s words.

            “Because everyone is crying over your performance….not because you masturbate a lot.”

            “And with that lovely sentiment from the man that the universe or whoever decided that I should spend my life with I should go.”

            “I love you. Call me when you land so I know you go there safely.”

            “I will and I love you too.”

They shared a sweet lingering kiss before Kurt headed over to the security area of the airport. Giving his soul mate one more wave before entering the long line.


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